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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. You are new here, and once you have taken the time to read through the forums and become more familiar with the community, you will discover that Breedingzone members do not all have the same set of social, religious, or moral backgrounds, come from an array of nations in which sexual norms are different, and have each of them a personal life story that has shaped who he has become as a sexual being. While I, like you, find the concept of incest among parent and child unthinkable, many here are indifferent to it, see how it may work under certain contexts, or just find it in some way a natural expression. Some, who have actual life experience with father-son incest, are at the end of the day the only relevant authority on the effects of the practice. Not you, not me, nor some horn dog fantasist, nor some religious zealot. Expressing a strongly judgmental view here is seldom welcomed, and is not a good look for one of your first posts. The site management has already determined (from long experience moderating filthy discussions) which topics are too unacceptable even for here, and has taken measures to keep the forum clean of them. They are few. Be sure you read the forum rules before you post. We talk about a lot of shit here, some of it unsavory, little of it for the faint-of-heart. If you see a topic such as this that by its title seems sure to offend you, your best bet is to skip it and move along to the next topic. No one is going to value your judgmental outburst, you’ll probably get much less polite responses than mine, and almost certainly get downvoted. We welcome you, but I encourage you to get to know us a little better.
  2. I enjoy servicing men of color very much. It has nothing to do with cock size (my extensive experience has revealed a very broad distribution in size, so can we please acknowledge the racial stereotype for what it is?) but rather the fact that on the whole, men of color seem less hung up and repressed about sex, and enjoy it more. They also come to use me in numbers disproportionate to their demographic - significantly. Now, it could be that I am finding this so because I am a cumdump bottom who publicly sluts myself, and thus tends to attract men who are already predisposed to being uninhibited, or who are able to shed their normal inhibitions because they’re just using what they consider to be a whore. It may be that these Tops I serve do not represent Tops of color in general, and we probably shouldn’t be drawing generalizations in any case. Nonetheless, I have to say I always raise my ass just that little bit higher when a man of color walks into my room. Can’t help it.
  3. I only think this defines a male. This is true of all therian mammals and marsupials, and as good a boxer as a male kangaroo might be, I don’t think anyone would call him a Man. An 800-pound gorilla, on the other hand... you call it anything it wants.
  4. This. Total length is about 12”, but obviously that’s not the point. The base is approximately 4” in diameter. I took a Sharpie marker and numbered the rings on mine for reference so I could keep track of progress. So far I can only take it to ring 8 - I’ve got a lot of intense stretching ahead of me. Clearly, this isn’t something you wear around to try to passively train your hole to stretch, but that’s the thing - if you want to make progress, you can’t be passive about it. Your hole adapts only when you place it under stress. I’m finding that my best progress (apart from intense brutal fucking) comes from sessions where I concentrate on (judiciously) pushing my limits. This toy is perfect for that, because with a whiff of poppers to loosen me up and the help of my good friend gravity, I can ride this thing until I absolutely can’t anymore, and then pull up off it. Then repeat, repeat, repeat. I don’t usually take that long at it, bu it definitely opens me up. I’ve been using it routinely now to prep for going to service my current regular Top because he loves to DP me with his cock and my dildo and I need to be loose for it. Something like this isn’t a replacement for a plug, but it’s handy to have in your arsenal of weapons of ass destruction. And you don’t have to risk explaining to a cop why you were trying to steal a traffic cone. 😉
  5. What is this “underwear” you speak of? I almost never wear anything now. My cunt is not meant to have any kind of barrier to access. Literally, that’s my logic. I haven’t always been like this. When I was younger I liked the feel of tight wear like thongs and g-strings, especially with a cock ring. Later I sort of gravitated toward Calvin Klein-style boxer briefs, then slimmer high-cut briefs with more pouch room. During the BDSM period, I made my own leather jock, but that was the beginning of the end - by that time, men were stripping anything I had on off of me so fast there was hardly any point, and besides, everything I had was public property anyway, so what was the point of covering it up? That’s basically where I am now. Every once in a while I glance down and realize that the ampallang piercing in my cockhead is standing out against the fabric of my pants, but what am I supposed to do? The piercing doesn’t come off ever, so there it is. The only problem with going commando is driving home from a long night of taking cock and then the next day finding a big patch of lube and cum soaked into the seat of your pants (one reason I don’t use silicone-based lubes that don’t launder out). But then, considering the level of use I sometimes take, underwear probably wouldn’t make that big a difference.
