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  • Gender
  • Location
    Atlanta, Georgia
  • Interests
    Bodybuilding (am one in real life and have competed), muscle growth, transforming myself into muscled breeding stock, see how much size (cock, toys, hands, etc.) my horsehole can take, love group settings (baths, sex clubs and resorts), exploring the unbridled sexusl side of my masculine nature that society works to shame and suppresz, being naked around other guys
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    I'm a long time hypersexual animal that found getting bred to be an amazing experience and has dumped condoms in favor of enjoying sex the way nature intended.
  • Porn Experience
    I have done studio scenes and have a justforfans page (JaredEriksonXXX) that I have filmed original content for as well. Clips also on my Twitter @JaredEriksonXXX. More to cum!!!
  • Looking For
    Horndogs like me who understand sex for the male pleasure sport that it is and strive to be solid sexual athletes. While guys of all sizes have been in me, horsecock guys are my favorites. The more guys and size the better.

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  1. I've been fisted and double fisted by FTM guys. In fact, two of them were in me multiple times during the last Pig Week.
  2. You are going to love the journey dude. The sexual euphoria of being filled with fists, plugs and over size toys and the feel of your blown out rectum hanging open after a good heavy use will never get old. The experiences will leave you hungering for more. My hole is so loose it's a long gash at rest so it's obvious even to the casual observer how stretched and loose I am...and I couldn't be more proud, even as I train my hole to stretch out and accommodate even bigger. (p.s if you want to see just how loose I am besides my profile pic, I have clips on X and BlueSky under JaredEriksonXXX)
  3. Bespoke Surgical on 12th street in NYC. The doctor also has a book out called "Butt Seriously" that gets into the medical side of anal play and care.
  4. slowly adding my content. I'm JaredEriksonXXX on there too
  5. My husband and i are both promiscuous--me far more so than him. Sex is our pleasure sport and we understand that every sport has its hazards. For sport sex it's STI's. They have happened, we get treated and go on. I am tested monthly because I am in group use settings at least 4 days a month and my friends and husband are used to seeing me with my pants down or in a jock strap taking hands and fists in the bars play areas while guys watch. We attach no meaning beyond STI's any more than we do a cold or the flu; they just happen and you have to deal with them.
  6. oh it was! We filmed it late Saturday afternoon. I had been getting fisted since mid-day Wednesday. I was poppered to the gills and passed around. guys were going in me double and my rectum and anus were so gone you can see in the video that i just hang open--my hole doesn't even try to tighten up.
  7. On my X/Twitter JaredEriksonXXX you can see a lot of my loose slop hole getting stuffed, including one video where I am on a lazy Susan at Fist Fest and passed around by 10 guys for 8 full rounds.
  8. I absolutely agree. I have had so many mutual huffing experiences, at least one of them is on film. But to have a guy with part his arm buried in me and is leaning over me in the sling and we are huffing from the same popper bottle at the same time as he uses me and explores my sloppy guts. The mere scent of poppers gets me ragingly sex hungry
  9. Poppers* are what we used to treat angina before nitroglycerin. As highs go they are among the safest out there. The limitations being those on blood pressure meds have to be careful hat it doesn't lower the blood pressure too much and you cannot use Viagra/Levitra/Cialis or other nitrate based drugs like Isosorbide with them. I huff them daily as part of my masturbation and big toy/plug training and always have them handy when enjoying fists in my hungry buttCunt. I find a lot of the guys who look down on them do so because poppers aren't a "Oh look! I'm such a bad ass" hard drug like T, G, or K. Yet for my heavily fisted ass that's never used any of those letter drugs, the poppers rush and high never gets old. I regard them as coffee for sex pigs and sluts. *nitrate based brown bottle poppers, not the dangerous ethyl chloride spray inhalants that are often wrongly called poppers
  10. I answer "neither, or we've got this whole gay thing wrong." There is no corresponding template to the hetero arrangement. My husband and I are both versabottoms though I am way more promiscuous than he is. We've fisted each other. We each do our own laundry. He cooks (he's a foodie and i'm a culinary philistine that just wants his chicken breast, pasta and baked potato/brown rice) but I do the cleaning. He's also the gear head of the household and I've helped him do the brakes on his pick-up truck. We both own motorcycles. There is just no equivalent that divides up the house into those 1950's stereotyped roles for the husband and wife.
