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Everything posted by losolent

  1. Part 9 - The Setting Sun Fabian called over to them both. "Dinner is at 7pm, family will arrive shortly before, are you two ready to go in it is now 4pm?" "Sir, Jake's dinner attire is hanging in your dressing room, I will go and see everything is in order before joining you." "Thank you Marco. Jake let's go." Marco disappeared towards the dining room as Fabian and Jake went up to the master suite. Fabian sat on the bed next to where Jake was laying, the sight of Fabian naked mere inches away sent electricity coursing through his body. He sat up and moved behind Fabian wrapping his arms around his neck and moving his face close to Fabian's. He pulled him closer thinking he'd never get close enough. Fabian turned his head and their lips met, the desire grew in hunger as his cock sprang to erection in seconds. Fabians hands were touching and caressing his body and slowly moving towards his lower back. A load moan escaped Jake's mouth as he felt a hand cup his ass cheek that began lightly moving in circling motions. Fabian's body pushed Jake on his back, his tongue devouring Jake's mouth, arms clasped around each other rolling on the bed. First Fabian was on top, then Jake and Fabian again who came resting in between Jake's legs. Their kissing continued and Jake lifted his legs wrapping them around Fabian's waist, doing so he felt movement as Fabian moved his legs up locking Jake's in place around his waist. Fabian kissed Jake's neck as he manoeuvred his left arm around his neck and clasped his shoulder. He stopped and looked him in the eye before closing down on his mouth as they entered in to a lustful kiss. Their lips locked together, Fabian raised his hips until his cock slid down past Jake's ball sack and nestled against his hole. He moved his other arm over the top of his head, Jake's held on to Fabian's shoulders tightly. He let out a loud groan as the head of Fabian's cock aligned itself to his hole and pushed against it, slowly he teased Jake, each time slightly more pressure was being applied. Slowly his arse lips began to part, the head of his cock began entering Jake. Fabian stopped kissing, raised his head and look lovingly in to Jake's eyes. He let out a short whimper of pain as his arse stretched open even further. Never loosing eye contact Jake raised his head to kiss Fabian. Every so often another whimper and moan of pain would illicit from Jake as more of Fabian entered his body. He moaned louder at the burning pain and discomfort, then lost in the moment as Fabian slid the rest of his cock deep in one slow continuous movement. Fabian stopped moving, knowing that if he kept moving, if he gave himself up to the exquisite tightness, the heat, he would explode. Fabian kissed at his neck and face giving time for Jake to adjust to his cock. Fabian whispered in his ear "You are so perfect and adorable Jake.", he lunged forward and kissed him hard, Jake grabbed harder at his shoulders, he wanted him and he wanted him now. Fabian rocked his hips, he gasped in between kissing and tightened his legs around Fabian. The tempo quickened, he was beginning to struggle taking the cock so deep. Suddenly he let out a cry as Fabian hit his prostate. "Oh god Fabian, ahhh yes, please, oh Fabian please.", the pain was replaced by pure ecstasy. Fabian rested his head against his cheek, Jake could hear the erratic breathing as the orgasm began to build between Fabian's legs. He had never felt such intense pleasure running through his whole body as Fabian thrusted deeper and faster. He tried to stifle his moans but the noise was overtaken by Fabian grunting. As if by magnetic force their lips locked together again. The air was filled with the sound of muffled grunting and moaning, a constant low rapid slapping of Fabian's balls hitting against Jake. Fabian raised himself up slightly as his cock hardened even more, his balls contracting upwards in preparation, Jake gasped and moaned he felt like the inside of his arse was being stabbed and trying to kill him. Droplets of sweat landed on Jake's face as Fabian shouted and locked his hips tight against Jake. Jake dug his fingers in to his shoulders as he felt the first huge stream of warmth flooding in to his arse. The sensation caused Jake to start ejaculating causing his legs to stat wriggling around Fabian's body. The second stream erupted with the same force in to his arse. Fabian collapsed on top of Jake where their lips meet in a mad mouth crushing kiss. His hips jolted continuously as he shot several more volleys of toxic laden seed into Jake. Fabian laid on top of Jake kissing for another half an hour, all the time gently rocking his hips, pushing his seed deeper in to Jake. Eventually Fabian rolled on his side with Jake still attached on his cock, his arms pulling Jake closer to him as they both cuddled on the bed dozing and kissing. Fabian slowly pulled his cock out causing Jake some discomfort and pain as he did so. His head was still buzzing, this was the first time anyone had actually made love to him. He was exhausted, after all it had been a very busy day. There was a knock at the door and Marco entered. "Sir, do you wish me to help you and Jake dress?" "Thank you, Marco that would be helpful. Jake we are running a little late, go and jump in the shower." Marco came over and helped Jake off the bed and gave him a kiss and patted his arse as he disappeared to the bathroom. "I will send the housekeeper up to change the bed linen." "Thank you Marco. " "There is a little blood on the sheets sir, let me remove them now." "Marco, looks like he may become a proper family member sooner than anticipated." Fabian headed to the shower as Marco stripped the bed and phoned to the housekeeper. He started dressing Jake who felt a little awkward, but he loved having Marco so close to him. Fabian appeared from the bathroom and looked at Jake and