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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. You should be aware that the site owner here, @rawTOP, has been engaged in developing a very similar project for quite some time, and may or may not be interested in permitting you to promote your competing effort here. You may wish to reach out to him directly to inquire.
  2. The thing to remember about the data size of a digital image is that it relies on three factors: 1) The dimensions of the image in pixels; 2) The resolution of the image in pixels per inch (ppi) - standard for web viewing is either 72ppi or 96ppi; and 3) File format - you want to use a compressed or optimized format like JPG, or WEBP (not sure if BZ supports WEBP at this time, though), and the image quality selected for the compression. Generally, there’s no need to exceed dimensions of 1024x768 px, with a resolution of 72ppi, saved in JPG format. You can usually get away with smaller dimensions, such as 800x600px. For an image 800x600px at 72ppi, if you save it in an uncompressed format like TIF or BMP, the resulting file size will be about 1.44mb. The same image saved as a JPG with quality set to 100% will come out at 96kb; if you drop the quality to 90%, the filesize will be around 48kb, or 33% of the uncompressed size. For web viewing, you can easily drop the quality to 70% with no appreciable loss in visual fidelity, and from there down, you can go even lower depending on how much visual sharpness you’re willing to sacrifice. These figures are for 24-bit true color photos; if you save your images in grayscale (monochrome) the file sizes can drop by half or more. Smartphones don’t usually optimize their camera images when taken, and the images can be unnecessarily large for screen use, so you’ll generally need to optimize them first. I use Photoshop, but that’s a professional-level software that’s overkill fir this purpose. I’m sure there ate apps out there designed just for making images web-ready. For those running into limits at sizes like 4.307kb, that sounds like you’re in a situation where you’ve attached images directly to posts and have filled up the fixed quota we all have for direct attachments. No one sets an arbitrary and specific limit like that, so it must be s result of adding up the total file size of all prior attachments and subtracting it from your quota. The only solution here is to remove prior attachments to make room. The preferred alternative is to upload your images to a gallery on the site and then provide a link to the gallery image in the post, rather than attaching it directly.
  3. You say that PrEP might cause further damage, which suggests the possibility that it might not. If this is the case, a reasoned decision may be helped by crunching the numbers - determine the likely percentage of risk that PrEP will harm you, and by how much, then balance that against the numeric chance of contracting HIV given your status as an unprotected Top fucking holes at the rate you fuck them, modified by the risk that the types of bottoms you fuck may be positive and infectious. Make a decision based on your level of relative risk. Bear in mind that regardless of the potential risk, it only takes one bad roll of the dice. As @BootmanLA says, you might go 20 years safely, but your bad number could also come up tomorrow, and all the weighing of risk will then be meaningless. In terms of concealing your sexual practice from your wife, being concerned only about how to keep her from finding out about the PrEP prescription seems a little short-sighted. If you fuck a lot of bottoms in dicey places, you likely stand a higher risk of contracting other STDs. You make no mention of how often you have sexual relations with your wife, but how do you propose to deal with a situation where it’s ‘Not tonight, dear, I have gonorrhea’? Any such infection is going to sideline you for at least 1-2 weeks while you’re being treated, and you may also have to either conceal or explain the doxycycline or other antibiotics you’re taking. Lies beget lies, and they tend to wriggle out in the open eventually. Which brings up the other element of risk to consider - what’s the risk to your marriage if your behavior becomes known? Fucking other holes bare and unprotected isn’t the first choice you make; the first choice is to fuck other holes at all. Is the possibility of losing your spouse one you’re willing to risk for the sake of male cunt? If not, then the whole conundrum you’re asking about is moot. Decide to forego the fucking in favor of being married, and you won’t have any need to decide about PrEP.
  4. True. Yet why would they, when there are submissives so desperate for someone - anyone - to give them any sort of command that they’re willing to pay money even for it to be done online? They’re just taking advantage of the principle that a fool and his money are soon parted. Many of these submissives, of course, are actually often just like the Dominants in that they wouldn’t be able to handle submitting to a real Dominant in person, and are only able to indulge their humiliation fantasy by paying for it via the relative safety of an arm’s-length online transaction. I mean…really…taking a flogging is a hell of a lot cheaper of a way to get into subspace.
