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Beta Testers
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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Given that this is a bareback sex site, that ought to suggest that those reading this should say that they’re taking/depositing most loads into asses. But there’s also a great deal of discussion about cocksucking here. Also, when I’m at the baths, sometimes it seems like all Men want is an open mouth and it’s hard to find anyone willing to fuck. So it made me wonder whether, on balance for this community, the majority of cum ends up going in one hole versus the other. Instructions The poll asks whether you have taken/deposited more loads into mouths or into asses, to try to help answer the question. If your answer is close to equal, please choose the one that is even slightly higher. Also, please only count the initial point of deposit, not the final result - i.e., disregard felching, etc. Thanks!
  2. What you see must be a local or regional issue - I have quite good luck with BBRTS up here in KY/IN, and I’ve yet to encounter anyone who wasn’t more or less as advertised by his profile. (Go figure.)
  3. I swear I never cease to be amazed at the creativity of Doms. I wish I understood how their minds worked, but if I did, maybe it wouldn’t be so rewarding to serve them...
  4. I didn’t answer the poll because my answer isn’t really reflected there - I don’t confine my popper use to times when it’s “too big”, but I don’t use poppers for the “buzz”, either. For me, poppers are a tool that allows me greater flexibility and range in what I can do for a Top’s cock inside me, whatever the size. They help ensure that I don’t involuntarily tense up internally during a cock’s assault. As I think about it, I just realized that I don’t actually have a concept of a real human cock that’s “too big” - just a challenge to be accepted. I’ve never, ever, not taken a cock because of its size, and I’ve met some monsters, even before I knew there was such a thing as poppers. Poppers can definitely be a godsend in some situations...
  5. Wiping on the towel was a nice touch. Alternatively, you could’ve smacked him in the nose with your cock so he’d be sure to smell the deposit...
  6. There’s a Top in Indy who takes great pleasure specifically in torturing me with anal orgasm. Recently he’s refined his technique to forcing them over and over in short succession (these are non-ejaculation climaxes, so no refractory period) until the intensity becomes excruciating. Then he edges a big one up slowly and makes me keep my eyes open so he can stare into them when he finally pushes me over the edge. It’s nothing short of a raw power display on his part, and I can tell he loves it when my body loses does what he wants at the end.
  7. Put away your tar and feathers. Making a boogeyman out of “The Government” doesn’t work in this country because this bit of wisdom attributed to Alexis de Toqeville is absolutely right: In a democracy, the people get the government that they deserve. If you point a finger at the top, you’re pointing in the wrong direction. Look instead to your fellow citizens, who have abandoned their God-given ability to think for themselves and instead simply react in reflex to fearmongering special interests. You don’t like these laws? Have you written to your Senator? Your Congressman? Have you made your outrage clear on the editorial page of your city’s newspaper? Or are you content simply to reflexively, and without much thought, blame “The Government” and by extension vilify everyone who works in it? I was a federal civil servant for 30 years. I worked my ass off for my countrymen. Every day my coworkers - honest, dedicated public professionals - and I did our damnedest to squeeze the most value we could out of every limited tax dollar we had so we could give that value back to the citizens we served. We didn’t decide laws - we didn’t even have anything to do with most of them. But in our experience, every time some guy had a gripe with “The Government”, guess who got a suitcase full of bad attitude? Think it through. Who sponsored this legislation? Who pushed it through? Why? What was their agenda? Stopping human trafficking is not a bad goal, but this solution is not ideal; why did no one object, or object strongly enough? Why did no one offer a better solution? Once the House flips, is anyone going to mount an effort to modify or repeal? If not, why the hell not? What about you? Do you hate this enough to do something about it, or are you just going to smear “The Government” here on a fringe forum?
  8. ^ This is definitely the Brass Ring as far as the kind of Top I find most satisfying to serve - a Top who masters me, takes control early, breaks me down, and takes everything from me that he desires. By the time I’m broken, I know he’s found what he wants in my body, and nothing is going to stop him from taking it, and I can just be glad to be the powerless offering to his Masculinity at that point.
