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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. @nelly26 - Sir, your comments are out of place. Doubling-down on insult is contrary to the nature of discourse on this site as expressed in the “Read This Before You Post” topic, which I encourage you to revisit. You make the point - for reasons unclear - that you have been a member here since early 2016, yet in the nearly three years since then you have contributed only 101 posts, earned 17 downvotes on that content, and yourself gave a remarkable 36 downvotes on others’ opinions. This is a profile of someone who enjoys discord, intolerant of other people and their viewpoints, yet this is a site that positively requires an open mind in order to successfully participate. There are, as it happens, some points of your argument above with which I might even be inclined to agree - but your rhetoric is too caustic to engage in civil debate. As a result, I’m just going to react, henceforth, as though you have ceased to exist. ————————- To the OP: I should add to my earlier post in reply to the original question that the one thing that did set me back a while was a time when a big cock aggravated my anal fissure before it had completely healed. That took me out for a solid month. The difference between irritation and injury can be huge in terms of how much time a bottom needs for recovery.
  2. This has been discussed in depth in other topics, but essentially, there’s nothing in it for the Top unless the Top is one of a very distinct set who specifically gets his thrill from this kind of control. Otherwise, it’s nothing but work for the Top who has to search out candidates, negotiate hookups, answer messages and emails from all of them, post ads, and put up with the flakes and game-players... and sometimes they don’t even want to let him watch. All in all, it’s a miracle any Top does it at all. It’s something I consider above and beyond the duty of any Top, and a deep privilege for a bottom to receive. NOTE: For a Top to do such a thing for any material consideration would constitute behavior that we cannot discuss on this site
  3. Would you care to elaborate, for the benefit of those of us who evidently are not as worthy of cock as you, as to 1) what you mean by ‘seedy’, and 2) who you think you are to sashay in here and pronounce your unsolicited and unwelcome judgment on the rest of us? You don’t think bottoms who use poppers know how to appreciate an erect cock? You don’t think we’re any good at sex? Your opinion is as fatuous as it is uninformed. There are several Men who seek out my service on a repeated basis who would apparently disagree with you. No one has made a value judgment about your sexual proclivities; please extend the same courtesy to others while you’re here.
  4. I’m not sure how to answer in this context. I take cock for the love of Men, but I see no point in doing it without the assistance of lube and poppers that help me extend my ability to serve. Generally speaking, even after an hour-long fucking with a big cock that breaks down all my resistance and leaves me limp as though the Top is raping a sack of grain - and God knows I love that - after about five minutes I still rise up, shake my body loose, and get back in the saddle. There have been times when a Top has fucked me so severely and painfully that my cunt was so swollen and sore afterward that inserting my own finger hurt. My solution in those cases isn’t to call it a night. My solution is ibuprofen for swelling and topical lidocaine in my hole (which stings like righteous fuck and makes me to catch my breath when applied). Now that is what I consider ‘doing it for the love of men’ - doing whatever it takes to keep my cunt in service.
  5. Yeah... now I’m sorry I asked. If the topic puts you in mind of an ass-proud, self-centered bottom who thinks cock is an entitlement, then clearly the only thing I can accomplish here is to be completely misunderstood. I do thank you, though, for giving me a sense that there are ‘protocols’ to consider - that had not occurred to me before. It also makes me a little sad for some reason...
  6. @BBBoyfromTN - Thanks for that well-rounded perspective, which basically answered my question. I categorically do not want to be compensated for my services to Tops in any way, because that would run completely counter to both my role and duty as I believe them to be, and the service ethic I uphold. While my interest in this question is purely driven by a desire to make myself even more available to Tops who wish to use me, your response makes it clear that there is no way to go about it that would not be misconstrued. It’s somewhat frustrating to express myself in this arena because I say exactly what I mean and mean exactly what I say - I have always been that way. I don’t play games, and I don’t misrepresent myself. Yet so many men do when it comes to sex and intimacy that it’s almost assumed. If I say it wouldn’t occur to me to ask a Top to compensate me for something he had a right to to begin with, most men would just think I was spouting a typical bottom talking-point, and not realize I’m being completely serious. So of course you’re right, anyone would see a donation box to defray travel expense as a ‘tip jar’ or worse. If I want to make myself available more often, I’ll just have to find another way to cover the cost myself.
