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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. The effect isn’t simply psychological, though that will be a significant contributor; but studies have shown that the physical contact between two persons during sex initiates a number of chemical processes in the brain and body that promote the experience. Doing it with Rosy Palm does not expose you to the same triggers.
  2. I have s list I’ve kept of all the notable compliments Tops have given my ass, but the one that really stands out to me is the one young guy with his cock balls deep in my cunt who burst out in sheer, unguarded joy with “It’s like fucking a cloud!” Naturally, the greatest indirect compliment I get is when a man in a city hours away from me contacts me out of the blue wanting to know when I’m coming back so he can fuck me again. I get that fairly often.
  3. One of my degrees is in journalism. One of the first things we learn in the discipline is the necessity of context. Again, if you feel the need to further explain your original point, you have every opportunity to do so. I’m certainly not going to engage you any further.
  4. I think you’ll find that truncating quoted matter to direct attention to a given passage is common practice across the web. I do so in the majority of my replies to posts, and intend to continue. Regardless of the brevity of the quote, my comments did not address yours out of context; they merely disagree with your plain statement as posted, and as repeated in your original reply to me. If you feel that your position needs clarifying, issuing a follow-up post to that effect is your prerogative. Issuing demands is not. Perhaps you are in a real-life situation in which you are accustomed to issuing orders like “don’t do it again” to people obliged to obey them; I am not your subordinate. You posted in a public forum. How I respond to it or any public comment is my choice - and according to your argument, making my own choice is just fine.
  5. I actually get very tired of hearing this, as though all choices are equally valid and have no effect on anyone but the chooser. That’s just bullshit. This legislator may make his own choice to villainize sex, but he’s also going to take that conviction and make it the law of the land so that everybody has to live as he sees fit. If a man chooses to believe that people of color are inferior and uses racist language according to that choice, is that also just fine? Of course it’s not fine. If a man decides homosexuality is unnatural and an affront to God, is it just fine for him to make that choice? No, it isn’t, because in one way or another, subtly or overtly, he’s going to act on that conviction at some point, and what he does will be wrong. If his son comes out as gay and he chooses to send his son to conversion therapy, is it just fine for him to choose that for his son? No, it isn’t, because his actions will likely cause harm to his son. If a man decides he wants to smoke while standing at a gas pump, is it just fine for him to make that choice? No, it isn’t, because he runs the risk of destroying life and property. I could do this all day, because there’s no end to the examples of ways some personal choices are not fine, and can’t simply be accepted because it’s “their personal choice.”
  6. Nearly every time I host I get some bottom wanting to ‘watch’ or eat my hole after I get fucked, or take loads together. Of course they do, because getting a hotel room costs money and hosting as a cumdump is a lot like work because of the effort and time needed to bring in the cock. All these guys would be more than happy to use the room I paid for and take advantage of the Tops I attract, because it’s no cost and no work for them. Fuck that noise. They can get their own damn room and find their own damn Tops. I’m not competing for Tops, I’m paying my dues and doing the work to get them. And that’s setting aside the fact that many times the Top coming is one who’s a repeat visitor because I’ve taken the time and effort to hone my skills so that I give a memorable fuck such that men from other cities contact me and ask when I’m coming back. I’m sure these other bottoms would be glad to take advantage of my reputation, but I’m not going to spoil that hard-earned cred by letting some mediocre hole lower the quality of a Top’s experience in a room I’m hosting. The ads you see by cumdumps refusing other bottoms to a gangbang or orgy are a different issue - they’re not trying to ensure the quality of the Tops’ experience, they’re just trying to be the only thing on the menu.
  7. Your average two-star sleazy motel does not have this feature. The lights may not even all work, so you can be pretty sure the high-tech door-lock-monitoring system (which I suspect is going to cost the hotelier some bank to install) is probably not going to be something they spring for. Nor, indeed, are security personnel. I’ve never hosted at a hotel that had a security guard. I’ve been to lots of places where the cops ended up in the parking lot with their flashers on. Never assume that a security guard is going to be there, and make provision for your own defense. I never go ass-up without the means to deal with an attacker. Trying to cumdump at a nicer hotel with all the extra amenities is, generally speaking, an exercise in self-cock-blocking. Interior room entry is an absolute non-starter for me - even if keycard access isn’t required for entry to the premises after a certain hour, just having to walk through a lobby past the front desk is a deterrent for many. In short, the better ways to host an anon pump’n’dump, at least one likely to result in any volume, all carry an increased risk, and are short on creature comforts.