Marco, unquestionably there was a spark igniting. With Jake dressed he moved over to Fabian and tied his bow tie. "Marco, you had better get ready, do you need a hand?" "With my bow tie probably." "Jake go help Marco." They both left and headed to Marco's. Fabian went downstairs to check on the dining room. Everything was perfect he mused as he heard the first of the guests arriving and being directed to the library for cocktails. He turned and went to join them. Within a few minutes the entire family had arrived all 13 of them except for Jake and Marco. Fabian briefed the family members but it was Spencer who spoke up first. "Fabian, you know what we are all waiting to hear." "Okay, yes we did it late this afternoon." "That makes us a lot more at ease knowing he really is committed to being with us." "Even better, I think we may have found someone for Marco." "That is great news Fabian. If we can do anything to push them together we will all be happy to help." "It has only been a week and things have moved very fast, let them have their space to develop." Marco was deliberately delaying Jake as they were to be the last to enter the library. Jake was on his fifth attempt at tying Marco's bow tie and this time he succeeded and got it just right. Marco couldn't stop giggling at his futile attempts, he looked in the mirror nodded, giving Jake a kiss he grabbed his hand. "Right, I think we should head down. The whole family will be here tonight." "I am a little nervous Marco. Plus my arse hurts a little, I don't know if I will be able to sit down properly." "Jake, I am with you there is nothing to be nervous about. I will look after you." They quickly headed down the staircase towards the double doors of the library. "Ready?" "I think so."
  2. Part 8 - All Is Not What It Seems Jake opened the car do and ran down the driveway, the car was gone and the gates clanked shut. He shouted across the driveway as Marco and Jean-Paul rushed out of the car. "Who was that Marco!?" "Jake, what do you mean?" "Was that Billy in that car?" "Billy?" "Why would my friend by driving out of here?" "Jake, calm down let us go see Fabian." Jake's face was flustered and mildly confused but angry as they walked in to the house. Fabian was already in the entrance hall, he didn't like the look on Jake's face as as shouted across at him. "Why was Billy here?" "Billy does some work for me every now and then, but he is not family." "There has been to many coincidences happening recently and do you want to know the funniest of them all?" "Jake they do happen occasionally, but some need a little push in the right direction." "And did you push him to show me your profile whilst he was checking out local screwballs?" Marco tried to put his hand on Jake's arm who shrugged him off just as quick. He was in no place to be comforted. "Marco, Jean-Paul, please leave us, Jake come with me please." He followed Fabian in to his office and closed the door. "I understand you are upset.. let me continue Jake. Billy does some work for me and yes, I sent him to get to know you." "Is this all a joke Fabian?" "Sit down Jake, I will tell you the truth." Jake had a tear streak down his face more through the rage inside him. "I saw you one day in Wimbledon village with Billy. I knew then that I wanted you in my family." "And..." "I got Billy to start dropping very subtle hints and show you my profile by accident." "Billy was one friend who I started to count on and confide in." "Actually Billy told me you were special and one of a kind, he adores you more than you can imagine." "He has a fine way of showing it. Setting me up like this." Jake sat there head in his hands, why was this whole weekend full of ups and downs. Fabian sat down next to him, his arm around Jake's shoulder, there was no shrugging or resistance from Jake. "So it this all a lie, you just want to fuck me and push me out on my way?" "It could have been like that, but it is quite the opposite Jake. I knew as soon as you were at ease with me." "Your fucking with my head." "Jake, I could have fucked you the first night we met and pozzed you there and then, never to see you again." "I feel betrayed, like a puppet being strung along all this time." "As I told you last night you are not a prisoner here, the door is open to leave and will shut behind you." He sensed Jake was calming down, he stood up and lit a cigar and offered it to Jake. The aroma hit his nose and a craving exploded, he sat back in the couch and inhaled the cigar. Fabian gave him a chilled bottle of water from the minibar in his office. He sat down at his desk and looked over at Jake, he knew the intoxification of the cigar would relax Jake and lead him to make the only right decision. He continued to type an email as Jake sat enjoying the cigar. Marco and Jean-Paul were sat in the kitchen having coffee. Marco had a worried look on his face, turning his cup round and round. "Do you think we will loose him?" "Fabian will calm him down Marco. You really like him don't you?" "Yes in a big way." "Does Fabian know?" "He saw it straight away, he thinks Jake feels the same. That is why he is keen on him staying." "Ever the match maker. He is lovely and will be great to have him in the family, do you think he will give up everything?" "Hard to tell at the moment, after this episode he was upset and angry. Who knows what he will do." "Marco, if it is what you want you must fight for it. You know Fabian would support you." Jake was in heaven as he enjoyed the cigar, with everything that went on this morning he hadn't really thought about smoking. He put the cigar down and starred at Fabian. He stood and walked over to the desk, Fabian just looked at Jake with his arms folded leaning back in his office chair. "Why?" "I wanted you for me and the family, and as it turns out for Marco." "Is this what all the generosity is about, winning me over?" "No Jake." "I don't want you to think I can be swayed to stay by money." "If I