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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Ha! Guilty as charged, and fair enough. Sometimes I get so caught up with what words mean I don’t pay enough attention to the sentences.
  2. There is nothing superior about pigheaded willful ignorance. The arrogance, bombast and belligerence that characterizes the MAGA movement is a mask for a deep, deep insecurity. Will I take a MAGA cock? Of course. Access to my cunt isn’t based on merit. Any cock can rut it, even if the cock is attached to a sorry excuse for a man.
  3. You didn’t answer the question, and no one is entitled to “alternative facts”. Note that what we consider ourselves isn’t actually relevant, because if no one else’s perspective mattered the question would never arise. A label of orientation is purely a function of our attempt to place ourselves within the framework of others’ opinions. Your friend may identify himself as straight, but that doesn’t mean that’s what he is. The people who observe his actual behavior will decide what he is to them. To me, for instance, he can cry straight til kingdom come, but he’s clearly a bisexual because he fucks men. What he says doesn’t trump what he does. I am also unconvinced by the argument that a person can be considered straight as long as he will fuck absolutely anything. That’s the clinical opposite of straight. The whole thing illustrates why “straight” and “gay” are becoming increasingly useless for describing sexuality in the real world.
  4. How, then, is he defining “straight”, what would he call a guy who would never fuck another man for any reason, and how would he explain the difference between himself and the other guy if they’re both “straight”? To me, a guy who fucks other guys but “identifies as 100% straight” is up to his neck in denial. A man who interacts sexually with both women and men is a bisexual by definition. He can’t be 100% heterosexual and also fuck men on the side as though it didn’t count.
  5. Actually, he came in with a shopping bag from the Leather Mart on his arm, so he had to have had a registered participant access bracelet to get into the Mart. They were checking everybody’s wrist pretty closely the whole time. The “crashers” actually fucked me.
  6. Here’s another subtype: The In-Over-His-Head/Out-Of-His-Element Creeper, often to be found masturbating on the dubious sofas in the gay theatres of adult bookstores. You can stand bent over a piece of furniture or up against a wall with your ass out for an hour while a steady parade of these will pass by you, plunk themselves down on the facing couch, pull out their junk, work it over for ten minutes, maybe feebly gesture to another one of their kind for head, and then get up, pull up their pants and leave. One in five may grope your ass cheek on the way out the door. I can only assume that these guys are infrequent visitors to such places, step in out of curiosity or for a quick thrill, and when suddenly confronted with something they could actually fuck, they have no idea what to do with it. I think this is true because on occasion one of them may work up the courage to do it if they see someone else do it before them and demonstrate that that’s what it’s for and how it’s done. I don’t know whether they’re more to be scorned or pitied.
  7. So true. At IML I got trapped into giving this guy a 20-minute rubdown after he walked into my hotel room where I was ass-up and couldn’t have been more obviously signaling ‘fuck’. He said, “I believe I’ll join you,” then stripped down like he was going to fuck me. Then he flopped himself down on the bed on his back (a bad sign) and said, “I give and take massages.” Goddamn it. I’m a service bottom so I just don’t tell a Top to hit the road, but it cost me an actual fuck when another guy came in, saw what was happening, and wisely left. I finally folded my hands, said, “I’m not a masseur,” and he took the point and went to inconvenience someone else.
  8. This is me after an hour-long fuck. I’m not dripping because the cum is so far up inside me it hasn’t had a chance to make it back out yet. I am… not hairless. I like to think that any man who sees this at the bathhouse considers it an open invitation.
  9. I readily confess that I’m not much titillated by sexual fantasies of most kinds, and I don’t have much of a fantasy life when it comes to sex. But then why would I need to? The sex life I actually live is apparently so fantastical that most people think I’m writing fiction when I’m just telling a modest version of what actually happened. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen and lived an intense sexuality that depictions that aren’t genuine become obviously so to me, and leave me flat. Or maybe I just prefer the inimitable energy between two genuine men having authentic sex. There’s no substitute for that.
  10. Good work, especially with the shading. You might have missed an opportunity there in that you could have given the Dom any expression you wanted 😈 - you certainly captured an appropriate look on the sub’s face. Been there, done that. Did you swap out leather for the chain harnesses because drawing all that chain would have been a pain in the ass? I would have.