  8. Sexual expression and sexual outlet are basic human needs. Porn has been around for a very long time (the Romans took the trouble of painting it on their walls in places, some of which have survived since antiquity), and survived the Victorian Era. Why? Because humans are sexual animals, and the idea that any form of legislation can prevent people from seeking out sexually explicit content is absurd. It’s like trying to sweep the tide back out to sea with a broom. Not that this imbecile congressman isn’t going to try. And he might even succeed in changing the meaning of ‘obscenity’. After all, the Anti-Saloon League managed to get Prohibition on the books. Look how well that worked. It didn’t stop anyone from drinking, it just drove it all underground until some people got tired of not being able to tax the liquor everybody was buying anyway, and repealed the damn thing. The porn industry is, by some recent estimates, worth from $6 billion to $15 billion annually. Billion with a ‘B’. If a politician attempts to wipe an industry with that kind of weight out of the economy, there are people who will start applying political pressure behind the scenes, because money trumps morality every time - if not sooner, then later. It might get passed, and cause a good deal of trouble for a while, but it won’t last because human sexuality is not going away, and will find its outlet. Sex is like water that way…and water always wins. Villainizing sex isn’t fine, it’s stupid. Every human being on the planet needs sexual outlet in some form, so villainizing sex does nothing but make a villain of everyone. And if everyone’s a villain over it, then no one is. Think for a moment about all the individuals and organizations, even governments, who have done their damnedest to stamp out porn over history. The sum total of all their massive, combined effort has still left us with the ability to take three seconds to open a website and begin viewing a 20-minute popper training compilation featuring dozens of highly explicit clips of homosexual fucking. They accomplished not a hell of a lot, it would seem. This may make things difficult, and must absolutely be resisted, but porn will find a way. It always has.
  9. An unlocked door when hotel hosting is always a risk, blindfolded or not. I’ve had my door opened by men who were just going down the row trying the doors to see if any were unlocked. Increasingly, profile’s don’t permit the listing of specific addresses, which makes posting full hotel/room details impossible and requires a follow-up contact to make the connection. I suspect that most Tops want some kind of confirmation that the cumdump is legitimately at the location before making the trip out to the hotel. It’s almost always the case for me that I end up providing the room number by direct contact. I have, occasionally, posted the hotel and room number openly on Grindr (which doesn’t prohibit this in profiles) along with the info that the door’s open. I do it realizing the increased risk it poses, but at those times I’ve been looking for the experience of a completely unexpected random Top coming in and taking me without any prior contact - the purest anon situation. I think it’s only ever worked on one or maybe two occasions. I think there may be a negative factor in posting the full info openly, as it may make it appear that the cumdump is so wanton as to be undesirable for some; or that the offer is too specific to be real, as most sensible people would not do something so reckless.
  10. For those unfamiliar with @Phallarchist’s reference, ‘CNC’ is an abbreviation of Consensual Non-Consent.
  11. I relate to this. 1,000+ cocks have rutted my cunt, most of them belonging to men I didn’t know and many times never saw. It would be ludicrous to suddenly claim that I have any sexual dignity. I’m shocked that you’re shocked. How you have escaped awareness of this is perplexing. I’m usually keenly aware that I’m being fucked by a ‘hurting’ Top - I can often tell just by the way he grips me, even before penetration. I’ve had Tops tell me explicitly that they enjoy causing a bottom pain, and that they enjoyed doing it to me.
  12. It need not be that you were intentionally stealthed. 1) A person can easily carry certain STDs without showing symptoms (gono is one such) and say in good faith that he thinks he is not infected. 2) It is possible for an STD test to return a false negative, especially if given too soon after exposure. 3) He may have indeed been tested recently and tested negative for any STD…and then fucked an infected bottom that afternoon and gotten an infection of his own that rendered that test meaningless. The test result is only ever good until your next fuck with someone whose status is unknown.
  13. There is no cure for Herpes. There are medications to control outbreaks, but once you get it, you will always have it. A person may go for long periods without an outbreak, but the virus remains dormant in the body, and when it flares into lesions, the person becomes infectious again until they heal. Here’s the CDC’s Fact Sheet on Herpes: [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/stdfact-herpes-detailed.htm
  14. I guess I would ask for some qualification on the question: Too big for what? I can honestly say that I have never not taken a cock that wanted in me for as long as the Top wanted it there, with the possible exception of an 8” in Atlanta in October, but he had fucked me for (I shit you absolutely not) for three continuous hours, mostly hammering on my bladder, and when I finally said I wasn’t sure I could take much more, he said, “I need to nut” and kept on for another 15 minutes. He was nowhere near the longest (11”) nor the thickest (ohmyfuckinggod) I’ve taken, but even though he wasn’t too big, he might have been “too big” for a three-hour fuck. The monster cocks I’ve taken have all been exercises of mind over matter, and sheer determination to do my duty for that Top in spite of the discomfort. I would hardly expect most bottoms - who are, after all, largely in it for the pleasure - to go to the same extent to accommodate something beyond comfort. I suppose “too big” is a subjective judgment based on factors beyond simply whether the peg fits the hole.