  9. That is entirely possible. While I have served a number of very aggressive and demanding Doms, none ever identified himself as an Alpha or described his role in the way you describe yours. I did not start this thread as a cry for ownership. I collar myself. I have been owned, but my Master’s desire to own me was limited to his experimentation - not the kind of desire to possess and control another that I think I understand you to mean that an Alpha feels. In your view, what would a man you would consider an Alpha think of another man who took ownership of a bottom and then, rather than using the bottom for himself exclusively, shared the bottom with his friends, or whored the bottom out to strangers (for humiliation, because it amused him, etc.)? I apologize if the tenor of the thread or my questions has offended you in any way - it sounds as though you hold your sexual philosophy as strongly as I do my own. Perhaps my tendency to broadcast my openness to serve everyone is the very reason I haven’t met many Alphas; they must simply find that I’m not what they’re looking for.
  10. Please don’t misunderstand me - I have no quarrel with arrogance or aggression in Tops. It’s a desirable trait, as far as I’m concerned. I’m not sure I understand how you mean that a bottom who is in it for the loads is arrogant for claiming to be a service bottom; such a bottom may be disingenuous, or selfish, or even dishonest about his motives, but perhaps you could elaborate on how you see it as arrogant. Personally, I don’t measure success in loads collected. I measure it in Tops satisfied. There really, truly are service bottoms who are in it because we feel a sense of purpose in serving others - and I am one of them.
  11. I’m not entirely sure I follow your point here and further down your post - I understand the dynamic you’re explaining between Alpha and Beta males (I think; Top thinking remains mysterious to me) but I’m not sure how that translates from the cumdump’s perspective. From the perspective of the Alpha, you say that once he has chosen to fuck a bottom and cum inside him - essentially ‘marking’ him - he then owns perpetual right to fuck that bottom. But if the bottom’s belief is already that any man may fuck him at any time, the Alpha’s ‘marking’ is significant only to the Alpha, and perhaps to any other Alphas or Betas who subscribe to those distinctions. What you suggest is that an absolute right can be obtained, but only for an individual Alpha. Granted it requires a certain level of aggression to be an Alpha, but that sounds more like arrogance, akin to pissing in a public park and then claiming it as your own. If an Alpha sashayed into my room at the baths and bred me, and then informed me, “Your ass belongs to me now an no one else,” I would 1) be inclined to giggle, 2) thank him for the compliment but explain that my ass is public property dedicated to the common good and the enjoyment of everone, and 3) ask him to please step outside because others were waiting to fuck me. - or if no on was waiting, ask if he wanted another round...
  12. One must meet certain qualifications to be a no loads refused bottom? You appear to have a set of criteria. There is an age limitation, you say? Please, enlighten us about all the necessaries.
  13. Deciding which task you should tackle first will depend on why you’re setting out to do all this in the first place. Are you more motivated by the sites as business concerns, or do you see them as a service filling a need for the community? These are not mutually exclusive motivators of course, but one would tend to point you in one direction over another. If two men are seated at their computers looking at and sharing pornographic pictures, what are they not doing? They’re not fucking. If two men are discussing mutual fantasies and fapping off in their separate bedrooms, what are they not doing? They’re not barebacking. On this site there’s a great deal of bemoaning the state of the ability for men to connect in real time, in real life, for real sex, and even real relationships, because of the obstacles and distractions offered online. There is much complaint that the very way we look at one another has been warped beyond reality thanks to the deluge of electronic porn. Yet as soon as the wellsprings of that smut are closed off, the wail becomes even louder. You, therefore, as a site owner and content provider are in the (unenviable) position of directing potential development in the subculture, for goid or for ill, whether you want to be or not. If your eye is on the fiscal bottom line, there’s certainly an argument to be made in favor of going the social media route. Developing those platforms means more eyes in front of more screens for more hours, because the activity becomes the end in itself. By contrast, a hookup site would meet a present and growing need in the community - with the fall of CL and the steady erosion of other alternatives due to censorship - but the goal of the service is ultimately to separate the user from the screen. Monetizing such services is problematic for obvious reasons, and therr will have to be a strategy for dealing with attempt at abuse of the system by sex workers. Your commitment to the cause of getting bare cocks into wet holes would have to be pretty firm. My personal preference won’t be much use to you, since I’m not a very representative sample; aside from some tasteful erotica, I don’t partake of much porn, or spend any time on social media...unless I’m trying to hook up. So naturally I’m for anything that gets Tops out of the house and on the prowl, and opposed to anything that might encourage them to relieve their sexual tension in front of a screen. But that’s just my two cents, which is two cents more than it costs to fuck me, so take it for what it’s worth. ?
