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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. To me, there is no substitute for fucking, not even close. The exchange of energies with another living sexual being is an expression of life lived fully. You can’t get it from a dildo, a bottle, a screen, or even a vivid imagination. For another man to be in contact with my flesh is exhilarating - for another man to actually occupy my flesh with his own is transcendant. To know that after he has gone the essence of him remains within me... no, nothing could possibly rival that.
  2. Your dietary/cleanout plan for four straight days/nights may not be as simple to execute as you’re thinking. First, regardless of how many calories you stuff down at one sitting, that meal is going to pass through your system at the same rate, meaning it will have made the trip from your mouth to the start of your colon within 6-8 hours. So if you eat your big meal at 8am, your stomach is empty and what’s left over is in your bowel by 4pm. From there, left to its own, it would take 36-48 hours to reach the exit - which means that up to five more several meals’ worth of waste are in transit at different stages of the colon at a given time. You’re going to need to do deep-cleaning each time to keep up with the fact that your gut may not agree to perform to your schedule, especially if you throw it out of rhythm by radically fasting. Plus, skewing your intake the way you’re describing is going to mess with your glucose level, and you’ll probably find yourself running down right about the time you want to be revving up. It’s better to eat light but nutritious and high-fiber to maintain energy and promote ease of cleanout, and stay very well hydrated (not alcohol ‘hydrated’). Immodium is not your friend. It prevents peristalsis, and makes cleanout more difficult. You don’t want to lock the stuff in, you want to facilitate its exit. Psilium husk (Metamucil) taken regularly will simplify cleanout and make the Immodium unnecessary.
  3. This is rich. You just did the intellectual equivalent of telling @blackrobe to go bat in his own league because he wasn’t offering up the kind of advice you were looking for. Somehow I now find myself a little less sympathetic to your complaint. If you actually value hearing the thoughts and opinions of others - and actually learning from them - it’s a shame you were too busy being affronted to actually listen to what he was trying to say to you... because his advice was sound.
  4. There are so many positions to be fucked in, it’s impossible to say that any particular one is ‘best’. Different positions give a Top access to different places inside a bottom; some have the advantage of greater depth, some of more advantageous angles, some a better application of leverage and pressure, some favoring friction, some simply better for the visual aesthetic. My current go-to regular Top usually spends a little over an hour fucking me each session and usually fucks me in 6-8 different positions for different effects. One of them is prone, face-down, which, if I have some support like a pillow elevating my hips, is one of my favorites for depth. He sometimes chooses that position for actually seeding me, but not always.
  5. I beg your pardon, you are quite right. I should have read your post more carefully, especially as I thought that what I thought you were saying was uncharacteristic of your usual posts. My apologies.
  6. It sounds as though you place a judgment on yourself for having these feelings, as though you shouldn’t. You’re asking the men of Breedingzone how to handle an urge to get fucked? What sort of answer do you suppose you’re going to get? You’re going to be told to go out and get fucked as often as possible. It sounds also as though you’re concerned about whether you’ll be considered a whore. Unless you’re willing to live by other people’s rules and standards and not your own, you can do nothing about what other people say or think. You can only change how you react to them. If you want to live a sexually promiscuous lifestyle, that’s your business. Others may have an opinion if it, and may even look negatively on you for it, but whether their opinion matters is entirely up to you. But let’s assume that their opinion does matter to you, and you are conflicted about your sexual desires because you believe acting on them will cause people to judge you. The desires don’t go away, so what do you do about them? You watch porn and masturbate, and resign yourself that those fantasies will remain fantasies. That’s the price you choose to pay for subordinating your desires to others’ opinions. Or, you act on the desires secretly, and take extraordinary care to conceal the fact, and live in constant fear of discovery. Or, you can tell the judgmental people to kiss your ass and follow your desires to their satisfying conclusion, and take the consequences. If you’re asking your question because you know what you want to do but don’t have the courage to do it, we can’t really help you with that - that has to come from within. The only thing I can suggest is to imagine all the people you know together in one room, and then someone puts a big poster on the wall with a photo of you getting fucked in the ass. How you respond to that hypothetical scenario will tell you much about how you should handle your fantasies.