  6. A man is responsible. He is responsible for his actions and his reactions. He is responsible for his own choices, and he is responsible for making sure those choices do not bring harm. He is responsible for the male body he inhabits, its maintenance, the moderation of its appetites, and the control of its inherent power. He is responsible for his own orgasm. He is responsible for his capacity to generate new human life, and the immense implications of that potential. He is responsible for the care of those placed under his charge, whether for provision, protection, tutelage, or husbandry. He is responsible for his citizenry in his society and ensuring that its benefits are shared and its governance is just. A male who is unaware of his responsibility may be educated, and become a man when he shoulders his responsibility; a male who willfully denies his responsibilities will never become one. There are those who would argue that the act of insemination defines a Man. I think the word “Man” takes on a subtle nuance of meaning in this context. I think of every male who inseminates me as a “Man” in the sense that he has exercised male dominance over me, marked me with his semen, established a right of use over me, and proven that he occupies a place higher than me in the male sexual hierarchy. The word for someone who does that is “Man”. But that isn’t the only thing that defines a Man. I’ve been inseminated by plenty of males who I wouldn’t consider Men in the fullest sense, males who were much less of a man than I am. In that moment, they were the man in the coupling; I was the cunt, and was properly used in the way a man uses a cunt. But I was the only Man in the room. So to answer the OP’s question, I would consider responsibility, more than insemination, to be the deciding criterion.
  7. ^ This, basically. I might add that posting a topic asking us to aid and abet infidelity makes an assumption that we are all similarly morally compromised, which is kind of insulting.
  8. Having been the bound subject of many a Dominant’s pleasures (and cruelties) in the BDSM realm, I have a couple of observations on this. First, actual real BDSM practiced by those in the lifestyle isn’t really something they usually think about in terms of porn - scenes are intensely intimate power exchanges, and the dynamics of what is actually going on wouldn’t translate to film. For evidence of this, you can look at the material in the BoundGods shoots; they get very creative with their kink, but it’s rare to detect any element of true Dominance/submission going on, because they’re not actually scening. They’re shooting a scene. Big difference. Second, though I was used many times in bondage by many different Dominants, relatively few of them actually fucked me. Their desire was more to have access to my body and control my response, but relatively few of those who put me in bondage did so for the purpose of intercourse. Instead, it was usually to make me vulnerable to the work of their hands, or their tools or equipment. I would conjecture that the relative uncommonness of fucking in actual practice translates into a proportional lack of attempts to make porn of it. (I might add that if you see porn of a guy being fucked in suspension bondage, that in no way represents common practice - suspension bondage is hella tricky even if you can find a Dom with the mad skilz to do it, and getting fucked in that position is even rarer. I’ve never had it done.) Third, bondage in real life doesn’t really lend itself to video because a) Setup takes a long time and makes for dull footage, and b) Once the submissive is bound, one of your two performers is basically non-moving - again, not the stuff of dynamic filmmaking. So if finding bareback porn is a challenge among regular porn, it’s not surprising that finding bareback in a genre as inherently limited in quantity would be that much harder. I’m just speculating, but that would be my guess.
  9. So you’re saying that if a guy walks up to you and addresses you as ‘ma’am’ you wouldn’t bat an eye? Because you’re so sure of your gender? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
  10. @PARTYPIGBEAR - I think the concern some have is not that they are seen as a member, but rather that someone they know IRL has just seen the pics of their freshly fucked asshole and read their posts about how they will take any cock any time and “love to guzzle jizz”. It’s the way their online self-portrayal has the potential to alter the way people act toward them in person that is concerning, especially if that person knows them in a primarily non-sexual context. It is also possible that identification could lead to unexpected or unwanted approaches for sexual contact by people who suddenly see the member as sexually open, available or even promiscuous, whom the member for whatever reason has no desire to fuck with. This issue wouldn’t be an issue if we could all simply live as our genuine selves with nothing to hide. Then we wouldn’t even need to hide behind usernames. Unfortunately, our society is not yet so enlightened.
