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The results of this poll are troubling. More than 45% of respondents were minors when they were first sodomized. Nearly two out of every ten respondents was still a child 12 or younger. And this poll is not a small sampling - as if this writing, there have been 1,001 replies to the poll, suggesting that these numbers may be reliable indicators of the trend for the kind of men who would be exposed to the poll, i.e. the kind of men who log in to Breedingzone (a cohort distinct in many ways from the general population of sexually active men). It begs the question, then, whether we can potentially derive that sodomization before adulthood predisposes a boy to greater sexual promiscuity and risk-taking, and a tendency to profligate debauchery. (And if you are asking yourself, ‘Is that a bad thing?’, yeah, it probably is.)
I wonder if discretion is what the money actually buys. Discretion is only the by-product. What they’re really paying for is an ability to trust. When they engage the man for the clandestine services he provides, they are automatically compromising themselves. The only way they can do so without consequence is if the man who provides the service can be trusted not to betray them. A rentboy actually becomes invested with a great deal of potential power over the client, if he isn’t trustworthy. This, of course, is the quandary. A rentboy, by definition, is a man who can be bought, whose motive is pecuniary. A risk is always present that the trust purchased can be outbid, or that the price demanded to maintain it will increase beyond the buyer’s ability or willingness to pay. When a rentboy tires of actively doing the things a rentboy must do in exchange for pay, he can stop and still find himself armed with a full arsenal of information to monetize by extortion. To my mind, finding men with the scruples to serve as rentboys and maintain that discretion on principle after that life ends must be as uncommon as finding service cumdumps like me who do what we do as a public service. Sure, most rentboys don’t end up extorting their clients, but I suspect it’s because most people are at least not evil, and blackmail would actually be kind of a pain in the ass. But the frequency of actual blackmail is beside the point - the client will always be concerned that his dark secret will emerge, and thus he will always wonder not whether the rentboy will remain discreet, but whether he can trust him…and how much that is going to cost.
Actually, that Mickey Mouse tattoo is a seriously foolish choice for a guy who might want a career in porn - Mickey Mouse is a copyrighted character belonging to Disney, and they are highly unlikely to want their happy, wholesome brand associated with assfucking. They could easily sue the studio and the performer over its conspicuous appearance in the pornographic work. Any vigilant studio conscious of its legal exposure should likely give this dude a pass when casting. Especially now that the “Steamboat Willie” version of Mickey Mouse (which this one is not) has just entered the public domain, I can imagine that Disney’s legal hounds are going to be watching very closely to make sure people don’t try to get away with using versions that are still under copyright.
I’m sorry…the Mickey Mouse tattoo derailed it for me. Couldn’t stop seeing it.
If that’s the case, Deplorables wasn’t the wrong word.
I realize belatedly the serendipity of using holistic in this way - what we’re talking about ‘can be explained only by reference to the (w)hole.’ In our context, it could be holeistic. Related concept: holeinstinct?
This ^ is what I find so deeply disturbing, and what I would not have believed true of Americans prior to the arrival of Trump on the political scene. It staggers me that so many of my countrymen simply don’t care how bad a man is that takes power, as long as he’s their man. I hate politics and politicians. All of them, both sides. There’s nothing honest about them; deception is their stock-in-trade. Trump is exacerbating it all in the worst possible way because he clearly, obviously, patently suffers from acute mental illness*. But this is an observation I’ve personally made about conservatives ever since I was a child listening to my maternal grandfather (a staunch Republican) rant about welfare - there is a certain mindset among conservatives that asks, ‘Why should anyone else get more than me? Why should anyone get something I don’t get?’ And thus anyone who receives anything they perceive as unearned, particularly if they themselves feel underrewarded for their work, then that person is unworthy of what they get. By extension, this philosophy applies to the whole social safety net provided by society. By further extension, all government, because taxes may benefit others in way the conservative considers undeserving. Extended further, Socialism as a concept becomes an evil, extended further, anything proposed to be done for the common good becomes suspect, and resisted, even though, by definition, the conservative would benefit as well. Because at its root, there is a self-defeating self-centeredness that drives the conservative, that ultimately concludes, “If I can’t have it, nobody’s going to have it.” And thus we see the hardline faction in the House, essentially acting on that precise impulse, to the cheers of their suffering constituents. And here we have Trump, crying, “They cheated you out of what you deserve, like they always do! Give me power! Make me your King! Heads will roll! I AM YOUR RETRIBUTION!” No fucking wonder they love him. He’s the King of Selfishness. *No professional in mental health will publicly say the obvious, nor should they, because they have not examined the patient to make a formal diagnosis. But I helped mentally ill people through peer support for 18 years, and…yeah, he’s got it bad. I’m certainly not qualified to diagnose, but there are clear flags for sociopathy (possibly psychopathy), narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and/or other comorbid complications. He also shows signs of delusional thought patterns, and multiple sources have documented a lack of impulse control and anger control. One listens to people on the news talking about Nikki Haley suggesting that Trump may be mentally unstable - for fuck’s sake, he’s nuttier than peanut brittle, and everybody - everybody - knows it. What I find so tragic is that so many people simply don’t care.