  7. With PrEP available, consciously allowing yourself to contract HIV would be idiotic. Re-read the post by @BBBoyfromTN above. I second it.
  8. I have never been in a position to appreciate ‘quality’, as It appears that I am not the sort of person guys gravitate toward for long-term associations. I have been very flattered quite a few times when men have come to me for repeated service - when they could have had anyone - but even for those the novelty and/or caliber of my service eventually loses their interest and they move on without a word. As others here have noted, I am also part of that over-50 cohort who feels the press of time at our backs, and are opting for quantity before age cancels out sexual ticket. I personally hope that I lose all sexual desire right at the point when I would start to look ridiculous trying to get laid. Just in case that doesn’t happen, I want to stock up on enough memories to see me through when no relief is coming.
  9. The bow tie was a nice touch.
  10. I have been very hesitant to reply to this topic because I loathe stereotypes. I preface this reply with the caveat that I fully acknowledge that my experience and perception are limited and not intended to represent or categorize any particular group as a whole. That said, for reasons I cannot quite pin down, I generally get the most satisfaction from servicing black men. It has nothing to do with cock size - though two of the three biggest cocks I’ve ever taken happened to belong to black men, this demonstrates nothing. It has nothing to do with lots of things, actually. I’ve opened up for black men who hold a PhD, and black men whose only letters are the ones tattooed across their knuckles. I think it’s because the black men who have chosen to fuck me - and this includes my very first time - have all seemed more attuned to their bodies than the average man. They seem to exhibit a level of ‘kinetic intelligence’ others do not have. One young man in Indianapolis who has bred me twice is a sensitive, intelligent musician, and all of those qualities fuse seamlessly into his physical sexual expression. (He’s also hung like a bassoon, but he would be a terrific fuck even without that...) Naturally, this neither applies to every single black man nor excludes all non-black men; it is simply one person’s observation based on a limited study population with no control set or standard baseline. But I’ve been fucked and fucked very, very well by a significant number of black men, and if I were asked to choose the next man to fuck me, sight unseen, by selecting a skin color, I would probably say black... but I would resent the criterion. The bottom line is that I don’t turn anyone away. I find it very troubling to read here that some black men are discouraged from even trying to hook up with men like me for fear of prejudice and rejection. Please know that there are those of us who see you as human beings first, and then as Men, and then as Tops or bottoms, and only then, much further down the line if at all, one color or the other. Me, as long as you fuck me, I don’t care if you’re green.
  11. This. I can’t claim that I have thoughts of being made “with-child” pregnant by a Top, and I know too much about how the body works to entertain ideas of taking in - let alone sharing out again via my own cum - anyone else’s DNA through an anal deposit. Yet I can’t escape the feeling that every single time a man unloads inside me he has added a part of himself to the sum total of what I am, in a way that can never be undone. He has shared with me the experience of being inside my body. He has implanted his own essence there, and can always now look at me and say, “I am within you. I am part of you.” I wonder if there are Tops who view it the other way around - who see a bottom they’ve fucked and get turned on knowing that they’ve permanently implanted something inside him...
