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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Your request is a little ambiguous in terms of whether you’re looking for a lube with a taste that masks, a taste that complements, or a taste that doesn’t taste at all. For a lube that is unlikely to make what you’re tonguing taste like something else, you might try coconut oil. It’s solid until it reaches body temperature, then liquifies nicely; isn’t as greasy or dense as Crisco; and has no distinct taste or smell - not even like coconut. It’s also completely organic, very cheap, and available at your local grocery. I actually prepare my own blend of coconut oil and Crisco and use it exclusively.
  2. If you don’t mind my asking, did the officer simply charge you for the trespass and closure violation, or did he also cite you for what you were doing? Did the fact that you were caught in a sexual act become part of the court proceeding? I can imagine that complicating a simple case of an entry violation. The irony is that way you describe it, the Top committed two entry violations there, and actually got rewarded for one of them.
  3. Last week in Atlanta a Top put his phone on the floor to record his cock ramming in and out of my (very) sloppy cunt from beneath. So much cum flew out on each outstroke it looked like it was raining.
  4. Okay, a) those people are insane, and b) whoa Nellie, I was unaware of the vasoconstrictive property of MA, which makes it doubly horrific to use in conjunction with poppers. I had also not previously read about the potential for MA placing one in a fatal coma. Why not just juggle jars of nitroglycerin while you’re at it?
  5. I agree with this. If I’m riding I have to make so many decisions about the fuck that would normally be the Top’s prerogative - speed, angle, what he sees of my body visually, where the pressure and friction are applied to his cock. If I’m the one calling those shots, can he really be said to be Topping me? I think the fact that it’s harder to keep a cock from slipping out if you when you’re riding says it all - the Top isn’t in charge of that fuck. If I simply must ride, I almost never ride facing him. I find my options too limited frontally simply because of the way the anatomy bends and folds.
  6. I’m dredging this thread back up again because I don’t think enough can be said about how bad an idea it is to use Maximum Impact. Yesterday, mid-fuck, a Top handed me a cloth and told me to breathe the fumes - poppers, I thought. I took a deep draw. It didn’t smell like poppers. Within about a second, I heard a high-pitched ringing in my ears, saw small multicolored flashes at the corners of my eyes with my eyes closed, and suddenly could sense nothing else whatsoever from the world around me. Aside from the ringing and those little flashes, everything was black. I couldn’t feel the Top’s cock inside me, his thrusts moving my body, his hands on me, couldn’t hear the sounds he was making. I tried to focus on where I was and what I was doing. I recall thinking: ‘That’s not poppers. I bet he just gave me Maximum Impact. I wonder if I’m about to pass out. That would be completely stupid.’ I also distinctly recall thinking: ‘I don’t feel anything - why would anybody want to use this? It’s like being dead.’ My mind finally cleared and I could feel him reaming my ass again (he hadn’t stopped) but I had to ask him to give me a few seconds so I could make sure I had recovered. Maximum Impact is fucking dangerous. Before, I could only relate the warnings I had researched. Now, I’ve survived it. Baaaaad mojo. Do NOT confuse this for poppers. By the way, to make things even more confusing, apparently certain popper brands are being distributed in aerosol cans very similar to Maximum Impact rather than in little brown bottles. Be extra careful if offered something in a spray applicator.
  7. I don’t do my best work in the saddle. I’m at my best when I am the saddle. I find riding less than optimal not just because of the stamina required, but also the balance and dexterity, the relative lack of depth, and the fact that the Top isn’t in control of the fuck. I do it if asked, but if a Top wanted nothing else I would frankly consider him a lazy Top.
  8. Judicious use of poppers to relax your muscles down there during fucking can reduce the tendency to clench and spasm, and help prevent soreness. There’s ultimately no substitute for practice and stretching, however. Plus, you note that your sensitivity is coming on after rough fucks. That’s to be expected - your anus was not designed for what you’re using it for, and absolutely not for the kind of abuse it receives from a rough Top. I would go so far as to say that soreness is an unavoidable part of every committed cumdump’s service. If I’m not sore after I’ve been fucked, I have to question whether I did my job properly.
