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Everything posted by Truversebb

  1. Yes, same here. It’s annoying how some guys can’t believe that other guys don’t have wired nips or even the opposite where I don’t like them being bit or twisted cuz it hurts.
  2. Bareback is becoming the new norm. The tables are turning on the safe sex crowd. They are in the minority, have lost the battle and are resentful over it so the pass judgment as they fade away into irrelevance!
  3. “They’ll want me to change”. Yep, that’s sums up the fucked up psychology of tons of people. They want the most selfish thing of all, you to give up your self determination and identity to fit their own insecurities. And besides that it’s the most unlikely thing to succeed in the long term! Kudos curiousdallas for staying true to yourself and living a reality based existence!
  4. Happy quarantine everyone! Being cooped up and not being able to go to a bathouse has been a real drag. I’ve been watching all sorts of bathouse breeding vids. A personal favorite of mine! Was wondering if all of you had some personal favorite ones? I always zero in on the multiple load vids. Lots of cum leaking out and such. The better the video quality the better too!
  5. The difference between the risks of enjoying BB sex and the risks of Cvs-19, to perhaps not you but the community and your family is like comparing apples to Chevy’s!
  6. I’m avoiding the bathhouses and cumunion’s till this thing settles down.
  7. We should have our own honor code! Similar to the ones at the military academies. “ I will not ever use a condom or tolerate those that do!”
  8. The amount of vids being referenced here has come to a crawl without the ability to post quick links. Very sad. Any way the site moderators can remove this restriction?
  9. The latest 4th generation test will look for the antigen and the antibody. The antigen shows pretty quick but goes away at some point. The antibody does not.
  10. If I were up to no good this type of scene is where someone is the most vulnerable. Robbery or looking just to harm someone for harms sake. I would think having a trusted person there to manage the door and to keep me safe would be needed!
  11. I’ve done some limited research on this topic and it seems that in plenty of places it’s fine for an adult to legally have sex with someone under the age of 18. If so what is the big hang up with needing to be 18 everywhere?
  12. He appeared in a few hot desert knights films earlier in the 2000’s. I found him attractive but was naive to the world of drugs, which it seems obvious he was caught up in.
  13. Sad...... but not surprising.
  14. Does anyone know if he is still active, or even alive? The last I heard of him was that documentary “the gift”. He seemed to be going down a bad way with his overall situation.
  15. Yes, nice to see he is not ravished by drug use that has no doubt devoured many of his peers.
  16. Along with the side story of his brother “Ryan”.
  17. Basically that’s it. I have gotten rooms and I find I get most of my action outside of it! I suppose it’s good if you want to take a break and have a little privacy.
  18. I’d think you have a high chance of being “stealth’d”.
  19. By the nature of the procedure I’d think that “tightness” would be the opposite outcome!
  20. The idea of being a cumdump and not being on PrEP as a requirement makes no sense at all. The 2 have zero things that act as qualifiers. If you act as a cumdump then by the very definition you are!
  21. I appreciate your words. I do know that my procedure is a quick one and minimaly invasive. However your advice that any surgery is invasive sure is wise. I definitely want my little issue to be fixed and if I have to hold back for a while it will be worth it.
  22. Hey fellas. I know this topic has been discussed before but wanted to reopen the discussion. Next month I am having a lateral sphincterotomy to fix a chronic fissure that just won’t heal on its own. The fissure does not really hurt but it’s been a nuisance because it will bleed at the start of a toy or fisting session. I’ve had enough of it and decided to just get the damn thing fixed. Of course I’m naturally concerned about recovery time and how long it will be before I can get back into play. A friend of mine has had the procedure done but he does not get fisted and rarely gets fucked. He told me that my orgasms will be weak for a while due to the fact that the outer sprinter muscle will be cut and you can’t “clench” down really good. I appreciate any and all advice and anecdotal experiences of any of you! Many thanks!
  23. I wonder about how much of TIM’s narratives that they portray on vid or the backgrounds of the men is total BS. Sometimes it seems authentic and sometimes it seems like a laughable fantasy.
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