  12. Camp Buckwood in central Indiana. It’s not referred to as “Camp Fuckwood” for nothing.
  13. A couple of times lately I’ve taken quite sizeable cocks, and afterward asked, “So, how big is that thing/monster/weapon (depended on circumstance) and the Top answered, “I don’t know, I’ve never measured it.” I mean... come on. I’m an overly trusting sort of guy, and take most of what people say at face value. I even give the benefit of the doubt. But believe that a gay/bi guy has never been curious enough about his cock size to secretly figure out how he measures up to the other guys? Puh-lease. Cock size is a currency by which social transactions are conducted in this world, and the denominations are in inches. Why would a man be coy about being forthcoming with an answer to his cock length if the person asking is acknowledging admiration for its size? I might understand a guy with a really small cock dodging the question (though I still wouldn’t believe he had never measured it), but not anyone average or higher. Have any of you here actually never measured your cock (be truthful) and if so, could you explain why? (Before you ask, yes I have. Right at 7”, with a girth a hair over 5”. A waste of a good cock on a total bottom... )
  14. The color for bareback sex is, according to some sources, navy blue with white polka dots. Maybe the dots symbolize dripping cum; who knows who comes up with these things?
  15. There are plenty of products made for this exact problem. If application of lidocaine lotion or cream is a problem, KY Duration is a spray - just spray on a small treatment and in you go. Or you can google “lubes for premature ejaculation” for more options. Or, just plan on cumming more than once. The bottom won’t mind. I promise he won’t. ? But whatever happens, don’t waste it!
  16. Okay, but the important question is: would you still fuck it anyway?
  17. I’m glad that you’re finding fulfillment in your arrangement, then, and congratulations. If you hope that they will begin fucking you in future, do you ever do things to promote the idea of the possibility to them? For instance, allowing yourself to be “caught” playing with a dildo or watching hardcore anal porn? It’s another way you could be enhancing their enjoyment of life, if only they knew.
  18. Do you feel like this had “kind of morphed” into a situation where you’re being exploited? How reduced is this rent? If you calculate the value of the services you’re performing for them (let’s ignore the cocksucking for the moment) at even a minimal rate, is the value of that daily service spread over a month equivalent to the amount of the reduction in your rate? Are you having to pay out-of-pocket to fuel their cars? Because it sounds to me like you’re getting the raw end of this deal, and not in our favorite way around here. Not trying to tell you what to do, but it sounds as if a renegotiation of the rental agreement might be in order. The fact that you have found yourself in this situation with a bunch of Alpha male-types suggests that you are yourself a more submissive type. I might gently suggest that if you find it difficult to assert your best interest in negotiating an equitable agreement, you might consider moving - lest they begin to take you even more for granted. Of course, if you’re happy as Beulah the cow with things as they are, then ignore all of the above - not trying to sow a seed of discontent, just giving a perspective from the outside.
  19. I try to offer my ass up in service for Tops a couple of times a month, in hotel rooms and at the baths. My service is always performed gratis, of course, because I believe that is the role I am meant to play in the Grand Scheme of Things. Men seem to appreciate it, and I’ve even started to get contacts from guys wanting to know when I’ll be back next. I would do it more often, but the thing is, it ain’t cheap. The lodging/room costs for hotel and bathhouse for those three nights a month, plus gas to get me there, set me back well north of two Benjamins a month. I don’t mind taking on the expense - it enables me to serve. But doing more is beyond my means at present. My question is: For those of you who take advantage of such services, if the guy offering the service left out a box for donations box to help defray expenses and enable more frequent service, would you ever consider contributing to it? Or would you just assume your donation would go for some other use and not bother? Would seeing such a box give you the impression that something was expected of you in exchange for the service, even if it were clearly labeled that there was no obligation? Could it be done in any way that would make it clear that the guy was not “in business”? I probably already intuit the answers to these questions, but I’d like to hear others’ input.
  20. What, 79 guys have read the question and nobody has an opinion?
  21. My proudest was my 34-fuck gangbang at camp a few years ago. But I’m also very proud of three different gargantuan cocks I was able to service bslls deep until they unloaded, because I know those Tops didn’t always get to enjoy themselves to the full. I’m proud of the times I’ve been used for public sexual demonstrations, and proud that viewing my orgasm might have excited or inspired others. And of course, I’m proud of the training that conditioned my mind to accept my role as a cumdump bottom, and gave me the ability to cum on command. @punaman - This is my first post after becoming an official SLUT too! Congrats!