  5. 🙄 And what ‘cause’ would that be? Geez. The ones who want me to pay for their cock have always been up front about it to the point that I never see them in the room. No, buddy, I’m only ‘generous’ with my ass, but you can have all of that you want. I’ve never paid and I never will. I perform a public service, free of charge, and men not only come back for more again and again, they contact me asking for it. Thank you, but I don’t need to pay for your cock; all I have to do is lie ass-up and one will find its way in soon enough. If you want to donate to the cause, though, I wouldn’t be opposed…
  6. I have to qualify that statement a bit. It’s true that Tops sometimes use poppers, and a brief sniff may heighten the experience for some. But the result of any kind of concentrated use by a Top is almost invariably a loss of erection. Because the reason poppers work so well for bottoms is that they relax smooth muscle tissue, and that includes the structures that contract to hold blood in the penis to sustain erection. In my (extensive) experience, most Tops have no idea how much is too much, and I’ve reached the point that I no longer provide poppers to the Tops fucking me - and even hide them if I’m not going to need them, because I’m sick of guys trying to penetrate me with noodles. Once poppers limp a cock, no amount of head can bring it back to life until the poppers wear off.
  7. I don’t really usually need poppers to take cock unless it’s truly massive - but I often start an encounter with a hit anyway. I’ve come to realize now that I do it because the scent of the poppers shifts me immediately into a cumdump mindset. It’s as though that scent is a chemical reminder that says this is what you’re meant for - take it. It’s not that I have to use them heavily until I’ve altered my perception; one sniff will do it. Anyone else feel like this?
  8. Well, if you ever do, let me know - then zi could come down and be an unpaid member of the “staff”, tasked with ensuring that no patron leaves unsatisfied. Then we’d have two fantasies made real at once. 😉
  9. That’s an interesting perspective. Many on here would say that faggot is a state of being - that one either is or isn’t a fag, and the properties that make one a fag are inherent. A significant proportion of those here who subscribe to faggot as a classification would agree that part of what characterizes a fag is that respect is not mutual; much is often said about how certain Tops hold faggots in contempt or at least consider them men of a lower station. You, however, suggest that the state of fag can be assumed at will and just as easily set aside, as though it’s less a part of you and more like an article of clothing worn for the purpose. Do you find that the men who use you set aside the view of you as a fag as readily, or at the same time as you do? Or do you mean that you only consider yourself a fag for purposes of sex, and when the encounter is over, you revert to a non-sex/non-fag state? Personallly, when I am in any sexual context relating to another man, I cannot argue that I am not a faggot by most definitions - it is my nature, and I can’t set it aside. Outside a sexual context, however, I am not beneath any man, and respect is, as you say, a requirement. Sexually, I do not expect to be respected; otherwise I insist upon it.
  10. If the picture above is the standard…I am no longer a virgin. But - most of the serious gangbanging done to me has been from behind.
  11. I’ve had to think about this, because I honestly have very few sexual fantasies that I spend much time thinking about - if I have a sexual fantasy I generally go actually do it, and then it isn’t a fantasy anymore. Then, if I think about it to stimulate myself, I’m not fantasizing, I’m remembering. I think doing it this way has actually had a benefit, in that I’m thinking about things that really happen, rather than getting caught up in an unrealistic fantasy I could never hope to experience. In fact, the thought that something is an unattainable fantasy usually kills any appeal that fantasy might have for me. What that leaves is things I would like to experience but am unable to unilaterally go out and make happen myself - things that require the cooperation of another person. Not that I haven’t lived plenty of that kind of thing, too, but my list is much shorter. For instance, I would like to find a Dominant Top who recognizes that I have a deep need to sexually serve men and a talent for anal sex, and decides he wants to take advantage of it by giving my ass to other men on a regular basis, even multiple times a day. Whether he does it as a source of income for himself (I would receive nothing, of course) or simply does so to satisfy an impulse for dominance and control doesn’t really matter, although the prospect of him using me for financial gain does add a certain zest to the thought; the important thing is that he decides for his own selfish reasons that he wants to do it, and enjoys doing it enough to continue. I realize that such men are exceedingly rare, and the chances of finding one willing to do so with a man of my age are vanishingly slim - but the fact that it isn’t utterly impossible keeps it alive in my mind as a recurring fantasy. The thing is, though…If I ever encountered such a man, I suspect I would actually do it, so the question then is whether, or how determinedly, I intend to try to find one…
