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  • Gender
  • Location
    Minneapolis MN
  • Interests
    serving, being used, Black-led sex/relationships, humiliation, urinal duty
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    chubby, total sub, very obedient/compliant
  • Porn Experience
    None. Could be fun, though!
  • Looking For
    It's more about meeting the needs of the Dom/Top.

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  1. i believe so. i was there the first Wednesday in May and it was jockstrap night. To answer my previous question, i left as much stuff as i could back at my hotel but tucked the essentials -- id, some cash -- into my shoe.
  2. Bottom here but wearing a cock cage is a good way to indicate what you're there for.
  3. That was jockstrap night? Good to know. I'll be in there the first Wednesday in May. How does that work with wallets and stuff, though?
  4. With the pandemic, i think the whole thing must have fallen apart. Haven't heard anything in a while and can't even seem to find the email in my trash for some reason. There is a twitter -- Red_Light_Party but no tweets there in a long time, either.
  5. They suggested i send a photo and replied that i wouldn't be allowed. Oh, well. Their loss!
  6. Here's to much better things for you!
  7. "Mack" as in THE Mack? Nice!
  8. A decade or so ago, I got one while lying next to the pool in broad daylight.
  9. Just joined telegram. Would you mind sharing the group name there?
  10. Yes, Sir East. That was my most recent purchase, in fact.
  11. Not sure which brand of edgier you are looking for but nifty.org has incest, bestiality, etc.
  12. Well, they're not the best at communicating, but I did finally receive word that the first party won't happen until this fall (because of COVID-19)
  13. Yes, they're not at all web-ready. It's a dump. It is cheap, though, and has free parking and it's within walking distance of Touche/Jackhammer.
  14. Are you familiar with Heart O' Chicago Motel?
  15. One thing you could do is pay a little more attention and not put your personal ad right below a message that reads "This section is for FICTION."
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