thought that you would have been out by now. So why do you not leave?" "Truthfully Fabian, I don't want to. I like you and the others." "Others?, you need to refer to them as family if you are staying Jake. What about Marco?" "I like him as well." "Be honest with me Jake, now that we are being honest." "I don't know, I get butterflies when he is near me." "That is good to know. And I can tell you the feeling is very mutual. Marco will tell you this in his own time." "But, what about you and me?" "I will always be here for you. Marco and I share two traits we are both kind and protect those we love." "I will need to leave later, I have work tomorrow." "Ahh yes, the weekend has gone so quickly. But let's pick this conversation up later. Jake smiled for the first time in a while listening to him. Fabian pressed the button on his desk phone and in a few moments Marco appeared. "Marco, lunch on the deck please if you could let chef know. Jake are you staying or leaving?" "Can I stay then please?" "Of course, and I am sorry for not telling you everything and being upfront. Marco please have lunch with us." "I would love to, thank you sir." After lunch the three of them spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and lounging by the pool. Fabian enjoyed seeing Marco and Jake swimming and playing in the pool, he would occasionally join them for a swim to cool down. As he watched from his sunbed , Fabian knew that this was going to be a blossoming romance, he felt great happiness but still a little sorrow for Marco, he could never find someone to love him as Marco, they only ever the trappings surrounding him. Fabian jumped, he didn't realise that Jake had appeared from the pool and kissed him on the head. Marco appeared and kissed Fabian then strolled over to Jake and swept him up off the ground and jumped back in to the pool with him. Fabian laughed at how boyish Marco had become just like when he first took him in.
  3. Part 8 - Sunday Surprises They entered the coolness of the house and voices could be heard coming from the Lounge. Jake looked over at Marco who assured him it would be the housekeeping staff cleaning. Fabian came out of the lounge and walked towards them. "Welcome home, Marco why don't you and Jake go to the pool, I will join you there shortly." "Yes sir." Marco's hand guided the back of Jake to the Orangery where they undressed and headed down to the pool. In no time they were both laughing and splashing around in the cool water as the warm sun beat down on them. Marco glimpsed Fabian holding an ice bucket and 3 glasses, he grabbed Jake and told him it was time to dry off and have a drink. Marco had the biggest smile on his face and his arm was draped around Jake's shoulder, he knew what this meant. "Boys, we have some celebrating to do." Fabian popped the champagne and poured three glasses out and handed one to Jake and Marco. He raised his glass. "Jake, your blood test came back negative, you have passed the final test. You are welcomed into my family!" They clinked their champagne flutes, Fabian kissed Jake and Marco rubbed his head and replaced his arm around his shoulder. Jake wasn't sure what was suppose to happen next, the thought of reality struck home that tomorrow he would have to be back at work and in his usual routine. His train of thought was interrupted by Marco speaking to Fabian. "Sir, Jake has expressed an interest in working out with me." "That is wonderful news, he has the right physique. I trust you will nurture him well." "Yes sir, it would be a pleasure to train with him." "Do you have gym wear Jake?" "Oh, no I don't, should I go an get some?" "Marco, take Jake out shopping and get him whatever he needs." "Yes sir." "Oh, and some evening attire we have a family dinner tonight." Marco nodded and hinted at Jake to come and swim. Fabian finished his champagne and returned to the house as Jake and Marco dived in to the pool and swam lengths for 30 minutes. Jake crawled out the pool exhausted. "Hell, Marco I could hardly keep up." Marco layed on the side breathing heavy next to Jake. "Give it a week and you will be able to do more. Right lets get dressed and go shopping." "I need to go home and get my bank cards Marco." "Jake, it is all taken care of." They walked back to the house and retrieved their clothes then headed up the stairs taking a different turning this time towards another large bedroom. "These are my rooms, I am at the opposite end of the house from the master suite, you can change here." "Thank you Marco." Jake was surprised as Marco's room had a cosy lounge, bedroom and bathroom. Although it was inside another house it was still bigger than his flat. Marco picked up the phone and asked Jean-Paul to be outside in 15 minutes to take them shopping. They changed quickly and stood staring at each other for a moment before Marco smiled and kissed Jake lightly on the mouth quickly, he grabbed his hand and walked back towards the stairs and front door. Jean-Paul was waiting with the car, dressed in shorts and polo shirt this time, he opened the passenger door and closed as they settled in. Jean-Paul got in to the driver seat and looked in the mirror. "Where to Marco?" "Harvey Nichols should have what we need." Jean-Paul nodded and they set off. 30 minutes later the card pulled up to the main entrance of the department store in Knightsbridge. The door man came rushing over to the car and opened the passenger door and held it open as Jake and Marco exited. A few people stopped to see who getting out of the car then hurriedly went on with their business. The door man asked if they required Alfredo, Marco nodded and the door man spoke in to his radio ear piece and ushered them inside the store and to a discreetly hidden lounge area. He told Marco that Alfredo is on his way. Jake was bemused and excited, oh sure he had been in Harvey Nichols before but only browse and never buy anything. A steward came over and offered them champagne