  12. Yes, it is, because those standards are not based in reality. They’re based in an image perpetuated by the media, and specifically the porn industry, that is extremely difficult to reach unless you’re genetically gifted, and impossible, in the long run, to sustain even if you do. And no, it isn’t fair, but you won’t find a guarantee of fairness written anywhere in the user manual gor human beings. Yes, it is. No group of people is going to take their time to indulge your individual sexual fantasy unless there’s something in it for them individually. In this case, that would involve feminizing and sexualize another (58-year-old) cross-dressing man. That particular fetish, while not particularly rare, isn’t so common that you could expect to populate a room with them anywhere other than a convention held for the purpose. While I have no interest in cross-dressing, feminization or sissification, and would refuse if asked, I nonetheless sympathize, having just turned 56 myself. There is no escaping the fact that we are not the freshest apples on the fruit stand. I realize that the time I have in which to fulfill my desire to serve numbers of men as a cumdump is limited, and a time will come not long from now when I will have to face the fact that the ship has sailed and my desires no longer have a realistic likelihood of being met. At that point I can then decide to either continue trying and endure the inevitable frustration and disappointment, or turn my energies to more attainable and worthwhile pursuits. I didn’t start this until I was 37, and didn’t become a cumdump until a little iver a year ago. Since then I’ve felt the hit breath of Time on my neck and the sense of Time running out has driven me to do more radical things than I otherwise would for fear that I would lose my chance. I would love an opportunity to break my personal-best record for cocks taken in one day, but I realize that probably isn’t going to happen now and I’m just going to have to be content with the memory of the accomplishment. I realize that the only way to keep from being disappointed with outcomes is to distinguish between the things I can control and the things I can’t. The way my body appears in some ways is in my control (I can exercise if I choose) and in some ways isn’t (I don’t have an ‘attractive’ face). I can’t control whether other men feel inclined to fuck me or not; I can only control how I choose to react if they don’t. Nobody, after all, owes me a fuck. In your case, you may find greater satisfaction in searching out one or two individuals whose fetishes complement yours - an attainable goal - and developing sexual relationships with them based on quality, rather than holding out an impractical hope for a fantasy roomful of them to materialize. I would add to this that the level to which anyone ultimately lives out these sort of fantasies has a great deal to do with the level of effort put into making them happen. I’m no porn star (alas) but I’ve had sexual experiences reminiscent of what one might see in some pretty edgy porn. That’s happened because I decided to get out there and put myself in situations where it could happen. Often, opportunities have to be manufactured, and sometimes it’s necessary to go to extremes to do it. I really can’t advise you on what would be needed to engineer a situation such as you desire, as I’m too far removed from that lifestyle, but you may have to put yourself out there - possibly further than feels comfortable - to achieve it.
  13. While no doubt there are Tops such as you describe - obviously, you being one yourself - I’m not sure you can extrapolate your personal preferences into a universal statement about Tops in general. There are Tops who don’t enjoy skullfucking because of the practical considerations such as teeth, or simply find it a poor substitute for breeding ass. Those Tops may not need a cocksucker. By the same token, there are Tops who don’t fuck ass at all, though they very much enjoy head. These Tops don’t need a ‘pussyboy’. Your description of your own needs suggests a need to dominate, control and abuse. Plenty of Tops do not feel that need, and are careful and considerate sex partners who don’t need anyone to ‘take care of them’. They’re not necessarily looking for a ‘fag’ as you define it. I acknowledge that Tops like you are out there, and I do my utmost to accommodate their desires whenever one requires my service. I regret that my cocksucking skills do not (yet) allow me to take a merciless skullfucking. But in my extensive experience of being used sexually by other men, my observation is that your characterization of what all Tops need does not apply across the board.
  14. Another consideration is that once a Top is in a rhythm I find it somewhat risky to attempt to change it up lest I throw him off his groove, especially if he’s found a rutting position that’s really working for him. I would ten times rather endure an uncomfortable position for fifteen minutes than spoil a Top’s fuck. I’ve had Tops position me ~just so~ in order to achieve a particular angle, or to go for maximum depth (there are some who are very expert at deep penetration), and they apparently assume I’m an Olympic gymnast with what they do with my legs or my back. There are, however, and very uncommonly, Tops who seem to want to try everything on the menu. I’ve had Tops flip me around like a rag doll to get me in a variety of positions. Those are some of my favorite Tops to service.