  14. ErosWired

    Thesaurus of Cock

    Whenever I am not being fucked enough (okay, that would be constantly) I find myself lying here thinking too much, and occasionally about – unsurprisingly – cock. We have all been down the list of words than mean “penis” - oh, don't give me that, you're not fooling anybody, you had a big cheesy grin on your face at the time, so just admit it – and I considered it today. This modest standalone Thesaurus of Cock boasts a prodigious number of synonyms. One source I checked noted 174 items, dwarfing (to my surprise) the listing of Urban Dictionary. Another source offered a more robust 238 terms. Compiling different ones, I arrived at more than 350 alternatives for cock. This is important for three reasons. First, if you are a writer of a better quality of smut, it becomes necessary to switch up the common nouns after a while to keep things fresh, and to build effective metaphor: His basilisk turned itself to stone and slithered relentlessly into the twink's moist cavern. Second: Take that, you DoubleList and Grindr censorship fuckers. You think you're so damned clever because your filters stop us from using cock? Well I've got a 7” disco stick and I'm ready to dance all night. Third – and this is what got me thinking to start with – there are some words used for cock that turn me off. Top of the list is pecker. Ha-ha-ha-HA-Ha! Ha-ha-ha-HA-ha! My name ain't Woody Woodpecker, dude. I'm not fond of dick, either. I don't have a “Richard”. Wiener has never worked for me, and after the whole Anthony Wiener thing, it never, ever will. Willy – nope. Nor any of the silly, nonsensical names like dong, dork, tallywhacker, or who who dilly (someone was seriously repressed). Also, the terms that tend to diminish cocks don't do it for me: chubbie, dink/dinker, peeter/peter, twig, weewee, and winkie. Bear in mind, I'm not so much talking about what I don't like my own cock to be called – frankly, gentlemen, I'd prefer that you ignored my cock altogether and focused your attention on my ass. The greater danger is in what a Top calls his own equipment because of the affect it can have on my response to him... including a tendency to giggle. (Giggle stick? Really?) I provide the compiled Thesaurus of Cock below for your use, in alphabetical order. A few observations: This listing is not intended as comprehensive. I have no doubt that you will find omissions from your personal experience. A couple of entries are simply prefixes that can be added to just about anything, purple-headed and one-eyed. An attentive reader will note that most of these terms could be grouped into broad categories, like Edibles, Military, Mythological, Musical, Zoological, etc. One category that suggests itself is Friend/Companion for the number of entries like Big Jim and the Twins, Mr. Happy, Little Alex, and so forth. If using this for writing alternatives, be alert for the Law of Diminising Returns. It is possible to choose a word that will destroy any credibility you may have with the reader. For instance: His purple-helmeted warrior of love struck the puckered door to the fortress like a battering ram or even For over an hour his trombone played sweet rhythm and blues to his lover's ass, before closing the set with a shot of jazz. Use some common sense. Some of these are strangely specific, and I am at a loss to describe the context in which one would appropriately use them: Nebraska State Capitol, Chairman Mao, Jerry Springer. The presence of Luigi but no Mario or Wario is puzzling, as is the complete absence of any Pokémon reference – including pokémon. Lastly: If you happen to be the owner of Krull the Warrior King, please contact me at once either by text or email. Please. Thesaurus of Cock 100% all-beef thermometer Alabama black snake albino cave dweller anaconda anal impaler antenna appendage appendicle Aries baby arm baby maker bag of tricks bald-headed yogurt slinger baloney pony basilisk BBC beaver basher bed snake beef whistle Big Jim and the Twins big Italian salami bird bishop blue-vein sausage bobby dangler bone boner boom stick braciole branch bratwurst broner bud bulge burrito bushwhacker candle Captain Chairman Mao chap choad chopper chub chubbie chup chut clarinet cobra cock cock rocket cod Colonel cornholer cranny axe cucumber cum gun custard launcher cyclops D D train dagger danger noodle dangler deep-V diver dick dick smalls ding ding dong ding-a-ling dingis/dingus dink dinker dinky dipstick disco stick doder doinker domepiece dong donger dork dragon drill drum stick dude piston easy rider eggroll elephant elevator excalibur extremity family jewels fang ferret fire hose flesh flute flesh tower footlong fuck rod fuck stick fuck truck fudge sickle fun stick