which they both took. Marco clinked his glass against Jakes "Family" he said. Alfredo entered followed by two assistants, he was a tall with a very athletic build, in his late 20's but had the most divine chiselled features. "Marco how lovely to see you, and who is this young man?" "Alfredo this Jake, we need work out wear, something sexy I think would be nice." "Perfect, I have a good idea what he needs, anything else." "Dinner tuxedo, standard colours full dress please." "We have some amazing ones just come in this week that would look perfect on him." "Jake, is there anything else you would like?" "Errmm, I don't know what do you think Marco?" "Well let's not rush, I suspect we will do this again shortly." The assistants measured Jake up for sizes and they scurried off after Alfredo gave them instructions. Jake quietly asked Marco if Alfredo was family, Marco nodded. It appeared to Jake that Fabian's family got everywhere. He went on to tell Jake that Alfredo is Fabian's personal shopper, plus all the people that he sends all ask for Alfredo. In fact he get's job offers every week from all over, they know how much business he brings in so it is a win win situation for him. Alfredo returned with his assistants and two racks of clothing. Jake tried on a tuxedo which felt sublime and fitted like a glove, the material was silky and obviously very good quality. He tried to look for price tag but all he saw was the designers label, he new this was not cheap. After several changes of clothes he stood there in a pair of lycra gym shorts sporting a large bulge as the material felt amazing and he was causing him to get an erection. Slightly embarrassed he tried to cover up. Alfredo smiled and told him he would have been disappointed if he didn't have that reaction, acting as if it was perfectly natural. As they finished up Alfredo escorted them out to the waiting car, the assistants putting the bags and suit carrier in to the boot of the car. Alfredo gave Jake a bag with shorts and polo shirts as a little something extra for his first visit and smiled to them as they took their seats. Alfredo poked his head in the car and told them he would see them all this evening for dinner. The doorman approached and closed the passenger door, the car pulled away and headed back to Wimbledon. "Did you enjoy that?" "Unbelievable, I have never gone shopping where I Just sat and drunk champagne before." "It is a nice way to shop, but I do like going normal shopping as well." "Marco, am I going to be in debt to Fabian?" "Not at all, I told you he is a very generous person, but also expects family to dress as required." "Is my life going to change?" "Yes, I have only seen Fabian this excited with one other person. Me." As the car approached the front of the house one was just leaving. Jake tried to see who it was, a single solitary figure in the drivers seat. He did a double take thinking he just saw Billy, he tried to look back but the blacked out window made it impossible to verify what he thought he saw. Both Jean-Paul and Marco realised what had just happened, the chain reaction and fallout this could cause.
  4. Hey, are you keeping us in suspense.... loving the story, so horny.
  5. Part 7 - The Doctor Will See You Now Jake woke as the bright sunshine caressed his face causing a bead of sweat to trickle down his face. He lay eyes wide open recalling the conversation last night for a good fifteen minutes. Fabian was spooning up against him, he became aware that Jake was awake through his stirring. "Morning Jake." "Morning Fabian." Fabian kissed the back of his neck and Jake cuddled up closer to him. A tear ran down Jake's face, he quickly wiped it away but wasn't sure why he was so emotional, his mind finally made up. He turned to face Fabian and kissed him. "You can leave after breakfast if you wish." "Fabian, you ask for a lot but what I get in return and what I loose are indescribable." Marco knocked at the door and entered with a tray of juice, coffee and fresh fruit. He put the tray down on the bed and looked at Jake, seeing a slightly confused person laying there he knew it hadn't gone well. Fabian thanked Marco and shook his head at him quickly. Marco's smile faded he glanced at Jake and left the room, he knew he would need to get Jake's clothes ready for his departure. This didn't go unnoticed by Jake and he felt bad seeing the smile drop from his face. Feeling refreshed Jake hopped out of bed and over to the balcony he could hear splashing in the pool. As he looked out across the garden down to the pool he saw Marco swimming lengths. Fabian came up behind him and put his hand on his shoulder, Jake was watching Marco and contemplated the scene of Marco's body as he got out the pool and dried himself, he had never fancied anyone quite like him, even though there was an 8 year age gap. His conflicted emotions were beginning to fade, he finally turned to Fabian. "Fabian, I want to join your family, but the getting pozzed is worrying me." "Jake, it is not going to happen right now." "But I don't understand I thought that is what you wanted?" "You will join the family but it could take a week or several months." "I errr... can you explain?" "It has to happen naturally through sex between us and no one else." "You remember one of our first conversations where I said I fuck for my pleasure?" "Yes." "Well I do with anonymous fucks, but bringing you in to the family is different, it is more sensual." Jake and Fabian locked lips and kissed for several minutes. Marco knocked and entered carrying Jake's clothes. Fabian told Jake to go shower and he would join him shortly. Jake disappeared and Fabian waited for the sound of water. "Marco, he will be joining us." "Oh, thank god, I will put his clothes in the dressing room." "And Marco, you better pay the Billy his finders fee." "Yes Sir, I will do that now." "Tell him he did a good job, and can you get the car brought round and escort Jake to the