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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. How did our hookup culture become so accustomed to falsehood that we no longer assume anything is true by default? How did we let it come to this? How did we so reward deceit that lying became the preferred means to an end?
  2. Umm... You do realize that the sheep are all leaning to their right...?
  3. What makes me a whore? I’ve thought about this question for a couple of days, trying to decide on an answer. The thing is, I know that some men see me as a whore - some men who come into my room at the bathhouse or line up to fuck me in the steam room, probably most men who come through my unlocked hotel room door, maybe some of you who read what I write in this forum. Every man who considers me a whore has his own reasons, and it doesn’t matter what I or anyone else thinks, that’s the way he sees me. To me, it’s more interesting to know what other men think makes me a whore than what I think. I actually don’t think of myself as a whore. I’m a slut, by any definition - I can’t argue with that. I’m promiscuous, easy (ridiculously easy), submissive, and conditioned by actual training for sexual response to other men. All of that is fact. But I don’t do what I do with any ulterior purpose or gain - I take cock because it is fulfilling to provide a source of pleasure to others. I have discovered that men really enjoy using my body for sex, so it seems good to me to give them my body for their pleasure; if that’s the way I was made, then that’s the way I should be used. Does that make me a whore? I don’t know. But if it does, then for me, a whore is a natural and good thing to be. I’d be interested in knowing what men say actually defines a whore, rather than just rattling off how debauched everyone is.
  4. So far, I have never failed to take a man’s cock. That doesn’t mean they were all easy to take, or pleasant - some were definite challenges, and a few have been breathtakingly painful. The longest I know for certain was no shorter than 11 actual inches, but I was surprised that I had no trouble with him burying it in me to the root. There was a 9+, however, that made me gasp with every thrust. A year and a half ago in Indianapolis I took the thickest cock I have ever seen on a man. A bit bigger than beer can - I would love to have measured it. As it was, I just lubed and poppered heavily and held on for the ride. He was neither slow nor careful. Worse, about halfway through, he switched me over to missionary to go for depth. I felt every centimeter of every thrust pass through the depths of my cunt, and when he finally (this was no quick fuck) came, I felt every single one of his nine(!) cum spurts pulse themselves the length of his shaft. It hurt. But that fuck was a joy to me to take because of the bliss on that man’s face and the way his deep voice notched up an octave in his moan of pleasure when he pressed that enormous organ as deeply into another man as it could physically go and release its load. It doesn’t get any better than that for me, and if that’s what’s waiting at the end, no cock is too big. I’ll take it somehow.
  5. I’m imagining walking into some Top’s living room and seeing numerous pairs of underwear mounted on plaques on the wall in lieu of antlers. I never had anyone express the least interest in my underwear, and usually had me out of it as quickly as possible. The only times I recall being asked to wear underwear was so it could be ritually cut or ripped off of me.
  6. It’s been weeks since I’ve serviced anyone, but today a young, shy man who has used me two or three times sent me a message on Grindr saying he really needed to fuck because it had been so long. He’s in his lower 20s, near the bottom of the range I’ll let fuck me, but it’s so difficult to be gay in this judgmental place that I make exceptions. When I replied on Grindr, he said he was just asking to see if I was looking. I told him, “I don’t look. Men tell me it’s time for me to service them, and I give them my ass. You don’t need to ask. You just need to tell me you have a need.” It’s difficult to get this concept across to some of them at first. He’s not a long-haul fuck or a breeding Top, but he’s earnest about it, and I could tell that he really needed it. On his way out, he may have said, “See you tomorrow.” I could have misheard, but maybe the concept of ass-on-demand got through to him after all... On a different fucknote, I was actually able to fuck myself rapid and balls-deep with my largest training dildo today, which means I now have to buy a bigger dildo. I’m trying to decide whether or not to consider that a silver lining.