  7. It works fine for me, and I’ve had no problem accessing it any time in the last couple of months. Could your provider be blocking?
  8. The probability of an event over repeated trials is not exactly the same as its probability in any individual trial. In probability, the certainty of an outcome is expressed as 1, with the certainty that it won’t happen expressed as 0. For a coin toss, the chance of it coming up tails (because I’m all about ass, naturally) is 1/2, one of two possible outcomes. The chance of a toss coming up tails on any given toss is therefore 1/2 -> .5 -> 50% for any given toss. But what is the probability of getting tails if you toss it twice? The probability can be defined as 1 - 1/2^n, with n being the number of trials. Therefore: 1 - 1/(2^2) -> 1 - 1/4 -> 1 - .25 -> .75 -> 75%. If we toss 10 times, 1 - 1/2^10 -> 99.90234%. That’s the probability of the result across the total number of trials, even though the probability of a result in any individual toss remains 50%. Even though that 99.9% looks pretty certain, it’s only a statement of statistical likelihood, not an absolute predictor of the outcome and you might never toss tails at all... but the more times you toss, the better your overall chances are you’ll hit it at least once. It works the same way for something you don’t want.
  9. There is a difference between using the power of a government agency to disseminate factual information in the public interest and using the power of a federal agency to regulate, limit, or deny public access to something. The first instance empowers citizens in the exercise of their personal agency; the second abridges their personal agency and freedom. In the United States, at least, we expect and require our government to exercise the latter authority sparingly and only at great need. We don’t always make the best individual choices - but at least they are ours to make. Government is at its best when it helps us make our best choices, not when it makes them for us. So I also have no problem with the FDA issuing a warning about the hazards or poppers. I would not look favorably upon an effort to ban them as “garbage”.
  10. Check again. There is no evidence that amyl nitrites produce physical or psychological addiction. This is noted by several credible sources if you do a simple search on poppers and addiction. The well-accepted legitimate medical uses of amyl nitrites - as in accepted by the Mayo Clinic and others - include the treatment of certain heart conditions as a vasodilator and relief of pain from attacks of angina, and as an emergency antidote for cyanide poisoning. So not only are they not addictive, they do have legitimate medical uses, and can be prescribed by a doctor. There are also perfectly legitimate uses for the substance aside from its effects on the human body, including as a cleaning agent. They are used, for instance, in the cleaning of printed circuit boards - I have used them myself for this purpose. I am not in favor of banning substances on the grounds that they have “no legitimate use” because “legitimate” can mean anything a zealot wants it to mean. No substance is in and of itself good or bad - people simply apply such labels to mask judgments about human behavior.
  11. You are right, of course, in terms of the mathematics. The point of my post, however, was most importantly that even with PrEP, the chance of infection is not zero. And even if your chance is 1 in 7000, that doesn’t mean you’re free and clear to take 6,999 loads before there’s a chance of infection. The OP wishes to know if he can cumdump with the expectation of remaining neg. If the question had been “Can I cumdump without ever getting an STD?” I doubt there would be any question - the answer would be no. This question targets a specific STD, but the safeguards against it are not a guarantee, and the more times you take the risk, the more times you face the chance of its failure. Can you cumdump and stay neg? Sure, you could - but you’d better be prepared for the alternative.
  12. This behavior will continue to be a part of our culture as long as we shrug our shoulders and say, “That’s just part of it” - as long as we continue to tolerate and excuse it. The reasons a man ghosts may be understandable, but they are not excusable. A man who ghosts is a liar, a coward, or both. It’s as simple as that. His word is valueless. He is at best spineless, at worst, deeply selfish and deceitful. And yes, if anyone reading this ghosts people, I’m talking about you. If a man finds that he has committed himself to an action that he realizes he cannot, for whatever reason, follow through with, the honorable and correct course of action is to inform the other party and apologize for the inconvenience, recognizing that the other person’s time and needs also have value and importance. Not doing so signals that the offender is interested only in himself and has no consideration for the other person as a human being. Men who troll the apps for titillation only to ghost the people they contact are a scourge of parasites infesting the networks. If there were any way to penalize the behavior, I would be 100% in favor of it. Here’s a quick test: If you’ve ghosted someone, stand in front of a mirror and say aloud the words “I’m a dick.” Then wait for yourself to disappear like a ghost. If you can still see yourself in the mirror after a couple of minutes, you will have confirmation that you are, in fact, a dick.
