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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I realize that’s what you think you want. You think that because it hasn’t been done to you yet. Getting used, pounded and stretched can be very rewarding. It can also be agonizing, terrifying, and land you in the hospital, depending on who does it, and how, and why, and with what intent, and with what equipment. How did I get to the point that I could take an epic gangbang? True story: I stumbled into the BDSM lifestyle early in my same-sex experience and fell into the hands of a succession of Dominant Tops who used me in ways that most people would call sexual abuse, pushing my tolerance to its edges, taking my flesh to the threshold of pain. Then I met a Sadist who took me as physical property and trained me for five years, torturing me sexually so that I no longer could tell pleasure from pain and absolutely accepted that I have an obligation to submit to being fucked by any man at all, any time, anywhere. Through all these Dominants I’ve learned that I have a duty to keep my body prepared for hard, painful use, and I’ve learned how to take it for as long as I have to with as little damage as possible so that I can be ready to ass-up for the next Man, who could demand his right at any time. It’s taken me 17 years to get where I am now. It took me 12 years to get to the point where I took my first gangbang. Along the way, I also had surgery to repair an anal fissure - that’s where your asshole gets torn and the pain is so excruciating that you can barely stand to have a bowel movement. You want to have your ass stretched as far as it goes? No, you don’t. Not without lots and lots and lots and lots of patient practice. I doubt you’ll pay any attention to any of what I’m telling you, because it sounds like you’ve got a head full of fantasy and probably eyes full of too much porn. But what I’m telling you is the real deal, my man. If you’re not careful, you can end up having a really bad experience early on in your sexual life that will change the way it goes from then on. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Let the adventure unfold, let it build, let yourself and your body grow into bigger and better - and sluttier - things over time.
  2. If that’s what the legislation was actually about, but it’s not. It’s a blatant attempt to accomplish through financial pressure and draconian regulation what could not be accomplished through normal laws that would be declared unconstitutional - the abolition of pornography. Just as Prohibition attempted to cure certain social ills by catering to the calls of temperance zealots to ban Demon Drink, this attempts to solve a specific set of problems by catering to the anti-porn crusaders to ban porn from the internet. And the same thing will happen now as then - access to porn will simply go underground and become a vector for greater criminal exploitation. I’m going to be very interested to see what the porn equivalent of a speakeasy turns out to be. Already these forced have successfully infringed on our rights to speak freely, to share ideas freely, and to access legal forms of media content, simply by manipulating the information systems in such a way that they financially work against our rights. Thus, they need not face a challenge against their assault as an assault against liberty. That is what SISEA represents, and that is why it should fail. The operation to cure uploading of video without consent needs to be done with a scalpel, not a backhoe.
  3. Dyeing hair always struck me as a losing battle from the get-go because if you’re graying, the damn stuff is still constantly growing from its roots and in no time it’s absolutely obvious that you dye your hair. And dyeing beards? Forget about it. I’m lucky in that my genes give me a full head of hair, and I wish it wasn’t halfway grey, but I can’t see any point in coloring it. I mean, it’s not my hair they want to fuck, after all. Me too - but I fear we’re in the minority...
  4. I’m very interested in how this waiver is constructed. I’m not an attorney, but my understanding is that courts have generally held to a standard that consent for sexual contact means a person can rescind consent at any point. If so, a waiver that allowed a man to perform an act on another man nonconsensually would be unenforceable and provide no protection to the Top should the bottom decide to take action if the encounter goes sour. I imagine your 5-page application is designed to weed out all but the most serious applicants, but it still sounds fraught with risk. Enticing, but risky.
  5. It can be difficult to set something like that up randomly, even through the “party” announcements on apps like BBRTS. The conventional wisdom is that you should expect only about 25% of the guys who say they’re going to come to actually show, so if you wanted 20 guys you’d have to round up 80 commitments - and that’s not going to happen. Your best bet starting out is to visit a bathhouse or sex club in a larger metro area, or a busy gay campground in the high season, or attend a very specialized event like Fickstuttenmart in Berlin, and try to put yourself in positions where you’ll get heavily used. If you’re lucky you might also find a Dominant Top interested in lining up guys to fuck you, but these men are very uncommon. More importantly, if you’ve just lost your virginity and just taken your first two or three cocks, then I have to tell you that you are nowhere near ready to take an all-night fucking by 20 men. Or ten. Or probably even four. I know it sounds hott and something deep inside you craves to be the object of the lust of so many men, but a gangbang is a violent, painful, brutal ordeal for any bottom, and the more Tops that are involved, the greater the likelihood that the use will become extreme. I’m a trained sexual service submissive. I’ve been gang-fucked by more than 30 men in a matter of hours. I’ve taken more than 20 cocks on multiple occasions. It took me a while to build up the endurance to do that, and I can only do it in part because my training involved a certain amount of sexual torture that conditioned me to accept discomfort. In a large gangbang situation, you’re in the control of a group of masculine, powerful men who are in their rut, and they are not going to stop if you suddenly decide you’ve had enough. And if that just makes it sound hotter, that’s proof that you’re not ready. There’s no need to rush - the world is full of cock, and the beautiful thing is that no matter how often it cums, it’s inevitably going to need to do it again, and soon. Take your time learning all the things a cock can do in your hole, and all the ways you can please a cock with your hole. Train yourself gradually to be the sexual athlete you aspire to be, so you can both avoid getting hurt, and enjoy the ride.