  7. I’ve always assumed that the accounts of such hookups had to be largely fictional because the frequency doesn’t match up with real-life demographics. In the United States, more recent surveys have indicated an average gay/bi male fraction of the general population at between 4.5% -7%. Even inflating that generously to 10% to allow for social stigma, and further wildly increasing it to 15% to take in married guys for whom any hole will do, that still means that guys willing to engage in male/male sex acts would have to dominate the in-home service and delivery industries to an inexplicable degree for half of the stories to be true. There just can’t be that much meat out there going door-to-door. On top of that, as hard as it can be to find cock and ass when you actually go out looking for it, the notion of it suddenly appearing at your door out of thin air smacks too much of fantasy (or pizza-guy porn scenarios) to be believable most of the time. Not that I cast doubt on any of the accounts given here. Everybody gets lucky sometimes (even I got fucked by a Lyft driver) and if you’re the sort of person who has a lot of work done or a lot of deliveries, then the numbers are bound to work out in your favor eventually. But I’m guessing these are exceptions to be relished.
  8. Why are so many bottoms answering a thread specifically addressed to Tops, about Top preferences? The thread isn’t about whether we bottoms enjoy pain or think we deserve it. Please don’t dilute the thread. If you’d like to talk about the bottom perspective on this issue, please respect the OP’s original question here and start another thread of your own.
  9. During fucking... you must either be very flexible, or your tongue must be very long... 😉
  10. It’s not one of the services I offer. There are simply too many hazards associated with rimming for someone like me with a compromised immune system to risk it. That, and I’m one of those who can never quite forget about the primary function of that orifice if it came to applying my tongue to it. That’s also why I’m thorough about cleanout - there are men who seem to just love eating ass and don’t hesitate to dive into mine, so I try to make sure I’m as clean as possible for them. The minute they start it flips my in-heat switch, and I can’t really think about anything else until they stop.
  11. @BootmanLA - To clarify, do you include the question that is the topic of this thread as one of the types of questions you’re describing? In general, I tend to agree with your characterization of most of those “Should a bottom” questions. This topic, however, touches on something a little more complex, in my view - whether the OP intended it to or not. Read at surface level, Why do you choose to be [a man who has sex with men] is simply answered: We don’t choose it, we just are it. But there are deeper readings. Why do you choose to be [a man who takes the receptive role in sex with other men] does introduce the element if choice or preference. At this level, there may be an inferred subtext concerning masculinity or submissiveness, but not necessarily degradation or even promiscuity. Why do you choose to be a faggot (in the specific sense of a promiscuous bottom who allows himself to be used serially and perhaps abused) is actually a complex question the answer to which is likely to vary significantly from individual to individual. I don’t perceive the question as meaningless in the way @viking8x6 does; for me, the question causes me to reflect on the influences and choices in my life that have led me to a decision to repeatedly give my body over to the sexual use, and abuse, of strangers in spite of the hazards involved. Does the question actually imply that I have chosen to be degraded? That depends on what the reader himself attaches to the word ‘fag’. Assuming I take that word to imply degradation, the question then causes me to ask myself if I have in fact allowed myself to be degraded, and if so, why? If I acknowledge that, by some standard, I have become degraded or devolved by my own choice, how, then, do I answer the question in a way that expresses a self-understanding that I still may not fully possess? Of course, most people probably don’t introspect the way I do (it’s a habit) and if they get past the surface read probably answer the question with something like “Because I’m a pig.” And that’s probably as honest an answer as any. But altogether, I don’t think this particular question is as vapid or pointless as many of the others of the kind you’re talking about. I’m at my best when getting fucked in front of an audience... but that holds no appeal for me. Who would notice? It’s a nonstop clusterfuck there already.
  12. Do they also make a suit to make you look like a catfish? Just curious.
  13. I attended a workshop on latex clothing repair once - for the life of me I don’t understand why anyone who wears them would risk moving around in them. Never mind the ordeal of actually putting them on to begin with. But I know for some people it’s their ticket to Sexytown, so more power to them.
  14. They do wonderful things with dental implants these days. Just sayin’.
  15. @Ranger Rick - For wearing the gimpsuit to protest rallies, of course.