Is it best to be a cumdump at a bathhouse or a motel?
ErosWired replied to a topic in General Discussion
Anyone experienced at hotel hosting avoids the staff problem relatively easily. Cleaning staff do not service rooms at random times; they do so during the period between the posted time for checkout and checkin, when rooms that have been vacated are not yet occupied and must be prepared for the next guests. Servicing of rooms occupied by guests staying multiple days can be avoided with a bit of observation. When the staff cart is seen outside the doors, or one hears knocks on adjacent doors followed by “Housekeeping”, one knows to suspend activity until it has passed. You can proactively head the problem off in two ways - either approach the staff member and tell them that you will not require service in your room that day, or simply leave the “Do Not Disturb” sign hanging on the doorknob. That’s what it’s for. Getting caught by the cleaning staff strikes me as a problem of someone inexperienced, careless, or with a foolish fetish that can get them evicted. It’s worth noting, additionally, that increasingly, lower-end establishments are cutting costs by providing housekeeping service to occupied rooms only on request, and this policy is usually posted somewhere in the room such as on a card in the bathroom. This also means that you have to be conservative in your use of your towels, because you won’t get fresh ones without a call to staff. Another unforced error: Setting off the smoke alarms. Why? Why? Hotels bend over backwards telling you the room is non-smoking, fines, the whole thing, yet imbeciles insist on either ignoring or attempting to defeat or tamper with the smoke alarm. (No, Mr. Top, you may not light your joint in my hotel room. Go do that outside, if you must. My ass isn’t going anywhere.) Now, a certain amount of common-sense discretion is in order when you’re cumdumping at a general public hotel, however seedy. Fantasies aside, most people aren’t actually interested in seeing us getting assfucked, and many may be genuinely offended and consider it obscene. Worse, a child might be exposed to it. So we should take reasonable care not to make what we’re doing so obvious that management has no choice but to intervene. We keep the curtains closed, because this isn’t Amsterdam and we can’t advertise our ass like it’s a shop window. I have had two experiences in which Tops flagrantly did not consider this: In one instance, the Top opened the curtains fully, positioned me specifically for view, and began skullfucking. In the second, the Top came in, left the door standing wide open to the outside, and rough-fucked me to completion before he walked out, leaving the door wide open and me in full view, fucked and dripping. Both rooms were ground floor. Anyone could have walked by at any moment. I have no idea whether anyone did, but I felt extremely exposed. (And no, I couldn’t have insisted they close the window or door, because that was clearly their fetish, and it would have significantly marred their sexual pleasure had I done so, the exact opposite of what I’m for.) -
The sense of ‘fertility’ I refer to is not a notion suggestive that somehow the bottom has converted into a functional female (though there are bottoms with impregnation fantasies that may let their thoughts run in that direction), but rather simply a heightened sense that insemination will result in a fusion of the bottom’s flesh with the masculine essence of the breeder. I would also suggest that although every breeder is by definition an inseminator, not every inseminator is necessarily a breeder. There are Tops who simply fuck and load, but are never inclined to enter that particular breeding mindset at all. You may be one such, and thus would not expect to perceive a bottom through that particular layer of reproductive lust. Personally, I find that Tops who have made the mental transition into a breeding mode seem to get a more holistic satisfaction from their act - I always end up feeling fucked more completely - than those who are being more recreational, but of course it depends on the individual.