  9. My experience with nipple piercings was like a couple of previous posters’ - in spite of careful care, they simply never would heal and became too difficult to keep open. On top of that, getting them in the first place was excruciating. I saw stars. I have an ampallang piercing through the meat of my cockhead, and that was nothing compared to the pain of the nipples. I enjoyed having them but no way in hell would I have them re-done. For those determined to get them, though, here’s a tip: Have both nipples done simultaneously. My piercer and her assistant each did one nipple of mine at the same moment. That way, the adrenaline rush carries you through both. One other thing to note - if you get nipple piercings, you’d better like having your nipples chewed hard. Once I got them pierced, every time some guy wanted to go for my nipples it seemed like he assumed my piercings were a license to chew and gnaw and tug and bite and use as much tooth as possible. (And nipple pain is the one kind of pain that shuts me down instantly, so it was a constant problem.) The same is true with cock piercings, by the way. If you’ve got one, they will. not. leave. it. alone. Especially when you want them to. Be warned.
  10. 1. It may be a good place for an opportunity to take multiple loads, but there is no guarantee. I’ve done CumUnions where I’ve taken 24 loads, and CumUnions where I was lucky to get 5. Plus, it depends on the nature of the fucking - a rough Top could injure you early in the game and that would be the end of it for the night. 2. Don’t even consider total sensory deprivation in such contexts. It’s essential that you have some kind of clue what’s happening around you. You may be able to swing a blindfold, but if you do, make very sure you have nothing of value that can walk away out where someone could find it. Realize that limiting your senses when you’re making yourself vulnerable around strangers always introduces an extra element of risk. Stay alert. 3. You cannot guarantee that any man who fucks you is neg. Period. If you’re not on PrEP and you’re fucking bare, you are wide open to HIV infection. That’s a fact - any other notion is wishful thinking. 4. You should find no barrier to popper use, but don’t get carried away. Especially if you’re not accustomed to them, poppers can cause you to lose consciousness and potentially injure yourself in a fall. If used with Viagra or certain other medications that lower blood pressure, they can be deadly. And, skin contact can cause chemical burns or irritation. If you choose to use them, be sensible about it.
  11. ^ In a nutshell. All these ethically bereft replies justifying and encouraging you to cheat (mostly by, it must be pointed out, cheaters) with explanations that it’s natural, or inevitable, or exciting, or whateverthehellexcuse utterly ignore the scruples of it. @BootmanLA above outlines the situations in which violations of personal fidelity you have made with a person whom you presumably love may have some justification, and it might be argued that even in these cases cheating should be a last resort after communication has failed. Any other rationale marks the cheater as a selfish, disloyal, untrustworthy, betraying motherfucker in the eyes of the hurt partner, and the partner is right. Whether or not you find the idea thrilling, whether or not it makes your “cock rage”, is irrelevant. You’ve basically opened a topic here asking us to give our blessing to you shitting on your partner. You’re not getting it from me. If you can’t keep your promises, own it up front and give your partner the chance to cut you loose and find someone who will. Then you can go fuck whoever whenever without being a complete douche.
  12. It’s not hard to explain. For some, at least, sex with a person of the same gender somehow isn’t “cheating” in the same way as it would be with someone of the spouse’s gender. The act can be rationalized as not being the same level of infidelity. That doesn’t mean it’s actually any less of a betrayal, but it may be at least the subtext going on in some of their minds.
  13. That’s an interesting notion - that a male having lost his masculine status could suddenly regain it by cumming. I suspect it isn’t as easy as that. A man may look back with chagrin at the things he has done - or allowed to be done to him - while in the throes of his sexual impulse, but you can’t unfuck him. Once that bell has rung, it stays rung. A cunting is irreversible.
  14. If you’re actually hoping to attract an authentically Dominant Top to fuck you, I would suggest you try a different strategy. In my very consistent experience, a genuine Dominant Top has no interest whatsoever in what a bottom “needs”, or even wants. He is interested only in his own appetites, and will assess the potential of a bottom only on the basis of the bottom’s usefulness to him. He is only interested in your orgasm to the degree that making you have it is a demonstration of his control. If he’s in a good mood, he might indulge your need, but only if it amuses him to do so, or if doing so in some perverse fashion satisfies some darker impulse within him. There may be Dominants who respond to bottoms who talk about their “need” because they see it as a signal that the bottom is particularly debased, but I have found, rather, that such Dominants tend to view those kinds of entreaties as a sign that the bottom is self-interested and is likely be a tiresome fuck, and move on to more promising targets.