  11. Strangely, despite the hundreds of men who have used my body, I can’t remember a single Top expressing an opinion about he liked the amount of hair around my hole. I remember one commenting that I had it - “Oh yeah. I’ve been down there.” - but he didn’t comment pro or con. I can grow some hair on my ass. I’ve pulled strands off my lower glutes longer than the hair on some men’s heads. The carpet thins out drastically as it enters the cleavage, and by the time you get to my cunt, I’m pretty much bare. Maybe that’s why Tops don’t usually comment - I guess I’ve got a little something for everyone. 🙂 When I’m orally servicing a Top, I would really rather he be at least trimmed, because getting pubes caught on my tongue forces me to break off awkwardly to get rid of them. Plus, I just don’t feel like my tonguework is as effective over hair. Not that I would ever comment on a Top’s personal choice of how he handles his body hair - he’s going to get all of me regardless.
  12. I assure you, my decision about whether I’m willing to fuck a racist traitor isn’t political, it’s visceral. I don’t disapprove of the man for his political views, I’m revolted by his vile character. But why, in any case, is Breedingzone not the right forum to discuss having a social conscience? That comes into play in all sorts of discussions we have here, from topics like whether it’s ethical to slut one’s ass during a pandemic, to whether it’s okay to sabotage a condom, to questions of how much responsibility a poz man has to self-identify in the age of ART and U=U. Of course it’s appropriate.
  13. Without a doubt. Show me a guy with a dozen guns in his house and I will show you an insecure, frightened man. The “one perceived flaw” we’re talking about here isn’t a receding hairline or even (though this is borderline) owning a Nickelback album. It’s having a Nope-inducing character flaw like racism, bigotry, homophobia, or having performed an act of sedition against the nation. If you know a lot of guys who wouldn’t invalidate a sexual contact on that basis, I’m very sorry to hear it. A lack of a social conscience is also a serious flaw in a man’s character. I might suggest that you avoid those people; a man becomes known by the company he keeps.
  14. Several posts in this thread seem to try to make a point that attractiveness simply is what it is, and justify a willingness to engage with the lunatic seditionist because his appearance exists independently from his behavior. I disagree, and I think the evidence lies in the fact that we can be aroused by someone right up to the point that we learn something invalidating about him, and then not be aroused at all, even though his appearance has not changed. Put succinctly, ‘pretty is as pretty does’. The guy would have lost me in any case the minute he put on the horns. `o.O ‘ These events have caused me to revisit my commitment to my duty to give my ass to any man who wants it. I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic - no aid or comfort to the enemy. That includes sexual service. This man and his cohorts are the definition of ‘enemies domestic’. Yes, in a darkroom or a bathhouse or an anon hotel room they might have me anyway because I won’t know. But if I’m aware, they’re getting nothing.
  15. No. You didn’t deserve that. I know that when something that horrible happens there can be a great need to try to find some way to make a chaotic, random, brutal act of violence make sense, and one explanation that offers itself in the absence of any other reason is that the victim is himself the cause. But that’s not the truth. Nor is it true that you ultimately deserve to be punished or destroyed for living life as a gay man. I hope for you that you will be able to eventually see the terrible thing done to you as just that - something that affected you from outside, not from within yourself. I hope you will be able to heal from it, and then leave it behind you, and live fully and richly. And if that includes wearing a thong on the beach, then more power to you.
  16. I don’t initiate kissing, but I don’t refuse a Top who does. I find that those who kiss me usually do it aggressively and penetratingly, putting their tongues deep inside my mouth. I actually find that particularly Dominating, in some ways more even than putting a cock in my mouth - it’s a much more intimate invasion.