  16. My negative reaction to phatic, or purely social, expressions may stem in part from my tendency to take all questions at face value. “How are you?” therefore feels rude to me because the guy doesn’t know me at all, and very likely doesn’t care how I am, but just threw out the question as an opener and would be uninterested in the actual answer if it were anything other than “horny”. I find “Sup” offensive (to the point that I’ve stopped replying to it unless there’s absolutely nothing else going on) because it’s just lazy. The person didn’t consider me worth the investment of even enough mental energy to form an actual greeting in English, let alone a coherent sentence. I imagine that whether a given approach is or isn’t rude varies according to individual communication style. If you could intercept all the “Sup”s out there so I don’t have to deal with them, I would be more than delighted.
  17. I would still say that neither of those added possibilities would be a reason to judge the offender any less harshly.
  18. I’m not sure there’s a universal sense of “rude” online anymore. Rules of civil discourse have been so hamstrung by anonymity and so butchered by linguistic codification and shorthanding that people simply no longer tend to conceptualize that a flesh-and-blood human being is attached to that profile on the other end. I get a lot of the types of interactions that @funpozbottom lists above (though no one yet who has claimed that his mother thinks he’s cute). I find particularly annoying those who get angry when you don’t reply to them instantly; I simply don’t text that quickly. I also dislike the ones that lead off with “How are you?” or worse, “Sup” - these are empty un-questions that are themselves rude in a way because they open a conversation but throw the responsibility for generating interest onto the person being contacted. Truthfully, though, I’m not bothered when men don’t reply because I approach my attempts at contact more like advertising a service. I let them know where I am and what I’m good for, and if they’re interested they’ll make themselves known. If not, they won’t. I don’t find it rude that many of them don’t respond; you can’t be offended unless you decide to be.
  19. Wow. I don’t know whether to be impressed or horrified. According to the message, the notification originated with an app run by the Rhode Island Department of Health, and is still in use. It says the notice was issued anonymously, but think it through - somewhere, at some point, a record has to exist that indicates that you, personally, had same-sex relations (how quaint) with this trick, and may have been infected with the STD he carried. Note that it doesn’t say “you had sex with”; it says “you received a text and/or email message” from a sexual partner. So the message was sent out to either a) individuals the trick positively identified as actual sexual partners on a given online app, or b) they just broadcast the message to everyone the trick texted or emailed within a certain time frame just in case he might have had sex with them. What’s the harm in that, right? Better safe than sorry. Except that for some period of time, however brief, data that indicated that you likely had male-to-male sex with a specific individual and may now be a disease carrier resided on some server somewhere with a positive correlation to your username and/or email address on BBRTS... ...and then they get hacked. How much are you willing to pay to keep your boss from seeing that information? Your bank? Your landlord, insurer, banker, partner, pastor, partner, grandmother? (I’m obviously not asking you any if this personally, @NastyRigPig, this is all just thinking-out-loud.) Whenever I find out I’ve gotten knocked up with some guy’s bugs, one of the first things I do is go back through my app traffic for that session and personally contact as many of the men who used me as I can. When the local health department came to my home the second day after I was released from the hospital from my brush with death from AIDS, the guy peppered me with all kinds of really personal and intrusive questions about who I has sex with, where, when, how, how often, etc., and I finally just told him, “You’re not getting that information.” Not that I could have told him anything useful anyway - men had been breeding me anonymously for over two years at that point, and I had already been tailed by so many men in pitch-dark places the question was almost funny. Maybe I’m just overly touchy about how much information of that nature I’m willing to trust in the hands of either governments or corporations. Governments, very little; corporations, not at all.
  20. What? I’m sorry to pry, but that needs explaining. There’s no way that site could know who actually hooked up with whom, and releasing personal medical information in such a way, even if they could somehow obtain and verify it, would be a no-no. Do you mean that the trick himself contacted you to inform you via BBRTS? Or do you mean that a third party who had certain knowledge that the trick was infectious had seen him hook up with you at the bathhouse and contacted you via BBRTS to alert you of your exposure?
