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Everything posted by RawUK

  1. Thanks for the follow monkey2712

  2. Two of my favourite pastimes -

     Interests  Smoking and BB sex

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smoke


      that would be hot!


    3. smoke


      your right there raw!!!, smoking n BB sex,mmmmmmmmm

    4. Guest


      It's what we all need... and loads of it!

  3. RawUK

    Thanks for the rep mn6

  4. Thanks for the follow easyhole

    1. easyhole


      And thank you RawUK

  5. cute butt, shame I'm bottom too but would be happy to prep it by giving it a good rimming and then felch it afterwards

    1. Tom69


      Thanks.  Rimming and felching cum out of me sounds like a fun time :)

    2. RawUK


      would be I'm  sure. Just let me know when you next need prepping and the clean up after service and I'll be round ;) 

    3. Tom69


      Hehe if I'm in the UK I will :)

  6. RawUK

    Thanks for the rep - got a fresh batch myself so have now added my rep to your story.

    1. Calamus13


      just recently i knowingly took my first poz load - actually i set it up - it was the hottest sex - you will luv it - hope i don't poz right away - want to feel that high several times again. 

  7. Thanks for the rep Sleazebugga

  8. Thank you for the follow Superior, although I'm not worthy of your attention.

  9. Run out of reps but this gets my thumbs up
  10. Thanks for the follow


  11. Looking for a poz top or vers/vers top who is happy to convert two willing neg guys (33 and 49).

    If only one of us 'takes' we would pass on to the other as we both want the same strain.

    South Coast UK (Brighton & Hastings) based and are both willing to travel or accommodate in Hastings.

    Please pm me if seriously interested.

  12. I would love to get a boring load - bored into my arse that is bore - make a hole in something with a tool or by drilling That's my preferred definition of bore/boring
  13. Thanks ronetbus

    1. ronetbus


      You're welcome and thank you too

  14. Would love to take a load from you next time I'm in Amsterdam

    1. Leatherman667


      And I will give you an anon load.

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