I respectfully disagree. A term that can mean anything essentially has no inherent meaning. The only reason we are able to communicate and understand one another is that we agree that words mean certain things and not other things. We have entire thick books devoted to nothing but delineating those distinctions. Our system of laws is based on those distinctions. Much social strife can be traced to misunderstanding based on a lack of consensus about how to use words. If the distinction didn’t matter at some level, the OP would never have even asked this question. We use the word breed a lot around here. A lot a lot. It clearly has significance to matters that have brought us here, so it can’t mean just anything, or we’d have the Tower if Babel, where no one could be sure what anyone was really talking about. But we do know, really, because words come from somewhere, usually from roots of meaning that grow and morph over time and through cultures. Breed comes from Old English bredan, ‘to bring to birth’, itself derived from Old High German bruoten, ‘brood, hatch (as of eggs)’. These extend from a Proto-Indo-European root bhreu-, ‘to boil, effervesce, burn’, implying the application of the physical heat required to generate and sustain the creation of life. We don’t know all these things just because we learned the word breed, and yet we do - we implicitly understand that, unlike fuck, shag, rail, pound, or any of the scores of clever synonyms for insertive coitus, breed especially implies the reproductive function. The fact that the gay context permits no actual reproduction is irrelevant - the act of attempting to reproduce is so integral to what it means to be male that we must have a term to express when we are engaging in it. Not every fuck is a breeding. You can absolutely tell. Men fuck for many reasons, and their drive to ejaculate is not always in a mindset that one would consider a ‘rutting’ mode in the animal sense of reproductive readiness and intent. But there are times when a Top becomes acutely aware that his intent is to transfer his reproductive matter - his seed, his DNA, his essence, what have you - into a receiver of warm flesh, in the way his biology tells him is right for conception. He may not be thinking in terms of offspring, but merely answering a deep behavioral instinct coded into us ever since an animal grew the world’s first penis. When the Top enters this state, he functionally becomes an altered figure to whom a specialized term applies: Breeder. In general, non-human contexts, this word is essentially synonymous with inseminator, again pointing to the reproductive function. But more importantly, it necessarily implies semen ejaculated inside the body of the recipient. Breeder is sometimes suggested as a term of sexual orientation, to preserve a sense of masculinity when a man is uncomfortable with bisexual - but note that this use, too, functionally relies in the sense of inseminator: Both the Breeder and the bisexual fuck people of both genders, but the Breeder’s masculine credentials are intact because he emphatically does what only Men can do - he’s an inseminator. When a Top assumes the mindset of breeder, his perception of the target of his breeding usually undergoes a shift as well. The bottom suddenly becomes perceived as ‘fertile’ (even though there is nothing to actually fertilize) - a thing to be bred - and a viable subject for a biological fusion with the breeder’s genetic input. This primal psychological coding becomes a potent motivator in the intercourse that follows. A similar shift seems to sometimes occur in the minds of bottoms, who begin to perceive a fertility in themselves, almost in the way an animal goes into heat, in the context of a breeder’s advance. If they were female, this would be more easily explained, but the same factors that draw men to receptive homosexuality in the first place are no doubt implicated in the reproductive psychology. In any event, it seems clear that Breed, for the purposes of a community devoted to discussion of bareback fucking, means to fuck with internal insemination. *Note: I am not a researcher in sexual psychology or reproductive behavior - these observations are based on personal experience. I do, however, have a degree in English, and finding out where words come from and what they mean is one of my very favorite things to do.
There’s nothing wrong with being poor (around 12% of Americans live in poverty, and very few want to) or rural (one person out of five in America lives in an area considered rural), and the banjo is a noble instrument. Just don’t be a lazy racist. Or a socioeconomic bigot. Once you’ve done your time your debt to society is paid. What really matters about a man isn’t what he’s done, but what he does next. As far as I’m concerned, you have the same right and privilege to my cunt as every other man, and should you ever encounter me when you get out, you can use it as you please.
New censorship-resistant social media solution now available!