  6. But don’t underestimate the power of bad press and boycotts to persuade advertisers to pull their ads from a platform. If the platform on which an advertiser is spending its money to make its sale starts to smell bad, that advertiser is going to pull back for fear of picking up the stink itself. It happens all the time, and activists leverage this to apply pressure. And now... (drum roll) the SISEA legislation that would prohibit video downloads, place onerous limitations and requirements on uploaders, create a right to sue uploaders for uploading content of a person without his written consent, and creating a system of financial penalties on platforms for not policing and removing objected content on demand within two hours as well as requiring platforms to maintain 24/7 staff to man hotlines to field complaints. This is Prohibition again, plain and simple. History repeats. Call your Senators and insist that this draconian bill be quashed.
  7. I was not aware of this phenomenon among poultry. Fascinating. Humans too often and too easily forget that we are also animals, or at least inhabit animal bodies, and our sexuality is very much a function of our animal nature. There is no reason human sexual hierarchies should not be structured similarly as in other animals; indeed, it would be strange if they were not.
  8. “Accidentally” brush against his crotch a time or two as you pass by him. Stand next to him and talk casually about other things, but steer your comments gradually toward sex - racy observations of people around you, like: ”I wonder if he ever did anything with another guy. I bet he has. That’s cool if he has, I mean, I’ve kind of wondered what it would be like myself. With the right guy. It would have to be someone willing to let a guy give him a blowjob. [give it a minute to sink in]...Know anybody like that?” Be sure to scope out a place to actually give him the blowjob before you make the attempt - it would be bad to spark his interest and then be unable to follow through. If he shows interest, you want to be able to lead him straight away to the place and get down to it before he has a chance to think himself out of it. Above all, be bold. Confidence is empowering, convincing, and sexy. Fortune favors the bold.
  9. Karl, are you asking for any kind of memory, or memories of experiences related to barebacking?
  10. For better or worse, first impressions matter. In the current swipe-left, swipe-right culture, this seems even more the case, but even in the more personal cruisy climate of a bar or bathhouse, visuals matter because humans are primarily visually oriented. Hence, store windows. The hookup apps are essentially shop windows, and the profiles basically ads that need to grab the eye and start a positive, convincing sales pitch in a fraction of a second. I know this makes it all sound crass and commercial, and it’s kind of a metaphor, but it’s also kind of what it is. So, questions: What in your opinion makes an effective profile pic, and why? What makes you stop and click? If an app prohibits NSFW pics, would you rather see body or face? Would you rather see a simple face shot or a meme that gives you an insight into the guy’s personality? If an app allows NSFW pics, do you want dripping holes and genitalia, or does that turn you off? Would you rather something be left to the imagination? How recent do a guy’s pics need to be for you to consider them ‘current’? A month? Five years? Yesterday? It’s about time for me to freshen up my storefront display, so any advice would be appreciated. 🙂
  11. The odd thing, though, was that I had just asked him, straight up, “Are you looking or collecting?” And he replied, “Looking”. I guess if he was being deceptive, it’s not surprising that he would doubt that my pics were genuine - deceivers always suspect deception because it’s what they would do.
  12. Today I had a guy ask me for pics, which I sent, then he said, “Any recent pics?” But the ones I had sent him were already recent pics. I don’t know why he simply assumed they weren’t. I told him so, but he dithered around until my ass got tapped by someone more resolute and he lost his chance at a warm, wet hole. Thanks for pointing that out; I was wondering where the function had gone. Unfortunately, it’s time-limited and after a few minutes the post is set.
  13. Really, though, isn’t every profile pic an audition photo? That’s why I lament the trend toward apps not allowing anything but face shots. The camera does like, and has never liked, my face. My ass, however, takes a decent picture and is far more relevant in any case. My “audition” is usually far more likely to land me a “role” if my audition photo is f my ass. I’m ready for my screen test, Mr. DeMille!
  14. It cheeses me off considerably when I receive a message that simply says: pics A brazen demand, and if I do send one the reply is usually: more? This most often from a faceless, pic-less profile. So now I usually just respond to such requests with They usually block me at that point, and never bother me again.
  15. I used to experience the instant lack of desire to try it after ejaculation, and when I was young and limber I would occasionally try to get past that by placing my hips over my head and pointing straight down at my mouth. Eventually I got to the point where I could take my own cockhead in my mouth and shoot that way (no way in hell I could manage that now). Taking it straight like that was always different, somehow. I can’t say that I ever acquired a taste for it at that time, and didn’t do it again for a long time. Then, when I was being trained, my Master would force me to orgasm, and then he would always say, “Clean it up,” by which he meant that I was to eat it. I got used to it, and now don’t think twice when a Top scrapes the cum he’s just fucked out of me off my belly and smears it across my tongue with his finger. It’s kind of surprising to me how many Tops seem to enjoy making a bottom eat his own cum, though I don’t know why that should surprise me.