  13. PrEP is a risk-reduction strategy, not a risk-elimination strategy. Although PrEP is believed to be about 99% effective in preventing infection when taken as directed (not missing doses), they do qualify that figure with “about”, and that figure is not 100%. Therefore, statistically, for every 100 poz loads you take, one of them will have a chance of breaching your PrEP line of defense. For the average bottom, those are still quite good odds. For a dedicated cumdump, 100 poz loads may be something you easily rack up in a year’s time - or a month’s, if you’re that big a slut. Either way, no matter how diligent you are with your PrEP, there will always be a very small opportunity for the virus to reach you. The only way to be absolutely sure you can never get it is to abstain. Can one be a cumdump and remain neg? Anything is possible, but I consider that unrealistic. No game of chance is going to go your way every time, and the more times you roll those dice, the more certain it becomes that you’re going to get a bad roll. And with HIV, it only takes one.
  14. This is an interesting point - among those who think of themselves as ‘pigs’, how many would actually be willing (or eager) to walk around in public wearing attire that labels them as such? I’ve never, to be honest, understood why some men would choose to put on a T-shirt with a not-so-dubtle lewd sexual reference to his penis and walk down the public street. Wearing suggestive articles at a venue is altogether different, though I don’t really do it myself - being naked is about as suggestive as I get. (I’m not subtle about these things.)
  15. For someone who can’t opine, you’re awfully generous with your opinions. No, sir, you are not qualified to assess whether any of us is “damaged”, regardless of whatever set of personal values you may think ought to apply to every other man around you. (By your dubious metric I, by virtue of my approach to service, would no doubt land squarely in your “damaged” column. Fuck you very much.) You say that you acknowledge no difference in power roles between Tops and bottoms, and then instantly illustrate your firm grasp of the reality of Power Exchange. The notion that the bottom or the submissive has the control in a Power Exchange is not new - it’s been a well-understood and well-accepted principle in BDSM circles for a very long time. Circles, I might add, composed of individuals with a kaleidoscopic variety of experiences, subtleties, and nuances in the forms of sexual give-and-take, plenty of which may challenge your personal sensibilities, but none of which are “disordered” in context. One key point to note is that in most healthy Power-Exchange relationships, the bottom does not take satisfaction in the idea of being able to deprive the partner of pleasure, but rather in the ability to supply it. Indeed, this dynamic is really the entire point of the symbiosis. You have made it repeatedly plain that you do not share the ethos of members here who place the satisfaction and pleasure of Tops above their own. So be it. You are entitled to your view. It is not, however, necessary for you to disparage them for it or cast aspersions on their character simply because you don’t understand them. In future, kindly desist. Your use of such language does not serve you; it is rhetorically weak, stylistically shrill, and ultimately fails to persuade.
  16. Some golfers get a hole in one, some need an extra swing, some have a hard time getting out of the rough - it’s all about skill and practice, with an edge given to dexterity. A smart Top who feels uncertain about the insertion point simply starts at the top of the cleft and slides down, applying constant forward pressure - that way the hole is hard to miss. Missing happens mainly when they try to make a targeted assault. They certainly don’t have to miss. A couple of years ago in Indianapolis a young Top took my breath away because when he penetrated me he did it from a distance and basically launched himself at my ass like a missile from two feet away, nailed my hole dead-on, and sank straight to his balls. I couldn’t believe he hit me so perfectly from that kind if distance. It was one of the most brutal penetrations I’ve ever endured, but he knew exactly what he was doing and got exactly what he wanted exactly the way he wanted it.