  15. You can’t judge your experience by comparison to @DannyBoyCMH’s experience. His situation is highly unusual; very, very few submissives have access to Dominant Tops the way he has. Your experience as you describe it is far more typical of the general Top population. Zoo The fact of the matter is that the kind of Dominance that submissives like you and I find so motivating and satisfying is not a common trait among men. A genuine desire for, and pleasure in, control over another man’s body, for the ability to violate his intimate space, and for a feeling of satisfaction from his discomfort, pain or humiliation are all traits that distinguish the Dominant from the common Top. These are essentially antisocial characteristics; at the farther end of the scale they may venture into the realm of psychopathy. If a man looks at me and thinks to himself, genuinely, “He’s a faggot. He was born for men like me to fuck, and I have a right to his ass”, that puts him outside of mainstream thinking. The fact that I might happen to agree with him doesn’t change that, it only puts me in alignment with his aggressive pattern of thought. To my mind, this somewhat underscores my sense that I have a definite role to play as a sexual submissive - because I accept and perform the role that such men would place on me, I act as a receptacle for those relatively antisocial expressions of male sexuality that might otherwise be inflicted on persons in the mainstream. If an aggressive Dominant fucks me in a particularly brutal and dehumanizing way, little harm is done because I am trained to take it, am accustomed to it, and see it as part of my purpose, and someone else is spared that treatment who might have been traumatized by it. But because the mindset found in such Dominants is atypical, we can’t expect to find it readily in the mainstream, and I don’t believe it’s a mindset that can be brought into being in a mind in which it doesn’t already exist. You can’t, therefore, fo anything to make those non-Dominant Tops become the kinds of controlling brutes you hope for - it isn’t in them. The best you can do is try to find the genuine article and focus your effort there. If it’s any consolation, I sympathize - my experience is the same as yours. I would be perfectly happy if every man treated me like a whore - but most of them are just regular, decent guys.
  16. In fact, as I reflect back on the last three years in which I committed my body to unconditional male service, by far the majority of truly memorable encounters have been with Men of Color. Not because of the cock size factor - though I cannot deny it is a contributor - but because I have found the individuals I have encountered to be more sensual, more body-confident, less judgmental (as a rule) and more likely to reach out for what they want. If someone told me tomorrow that I would from that point on be solely used by black men, I would be perfectly happy with that.
  17. I suspect that if the phrase didn’t rhyme it would have long since have ceased to exist. The verbal gimmick hooks it into the mind, making it seem as though there must be some truth in it, when in fact the only truth is that ‘black’ rhymes with ‘back’. As an analytical person by nature, I’m very resistant to most stereotypes, and the whole BBC issue throws up obvious flags. The troubling thing, though, is that my personal experience of being fucked by black men had indeed been notable for a preponderance of really big penises. Last night is an example. I hosted in Louisville - dismal turnout again, only two fucks all night - but both of the men were black, both of them had a cock well over 8 inches and thick, and both of them fucked me balls deep for over an hour each. Edit: I spoke too soon - all *three* of the black men who just fucked me raw had huge cocks.
  18. I suspect that if the phrase didn’t rhyme it would have long since have ceased to exist. The verbal gimmick hooks it into the mind, making it seem as though there must be some truth in it, when in fact the only truth is that ‘black’ rhymes with ‘back’. As an analytical person by nature, I’m very resistant to most stereotypes, and the whole BBC issue throws up obvious flags. The troubling thing, though, is that my personal experience of being fucked by black men had indeed been notable for a preponderance of really big penises. Last night is an example. I hosted in Louisville - dismal turnout again, only two fucks all night - but both of the men were black, both of them had a cock well over 8 inches and thick, and both of them fucked me balls deep for over an hour each.