  17. Before the plague, I was anon hotel hosting at least once a month and doing a bathhouse weekend each month. I had built up a fairly nice reputation among a set of regulars in Louisville and Indianapolis who wanted to know when I would be in town so they could come enjoy the ass they had become accustomed to getting regularly. That came to a screeching halt last March. Since then I’ve hotel hosted one time, haven’t been within a hundred miles of a bathhouse, and the very few men I’ve serviced have been a small handful, mostly repeat locals. I was fortunate enough to encounter one local Top who now uses me very thoroughly about once every couple of weeks, but I don’t know that I can honestly call myself a cumdump by definition at this moment. There just isn’t enough volume, and there can’t be. What bothers me most is that I’m afraid all the network of regulars and the good word-of-mouth that had started to generate a steady demand for service will have to be rebuilt from the ground up.
  18. Somehow them finding my exact location doesn’t seem to be the problem. The problem is their inability to actually arrive at my location because they can’t keep themselves from flaking. I’ve watched guys get within 100’ of my door and then *~poof~* they vanish. In the context of this thread, though, I don’t host where there would be anyone who would know me anyway, so that possibility isn’t something I ever think about.
  19. On the one hand there’s the thrill and titillation you feel when you think of all those guys seeing your sexual side and how much you enjoy indulging in same-sex pleasure. On the other hand there’s the sober reality of a coworker or fellow churchgoer or family member or basically anybody whose valued relationship with you is absolutely non-sexual, coming across or being confronted with the unquestionable visual evidence of you doing something that may challenge or directly conflict with their core beliefs or who they thought you were as a person. Once you put that image out on the internet, you have relinquished control of it. You may delete it, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t already been copied and re-saved a dozen different ways already. If you put your face on it, you have to be fully prepared to own it. That’s not something that men who have not come out yet are usually prepared to do. Ask yourself why you’re not out - if you have a good reason not to be, then the answer to that question will be the reason you shouldn’t post such images with your face in them. Think with the big head, not the little head.
  20. How often does this happen? The only thing remotely similar that ever happened to me was that years ago some random guy looking for a fuck pulled up in my driveway just as I had come home and was getting out of my car... with my mother. I told him to fuck for and then told mom it was some guy looking for directions. I suppose it would have been less of a lie to mom if I had told the guy to go to hell. But while I get the creepy/stalkery thing, to what degree does it really disturb you to know that some Grindr guy knows who you are IRL, and so knowing, happened to see you out somewhere? Is it just the I-know-about-you-but-you-don’t-know-about-me lack of parity? Does it feel somehow threatening? We tend to think of ourselves as safely anonymous on apps like Grindr, but especially if we’re active in our local area, once we’ve made an actual hookup or three, people talk amongst themselves, and suddenly lots of people know who the person is behind our profile where we announce to the world that we take it up the ass. I think the saying goes something like: A secret between two is secret; a secret between three is known to all.
  21. I’ve only been on the site since 2017, and though I’ve noticed a few short lulls in the traffic in the parts of the forum that I visit (I don’t go everywhere) the general level of participation seems relatively steady. That’s just an ad hoc observation, though, I’m not privy to the site’s visitation data. Sometimes there are members who tend to drive content creation by the nature of their posts, and sometimes such a member will stop coming to the site for whatever reason, so the increase in content generated due to that member flattens out until someone else comes along with interesting things to say. Also, like any conversation, there are points at which everyone feels he has said what he has to say about all the current topics, and so traffic slumps briefly, but then new topics get started. Actually, I’m not sure that that’s entirely true - I begin to wonder whether any of the topics we post are new. In the relatively short time I’ve been here, I’ve watched certain questions get posted, discussed, disappear pages deep, and then the same question gets posted by someone else, lather, rinse, repeat. So if one were to analyze all topics posted on BZ since it’s inception, I hypothesize that patterns of repetitive topics would emerge, basically showing that we really only talk about a few basic things over and over, and this may explain why some members eventually drift away.
