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Everything posted by onlyraw

  1. It sounds like he could actually be asexual talk to him about it - and the I agree with ellentonboy you have to decide if you can be happy would an asexual relationship be fulfilling for you? or you can have an arrangement where x number of times a month you can go out and have sex with other guys if he really is a great sweet guy- you need to be honest with each other and figure it out now- before you both get hurt
  2. Talk about THE perfect birthday present although I think (hope) our birthday daddy is not yet finished unwrapping his gifts?
  3. I like your attitude- The world needs more bottoms like you!
  4. What I love about the gay community is that even on a kink website talking about kinky bareback porn (or at least porn that was once kinky and edgy) we can still find a way to relate it to a broadway musical - thank you alwaysready!
  5. Well if anything this conversation has shown the problems with using one of the cruises, oinks etc is that there is clearly no universal definition of what these mean and what the “polite” (or interested) way to respond is I myself get confused as to what some of them mean - I assume that if I get cruised on recon by a guy more than 100 miles away that the guy just likes something in my profile - and if I am in the mood I might strike up a conversation with him about whatever - but knowing that he is not planning on hoping on a plane and coming out to submit to me (or he is trying to be one of the “most cruised” and he is cruising anyone and everyone in hopes that enough people cruise him back to move him up the ladder) but now I am digressing (sorry) So my take on all of this is that if you are really interested in a guy - find the courage to at least say “hi” Or better yet - “hi I like (fill in the blank) about your … (fill in the blank)” or if you just are mildly interested Or want to leave it more to fate - just send a tap (while I really miss the bars and cruising in person- “one” good thing about being online is at least you know he is winking at you and not the guy standing behind you….😉)
  6. I think he could be vers . yes he did do far more pelvic thrusts than wiggling of ass …. And he did do a nice “ass slap” to the workout ball he was rubbing his crotch into So I think it would depend on the guy - he would walk into to bar looking for someone to fuck …. But the right top could take him home but you are right Rawtop …. He is cute whichever way he swings
  7. Monorchild- thanks for writing a wonderful obit I never went there - but you nicely capture what we are loosing as a community- not just the fetish bars - but all of them we only have 3 gay bars of any sort left here in Boston- and none of them a fetish bar - but at least a place to gather the two I miss the most are the Ramrod (our leather bar - at least three pieces of leather required to get into the back room) and at the other end of the spectrum- the Napoleon Club ( the piano bar - jacket and tie required) both wonderful in their own way - both greatly missed
  8. I would be stunned - happily stunned- but stunned if he could get 60 votes in tge senate but - still an great idea about calling your reps in Washington !
  9. If Biden gets challenged in the primary almost certain he will be defeated in November (just ask Jimmy Carter (or would be president teddy Kennedy) while I get frustrated with Biden at times - you need to remember that he can only do so much by himself- and the senate is 50 50 and our good friend sen Manchen seems to enjoy stringing the party along and then saying no at the last moment
  10. From what I have read it is extremely painful and not something I would want “just to get it and get it over with” I am lucky to live in Massachusetts and to go to Fenway Health (an early LGBT health center - started before AIDS) (I just checked their website - Fenwayhealth.org - and they now have on their home page a whole thing on Monkey Pox - so a great and trustworthy source for up to date info) I had a Dr appointment right before July 4 weekend and so asked my Dr about it and he told me that even here in Liberal MA we do not have that much vaccines -definitely not enough - so it it not yet being given to everyone who wants it - but only those at high risk - or post exposure So yes I agree with hntnhole- I think this this is a time to slow down our sluttier tendencies and just have sex with people you know and trust
  11. Oh I don’t think you will have any trouble getting a daddy to plant his flag - very deep in you I know I would be happy to if you were closer
  12. Well there are a few problems with the wonderful hanky code aside from Red (for fisting) and Yellow (for piss play) once you get to the other variables each town had their own code and there are just way too many for the various kinks and - most importantly- aside from a few bars (like the eagle in NYC) there are sadly very few places to wear them (deep sigh of mourning for all the bars that have closed )
  13. Well for party hosts to be truly inclusive (or if they don’t even want the light from glow sticks …. They make textured wrist bands , beaded wrist bands for fucking (right or left) and then smooth wrist bands (right or left) for sucking
  14. Hot that he is now the cumdump for one of the security guards (and I notice that our hero didn’t ask and the guard didn’t mention just how good a friend he was of Henry- is he poz too?) and just how loud were they? naked on his back on the desk …. Covered and filled up with cum and the door left wide open….. what could possibly go wrong?? def looking forward to the next chapter to find out ….