ErosWired replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
What is guaranteed in the Constitution is that the Federal Government will pass no law curtailing citizens’ ability to speak freely, but that is not absolute. Free speech is not always free speech. We are not free to falsely shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater, nor are we free to speak in an active effort to overturn the duly elected government or disrupt its workings. You can’t shove facts down their throats when they’re busy coughing up ‘alternative facts’ they would rather believe. It does little good to shout facts at people who refuse to listen. You cannot, in fact, force people to believe anything. That’s why an unbelievably ludicrous percentage of this country’s population is evidently prepared to reelect a lying insurrectionist sociopathic narcissist back to the highest seat of power in the land even if he becomes a convicted felon. Giving the liars, haters, misinformers and deceivers an open, unfettered megaphone to freely lie, misinform and deceive is what has got us to this point. -
Please post Bareback Bastards videos here
ErosWired replied to HardOneLA's topic in Bareback Porn Discussion
On xhamster there’s a compilation titled ‘Cum In Ass’ in which every. fucking. load. is a pull-it-out-stick-it-in shot. Makes me insane. It’s a Cum Shoved Into Ass compilation, which is not the same thing. Even when a Top pulls out for the first spurt and shoves back in for the rest, it still ruins it. Most of the force and volume are usually in that first shot. -
When Does ‘Sex Work’ Stop Being ‘Sex’ and Srart Being ‘Work’?
ErosWired replied to ErosWired's topic in General Discussion
And then experience the exquisite humiliation of watching them leave without paying the quarter. But again, this defines sex work narrowly as requiring a monetary component, which implies that the value of the sexual intercourse can always be calculated in monetary terms for the Top. And because prostitution is most often performed for money, people have tended to make such associations, so we get references to a “high-dollar prostitute” and a “ten-cent whore” that suggest levels of quality or desirability. But those are artificial constructs. Does the sex worker who charges $100 have a warmer, wetter, more luxurious cunt than the one who charges $10? Not necessarily. Does the Top who cannot afford to pay a Benjamin for a fuck enjoy his orgasm any less because it costs less? Because it costs nothing? How does one even set an objective value on sexual intercourse? Without question, there are levels of quality in skill and service, levels of desirability in appearance and composition of flesh, levels of experience, and of charisma. But the relative worth of any of these factors is going to vary by the individual Top. If I were to say that I expected men who use me to pay a quarter for the privilege, I would be making a statement that I consider my own offerings to be of very low value (which I do not), and making an assumption that the Tops who seek my service are men who will be satisfied with mediocre service. As to whether or not I am a dick-loving slut rather than an unpaid sex worker, it’s unclear that the two are mutually exckusive. So far, of the responses to this question I am most persuaded by @Kayne’s original reply, and by the comment that makes a point about the need for a sense of obligation to perform. On balance, I believe that I tilt toward ‘unpaid sex worker’ for three reasons. First, what I do for Tops I do from a strong sense of duty and obligation, impressed on me by my training. I was psychologically conditioned to accept this as an obligation, and, whether I actually have such a real-world obligation or not, find it compelling enough to spend my time, money and effort to provide what I consider to be a public service. Second, what I do isn’t always pleasant, but I do it anyway. Sometimes it’s almost unbearably painful, but I endure it because it’s what I’m for. Sometimes I really don’t want to provide service to a given individual, but let him have me anyway because he has the same privilege as any other man and it is my duty to honor it. Third, what I do is work by plain definition, and I have a specific mission: Provide the opportunity for sexual intercourse for any man who wishes to have it, without discrimination, and ensure access to those who might otherwise be unable to meet that human need. My goal is not loads, or big cocks, or my own orgasm, but the satisfaction of the needs of the Tops who come to me. Money is not the motivation of all effort. There are other spheres of endeavor in society that perform work for whom money is not the object - government and nonprofit, for example - and my career involved both. In many ways, a night hotel hosting is similar to a day in my work as a civil servant. So that, I think, fits me best - your friendly neighborhood civil servant sex worker. I’m here to help. 😃 -
How often do you get something extra?