  17. I appreciate the sentiment, but bronzing a pair of size 11-E ankle-height boots would create a pair of pretty massive projectiles swinging in front of my windshield, assuming they didn’t rip the mirror off outright.
  18. Practically speaking, it makes no difference what I think of what a Top calls my hole - he’s going to be using it regardless. I find that the vast majority will use ‘hole’, ‘pussy’, or ‘cunt’, usually depending on whether they think in terms of fucking me versus breeding me. Myself, I call it either ‘cunt’ or ‘hole with a heavy preference for ‘cunt’ because of its functional implications. Though it doesn’t matter what I like, I don’t really like it if a Top uses a term that refers to the primary purpose of my anus - I don’t want to be reminded that I also defecate there.
  19. @indynudeguy and @GIVEMESEED1974 - Do you think Indy is just bad for cruising? Because I usually have a great time when I travel up to slut at the bathhouse I go to (The Works) and even have pretty decent luck hotel hosting in Southport on Friday nights. I haven’t been up since COVID, so I don’t know if things have changed, but I don’t really use a ‘cruising’ method of going out looking for Tops - I just station myself, advertise my availability, and wait for them to come to me. I’m not picky, of course - I take any cock that wants me, so that may account for my relative success versus someone with criteria, but for what I do, Indy seldom disappoints. I took the single biggest cock I’ve ever seen on a human being in real life in Indy. And I assure you, Indy is not the WORST place for getting laid... that would be Louisville.
  20. The OP specifically asked about genital herpes, that is, the STI caused by the Herpes simplex virus (HSV). The next several replies talked about HPV, or genital warts, which are caused by Human Papillomavirus. They are two different, unrelated conditions with entirely different symptoms, treatments, prognoses, and prevention strategies. @CABttm4Txc above gave a good simplified rundown on Herpes, so go back and read it if you haven’t. The takesways are that the majority of the public has herpes, chances are fair you already have it and don’t know it, and that there’s no vaccine and no cure. I would also add to the above that the oral and genital varieties are essentially the same, and you don’t have to fuck someone to get infected. I got it, probably as a child, likely by being kissed by a relative. On very rare occasions I may get a cold sore on my lip. Here’s the CDC’s fact sheet: [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/stdfact-herpes-detailed.htm
  21. Well. I hadn’t realized that in this system there really are ‘badges’. I just got a notice that I’d earned the “Dedicated” badge given for visiting daily every day for a week. (It seems to indicate that this is uncommon, which I find difficult to credit.) I think a system like this could easily go overboard. This is a discussion forum, and I think any reward system runs the risk of degrading the quality of content as members begin posting not for the purpose of discussion, but simply for bulking up their post count or response count in pursuit of the next badge or level. It’s never a good idea to scatter a bunch of shiny trinkets on the floor of a room full of people with things they should be doing - they invariably stop what they’re doing to pick up the shiny things. It’s what humans do. Throw out too many shiny badges and people may lose sight of what makes BZ valuable as a community. The reward system should never become anyone’s reason for logging on; it should never be the point.
  22. Well, I’m not really a hat wearer, and I’m usually not wearing anything you could pin a badge onto. (I did once have pierced nipples, which could have worked, but they never did take properly and closed up.) I wouldn’t want to get my status tattooed, because I always hope to improve my standing, and anyway, what do you do when the whole system changes and suddenly you’ve got ‘WHORE’ permanently fixed in your skin? Don’t answer that. You can get printable temporary-tattoo film for custom designs - I think I should get some and plaster a Good Cumdumping Seal of Approval to my ass for my next event...
  23. Ouch. And I thought Kentucky was repressed. Note To Self: Do not plan on getting fucked in Wales. Additional Note To Self, Important: Do not plan on getting fucked by whales.
  24. I have Tops who will take pictures or video of me while they’re in the middle of fucking me... then suddenly pause for a few seconds... then set their phone down and get back to fucking, and I’ll realize they probably just sent that shot or that clip to someone so they could see what the Top was doing. They never ask me if I care. Why would they? I’m just a hole they’re fucking.
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