  15. Location, location, location. Hosting in a rural home is not a recipe for success if you’re trying to draw numbers. Neither is hosting at a hotel if the hotel is not well situated. (Note that many of us use “host” regardless of the location simply to mean that we’re the ones providing the venue.) A hotel should be located for convenient approach, near a major road, or better yet, an intersection, with available parking, and ideally within a mile of bars, dining, entertainment, sporting or retail establishments. It can also be useful if near residential areas, but know something of the composition of the neighborhood. Some will be better than others. I try to avoid hotels surrounded by industrial areas - these might seem the place to snare men as they get off work, but once that narrow window passes, they become dead zones. Airport areas are also a two-sided coin - while they give access to people on the move, a hotel adjacent to an airport has vast acreage next to it with no houses or businesses, just runways and hangars. An app like Sniffies can be very useful in scoping out the best-situated hotels - you can determine visually where the clusters of men are in a location, and then determine which hotels are closest to the densest groupings of likely participants.
  16. ErosWired


    I drove home from Nashville Sunday morning - a 90-mile drive - having spent the last night taking cock in a hotel room. I still had nine loads inside me as the result of my night of service. I don’t know anyone in Nashville, but an acquaintance from Chicago I met at IML last May had had come down to visit family, so I made arrangements to come down and take a hotel room so he could fuck me again. He also offered to be my doorman as I hosted. It was a successful night of hosting, especially for a Saturday - I usually avoid Saturdays because I find I have less luck then than any other day of the week, but this was the only day my acquaintance could meet. Aside from him, nine other complete strangers showed up to breed me. Between them all, I ended up being loaded nine times. As I drove, the number stuck with me for some reason, and I couldn’t shake the realization that my body now contained - and was actively absorbing - the reproductive fluids of nine other men, eight of whom I had largely not even seen, and one of whom was a mere acquaintance. I had, essentially, allowed nine strangers to insert their penises inside my body and ejaculate. (The first of them had a cock roughly nine inches long - I could tell by the way it threaded through my second ring.) In a general public sense, a man’s penis is considered a feature to keep hidden, at best a private, intimate thing; at worst, a thing considered unclean because of the fluids it produces. We don’t walk around in public with them hanging out (for the most part) and anyone who does is usually arrested because it isn’t considered decent. Of course, countless tomes have been written on the nature of the phallus as a designator of power and influence, and undeniably so. It is the single most defining token of masculinity. For all the protestations that a bottom isn’t any less a man because he receives cock, there is persistently, undeniably, something significant about the statement made when a man penetrates another man. Sometimes the point is made openly, but the subtext is always there due to humans’ binary reproductive nature - in that moment, the one is being less a man than the other. I never penetrate. I’m always the one penetrated. I not only allow it, I make it possible. I spend my money to arrange it. I endure discomfort to experience it. Yet I’m not ignorant of the way most people would perceive what I do, or their likely opinion of me if they knew. What, then, does it mean that I have allowed myself to become this? Yes, I was trained by a man who sought to draw out this part of my nature, but the nature was there to be drawn out. Who have I become that I would let nine strangers use their cocks to rut me like a breeding animal and inseminate me? Nine of them in a night. Nine, though, isn’t that significant a figure, actually. I had already passed the 999 mark in men who have fucked me, a while back. You can’t be un-fucked once you’ve taken a cock, so how much more completely far gone am I now? There is no denying it - I am not a man in the way the men who seeded me are. I know that a breeding doesn’t actually combine a man’s DNA with mine, but the fluid he pumps into me is a product uniquely of his body, and some of that fluid, and the compounds it contains, are absorbed into my flesh to become part of me. I know that my body has fused with the products of over a thousand men, the vast majority of whom are complete strangers, and many of whom I never saw at all. I now have difficulty framing a rationale why any man should not fuck and seed me, when I have accepted so many indiscriminately. I have accepted that my anus and my mouth are receptacles for what society considers unclean organs and the sexual fluid they emit, and done so so often that there’s no point in thinking otherwise. So what does that make me? What can people legitimately think of me? Obviously, some would say ‘you faggot’ and I have no grounds to dispute it - and I have to appreciate the irony that that phrase contains 9 letters. Nine feels like a heavy, weighted number because it’s incomplete, not quite ten. It leaves the sense of something lacking, something unfinished. Perhaps that’s why these nine loads resonate within me - they seem to call out for more, and I know that there will be more. Because I’ve become a cumdump, and there’s no going back.