  15. Keep the faith, I know it can be done as years ago I hooked up with a bottom who stayed soft the whole time (which was kind of a bummer for me as, as I have mentioned before, partly ego, partly my insecurities I like it when my bottom gets hard) but he had had a master that trained him not to get hard - so that he could put all his focus on the Master’s cock so I know it can be done so unless you can find a master who knows the trick to it - I agree with Sissyslut and Cumfilledbottomboi - start with chastity- the smallest cage you can fit into- and that at least will stop you from getting hard while you wear the cage and maybe (?) after awhile you will not need the cage ? you could also maybe try hypnosis (if you are open to that and can find a good kinky hypnotherapist that you trust) there used to be this very hot gay hypno site (dragon something) that was for bottoms but they did a redesign and I lost track of it ( they also had these great very sexy hypno work out tapes - now if I can just figure how to move them from my iPod to my phone maybe I could get back in shape) anyway - good luck
  16. NWUSHorny - I would say your first experience is that way a dark room should be experienced I have no idea what was going on in the second…. (Fully clothed in a dark room ???? Weird ) can you do us all a service and let us know where these were so we can all try and make it to the first and not waste our money on the second??? (many thanks in advance) the baths I used to go to in Providence used to turn the whole place into a semi dark room by lowering tge lights in the whole place after midnight or something like that on certain nights the only true Dark Room I’ve been to was about 15 years ago in Montreal- it was also a - I can’t see 6” in front of me dark - very hot!!! i did get worried that I would get disoriented and not be able to find the door to get out - but that kind of made it more fun (worse places to get lost in) and everyone was buck naked as there were hooks outside the room to hang your towel I am not sure why I haven’t not been back to Montreal …. It was a cold rainy weekend in early December so nothing to do before my conference except tour all of the baths of the city ( there were 6 back then - I only made it to 4)
  17. Damn - this is so well written and SO fucking hot!!!! looking forward to the next chapters
  18. Sad but true (although there used to be a bookstore over in Somerville by 93- not the same - but at least “something” not sure if it survived Covid)
  19. The other day I read a Really stupid blog written by Rahmel Reid, that was sent in an Andrew Christian email about “Raw is Law” Where he kept equating “raw sex” with “unprotected sex” yes - sometimes raw sex is the same as having unprotected sex - but both guys are on PrEP, or one is Undetectable, or one is U and on on P - than they are as protected from HIV as two guys using condoms (admittedly they are only protected from HIV and not the other STIs we can get) but it still drove me nuts who little he seemed to know about safer sex so I guess it is just up to us - one a time educating guys about the science
  20. Well I think there are a lot of different reasons A LOT of guys still don’t know that Undetectable =Untransmitable (or U=U) I don’t think there was a very big/effective campaign around it i think most of the press around it was in the Poz press - and not the general community- and not that many neg guys read tge Poz press - and it was a long time ago and so it is no longer “news” so no one is going to get excited about the story “now” PrEP is only getting a big campaign because the Rx companies can make money off it - and the more they get the word out the more customers they will get (and I just heard that the Biden administration is about to pass (has just passed) a regulation that all insurance plans have to cover PrEP mind you I am not complaining about any of that but no Rx co is going to get new customers out of advertising U=U so who is going to spring for tge a big ad campaign? and then we are still left with the old original binary definition of “safe sex” which is condoms or die where as safe sex is now really a multiple choice menu where you can order one, two, or all three from: U=U, PrEP, condoms depending on your comfort level
  21. BareLover666, Very true although extremely rare it is possible- I didn’t think of mentioning that as the topic was about cum slut bottoms using PrEP but you are right anyone Fucking raw - top, bottom, or vers should look at all their safer sex options and choose what is best for them given the nature of this site I would assume most not choosing condoms every time as their first choice- which is why PrEP is such a great advancement for those guys on the site who are still neg (with the disclaimer of course that I am not a Dr- so guys should talk to their Dr and figure out what works for them)
  22. It is also important to remember that back in the 80s when condom use was first pushed it was called “safer” sex not “safe” sex as with so many things the general population did not fully appreciate the subtle but important difference and shortened it to just “safe sex” Bluedragon is right the only way to guarantee that you don’t get HIV through sex is to abstain Condoms when used and used correctly are very (though not 100% effective) but,… they can break (or be broken) slip off or be taken off, or be forgotten in the heat (or drunkenness) of the moment Everyone has to choose their own comfort level when it comes to what level of safer sex they will participate in Fortunately science as had big advances since the 80s when condoms were our only choice now in addition to condoms we know that poz tops can become undetectable and therefore untransmissible and we have PrEP or you can do any combination of the above for bottoms the good thing to remember is that PrEP is only one of the options where they can be totally in control of their choice
  23. Yes - keep your stories cumming i was hoping that as he was high - that maybe this was the time he would finally swallow
  24. I was just starting to date a guy (he was neg) when I got tested- this was back in the mid 90s when it took two weeks to get test results back That I was poz and then another two weeks to get the T cell count back to find out that it was below 200 so I was told I had AIDS we went on a few dates during this time - really nice dates (no sex just actual dates - although he had the most erotic touch - I still phantasize about the feel of his finger tips surreptitiously sliding up my pants leg and grazing my ankle while he had knelt down to tie his shoes …. Damn - who knew tge ankle was an erogenous zone) and he was really nice and kind of hot (even with his bad toupee) but his father was sick and his best friend was just told that she had cancer - and dating me was just one too many too sick people to deal with (I kind of understood- as I had just been told I had AIDS and was kind of freaking out) so he dumped me. my best friend said that if I could deal with his toupee he should be able to deal with my AIDS (but well….) jump to now there are nights when - after a cocktail or two and I find one of my old addresses books I will try and google my old boy friends to see what they are up to When I looked him up - I find out that he died about 6 years ago of cancer I was lucky to get put on the cocktail right away and was soon below 50 (and then when they could count better) I became “undetectable” and now 24 years later I’m doing fine so just because one guy is neg and one poz - tells you nothing about medical risk and potential longevity
  25. Great story!! Just what I needed to get off this morning…. sorry there was not a Part 2 - would love to see what happens later with the first top since he has the room key ….
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