ErosWired replied to cheatingjock's topic in Making The Decision To Bareback
There is no cure for the human papillomavirus. Only the warts that result from it are treatable, by prescription medication, cryotherapy (freezing), surgical excision, or acid solution. HPV warts may resolve on their own in <year, so monitoring for a period is also a potential strategy, but warts can also remain the same or increase. It is unknown whether removal significantly reduces subsequent infectivity. Though incurable, HPV infection is preventable by vaccine. Since I began taking cock, I have been infected by gonorrhea twice, chlamydia three times, syphilis once, and of course, HIV. I got gono, chlamydia and syphilis all together in that instance, and the second case of gono included chlamydia. So really, I’ve only had four STD test panels come back positive after taking what is now more than 1,100 cocks. It’s a fucking miracle. What’s even more of a miracle is that I don’t have Hepatitis B, because after three attempts at vaccination, my body still has no immunity to it - apparently this can happen, that the vaccines just won’t take in some individuals. This would make me seriously think about whether I could continue fucking freely with no protection from an incurable disease that could give me liver cancer, and I haven’t been fighting HIV tooth and nail just to let another sexually transmitted virus sashay right through the gate and kill me. Fortunately, my HIV medication includes tenofovir, which is a mainline treatment for chronic Hepatitis B, and has been found to be safe and effective in inhibiting infection. Silver lining to my HIV cloud. Guess what also contains tenofovir - PrEP. Both Truvada and Descovy (but not injectable Apretude). Yet another reason to get on it. As if saving yourself from a life with HIV weren’t enough. -
The Bible is the Word of God … as written down by individual humans, translated by other individual humans, tweaked by still other individual humans, contents selected and voted on by other groups of individual humans, re-visioned by other individual humans, and interpreted individually by every individual human who reads it (though he’s usually only reading parts cherrypicked for him to read by other individual humans. As an undergraduate I took a class in the History of the Old Testament. In later years, I explained to my father, who asked me a question about the history of the Bible as a book, “If you want to continue to believe the Bible as you were raised to believe it, you cannot study the Bible as a historical or literary document.” Because the facts about the book are incompatible with what people want to believe. Sorry, but that’s the way it is. If you want to blame someone, you can start with the Council of Nicaea and King James I, but there’s plenty of blame to go around. Which is ironic, really, considering that the Bible tells us the one thing God forbids above all else…is the changing of his Word.
It’s very difficult to have been raised in a household with strong beliefs of a certain sort and then find that your nature - and your reason - are incompatible with those beliefs. It becomes a source of acute psychological distress until the person either dismisses the incompatible beliefs, or finds a way to reconcile the beliefs with his nature and reason. For many years I was like your friend, to the extreme that I honestly - true story - believed God would strike me with lightning or something if I had sex. I was astonished when, the day I lost my virginity, He did not. Ultimately, my internal war became so terrible that something had to be done. I made a decision then, that God was not irrational; God had made me with a need for sex; it would be irrational to punish me for satisfying a need he put in me; therefore, it was not against His will. Furthermore, Christ, who is the ultimate authority on Christianity after all, said absolutely nothing - zero - about homosexuality. Therefore anyone who suggests that Christ disapproves is offering a secondhand assumption. Christ was mainly into loving, forgiving, and not judging. Your friend has two things to contend with: His inner battle with his conscience, and his fear about how others will view him. Even if he resolves a fear that God will judge him, a fear that man will judge him may prevent him from living freely. It is actually the judgment of man that constrains us; God, as far as I can tell, does not strike people with lightning.
I was informed that I could no longer use ‘ErosWired’ - which I had used there for years, and which is my username on every other adult site - because ‘wired’ was now flagged by their filter as a drug use-related word. When I attempted to reason with them, the owner informed me that if I said another thing about it I would be permanently banned. I had just purchased a six-month membership. Utterly ridiculous. Honestly, I’m not sure when the last time was that I actually had a hookup off the site. It’s become nearly useless.
While I’m sure they do have their hands full, @ellentonboy is not wrong - that smacks of the tone-deaf attitude BBRTS takes toward public relations and customer service. Anyone - anyone - with a paying customer base and a molecule of common sense would include in such a notice “We apologize for the inconvenience”. Instead, it is made tonally clear that we are an inconvenience, and would we please just shut up about it. But he knows there’s no one else offering quite the same service with quite the same array of features, so he doesn’t have to worry about pissing off his user base - the well of horny fuckers is bottomless. I just wonder how he’ll fare if/when some proper competition shows up.
Do we need a secret signal for breeding?