gearshift General and two Colonels genitalia genitals giggle stick goober goofy goober groin ferret gut wrench hairy hotdog hammer hard drive hard-on hardware heat-seeking moisture missile helmet head hockey cocky hog hollow point homeboy hose hotdog hotdogger Humperdink jackhammer jagoff Jerry Springer Jimmy John John Thomas Johnson joystick junk katana kickstand kielbasa King Sebastian knight knob Krull the Warrior King lady boner lamb kebab lap rocket lawnmower leaky hose Lieutenant/Leftenant lightsaber lingam lipstick Little Alex Little Billy Little Bob little buddy Little Elvis little friend Little Stevie lizard lollipop Longfellow love muscle love rod love shaft love stick love whistle Luigi machine main vein Major male organs man meat man muscle man umbrella manhood mast master of ceremonies master sword meat meat and two veg meat injection meat popsicle meat stick meat sword meat thermometer member microphone middle leg middle stump mongoose monster Mr. Happy Mr. Knish Mr. Winky mustang mutton Nebraska State Capitol netherrod nuclear missile ol' one-eye old boy old chap old fellow old man one-eyed... P packer patz pecker Pedro peen peepee peeper peeter penile Percy Peter Ph.D phallus pickle piece Pied Piper pig skin bus pink oboe pink torpedo pink tractor beam piss weasel piston pitched tent pizzle plonker plug pocket monster pocket rocket poinswatter polaroid pole Popeye pork sword prick Princess Sophia private parts privates privy parts pud purple-headed... purple-helmeted warrior of love putz python quiver bone ramburglar remote control reproductive organs rocks rod rod of pleasure rooster Russell the love muscle salami sausage schlong schlort schmeckel schmuck/shmuck schnitzel schwantz/schwanz sconge screwdriver sea monster sebastianic sword secondary sex characteristic sequoia sex organs sexcalibur shaft shlittle shlong short arm shrinkage silver bullet single barrelled pump action shotgun single serving soup dispenser skin flute slut slayer snake sniper rifle soldier spawn hammer staff steamin' semen roadway stick stick shift stiffy surfboard tan banana tallywhacker tent pole thing third leg throbber thumper thunderbird thundersword tinker todger tonka tonsil tickler tool torpedo tramp killer tripod trombone trouser meat trouser snake tubesteak twig twinkie Uncle Dick undercover brother unit vein wand wang wang doodle wanger wanker wankie warrior of love Washington Monument wedding tackle wee wee wee weenie weiner whang whiskey dick who who dilly whoopie stick wick wiener wiener schnitzel willie winkie WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction/Weapon of Male Destruction) wonder weasel wonder worm wood yardstick yingyang yogurt gun yogurt hose yogurt slinger yoo-hoo Zeus zubra zuchini
  15. The request is ridiculous from the outset. If a bottom is going to take you raw, he’s going to be accepting your fluids throughout the fuck in the form of precum or early cum leakage even if you do pull out before ejaculating. If he’s trying to stay safe from STDs, he can’t have all the fun and none of the risk. If he’s prepared to take the cock bare, he should be prepared to take the load. He’s not going to end up with a kid in 9 months.
  16. Go to the grocery store and pick up a small jar/tub of coconut oil. Around $5 US. It’s odorless, tasteless, plant-based, and slick. It’s solid at room temperature but liquifies at body temperature (it’s as though the stuff was designed for fucking). What your body doesn’t absorb cleans up easily with soap and water.
  17. Like @Cumfilledbottomboi, my hole opens to whatever it’s called. When I refer to it myself, my word of choice is cunt because it connotes a sexual function for the hole that is not as feminine (to my way of thinking) as pussy. A cunt is utilitarian. A cunt is something to be used, and used repeatedly. A cunt does not require delicate handling. Consider similar words - shunt, brunt, punt, blunt, stunt, grunt, hunt - all words with a decidedly masculine sense, bearing meanings that denote sudden, abrupt, decisive, rough action. Thus, I would submit that cunt is an appropriate word for a male fuckhole. It also pairs nicely in use with cock. When I’m at the bathhouse I hang a sign on the wall over me where I’m lying ass-up, with an arrow pointing down at me, that reads: CUNT FOR YOUR COCK. I have no argument at all with those who prefer to think of their man-holes as pussies, or with Tops who use the term - mine gets called that about half the time. In fact, one of the best compliments I’ve ever had was from an older black gentleman who finished fucking me (very expertly I might add - woof) and then said, “That is good pussy. Good pussy is hard to find.” But me... I’m a cunt for your cock. Whenever you’re ready. ?