  22. ErosWired

    A Shout-Out

    The night before December CumUnion in Indy I attempted to take a fist. I really thought I would get there, but it didn’t quite happen, despite the patient and experienced effort of the fister doing the work. Alas. I had not had anyone seriously take the time with my ass before, and I consider it a failure on my part that I didn’t open up readily for him. I think the fact that I bled slightly early on may have made him extra cautious; he said I should practice with someone with smaller hands. The effort wasn’t wasted, though - the night was still young when we finished, and my hole was as loose and receptive as it had ever been, just in time for me to slut myself at the hotel for the night. And it’s a good thing I was ready. I don’t fuck-and-tell very often, but sometimes the Top offers such a memorable performance that I feel I ought to give due praise. In this case, I want to give a shout-out to BBRTS member CubDomTop (not currently a BZ member) who bred me with two big loads and ample Top attitude. It ended up being one of my favorite kind of fucks, where the Top just loves using the hole and has stamina to spare. He rutted me until I started to lose energy, then picked up the pace just as I really began to struggle to keep up, and ended finally just fucked me limp into the mattress. But what I loved best, and what proved to me that he was really enjoying the hole, was when he flipped me over on my back, put my legs up, told me he was going to cum in me, and told me to keep my eyes open and looking into his. That sent me into climax in seconds, and watching my orgasm in my eyes seemed to power him up in a big way. He finished loud, hard, deep, and staring straight into my eyes. After we rested and I massaged him down a bit, he decided he wanted to breed again, and loaded me up balls deep a second time, telling me “That is a great pussy!” He’s already said he’s looking forward to having it again next time I’m in town. If you’re ever in Indy and looking on BBRTS, be sure to check out CubDomTop - highly recommend by this well-used cunt. **I have just realized that this entry is my 500th total posting to BZ - making me officially a Slut. I’m so proud. **
  23. Great topic! I’m a Maker, and my former Master used to come up with horrid ideas for sexual torture devices and then make me build them to use on me. I’m currently working on a custom cock/ball ring to 3D print that will be in two halves held together by rare earth magnets that will absolutely prevent balls from slipping back through and will be waterproof for wear at the baths. I can also see many possibilities for various cock insertables - it’s just a pity we can’t yet 3D print stainless steel. ? Imagine though - If you had a precise mesh of the outer surface of your erect cock, you could design objects that would fit absolutely perfectly. You could print cock rings to bespoke sizes. You could 3D print just about any penis in the natural world and have a collection on your mantlepiece, with your own standing in for Homo sapiens. O brave new world, that has such deviants in it... ?
  24. Just something it occurred to me to ask - if a bottom reaches around you while you’re fucking him, grabs hold of your ass, and pulls you deeper into him, do you find this pleasing or annoying/insulting? I rarely do this, but have done it before, usually if the top is having issues staying inside me, or if I’m on the edge of a bed and his thrusting keeps inching me forward. I don’t do it purely because I want him deeper inside me (that would be constantly) because I assume most often he’s in control and as deep as he wants to be at the moment. But I can imagine it being perceived as a pushy or needy move from a Top’s perspective. Any insights? Preferences? Instructions?
  25. Quality isn’t always studio standard, but I haven’t met anyone who didn’t look like the pics he posted. On the other hand, half of them were just cock shots, and in half of the hookups I never actually saw the face of the guy fucking me, so maybe I’m being overly positive... Um... what exactly was the guy doing at Tommy’s graduation from high school that he would be posting as a profile pic on BBRTS? Was he doing it with Tommy? As a graduation present? At the ceremony? (Kinky.) Is his sister Tommy’s mom? (Deeply disturbing.) All in all, I think it’s probably a good thing he never got those pictures... ?
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