  17. I find that the single biggest problem I encounter while taking cock isn’t accommodating the size of the cock - it’s the strain on the tendons in my groin, particularly the adductor and gracilis muscle tendons. Most Tops take me from behind, and very frequently they either A) force my legs apart; B) put their weight on me; or C) press my ass down to the mattress. All of these splay my legs sideways and put a lot of strain on those tendons. I’m usually pretty sore there by the end of a night of fucking. I don’t complain about it or try to maneuver to a different position, because Tops seem to favor such open, flattened positions when they’re ready for breeding - at least in my experience - possibly because pinning the ass down allows for more stable leverage for intense rutting. But even though I’m pretty much used to it, the strain still becomes uncomfortable at times. Do others have a similar issue, or other practical/technical/anatomical problems when it comes to physically taking cock?
  18. This topic has been addressed previously. Below is a link to my comment in the earlier thread that answers your question:
  19. I have to say that I don’t - my former Master trained me very specifically to “clean it up” if I ever ended up with cum on the outside of my body - which meant to transfer it to my mouth and swallow it. The process is automatic for me now.
  20. I came across that while hosting last night, between fucks. It gave me a new perspective on what those men were doing to me…
  21. Here’s something you don’t see every day… [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/daddy-ultrasound-deep-fuck-xhu1K9V
  22. I don’t think you linked the video you intended. This one isn’t a threeway, and there’s no fucking, just a guy jacking the other off. Hot, and nicely verbal, but not what you described.
  23. I don’t think it happens accidentally…🤔 My dad and brother own and run an agricultural company that employs field laborers. They can not get Americans to take the jobs, and they’ve tried. They have to rely on immigrant labor (with proper paperwork) to conduct their business. I think many anti-immigrant complainers fail to realize that parts of the economy would simply not function if we relied solely on domestic labor. And the fucking governor of Texas has a lot to answer for, sending these vulnerable people in buses to places like New England and the Vice President’s residence purely for political theatre. It’s loathsome.
  24. You’re right on both points as regards America’s regrettable stance on both healthcare and public assistance here in the Land of the Almighty Dollar. Perhaps there are places in the world that treat HIV patients as the poster describes. He is, however, quite mistaken in his assertion about life expectancy - although the figures have improved over time and continued advances in care and treatment may eventually bring the number closer to expectancy for the non-infected. I, certainly, have no expectation to live as long as I might have done. What troubles me most about the post is that it’s in effect advocating in favor of contracting HIV, on the sexual health board, and that he’s saying all this tripe as a person who’s negative and has no personal experience of the reality of living with the disease.
  25. I’m interested to know what planet you live on in which this is true. I certainly don’t get a welfare check or government support of any kind. My meds aren’t free either. I may not pay anything to the drugstore when I pick them up, but that’s because I pay out the ass for my insurance, and even then I’d be in deep shit if it weren’t for the manufacturer’s copay assistance program. Plus, the extra visits to doctors for comorbid conditions eats through my deductible in a hurry. HIV is not a path to an income. It’s a road to suffering. And, HIV doesn’t affect life expectancy? Bullshit. Read some actual studies. Even in the age of ART, HIV has the effect of shortening lifespan and accelerating aging, particularly in patients of older age diagnosed at an advanced stage. The reason the Lisbon patient’s survival to 100 is in the news is that it’s an anomaly. It bears pointing out that he was diagnosed at 84 - he wasn’t diagnosed in his 20s and lived with HIV for 80 years. HIV causes constant inflammation that wears on the body’s systems in a way that doesn’t happen to people who are negative, and is a reason that years get shaved off our lives. Besides, the number of people who live to be 100 at all is minute. There’s no country in the world with an average life expectancy of 100. A patient like myself can expect 7-9 years lost, assuming I manage to stay otherwise healthy. Plus, you make no mention of all the places you can no longer travel and things you’re no longer allowed to do once you’re poz. I suppose you omitted these because they’re not ‘benefits’. The only ‘benefit’ to being positive is that you no longer have to fear getting infected with it - but you eventually swap that fear with regret somewhere down the line, if not sooner, then later. HIV is the Enemy, and it never, ever, for one instant, isn’t trying to kill you. Never forget that.
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