  18. Two days later, an hour after another cleaning out with Samuel and Jamail, the Gray Man came to Ben in his spartan room. He gestured for Ben to remain on his narrow bed. Ben wondered, with apprehension, what the demand would be this time - the shelf set into the wall next to the bed already held an array of phallic object of increasing size that had been used to penetrate his anus unannounced at random times of the day and night, sometimes without lubrication. Yet these had always been brought by the Gray Man's servants, never by the man himself. "Hello, Benjamin," said the Gray Man. "You're looking well today. John tells me that you produced nearly 30 milliliters of semen during the milking exercise yesterday. That is very good, although I believe you can do better." Ben shuddered slightly. The "exercise" had been excruciating - John had bound him to a web of ropes on a basement wall and masturbated him continuously without respite through five orgasms. Ben had thought he would lose his mind when John paid no heed to his pleas that his cock was too sensitive after cumming. The Gray Man reached out and ran his hands over the tissue-like fabric of Ben's shorts and shirt, brushing across his cock underneath and finding it hard. Ben had found that his cock had been hardening unbidden lately whenever one of the other men approached; he did not understand why. Feeling it, the Gray Man grabbed hold of the fabric with both hands and ripped it, exposing him. He did the same with Ben's shirt, revealing taut nipples. "Promising," the Grey Man said. "I think you will benefit from today's activity, which will be a tutorial on focus." He clapped twice, and Samuel and Jamail appeared through the doorway. The Gray Man nodded to them, and walked out, leaving them to raise Ben up, strip away the remnants of his clothing, and lead him to a new room on the second floor. This room contained nothing except two objects at the very center. The first was a stool. The stool had a round seat with a round hole in its center and metal rings halfway up the legs. The second object was a metal bar suspended from the ceiling above the stool. Dim red light illuminated the area, making Ben think of heat, of flesh, of blood, of carnality. Jamail seized his arm with one hand and expertly inserted a lubed finger into Ben's anus, slicking up the hole. Samuel took each of Ben's wrists and ankles and snapped on a set of leather cuffs with metal rings. They then led Ben to the stool and had him sit on it. Once seated, they lifted his ankles to the rings on the stool legs and linked the rings with the rings on his cuffs so that his feet could not touch the ground. Then they lifted his arms to grab hold of the bar above his head, and attached his wrist cuffs to the bar so he could not lower them. Then they disappeared behind him where he could not see, and began working on something related to the stool. After a time, Samuel and Jamail left the room, and everything went quiet. Within a few minutes, Ben noticed something lowering itself from the ceiling in front of him, spider like, in front of his eyes, where it stopped and hung, slowly turning. A golden coin. "You are to focus, Benjamin," said the voice of the Gray Man from some speaker, "on the golden coin before you. Let your eyes discover its every detail. Let your mind embrace it, become it. Let the golden coin become a surrogate for your body, suspended freely in space. Let nothing distract you. No matter what you may hear, or sense, or feel, remind yourself, 'I am the golden coin'. Focus." Something clicked and began to whir, like a motor, at the base of the stool. "Focus," said the voice. "Watch the coin. Do not lose focus for any reason." Ben focused on the golden coin. It seemed to grow larger, to begin to fill his field of vision, to pulse with flashes of light. Something touched his anus. "Focus." Something smooth, round, and... thick had begun pushing upward through the hole in the stool, attempting to penetrate him. Ben tensed his legs to raised up slightly. "Nothing is happening. You are the coin. Say it aloud - 'I am the golden coin'". "I am the golden coin," repeated Ben. The thick object kept rising. Ben pulled himself upward a little using his arms by the hanging bar. The whirring underneath the stool grew more intense. "Watch the golden coin, Benjamin. Watch its every move. It is the only thing that matters at all. Focus on it. Drive from your mind any distraction. Remember that you are a golden coin, turning and shining in the air." Ben could raise himself no farther, and the thick object pushed past his ring, given easy entry by Jamail's lubricant. "FOCUS! Focus on the golden coin!" Ben tried to ignore the feeling of being invaded, the burn developing in his straining arms and legs, the stretch of his anal ring, and pay attention to the details of the golden coin. It had a raised edge around its circumference on both sides, and some lettering on... The thick object crept inexorably into his body. He felt his arms begin to weaken. Gravity would soon force him down onto this invading spike against his will. "DO NOT LOSE FOCUS. You are the golden coin." "I am the golden coin. I am the golden coin. I am the... o-hhhhhhhhh...." Ben groaned as the object passed his second sphincter. His arms and legs shook from the strain of trying to keep himself lifted off the stool - he realized they would give out in seconds. In his mind he could see his body sink down onto the penetrator in utter defeat. "FOCUS YOUR MIND. FOCUS ON THE GOLDEN COIN." Ben's arms went slack, his legs could no longer hold him up, and as he sank downward, he felt each millimeter of invasion as the flexible phallic spike climbed inside him, claimed him, owned him. He flung his head back and moaned loudly. Then he felt an uncontrollable pulsing deep in his groin as his prostate succumbed to the pressure and stimulation, and his entire body clenched around that new foreign core and semen poured out of his cock into pool on the floor. In the white haze of his climax, all he could see was the golden coin, turning slowly before him, and he imagined himself as that coin, spinning in the air. He came down from his orgasm to the feeling of the motor reversing, pulling the long dildo out of his ass. Samuel and Jamail had reentered the room and began unlinking him from the stool. Samuel said, "Looked like you lost focus there for a while." He gave a knowing smile. "Don't worry. You'll get to try again."
