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Everything posted by RawUK

  1. When you think about it yes of course we are going to have to resurface from this at some point vaccine or no vaccine. We all generally need human contact to maintain good mental health and when you think of the number of people without a partner (both gay and straight), how in the long term are new relationships to be formed (however brief as I'll even include the need for some (myself included) to have a quickie seen as a form of relationship) without that contact. There is already talk of std infection coming down, and so it must follow that the birth rate will be dropping too. I'm certainly not saying that covid is going to wipe out the human race, but it must be slowing it down for now in more ways than one. The question is - How long are we prepared to avoid contact if a vaccine doesn't come along? I myself as a single person who also lives alone haven't had any opportunity for sexual contact since this all began as I have been following the UK (and other) governments advise on social distancing and the last time I had any sexual contact was at the end of January. I'm as frustrated as hell and don't know how much longer I can last especially with talk of this lasting until the end of the year, but I will continue to follow advise for now. I guess it may even come down to deciding what you yourself will decide is an acceptable level of risk, which surely most of us can relate to on this site and it's not only yourself and sexual partner you have to consider with covid, it's also anyone you may meet up with afterwards, family, friends, colleagues etc as unlike with many std's, generally it's only yourself and your sexual partners that have to consider any consequences in the main.
  2. Thanks @rawTOP all sorted now and thank you for taking the time to reply, much appreciated.
  3. Hi RawTop, Since last night I keep getting an error on your site. If I'm looking at something on your site and want to go to the home page I've always clicked on the breeding zone logo top left. Rather than taking me to the home screen I'm getting a download which is showing this..... <?php /** * @brief Public bootstrap * @author <a href='[think before following links] https://www.invisioncommunity.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a> * @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. * @license [think before following links] https://www.invisioncommunity.com/legal/standards/ * @package Invision Community * @since 18 Feb 2013 */ \define('REPORT_EXCEPTIONS', TRUE); $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = __FILE__; require_once 'init.php'; \IPS\Dispatcher\Front::i()->run(); The only way I could get back into the site to post this was to go to Google and click on the link there which took me to the Breeding Zone Development page and then click on the Visit the Primary Breeding Zone Site link. Once in it then only lets me do one thing and then if I want to go to the Home page I get the above error again. Any thoughts on the above? I have tried rebooting my computer and starting again but still get the same error. Thank you for your continued support and hard work with this site RawTop and to the mods too. I'm a daily visitor and have gained so much since finding the site in terms of development and sexual thought processes. Keep up the good work. RawUK
  4. I love GC! Lost count on how many times I've been! Always guaranteed to get attended to whilst there too! 😉
  5. I'm also booked to travel to Berlin in September (I was going for Folsom). Unfortunately this event has already been cancelled which you can see on their FB page. I have left my booking open as I don't need to pay the balance until mid July, but the key for me would be that even though Folsom is cancelled, will the clubs and bars also still be closed? If they are open I may still go, but if closed I don't see the point. In the back of my mind I have already accepted that this year is written off for meeting guys in sex clubs etc so will probably move my booking to next year. Fortunately I have booked a package so I may look into changing it to go to another favourite destination - Gran Canaria in February or March 2021. When do you have to decide by? Let me know your decision.
  6. @BBSMKR I was on a first time visit to Berlin back in January. Every club/bar I went to allowed smoking even if it was a room set aside for the purpose. At Lab.oratory you could smoke anywhere as far as I could see. Was due to go back for Folsom in September but according to the Folsom FB page the event has been cancelled. Hopefully things will gradually return to normal as I would highly recommend Berlin for a visit.
  7. I'd rather walk away than get fucked by a guy wearing a condom. If he wants to fuck me so much he'll either change his mind or look elsewhere.
  8. Sorry I don't know the name of the actor but Wow! what a tasty looking cock and cunt there. Can I be on standby please to clean off that cock arse to mouth once he's cum and then feast on that cunt slurping on that delicious rosebud as I go!