  11. There’s a thing called the ‘willing suspension of disbelief’ that is necessary for any fiction to succeed in the mind of the reader or viewer, and if the work fails to make it possible for the audience to suspend disbelief long enough to accept the basic premise, the work fails as an illusion of reality. I’m sorry, but I just can’t buy into the notion that any of these guys on “Broke Straight Boys” are just cash-desperate fully-straight men who have broken down and gone “gay for pay”. There are far, far too many gay and bi guys perfectly happy to pretend to be straight to be in porn, let alone just for some needed cash, for it to be necessary to coerce otherwise reluctant straights. And even if there’s somebody out on the streets trying to lure in such men, those who respond first are naturally going to be the ones who already have some curiosity or inclination. So I can’t get past my sort of meta-sense that I’m being played by the producers to accept and enjoy what’s obviously pure fantasy bait. I mean, the title itself is barely a step removed from street signs that hawk “Girls! Girls! Girls!” In red-light districts all over the world. But I can see how some men here (fantasy-prone as they are) could easily just swallow the shill no matter how obviously fake it is just because it offers to play to a fantasy that titillates them, much as guys congregate around dad/son scenarios that have zero possibility of actually involving members of the same family. Just curious - am I the only one too hard-shelled to buy into this? Or is there someone here involved in the production of “Broke Straight Boys” who can tell me that I’m totally off base and it’s all completely legit? I’m totally open to being amazed, and frankly it would be refreshing to know that something in this seedy, corrupt area of life is for reals.
  12. Is this all freehand work, or did you begin with any photo-processing techniques?
  13. Well, I’m very much Gen-X and I don’t recognize that characterization. It sure as hell doesn’t describe me, nor people I know of my age. Feel free to speak for yourself, but kindly avoid painting us all with the same broad brush.
  14. I have always had good luck at Cumunion in Indianapolis. Sling action, however, is a dicey proposition, particularly at bathhouses for some reason. There have been several topics here related to the difficulties in dealing with public sling play - you might search back through some earlier topics to find that information. Your best bet to get something going is to prearrange a sling fuck there with a buddy…and make a lot of noise about it.
  15. It’s a rare man that can make something positive out of going around wearing a pair of underwear on his head.
  16. I don’t think that’s a reachable goal unless you measure it by someone else’s idea of what is acceptable who isn’t as sexually open as you are - and why would you ever want to do that? Besides, ain’t nobody handing out tiaras for Mr. Too Slutty 2022. I think once you have a reputation as a slut, you’ll probably be aware of it.
  17. Read the bottom of the second paragraph in the notice to providers. The authors of the study make it clear that they are themselves still studying the potential for resistance as they have no data as to the risk. They are at pains to point out that Docycycline for PEP is not an FDA approved treatment, and there is no normative guidance from the CDC or any other US authority for this treatment at this time. If you defer to the professionals (by which statement we gather that you are not one), then you cannot ignore the fact that this has not been sanctioned by the medical authorities in the US. Failing to note this and advocating that members here try to persuade their caregivers to provide the treatment on their own is reckless, regardless of whether you may or may not have any specialized knowledge in the field. This is a study, and though its results appear promising, all its implications have not been addressed. Your ‘points to consider’ above are speculative, and simply highlight the need for further study.
  18. Something seems off about this dynamic in that you are 24 years old, yet referring to yourself as a boy, and he to you, if I understand you correctly, as ‘little one’. You are not a boy. You are an adult, and should be treated, and expect to be treated, as a man, not as a child. Even if a mentoring relationship is based on an understanding that there is a gap of age and experience between you, that does not give the elder license to regress you to a pre-adult. In other words, just because a man is old enough to be your father doesn’t mean he can treat you like his child. I should think it important to ensure that he looks at you in the proper adult context before wrangling with other issues.
  19. This is the part that concerns me. The evidence that overuse of antibiotics in general for many purposes may be leading to a rise in antimicrobial resistant “superbugs” has been in the news for several years. The fact that the information is lacking on the potential for a widespread prophylactic use of doxycycline to generate doxycycline resistance should counsel prudence on adopting it as a strategy. If it ends up creating strains that render it useless, then jumping on board with it because it is effective for the short term would be short-sighted.
  20. I’m a bit confused. You don’t seem to indicate in your narrative that your interaction with this man has progressed to anything sexual, although the language you use suggests that your thoughts toward him are at least partially sexual in nature. If he is not having sex with you or discussing the prospect of it, I don’t see how your conversations amount to him cheating on his wife with you. Presumably the man has other friends as well; a married man still maintains regular relationships with other people that do not infringe upon his marriage. The fact that your thoughts may be sexual in nature does not necessarily equate to cheating on his part. Further confusing, the title of your topic says you’re in search of a father figure, but that doesn’t seem to be what you’re actually asking about. A person searching for a father figure is usually looking for someone to fulfill the paternal role of a parent - which by any normal standard does not include sexual relations (the twisted fantasies of some participants of this forum notwithstanding). As he is the father if two sons already, he may simply have “taken you under his wing” to mentor and support; or he may like you simply as a friend, finding you of similar mind. It may be as simple as that. Be cautious of projecting your own feelings onto him and then assuming he feels as you do. In any event, as you consider his potential motivations, do so following the principle of Occam’s Razor, according to which the simplest explanation should be preferred to one that is more complex.
  21. Incidentally, Monday morning on the 8th floor was interesting - I looked out of my room to find the corridor full of cops. About 8-9 uniformed police milled around one of the rooms just around the corner from mine for at least a couple of hours. I never found out precisely what the deal was, but someone mentioned an overdose, and someone else said someone had done something malicious. I didn’t dig for gossip; I’m not the sort of person who slows down to ogle car crashes. I was glad, however, that I had finally closed my door and called it a night before they arrived.