  21. If you read my second post in this thread, you will find the “Pigmaster’s” actual reply to me, quoted in full and unedited. My message as written to BBRTS Customer Service, which produced that response, was straightforward and businesslike - I needed to convey a specific and accurate timeline of events as well as explain my particular situation as efficiently as possible. Even had I been angry (I was not, just astonished) I would not have written an angry email - it just isn’t my style. I had just days prior extended my ongoing subscription - I was not a new subscriber - for another six months. Given the conversations I had by phone with the woman involved, I’m afraid I don’t put much stock in your devil’s advocate theory, @BootmanLA; I got the distinct impression that the block was something she had done herself and would only undo if I met her demand. The fact that I was able, experimentally, to change my username back to the original a week later argues against it being the work of an automated algorithmic process. It was the fact that I was able to (temporarily) do so that prompted me to send my complaint. Regardless of how my message was read, the fact remains that the head of the company took the time to send a long-term paying customer the most dismissive, callous reply possible. I don’t say “rudest” because he didn’t actually call me a faggot as well. People who trample their customers in contempt do not deserve success in business. As he alienates more customers, the revenue he needs to keep his site working and competitive in a marketplace with many consumer options will shrink. As it shrinks, his site will diminish, offer less and (if even possible) poorer support, fewer abilities, and ultimately declining membership and use. It happens to websites all the time. Bad business is bad business, virtually or not. I’m not sure Breedingzone has enough storage capacity for me to spell out how much I despise content filter censorship, and why, so I won’t expound on it here. I will only say that I believe FOSTA/SESTA to be an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which (for benefit of our friends from other sovereign shores) is a guarantee that the federal government may not restrict the ability of citizens to speak freely. While the FOSTA/SESTA laws do not attempt to restrict speech directly, their indirect effect has done precisely that - in this case to the point that I cannot even choose my own name and use of certain common English words is now grounds for adverse action in many situations. This is intolerable and cannot stand.
  22. The problems with BBRTS aren’t just technical - the management and customer support leave an enormous amount to be desired. In my experience, they treat even paying subscribers with contempt, so it’s unsurprising that they don’t seem to care if their product performs well or poorly. We’re just cash cattle to them, after all. I won’t burden the thread with the details of my recent difficulty with them, or with the response I received from their “Pigmaster” - that’s all in another thread that you can read here if interested - suffice it to say that the shortcomings described in the posts above are yet more reasons not to give them any of your money. They’re not getting another nickel of mine.
  23. I would imagine that community might be less focused on STD prevention than one more specifically sex-based like this, the BDSM community, or even the broader LGBTQ community. But even if they are just as aware, it only takes one guy. The fact that you or I can come away from a dozen fucks as a multi-STD carrier suggests, to me, the statistical likelihood that they all came from a single individual. There are individuals out there who never test and allow their bodies to become breeding-grounds for multiple diseases, which they then pass on as a package deal that keeps multi-proliferating until someone like you or me gets tested and treated. But until testing and treatment becomes common and widespread, I fear the proliferation may be exponential. But that’s not what guys want to know when they read your post. What they want to know is: 1) Since intercourse can be awkward even under ideal conditions, how do they accomplish it in a furry persona? Especially with one of those big heads on? Asked with no disrespect for the lifestyle. 2) Are furry outfits made with sexual function in mind, or do they have to be retrofitted? 3) How many furries are walking around with a Bad Dragon dildo attached to their crotch? Unconcealed? Is this considered indecent exposure? 4) [None of my business, really, so please free to ignore this item, though the question begs itself] Did you go as a furry persona, and if so, is it a horse? (If the answer is No, color me astonished.)
  24. Some STDs can produce no outward symptoms in the host for an extended period of time, and continue to be infectious indefinitely - much longer than a few months’ lockdown. Some are incurable and have recurring periods of transmissibility (looking at you, herpes). For some STDs, getting a case of them confers no immunity against getting them again. And none of them, as a rule, kill their host within a matter of days. For these reasons and I’m sure many others I could cite if I were a doctor, the current strategy against COVID-19 would not have had the same effect on all STDs in any case. In fact, if we extrapolate the collective narrative from this forum to the broader community of men having sex with men, a large proportion of the community has abstained during the crisis (and complained about the ensuing horniness) - yet the trend in STDs is still what we see. Sex is a basic human need, and guys have to fuck sooner or later, usually both. As others have said above, the solution is testing and treatment; abstinence is unrealistic. Oh, and then there’s the Chasers and Givers, for whom this is a hobby, but I’m not going to get started on that...
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