  11. on PrEP here since its inception. Never use condoms and love getting bred. Zero desire to contract and STI including HIV.
  12. Just as with other religions, you have people who embrace the serious ideas that make it what it is...and then you have those who are attracted to some aspect of it that really has nothing to so with anything in its core teachings. Satanismm is no different. I should start of by saying that much of what you find on the internet has NOTHING to do with the topic and is largely based on the false version pushed by the likes of Jerry Falwell in the 1980's (the SatanicPanic). In practice, Satanismm puts you in the god-seat and says you are free to take charge of your life BUT you bear the responsibilities for the decisions you make and their consequences' no "it's was God's will" or "the devil made me do it" crap. The hedonistic, self-destructive, violent stuff you see (including the rampant drug use) is NOT Satanismm and the Church of Stan has gone so far as to put a formal statement on their website to that end. Essentially, LeVayan Satanismm is essentially secular Humanism with a nice carnal center to it. The symbolism is spot on. Christianity favors the sheep, a herd animal easily frightened, easily herded and manipulated, very uninquisitive, while Satanismm favors the goat, a sort of herd animal that is independent, curious and inquisitive and will head butt you in defense rather than run in fear. Satanismm embraces the development of the two uniquely human traits organized religions like Christianity, Mormonism and Islam repress: intellectual development and sexual indulgence. In the Satanic construct, whether or not you shose to belice Stan or demons such as Asmodeus (Lust) are real is really unimportant since, either way, if you are acting in the true spirit of the religion, you would be have the same whether they were real or not, and develop yourself into the best goat you can be. For me, that means caring for my male form by working out in the gym and keeping it healthy, learning and developing my mind and approaching things with a scientific, empirical mindset, and of course indulging my male form in the pleasures of sex play with other males. To that end, while I really enjoy poppers (nitrate based, not the dangerous Maximum Impact type ethyl chloride) during sex, I otherwise, don't drink, smoke or use recreational drugs. I serve Asmodeus as an Apostle of Lust to my fellow males living in shame and guilt drilled into them by Western religions towards their bodies and libidos, but I also engage in serious intellectual research and discourse on the subject among others (I have degrees in the arts and medicine). Satanismm is open ended enough for you to make your life into what you want it to be, as long as you understand the responsibilities that come with the power. I would suggest starting with the Church of Satann website as a jumping off point, and feel free to DM here or on Telegram (JaredErikson) if you have more questions or wish to know more. Jared
  13. My travel is planned around sex opportunities. often it is to a multi-day sex event like Pig Week or Fist Fest. Sometimes it's a week long stay at a sex resort like CCBC or Inn leather. When i travel to cities outside events, I am already looking for guys. Like with my trip I just had to NYC and the one to Orlando back in April, my husband had some play dates and play parties arranged to endure i was well used and stayed that way. That kind of travel assures my promiscuous ass gets all the sexual stimulation and use it needs and then some.
  14. Poppers are my one indulgence. And I am talking about the nitrate based brown bottle poppers, NOT the spray ethyl chloride inhalants, which re actually dangerous. Poppers are what was used in medicine to treat angina prior to nitroglycerin. I huff them when I'm getting fisted, fucked, and even masturbating. I was a casual user but my husband turned me into a daily huffer. We stock poppers at the house the way most people stock soda or beer. Being that I am naked at home mainly and the large toys/plug collection is always beckoning (the the high grade fucking machine we have), poppers are a constant Pleasure for my hypersexual life. They give me a good safe euphoria, really relax my canyon ass so I can enjoy even larger in me than I already can accommodate and keep me in sexhog headspace. If you come with me to a big fisting event you will see poppers everywhere.
  15. My husband is also a bottom and he had to have several hemorrhoids laser removed. Overnight he went from a 2 hand capable fist pig to a virgin. He had to start the stretching process with plugs all over and went to see a doctor in NYC who gave botox injections in the rectum o relax the muscle and help the scar tissue become more pliable. It took 2 years but he is now pretty much back to where he was before the surgery and stretching to take even more--just as I do.
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