  22. But that’s my point. If a Top needs an ass and there are six in the room, he doesn’t need them all, and can only inseminate one hole at a time. What I observed at IML was a highly condensed version of the lifestyle we discuss here, and the sheer number of bottoms all congregated in one place all trying to realize a fantasy of being the sole cumdump at the center of a gangbang was a portrait of absurdity. Yet it’s also a precise portrait of reality, because they do the same thing when not at IML, just expanded across miles. So what I derive from this is that, proportionally, there’s so much ass begging to be filled that the very last thing needed is another one. I could consider that not all ass is alike, that skill matters, etc., but it doesn’t add up to anyone needing me. 1) There’s always someone better; and 2) Any skill I might bring to it doesn’t help anyone find me or choose me such that he might benefit from it. He can’t see it, so any good he gets from it comes purely by chance, and so one couldn’t say he chose me because he needed me. What do we make of the man who, on Sunday night of IML, came into my room, rough-fucked me, called me a filthy faggot, said, “I have zero respect for you”, spat on my back twice, and made me repeat, “I’m a worthless faggot” before ejaculating inside my body, slapping my ass, and leaving? Did he need me? One imagines that for such a man anyone with his ass up would do. What of the ‘shemale’ who brought men in to fuck me and videoed it? Her direction to them was: “Fuck him hard. Hurt him, make him bleed. He’s a fuckin’ cumdump, he’s worthless. That’s how you treat ‘em.” Again, one imagines that anyone would have done. Why did she choose me? Because I was a few doors down the hall with my door open. Pure circumstance.
  23. This. Even if the other person’s fantasy is close to your own (or its sex role counterpart) no one is going to have exactly the same fantasy in exactly the same way as you. I deeply desire to find myself serving a Top who genuinely understands that I believe he has the right to fuck me at will, and who believes it himself. It almost never happens, and that illustrates an even more difficult thing, because to me it’s not a fantasy but my real conviction. Trying to match your convictions to someone else’s fantasy is often a recipe for disappointment.
  24. I’m now back home from IML. It was…an unusual experience. I would like to report that I had a great time…but in honesty, I didn’t really enjoy it that much. I realized some things. I realized that although I enjoy servicing such men, I am not part of their leather culture. I spent the entire time walking around feeling as though I was on the outside looking in. I could tell there was a sense of excitement about something in the air, but it didn’t seem to have anything to do with me. I realized that at my age, with my body, I simply don’t look appealing in a harness, especially not when surrounded by men who do. But it’s not as though anyone noticed what I looked like to begin with - the sheer number of men in attendance, coupled with the staggering variety of options available at the Leather Mart, made it practically impossible for anyone to stand out. Importantly, I realized that despite the fact that I was trained to service Men, the sheer mass of available ass out in the world means that I’m really not needed. You can’t really appreciate the reality of it until you find yourself surrounded by scores of other bottoms all angling for cock - when there are 37 QuickConnect ads on BBRTS for the same hotel, and 20 guys all trying to round up all the available Tops for their own private gangbang. If there were supposed to be tables where people left information about open sex parties, I never found them. So I never ended up at one. And because I’m Autistic, I couldn’t really go to any of the big parties because I can’t tolerate the kind of flashing lights and deafening noise you get on a dance floor. Steamworks was weirdly disappointing as a bathhouse experience, to the point that I don’t think I would ever go back there. I took in all the booths at the Leather Mart, aghast at the inflated prices on most of the merchandise. Not that it mattered - there was little there of interest to me. I found it odd that do many booths were trying to sell so many harnesses - to guys who had already arrived wearing one. I did see a couple of floggers that no sane BDSM practitioner would ever permit to be used in a scene. In the end all I got was an ergonomic cock ring and a couple of handkerchiefs. The latter of which, incidentally, I had to hunt for because only one booth in the entire Mart was carrying them. It makes me wonder if the apps have finally put the last nail in the coffin of the hanky code. The balance of my IML time I spent in my hotel room on the 8th floor with the door wide open, hosting. Between this and the one evening at Steamworks, over five nights I was fucked a total of 54 times, fucked by dildo an additional three times, gave head three times, gave two handjobs, and (bizarrely) took a guy’s load on my belly by frottage. I met a couple of fascinating people, one of whom is a MtF trans ‘shemale’ (her term) who a couple of times brought men into my room to fuck me - at least one session of which she videoed - and fucked me herself three different times. The other was a remarkable Top full of intriguing stories about his life, but what made him amazing was that, somehow, he was able to use my nipples to bring me to multi climaxes. Nobody has ever been able to do that, my nips aren’t even wired that way. I have no idea how he did it. So, I can’t complain that I didn’t get fucked at IML. But my experience was not like that described by other people, and I suspect that IML is simply not an event for people like me who aren’t socially fluid or already plugged into the related networks. I probably won’t go again, but at least I gave it a try.
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