  22. This is it in a nutshell with an emphasis on you will get STIs. The more often you offer up your holes, the more often you roll the dice, and the more often you roll the dice, the more likely it statistically becomes that you will have a bad roll, ie., catch something. In my experience, you may catch more than one at the same time, because a man whose practices allow him to become a spreader of disease usually involve him not getting tests or treatments, and fucking in sketchy environs. Not always, but often. Usually when I get knocked up, it’s with a combo. The value of prevention, where possible, cannot be overstated, and it’s idiotic not to. Hep A & B and HPV are not to be taken lightly, so prevent them with the vaccines. You might, actually, already have herpes and not realize it. If you’ve ever has a cold sore in your mouth, that’s herpes. About half of people in the United States have herpes simplex 1, and about 1 in 6 have herpes simplex 2. Both are spread through simple skin-to-skin contact, and no visible lesion has to be present. Outbreaks tend to diminish over time. I’ve had herpes most of my adult life (likely got it from a simple kiss) and can’t remember the last time I had a symptom. So, you’ll very likely end up with it. You may have mild or no symptoms, and it’s easily managed with medication if needed. Hep C is serious, but effective treatment has emerged in just the last few years. No vaccine, though, so be sure to get tested. All of this presumes you actually plan to go full no-load-refused cumdump. If you plan be more discriminating in your hookups, then as @Phallarchist points out above, you can limit your risk. Roll the dice fewer times, do what you can to make sure the dice are clean before you roll them. And if (when) you do become infected, don’t panic. You simply treat it, like any other ailment, and get on with your life. I’ve had many of them myself. One of them, HIV, came within hours of killing me in 2014. I’m not only still here, I’m still giving up my ass to every man who wants it. But I also get tested frequently, and if I ever test positive/Detectable for anything, I yank my ass off the market until I’m clear because I refuse to put another man’s health at risk for the sake of a fuck. There are some who take the sullen attitude that since somebody gave them a disease it’s okay, or not their fault, if they pass it to someone else. Don’t be that guy. Taking responsibility for fucking clean helps keep the arena safe for all of us.
  23. Caverject (alprostadil) is injected directly into the cock shaft (corpus cavernosum) and begins to work after about 10 minutes, in my experience. You get hard - but not rock-hard - and you stay that way until the medication wears off. It’s very important to get the dosage right so that you don’t suffer from being erect for longer than four hours, which can cause tissue damage. More is not always better in this case. The injection doesn’t hurt the way you might imagine, but you are sticking a needle into your cock. You have to be very careful not to hit a significant blood vessel - it’s not meant to be injected into the bloodstream. Don’t try to use it in conjunction with viagra, as the two may interact to lower your blood pressure to an unsafe level. There may be other means of applying alprostadil, such as a cream, or intra-urethrally, but I only have experience with the injectable. Haven’t used Trimix.
  24. I guess this is where I would have to disagree - it’s not ok. It’s a shitty, dickish thing to do to somebody and there isn’t a good excuse for doing it. If the community keeps tolerating it as “just a part of it” then it will keep happening, but there’s nothing that says it has to be that way. The main obstacle to reform is the fact that flakers seldom experience any consequence for having behaved badly.
  25. This night in Nashville, one of the guys who showed an interest but ultimately didn’t opt in was concerned about his health, but not because of COVID. It was because I had indicated that I had four loads already in me. He said that was “scary” and that he “didn’t want to catch something.” I thought, but didn’t say, that it was kind of ironic that he was fretting about STDs while out trolling for random hookups in the middle of a pandemic. Clearly, that wasn’t what was deterring him. Except some of us aren’t playing games, and as long as we continue to tolerate this shitty behavior as though it were somehow acceptable, it’s going to continue. The more I’ve thought about all this, the more I’m inclined to give up hotel hosting altogether. For the amount of concentrated effort I put into it (never mind the expense) to reach as few men in service as I actually do, it’s just not cost-effective. On that night in Nashville, my Grindr profile alone got more than 300 views in the space of 12 hours, and I ended up servicing 5 men. So on a Friday night, only 1.6% of men thinking about a hookup went for what was the equivalent of low-hanging ripe fruit on the tree. It’s possible that I’ve been wrong all along in thinking that men actually want to fuck - it may be that in fact, most of them actually don’t. It may be that most men are simply looking for titillation rather than action, and that’s not what all those Doms trained me to provide. If so, that makes me sad because it means that anon hotel hosting is never going to be an efficient way of connecting with men who actually want service, and aside from the bathhouse, I don’t know of any other options.
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