  15. Funny-not-funny true story: I used to have a 12” double-headed dildo. I didn’t have anyone to play with, though, so just used it on myself. In terms of this Plug-of-War we’re talking about, let’s just say that one day the dildo won. The whole thing went inside me past my second hole, and apparently liked it there, because it stayed there for hours and didn’t want to come out. I finally decided to suck it up (as it were) and take myself to the hospital. After an attempt at manual removal under general anesthesia, which failed, I was informed that they were going to have to cut me open to remove it. (!) I really didn’t want that to happen. So I spent the entire time while waiting for them to arrange for the surgery in the bathroom trying to pass the damn thing. Which, at last, I did. I got off lucky - not just because I dodged the open surgery bullet, but because the whole episode only cost me $2,000. It could have been far worse. Now if I had been older, wiser, more experienced and less stupid, I would have started with laxatives and proceeded to trying to find a friendly fister willing to help. Which actually begs the question in my mind as to why, if there are men who routinely insert their arms up to the elbow into other men’s asses, why it would be necessary to cut someone open with a knife to access an object in the descending colon? Why doesn’t a hospital have an experienced fister in its contacts for just such occasions? But I digress. Back to fun and games with dildoes.
  16. What @TaKinGDeePanal is referring to as not “curable” is autism, which is not something one can cure because it isn’t a malady. The notion that an autistic person can be made not autistic through “detoxification” and specific nourishment would be hilarious if people hadn’t actually tried to do exactly that to autistic children in previous decades, with all manner of dubious diets, snake-oil supplements, and other horrific dietary interventions that made their lives hell because it was wrongheaded and did the children no good whatsoever. You’d like to think anything can be cured with detoxification and nourishment? I’m sure all the people working to find a cure for HIV will be astonished to learn that it’s that simple.
  17. @rawTOP - I’m not sure if you saw in one of my previous posts above where I had volunteered to help in your beta testing. By all means include me if I can be of assistance.
  18. Totally random thought, but it just occurred to me to wonder: Has anyone ever used a double-headed dildo with another guy to see who ended up more deeply penetrated by it? (I don’t know whether you would consider that person the loser or the winner, but it would be a fun game…maybe after a set amount of time or a set number of thrusts each…)
  19. There’s such a thing as a double-headed dildo…
  20. The only times I’ve ever ended up with cum on my face are when the Top is aiming for my mouth - which is every. fucking. time. I swear I would have to be able to open my mouth to the size of a dinner plate for them not to miss. Once it’s done, though, I automatically transfer it where it was meant to go, if thr Top doesn’t do it himself. I have never actually encountered a Top who would lick his own cum off my face in the way @hntnhole describes, but as I’m mainly an anal cumdump, my oral experience is relatively limited. Probably for the best; I would squick at snowballing.
  21. Indeed. But the general understanding that Autism isn’t a pathology that needs a cure is a relatively recent development, following on a history of movements in which people very publicly searched for a “cure” for their children. Musk apparently hasn’t gotten the most recent memo.
  22. Isn’t it this Saturday? I’m not likely to make it this month - my travel budget’s going to get eaten by Christmas presents. Possibly back for January, though.
  23. If the bathhouse you’re talking about is The Works, I always have an excellent time there. I will say this, though - the fuck bench there is practically unusable. Completely unpadded, and too hard and uncomfortable to lie on. I’ve never seen anyone using it. Next time I’m up there I’m bringing some knee and elbow pads…
  24. You’ve probably answered your own question in part right there. Studies have shown that there is a chemical component to attraction and arousal, which is unsurprising, considering that we’re essentially big bags of chemical reactions walking around. You ticked off several things about the first guy that spoke to how he looked, sounded, and felt to your touch, but nothing about how he smelled or tasted - the senses at the forefront of chemical exchange. He may simply have not been giving off the right chemical signals to trigger your physical arousal. Perhaps the other guy did. It’s not something you consciously influence. Neither, necessarily, is your subconscious psychology. You may not realize or want to acknowledge it, but there might be something about the dangerous, the unsavory, the licentious, the unsanctioned in sexual behavior that you find arousing. Who knows why. I have no idea why I’m so greatly aroused by men who use me as a sexual object, so I just use “I was born for them to fuck me” as shorthand for paragraphs of self psychoanalysis. It’s up to you to decide whether this preference you feel really matters.
  25. Sociopathy is subset of a specific clinical disorder identified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5, and you do not appear to be familiar with its actual meaning. You are certainly using it incorrectly. I would refer you to Antisocial Personality Disorder, DSM-5 301.7. I cannot comment on the remainder of the post, as it was so full of dog whistles I couldn’t hear a thing it said.
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