  16. And that’s why I think the practice of banning specific words from use on platforms is both ineffective and unsustainable. It’s a game of whack-a-mole, and the mole has an entire dictionary of holes to pop out of, at any time, on any whim. That’s the thing about substitution codes - you can substitute anything to mean anything as long as the meaning is understood. The only thing that is accomplished through word bans is that use of a word for its actual meaning gets gagged, while communication of the undesirable meaning simply shifts to a different code and continues unabated. It’s like trying to keep a guy from walking away by nailing his boot to the floor - all he has to do is unlace the boot and put on another one, and you’ve ruined a perfectly good boot for nothing.
  17. The original question asks whether we wrestle with a desire to simply be used as holes, and how we handle it. I’m sure there are those who are distressed because they sometimes feel that way and sometimes don’t, or can’t reconcile that inclination with moral codes imposed by self or society. I’m not one of them. My role as a sexual being is clearly defined and unambiguous - I am meant to provide a cunt for men to fuck. It is my duty to provide this entitlement to any man who claims it, on demand, to the best of my skill. I was trained to do this, I’m good at it, and am routinely told by the Men fucking me that they feel incredibly good inside me - all of which proves to me that what I’m doing is correct and natural. Do I ever just want to be holes? The question doesn’t arise - I am just holes. I’m not meant to be anything else. Do I ever want to be more than just holes? That’s a much more difficult question: but sexually the answer is: probably not.
  18. The link didn’t edit properly into my original post above. Here it is: [think before following links] https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria
  19. It doesn’t sound like you’re willing to have any of your ideas about “impossible “ things challenged. But just in case you’re able to accept the fact that the knowledge and experience of the community of psychological and psychiatric professionals is indeed superior to your own in this matter, I invite you to educate yourself about the criteria for the formal diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria, as expressed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Vol. 5 (DSM-5). This is the guideline commonly relied upon by mental health care professionals in diagnosing mental conditions that are very real, documentable, and not in any way “imaginary”. Your personal opinions regarding transgender identity and experience reflect ignorance and bias, and, when set against the weight of professional opinion on the issue, give the strong impression that you are talking straight out your ass. The American Psychiatric Association has this page on Gender Dysphoria which you may find illuminating. I suggest you review it before embarrassing yourself any further in this thread.
  20. So creating video documentation of a legal act is illegal. Now there’s a disconnect.
  21. Not necessarily. My comment was merely to suggest that the requirements mandated by the new environment will likely mean that creation and uploading of pornographic video becomes the province only of the professional or quasi-professional pornographer, who is willing to invest the time and effort necessary for record-keeping. By the time someone has gone to the effort to establish and maintain a system of records (which must remain intact indefinitely), that already puts the activity out of the reach of the average fucker with an iPhone camera. But I don’t think intent to publish is necessarily always present aforethought. I can easily see someone capturing some hot bedroom action on his phone camera with no intention other than fapping to it later, and then at some point further on getting the notion of putting his exploits out there for all to see. Case in point: Me. The videos of myself that I posted to XTube were shot (way back in the day) before there was such a thing as XTube. I had no idea of showing them to anyone. I only decided to do so long after the fact.
  22. You’re right, of course. I wonder whether there are even enough downloads of it to make it worthwhile to even charge for it, though. Looking at the screen shots it appears that a completed record is expected to include photos of participants’ IDs, as well as of them holding their IDs. It looks like it’s aldo expected that the title of the production will be included. It’s hard to imagine that much ad hoc amateur video would benefit from the system - I don’t see the average hookup agreeing to have his ID photographed, pose for a full-face photo holding his ID, and sign a waiver just so an iPhone video clip of him fucking could be posted to XTube. Late this afternoon a Top had me come to his place so his friend visiting from out of town could fuck me, and he filmed a lot of cock going in and out of my hole. Not sure what he plans to do with it, but he wasn’t looking at it in terms of creating a production - he was just capturing the event to enjoy again later. I suspect that a lot of the content that’s now disappeared was of this nature, and represents a spontaneity and true-to-life sense that we will greatly miss.
  23. As of looking at the iPhone App Store just now, it is not free. It costs $.99.
  24. Tonight I was completely fucked by the Top who’s been using me every couple of weeks. Note - I didn’t say ‘well’ fucked, or ‘thoroughly’ fucked. I said ‘completely’ fucked, because he did about as complete a job of fucking my cunt as possible without actually fisting me or organizing a large gangbang. Over the course of an hour-and-a-half of nonstop penetration, he repeatedly brutalized my cunt with an 8” dildo, double-penetrated me with his 7” cock and said dildo in multiple positions, fucked me in every position he could think of to give himself greater depth and a new angle of attack on my insides, and assaulted my anus and prostate until he had forced me to orgasm three times for his enjoyment so he could feel my ass clench around his cock as I came. He himself shot four separate loads into me, and never really got soft between them. He poppered me up at the beginning and kept me hitting them throughout because he likes his bottoms poppered up. Each visit gets a little more intense than the last. I’m not sure how Much more completely fucked I can be by him, but in a couple of weeks, I guess I’ll find out..,
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