  19. I have to say I've never quite understood the mindset of coveting loads. A few months ago at CumUnion, a Top had just finished seeding me, and the second he cleared the room, another bottom - literally - leapt between my legs and slammed his face into my ass and started sucking. When he finished, he said, "I had been watching that guy, planning on getting his load, but then you got it. Now I got it anyway." And then he left. What the hell? It wasn't hot, it wasn't sexy - I felt like I my ass had been mugged. The only reason I need to keep the cum in my ass is because so many Tops like my ass cummy and wet. I need to keep some because Men like to finger me and feel the cum inside, and rub it on my lips. Do I mind if another bottom comes along to fetch it out? Not on principle, but if a bottom is so load-obsessed that he feels like he's "stealing" a load from me right out of my ass, that guy's got issues. I don't measure success in loads. I measure success in whether I've satisfied a Top. It's not about me, not about what I "get" or what I "keep". If I can help another bottom give great service to a Top, I will, because for me, it's about the service.
  20. I would be very interested in hearing responses to this as well, as I have learned the hard way to be extra, extra cautious about being the third in a threesome with a couple. I know that amicable multi-breeder arrangements can work, because I met the bottom end of one on Saturday and he told me about it. But meeting him brought up another question: When two breeders have a vers bottom that they happily share, how do they feel about that bottom going out and fucking a fourth on his own? (I ask because the guy who met me Saturday night didn’t meet me for parcheesi. He came in me four times. .)
  21. There are lots of men on here who not only don’t pnp but refuse to play with those who do, for plenty of very legit reasons. Including bad experiences. I am now in the “Hell no” camp myself.
  22. @hungry_hole - No, what I describe absolutely does not happen to almost every guy after they ejaculate, and no, I am far from “clueless” about how male sexuality works. I just disagree with your unsupportable claims, and your openly judgmental opinions. Please, spare us both your armchair psychology and your thinly veiled hostility. If you’ve got a beef with me, either hash it out privately or just block me, but don’t embarrass yourself on the open boards. I’d rather agree to disagree and not get personal about it.
  23. Nope. But whatever, it’s your topic and I’m going to leave you alone. Have fun storming the castle.
  24. You do realize, don’t you, that your statistic also demonstrates that 43% do not give loads, which means that just under half your sample does not enjoy fucking s sloppy anon hole, and whether you believe them or not doesn’t change that fact one iota. I don’t mean to keep yanking your chain, man, but this is not science, or even good statistical analysis.
  25. Not funny stupid, just wtf stupid: Guy on Grindr: “Sup” ?Me(answering only because I’m trained to service anyone): “Hi there! How are you?” Guy on Grindr: “I’m bored” Gnn...GNAH! Really? Your best opener is that your brain can’t stimulate itself? Oh, no, wait, I get it - this is actually a clever ruse to lure me into saying something like “Let’s do something about that” because you’re 1) Too fucking lazy to think of anything or 2) Too shy to suggest hooking up yourself, and 3) Assume that I naturally equate “bored” with “horny”. Nitwit. If a guy tells me he’s bored that instantly signals to me that he’ll be bored even if he’s fucking me, and I’m not even going to try to save that lost cause. I don’t do bored. Hard limit.
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