doctor for his test." "Of course, will be my pleasure." "Let's hope this final test he passes." Fabian joined Jake in the shower, they helped wash and dry each other and they both got dressed. "Jake, you will be going with Marco to the doctors for a blood test." "Why?" "I need to make sure you are clean, that is the final test you must pass." "Oh okay, will you be here after?" "Of course." Marco entered the room dressed and Fabian ushered them both out. As they exited the front doors of the house a car with a uniformed driver was waiting. Marco went over and kissed the driver before getting in, as Jake approached he saw it was Jean-Paul. He gave Jake a smile and closed the door after him. As the car rolled down the driveway the large high security gates opened. They drove for about 25 minutes and pulled up outside a large private hospital in Chelsea. Marco led Jake to private suite of rooms, a receptionist looked up and told them that the doctor would be with them shortly and to take a seat. After a few minutes the doctor surgery room opened and there stood Spencer. Jakes mouth must have dropped open as Marco jabbed him in the side to knock him back to hear and now. "Jake, Marco, come through please." They entered the surgery and Spencer closed the door behind them, he gave Marco a big kiss before grabbing Jake and planting kiss and a big hug. Jake sat as Spencer took two vials of blood and telling them will have the results in a couple of hours. They all kissed and said goodbye, heading back to the car which was waiting outside. As the car pulled away Jake had some burning questions and decided now was the time to ask them. Before he could open his lips Marco touched Jake's arm. "I hope you will accept anything Fabian offers you in the coming weeks." "In what way Marco?" "He will want to keep you close and earn your tattoo. He will expect you not to have sex with anyone but him." "Do you not find this all strange?" Marco gave Jake's leg a squeeze. "At first it appeared that way, but eventually you appreciate belonging to his family." "But... what about after?" "After?, he may offer you some incredible choices. Fabian looks after the family, always remember that." "So, what about you, why umm.. how long have you been working for Fabian?" "Close on ten years, I was roughly the same age as you when I joined." "But you don't mind working for him?" "Absolutely not, first and foremost I am family and the house is also my home, second I am his butler." "How does that work?" "It just does, but hopefully you will also find how life will become so much fuller." Jake smiled as Marco leaned in and kissed him quickly, he ran his hand along Marco muscled arm. "Stop doing that, your making me horny." "Sorry, I don't know what come over me. But I love the feel of them, do you work out a lot?" "Fabian has a great gym in the basement plus the pool." "Will you help me workout, I would love to get some muscle like yours." "Of course I will, anyway that would make Fabian very happy." "Thank you." "Mind you, I am worried that when you start developing real muscle you would hotter than me!" Marco laughed and cuddled Jake as the car swept through the gates and up to the house. "You call this a house?" "Home." "It's a mansion, I have never seen it from this angle." It truly was an impressive modern house, built to Fabian's own specification's and boasted 9 bedrooms all with bathrooms, and two separate annexes with private accommodations for other staff. Jake had never been so amazed, the seclusion and privacy was remarkable and you would never know from the street what lay beyond. As Jean-Paul opened the door Jake got out and looked more closely, what was evident from the front was the security cameras that covered every angle of the front. Marco took his hand and escorted him through the front door.
  6. Part 6 - The Sleepover Fabian lowered Jake once they reached the Orangery, he took his hand and lead him through the entrance hall towards the sweeping staircase. Jake looked at Fabian who sensed a little hesitance, he squeezed his hand as they both ascended to the upper level and walked down a long hallway towards a set of double doors. Fabian opened the doors and led him inside to the master suite, the large room was airy and decorated in neutral tones, they turned and walked through the dressing room in to the bathroom. Fabian began took Jake's trunks off and then himself then led to the shower. Fabian soaped and rinsed Jake from head to toe, stimulating all his senses as he did so and noticing Jake's erection. Jake took the cue and began to soap Fabian's body, his hands worked lower and lower. Finally reaching his groin this would be the first time he had touched Fabian intimately, his slipped over the cock, instinctly he held it and was amazed at how thick and heavy it felt. He felt a pulse ripple through his hand as the cock began to awaken, looking up at Fabian he saw his head was rolled back against the tiles and his eyes closed. Unsure weather he should take it in his mouth, he continued to wash Fabian and moved down his legs and feet. The cock was now semi hard and easily eight inches, Jake moved his mouth nearer and began running his lips over the head. He was controlled and not forcing the issue as he rubbed his face up against the monster. Suddenly he felt Fabian's hand on his head as he guided Jake's mouth towards his cock and pushed the head until it was engulfed by Jake's warm mouth. Jake gently caressed the top of his cock and applied very light pressure. Droplets of precum where oozing from his own cock only to be quickly washed away by the cascading water. Fabian withdrew his cock and gave a long low sigh, silence hit the room as the water stopped flowing from the rainfall shower, Jake stood up and kissed Fabian. Both dried each other and Fabian led him back in to the bedroom. "Am I sleeping here with you?" "Yes, are you okay with that?" "Absolutely Fabian." They climbed in to bed, the