  9. Sticking to the Tom thread to start.... - Tom Hardy then..... - Taron Egerton From the world of porn...... - Rick Donovan (vintage) - Steve Rogers - John Thomas - Ethan Wolfe
  10. Now there's a bit of mystery and class 🙂
  11. They certainly have and yep what a resource this site can be! I started barebacking on a regular basis about a year before I discovered this site as the thought had entered my head that I needed to know what it felt like and once that thought was there it wasn't going away until I did something about it! Never looking back I looked for more and then discovered this site. Racing forward 3 years I am now so relaxed about barebacking and breeding due in part to this site helping me sort out any issues I had in my head about it I would now NEVER go back to using condoms and have even turned down guys that want to use one!
  12. Happy BZversary! I have my 3rd anniversary here on the 31st May and like you have learned so much as well as been in contact with some great guys such as yourself.
  13. Thanks for the follow. Nice tasty butt you have there fella!

  14. OMG that looks so complicated but interesting too as have never heard of the Bear Code and Twink Code. I guess it's a modern technical version of polari in a way but there again not really.
  15. To be honest looking at your body, I'm not surprised that you get hit up on, top, vers and bottom! I do know what you mean though. When in a sex club I sometimes do get attention from daddy chasers who want me to top. I've never topped in my life and I'll be chasing tops for as long as I can get away with it! But yes, having now read through most of this thread I do agree that not only knowing your left from right is useful, but some easy way to seek out other barebackers in a club without guessing would be good too. That's why I also often wear a G-Star Raw t-shirt. I've even been cruised the old fashioned way in the street before now wearing the tee in my pic and went back to his for a great session and of course condoms weren't even mentioned as he rightly assumed that with the tee I was wearing I was certainly up for it raw.
  16. I always wear a leather wrist wallet when in sex clubs and always on my right wrist. Most guys I've encountered seem to realise the significance. Left = top Right = bottom Or how I always remembered it, Right = receive It mostly works for me anyhow and if I see a guy with one on each wrist I've always gone with that he's vers.
  17. As as fellow bottom I love John Thomas too. His hole is perfect and love to see it gaping at the end of a scene. He also has a cheeky grin that's adorable and the look of intense pleasure and joy on his face whilst he's being fucked or fisted shows how much he enjoys taking cock and fist.
  18. Just been online and ordered a WMCBP butt plug and also selected some Gun Oil (silicone) to try. Been meaning to order the butt plug for a while now to plug in loads and figured that as my butt isn't getting any attention during this lockdown I may as well treat myself and give my butt some much needed attention. Any tips from Gun Oil users? Does a little go a long way or do you use it liberally? An idea of how much to use when playing with toys and when getting fucked raw (after the lockdown has been lifted) would be useful.
  19. Thanks for starting a new story @nymidtowneast. Your stories are always a good read.
  20. Thank you for coming back to this story @nymidtowneast Wonderful timing as I re-read My New Doctor and the rest of Kevin's Turn last weekend. Just need to catch up with that slutty flight attendant Brody now! 🙂
  21. I've not been 'up the heath' in years, however I imagine that especially as we have been having some of the heaviest rainfalls in years (one months worth in 24 hours in some areas of the UK) that the areas of the heath you want to visit will be nothing but mud and difficult to negotiate. Any regular heath goers able to update the state of the ground around the popular areas?
  22. Beerpiss is definitely the best. I remember the first time years ago when I tried piss for the first time. It was a hot summers day and the guys piss was rank and had me retching as he was dehydrated and so it was really strong. Often like to try things at least twice though so the next time I tried the guys piss was as sweet as nectar and from that point I was hooked. My tolerance for weak to strong tasting piss is also much better these days but given the choice beerpiss is my favourite.
  23. Total bottom here when it comes to fucking. Have tried topping a few times but can't keep it up as does nothing for me. First guy I ever fucked emptied his bowels onto me so that probably has a lot to do with it too. However..... I maybe a total bottom but visually I LOVE asses and will happily feast on another bottoms hole felching a load. I have also been known to play with another guys hole, toys, fingers, fist etc as long as my cock isn't involved.
  24. Clean - absolutely Clean & Sweaty - even better Clean, Sweaty & Musky - wow love it! Clean, Sweaty, Musky and leaking cum - WOOF I'm diving in tongue first!
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