ErosWired replied to rock-cock-jock's topic in General Discussion
“Muscle alpha daddy needs to breed” is like chumming the water for sharks, with an extra gallon of fresh blood. “Slutty cumdump bottom needs breeding” does not have the same inbox effect. You’re in the enviable position of being a scarce commodity - what many greatly desire and few can obtain - and thus others seek you out so readily that you can select from the plenty. Judging by the feedback from the Tops who use me, I too provide a level of service that many desire, and would use if they were aware of it, but it is difficult to make the information stand out from the claims of thousands of other bottoms. Some system by which a Top could know our qualities at a glance would be a godsend… but of course impossible for a range of reasons. If there were some means of signaling ‘Available for immediate cunting by anyone’ that was universally understood by those who needed to know it, I would adopt that signal at once. And of course, there is: wear a tee-shirt that says “Available For Immediate Cunting By Anyone”. The trouble is that everybody else would understand it too. And that ends up being the potential problem with any signal. -
I suspect anyone looking is going to be monitoring the apps like everyone else and not trusting to chance that someone is going to come by and happen to notice some clandestine signal. The only experience I had with a trucker at a truck stop was with a man who called me in off an app to a truck stop near my home, to be bred by him in the cab of his truck. You could always go there and post your availability on an app like Sniffies or Grindr and be there and ready if someone turns up, but I’m guessing you’d just spend a lot of time waiting go or opportunities that might or might not come.
Ever lied about the number of loads you have?
ErosWired replied to Japbtm's topic in General Discussion
The trouble is, it’s hard to know if you meet a particular guy’s definition of ‘sloppy’. -
Strangest Requests When Hooking Up
ErosWired replied to BritishCumdump's topic in General Discussion
1. This was my assumption, that any animus he felt was a possible extension of a sense of cultural retribution for past racial wrongs - I am, after all, white as paste and purely European in ancestry - though I had never personally done him or anyone like him any wrong. 2. I have experienced this frequently enough from a variety of different Tops to say that there was something different in the way he went about it. 3. He called me to his place. He did, indeed, seem pleasant enough, right up to the point he began fucking me, and then it was as though he had flipped a switch, and then there was no sense of warmth or welcome. 4. He was perfectly fluent in English, and was no more ‘noble’ than you or I. He lives locally - he is Lakota by heritage, but didn’t just arrive off some reservation where the noble natives don’t speak English (I mean, come on). It struck me that he might be channeling something spiritual, but I didn’t get the sense that he despised me personally. I was not ‘suspicious of him’, nor did I have any negative assumption about him, nor do I now, save for the impression that he was fucking me in a certain way. I don’t care what his heritage is - he’s a Man. If he wants my ass, his cock is all that’s relevant. I have, however, been hate-fucked by angry Tops who wanted to take whatever their issue happened to be out on my ass simply because I was the anonymous faggot cunt handy, so I have a fair idea what a hate-fuck feels like. Specific race and ethnicity don’t really matter when a man is just venting his rage through blunt force with his cock. Whether this guy was angry or not, he was doing a damn good job trying to force my prostate out through my nostrils. -
Should Cum Dumps be allowed to access to their own cocks?
ErosWired replied to Thedogsbolloxxl2's topic in General Discussion
The question in your post does not relate to the question in the topic title. Your post isn’t asking whether the cumdump should have access to his genitalia, but whether Tops should. These are two different things. As to the topic title question taken literally, no one is in a position to allow or disallow a cumdump to access his own cock unless he has entered into a specific power exchange agreement with someone else, and even then, his body remains his own. I’m saying that as someone who was once physically owned with limitations on my bodily autonomy; even at my most compliant, the reality was that my body was mine to do with, as I was the only one able to make it take any action. The question of whether a cumdump “should be allowed” presumes a right of authority over cumdumps that other men don’t actually have. There is no ‘code of cumdump behavior’ to which we must adhere. As to the question in your post, such gear as you illustrate in your photo should, in my experience, be reserved for specialized occasions and experienced players. On no account should you venture into an open bathhouse so arrayed - I have had men come up behind me and strike me savagely with a paddle, ram dildoes into me without warning, gnaw at my cock piercing with sharp teeth, and yank my balls wearing a much, much more modest stretcher than that. There are unpredictable, dangerous people out there who have absolutely no idea what play with gear entails, or what the limits of human anatomy are, or how to behave in public. You would be risking an injury. You would probably be reasonably safe in a cock cage, but be aware that some are turned off by them and you may be limiting your opportunities. -
@pozsewerpig - The link I supplied above has some images, but this site’s auto-security feature for links corrupted it. You can make it work by removing the second [think before following links] from the middle of the URL.
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