balcony doors were open and in the distance Jake heard the sound of the waterfall in the pool, he stared up blankly thinking how surreal this all was. Fabian moved closer and placed his arm around Jake who nestled in closer. "Are you ready to join my family Jake?" "I think so, do you think I am?" "It takes a special person to join us." "Do I have to get the tattoo first?" "No, you only get that when you have earned it." "How should I earn it?" "Commit yourself to me." "Sorry, I don't understand." Fabian tenderly stroked Jake's face before he continued. "You know I like bareback sex?" "Yes." "I am poz and pretty toxic, not in an uncontrollable way, just a high viral load." "Okay, I think I understand, but how does..." Jake stopped mid sentence, it suddenly dawned on him that Fabian wanted to poz him. "Are you expecting me to get pozzed up?" "Such hard words Jake for a beautiful gift, but yes, that would be your commitment." Jake sat upright and looked at Fabian with a look of horror. "That's insane, who in their right mind would do that?" "Jake calm down, all of the people you met today host my strain. Part of me is with them forever, even Marco." "I can't fathom this out, it is all to weird and dangerous." Jake moved and sat on the edge of the bed about to dress and leave. He understood now what the tattoo's meant, they were biohazard symbols and the elaborate 'F' that stood for Fabian. "I am not forcing the issue but that is what I expect." "I thought you liked me as a person?" "Jake you are an incredible person and I like you very much, we all do, and we want you to continue being here with us." "Fabian, I am not sure I should be here, I think I should leave." "You can do as you wish Jake, you are not a prisoner, nor will I rape you, but the door never opens again if you leave." Fabian laid his head back on the pillow watching Jake's silhouette, he wondered if he had pushed him to far to quickly. It would be a shame to loose him now, especially as he really liked having him around the house. It became quiet as Jake sat on the edge of the bed, his head hurting with all the craziness. He looked back at Fabian who had closed his eyes and laid there so calm and collect with not a care in the world. Jake wiped his cheek as a tear dropped from his eye, he wasn't sure why he was tearful. Leaving was the last thing he really wanted to do, as was getting pozzed up. He looked back at Fabian again could he really trust him? He climbed back in to bed, placed his arm resting across Fabian's chest as he cuddled up to him. Within minutes the sound of the waterfall faded as he drifted off to sleep.
  7. Part 5 - The Party As they reached the Orangery a crowd had gathered drinking Mojitos, some smoking cigars others just milling around. Jake counted about eleven in total including themselves and each of the guests was adorned with the tattoo, he felt a little left out at not having one. Marco was serving drinks and keeping an eye on Jake making sure the 'Look But Do Not Touch' was adhered to. All of the men were either in their 30's or 40's and all very attractive with good physiques, Jake stood in awe looking at all the fine specimen of men standing around the room. Fabian came over to Jake and did a few more introductions before offering Jake his cigar to smoke. A few eyes shifted in his direction, Jake took a good inhale and was surprised he didn't cough. Oh those aromas and flavours he thought to himself as a broad smile washed over his face. The group moved over to meet Jake, they kissed and hugged him causing his cock to stiffen as so many men showered him with affection. "I think you passed the first test." "Sorry Fabian?" "They have all given you approval, it will earn you some very influential friends." "This is kind of strange but I am loving it, they are all nice people." "I hoped you would enjoy yourself, I really like having you here." "I feel a little left out as I am the only one without a tattoo." Fabian laughed and kissed Jake. "It has to be earned, and maybe it will and soon." "Will you tell me how to earn it." "Later, Hungry Jake?" "Yes, I could eat a horse." He kissed Jake again and they headed over to the buffet and helped themselves to Cuban pulled pork. Gradually the men moved towards the pool and started chilling out. A gentle sound of music to Cuban beats was playing, Marco approached with two Mojitos and offered one to Jake. Marco and Jake headed to the pool and resumed their spot on the sunbeds watching the other men who kissed and frolicked around in the water. Jake took in the scene feeling horny and wanting to join in. Fabian obviously was the centre of attention amongst all talking to each of them as the fooled around, there was no sex but a lot of kissing and groping. Jake turned to Marco and nervously broached the question. "Should I go and join in?" "Not unless you want to, they will respect you, and I have your back." "What do you mean respect me?" "Just that, they will respect you as you are a guest." Jake stood up and stripped his trunks off throwing them at Marco, he then held out a hand for Marco to join him. Marco looked up the sunbed and gave a quick glance in Fabian's direction who simply nodded. He grabbed Jake's hand as they jumped in the pool together and swam around for a bit. Spencer grabbed hold of Jake's legs and pulled him back. Fabian watched closely. "Hey Jake." "Spencer." "Are you enjoying yourself?" "Very much so, I have never been to such a party before, well I have never known anyone this wealthy." "Fabian is a very generous and kind person, treat him well and you will have a friend for life." "He has been nothing but kind to me, I like being around him and Marco." "Just them?" "Well, I don't really know any of you." "I hope you will come to more of Fabian's events and get to know us, we all like what we have seen so far." Marco's arm reached around Jake's body and pulled him away from Spencer, "Come on Jake sunbathing time.". Marco