  19. Your question boils down to whether others understand you better than you understand yourself just by observing you. I don’t see how that can possibly be true. While others may discern things about you of which you are unaware or the reality of which you may resist, the number of things that you know about yourself that they don’t will always be far greater. You will always have more information on which to base an evaluation of yourself. That’s not to say that others’ perceptions aren’t revealing, and useful, even when (and especially if) at odds with our own. As an autistic person, I don’t have the ability the average neurotypical person does of automatically being able to understand how a person is feeling from his body language. So when I’m around other people I have to constantly pay very close attention to their gestures and expressions, as well as what they say, to try to decode the things they are unconsciously signaling about their response to how they perceive me. If I don’t, I invariably manage to get it wrong and unwittingly say something that offends someone. But what I’ve learned from all this careful study is that other people perceive you not clearly, but through the filter of themselves. That means that the way another person sees you will never be a straight-up picture of you; it will always be a picture of you-as-interpreted-b-them. It’s kind of like a book translated from one language to another: The two may be very close in meaning, but there will always be places where something doesn’t quite translate. When you perceive yourself, you perceive in a language all your own.
  20. I’ve lived so many fantasies without even trying to - they just happened along the way as more and more Dominant men took advantage of an opportunity they found in me. I can’t say I have any fantasies that I would leave unlived if given the chance - but I have a few left that I’m afraid the clock will run out on me before I ever get a chance. They’re the kind of thing that are hard to achieve because you have to find an uncommon sort of man who wants to do them. To live your fantasies sometimes you have to make your own opportunities.
  21. A few years back at the Kentucky State Fair they were all about jams and jellies and there was this big tent full of every kind you could think of. Right next to it there was a smaller tent where this one shop only sold five or six kinds of jam. The big tent was always full of people, but the ones making the sales were the folks in the little tent because the shoppers in the big tent got too overwhelmed with all the choices and couldn’t make up their minds. In the little tent, you only had to choose from six. You got a pretty darn specific fetish going there, but if the state fair proved anything that year it’s that the more you can narrow your options the more likely you are to end up with something. (And having a strobe light going off in the room might help get the seizures going 😉. )
  22. ^ This exactly. Note that when he says “I know my worth and value” it automatically implies that he has qualities and values of worth, and accepts them in himself. This is the opposite of the “I’m a worthless piece of trash cumdumpster fuckhole for Tops to use and throw away” statement that so many bottoms use as a personal brand. Even if he meant (and I don’t presume to know his mind on this or anything) that his worth and value as he saw it was solely as a sexual utility for Alpha Tops, it’s still an acknowledgment that he is valued, has a relationship to others, and has things of worth to contribute. In other words, it’s a mentally healthy statement even if he were expressing an acceptance of submission. My own statement might have been nearly identical - except for me, the Top doesn’t have to be an Alpha. It applies to anyone.
  23. “Pleasure myself” isn’t the right term for me - when I do it, it’s more like necessary maintenance required by my biology. Honestly, I’d rather not even think about it, but I live in such an isolated situation without regular outlet with a Top that sheer physical need builds up to the point that something must be done. When it happens, I seldom simply jack off - if I’m going to do it, I try to make it satisfying. The trouble is, solo is almost always a disappointment to me because it simply doesn’t bring the same reward as serving a Top. I try to simulate it as well as I can, but working myself with a dildo is no comparison, the fucking machine I built isn’t ideal for solo mounting, and while electrostim can simulate some very convincing sensations, it’s tricky to get it right on a consistent basis. Add to this that my pleasure/reward center just isn’t cock-based. Porn isn’t really my thing, either. It can be a useful stimulus if it portrays a bottom or Top in certain submissive or Dominant roles, and certain types of shots are helpful, but mostly it just emphasizes to me that I’m not there in the scene with them, I’m alone in a room resorting to masturbating when I would vastly rather be fucking. If I were in a very enviable situation like @DannyBoyCMH above, my answer would be the same as his. Alas, that’s a reality most if us can only imagine.
  24. A guy I knew once expressed what I think is probably going to be a common view on this subject here. He said, “Hell, no, I don’t want to smell any of that damn flower fart on a man.”
  25. I agree, though that’s not what my Master meant by what he said. What he meant was that everyone who has a point beyond which they will not go will go beyond that point after a maximum of seven sessions in which the activity approaches that point. That was his experience as a Dominant Sadist, so he ran up against people’s hard limits a lot. And went beyond them. On Day One, .18 gauge needles through my testicles would have been a firm NOPE but I ended up there. I think his point was that most people say they can’t do something when they mean they won’t do something, and won’t can turn into would rather not and then into might and then into will in relatively short order.
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