gave Spencer a kiss as they passed each other. He realised it was already 5pm so he gladly joined Marco as they layed bronzing their bodies. The mixture of the food and Mojitos sent Jake to sleep again. He woke as Fabian kissed him lightly on the lips "Wake up sleepy head.". Jake looked up at Fabian then instinctly kissed him back, asking what the time was since the sun was much lower in the sky and most of the group had moved up to the deck outside the Orangery. Fabian pulled Jake up from sunbed "Time does not matter as long as you are enjoying yourself.". The party continued on with lots of chatting, slowly groups started to disperse and leave. Finally it was just the five of them and Marco excused himself as he work to attend to, he returned a couple of minutes later with two robusto's and Mojitos. Fabian and Jake sat on the deck with their drinks and cigars relaxing. Marco, Spencer and Jean-Paul disappeared. "Where has Marco gone?" "Ahh, he is with Spencer and Jean-Paul and having some fun." Fabian noticed a look of disappointment on wash over Jake's face. He decided to let on about Marco. "You know Marco has got feelings for you Jake, he loves you being here." "Really?, you sort of dream about guys like that, but never think you would get to know one." "Are you more interested in him than anyone else?" "hummmm, no, I find you incredibly sexy, after all it is you who I come to see." Fabian laughed and kissed his head. "Well maybe you and I will have some fun eventually, but don't rule Marco out." "Fabian, thank you for a lovely day, you were right, I did have a lot of fun." "You are welcome, I hope you liked our family." "I did they were all very friendly towards me." "The guys really took to you and want you to be part of our family." There they remained until darkness had fallen, Fabian got to his feet and held out a hand to Jake and pulled him up to his feet. Fabian reached around Jakes waist, they looked each other in the eye, slowly Fabian moved his face closer, their lips sensually touching and without resistance Jake parted his lips as Fabian's mouthed closed over his. Jake's senses went in to overdrive, the kiss increased in intensity as their tongues wrestled with each other. Jakes felt his body lift off the ground and voluntarily his legs wrapped around Fabian's thighs, his arms clenched around his neck, slowly Fabian carried Jack back inside the house.
  8. Part 4 - The Pool Saturday was blue sky and very warm, weather forecasters had been saying all week to expect a Spanish Plume. This would push temperatures in to the low 30's, if that happened it would make London uncomfortable with the heat and humidity followed by the storms. Jake checked his phone it was only 10am but it was already 26c and rising. His phone rang almost causing Jake to drop it as it startled him, Bill's number flashed up on the screen. "Hey Billy, how's you?" "Good Jake, listen a few of us are going to the lido if you want to join us." "Oh sorry Billy, I am off a party later at a friends." "Nice one, shame you can't join us but have fun." "you to, see ya." Billy hung up and immediately dialled another number and waited for his call to be answered. "Billy, what news?" "It's all set." "Thank you, good bye." Marco hung up and walked to the study where Fabian sat, he looked up as Marco approached. "Hello Marco." "Sir, everything is going to plan." "Excellent, invite him over now." Marco dialled another number. Jake was surprised as his phone began ranging again but this time there was no caller id, tentatively he clicked on the answer button. "Hello." "Mr Jake this is Marco, Mr Fabian's butler." "Oh, Hi Marco, how are you?" "Thank you Mr Jake I am very well and I trust you are keeping well?" "Apart from being as hot as hell I'm good." "Mr Fabian asks if you wish to come to the house now and sit by the pool." "Yes I will Marco, thank you." "I shall expect you at 10.30 Mr Jake." Marco hung up, Jake could have sworn he heard him chuckle after he said 'Hot as hell'. He grabbed sunglasses, factor 20 and his trunks then headed off to Fabian's. The gate opened and as he approached the door it opened as if by magic, standing there was Marco wearing sunglasses and a very tight pair of speedos that accentuated his bulge. Jake struggled to keep his cock under control, he could smell coconut wafting from Marco's body which was driving him wild. "Hello Mr Jake, please follow me to the pool." as Marco turned to lead the way. This time Jake caught the full tattoo on his lower back, it immediately occurred to Jake that it was exactly the same as Fabian's except for the location. Fabian was swimming in the pool as they arrived. "Come on in, it is refreshing, Marco help Jake change." Jake felt the hot breath of Marco as he stood behind him and lifted his shirt up over his head and place it on the lounger chair. Jake went to undo his shorts but Marco's hands pushed his away gently, thinking this is going to be embarrassing as he felt his cock twitching and hardening. Marco slipped his hands inside the shorts and undid the button and zip, his hand gently brushed over his now evident hardening bulge. Jake didn't mean to but his body pushed back against Marco, he felt his lips kiss the nape on his neck, his nerve endings tingling throughout his body. Before he realised both his shorts and underwear where down by his ankles, his cock standing to attention. He heard Fabian laughing from the pool "Someone's horny, come on in Jake.", he looked around for his trunks but Marco had taken them up to the Orangery. "Jake don't be silly it is only us at the moment and I did say you could go naked, Did Marco excite you?". Jake nodded shyly hands making best effort to cover his unyielding erection. Jake noticed straight away that Fabian was indeed naked so he began to relax and walked down the slope in deeper in to the water. Jake stopped and closed his eyes letting the cool water lap around his torso. He dived and swam under water came up for air a meter or so away from Fabian. "Better now?" he asked him, "Oh god yes.", Fabian moved towards him and planted a kiss full on his lips, he lingered for longer than usual waiting for the desired effect. He didn't have to wait long as Jake put his arm around his neck and kissed him back. They broke off and swam around in the pool for a while, Marco appeared in the water with a tray of drinks "Mojitos gentlemen.". They took the drinks and sat on the underwater stalls by the waterfall enjoying the sun. Marco swam a couple of lengths as Jake watched admiring his body undulating in the water before he swam over and joined them. "Marco, you really must stop showing off in front of Jake, you make him uncomfortable.", Jake blushed like a bride and tried to make him self small but Marco pulled up behind Jake and kissed him on the neck, for the second time Jake tingled all through his body and touched Marco's arm. Before he knew it Marco was exiting the pool telling Fabian he must help chef finish preparing the food. Fabian put his arm around Jake "Come on, lets get some sun before people arrive.". Jake was in heaven, he had never been treated so kindly or affectionately like this before. He laid on the sunbed and blissfully closed his eyes and was asleep within minutes. He woke to the sound of voices as two guests had arrived and realising he was naked he jumped in to the pool. The two men approached wearing nothing but baseball hats and sunglasses. One of the men had the same tattoo as Fabian and in the same place. As Jake looked up a quizzical look crossed his face. He heard a splash and Fabian swam up behind Jake, "Jake, this is Spencer and Jean-Paul.". They both said hello and Jake replied the courtesy but looked more intensely at Spencer. "Jake... I know you from somewhere don't I?" "Yes, you passed me on the embankment Thursday afternoon." "Oh that's right, we did the double take after we passed each other, your even cuter naked." Jake blushed and began to feel a little uneasy at such a strange occurrence. Fabian wrapped his arms around Jake's shoulder and neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He then looked over at Spencer and gave him a wink, it wasn't pure chance they passed each other but rather a well choreographed sequence. Making sure the cigar smoke wafted in to his path and make eye contact, all to keep Jake focused on Fabian. The two of them turned and headed to the Orangery, Jake noticed that Jean-Paul had the same tattoo but on his lower back. Curiosity was running through Jake's head. "Fabian, how come they all have the same tattoo either on the front or back?" "They all like the design and we are all a kind of family, enough questions sexy." Fabian turned Jake around and looked him in the eye whilst gently caressing the side of his face. Jake was calm and collect and moved his arm around Fabian's body as their faced moved towards each other. Tenderly kissing his cheek Fabian moved his kissing closer to Jake's mouth, his heart was pounding as Fabian's lips touched his and began kissing his mouth. With each kiss their lips parted further and further until Jake felt Fabian's tongue slip in to his mouth. His eyes closed as he enjoyed the warmth of the kiss, the brushing of Fabian's beard against his face increased the sexual desire building in his body. The electricity between them held them locked in their kiss for what seemed an eternity. Fabian released the kiss, hugging Jake closer before releasing him and planting one more kiss "You are so sexy Jake.". Fabian disappeared under the water and swam to the shallow end where he exited the pool. Marco appeared with Jake's trunks "Would you like to be decent." he said holding them up in the air swinging them around on his finger. Jake splashed water at Marco who laughed. He reached in and pulled Jake out of the pool and slapped his arse before kissing his neck "Naughty boy.". They both headed back to the Orangery holding hands. To say Jake was in heaven was an understatement, he kept looking at Marco's defined arm leading his hand that clasped his own. For a moment Jake felt as though the world had stopped as he enjoyed the closeness.
  9. Been waiting for the next chapter, love to know what happened to the castrated guy.
  10. Part 3 - The Dinner That Thursday Jake finished work early and set off walking along the embankment towards Waterloo station. As he enjoyed the warm afternoon a man passed by smoking a cigar, the smoke wafted past Jake who was in no doubt it was a cuban going by the aroma. A craving ran through his body to taste and smell the aroma and have that complex satisfied feeling again. Jake narrowly missed bumping in to the lamp post and shook off the feeling "What is happening to me." he wondered. He glanced back at the man who turned at the same time and their eyes met, he smiled and put the cigar in to his mouth and continued in the opposite direction. Jake couldn't help but notice the firm ass showing through the man's trousers and his close cropped beard, he mused thinking how sexy the guy looked. Hot from the walk he sat in the air conditioned comfort of the train ready for the short hop home just as he phone buzzed. He saw a text message from Fabian, opening the message he smile crossed his face "Would you like to come over tonight at 6pm and join me for dinner?", Jake was quick to reply "I would love to and thank you for inviting me.", he hit the send button. He relaxed more knowing he didn't have to think about cooking or cleaning tonight. Jake's phone rang, "Hi Billy, what's happening?", Billy had been a friend of Jake's since they met one night in a local bar and hit it off. Although there was nothing sexual with their friendship he enjoyed hanging out with him, Billy wanted to go out on the town that evening but Jake made his excuses. Jake rushed indoors, showered and changed, hoping he looked presentable he arrived at the gate and pressed the call button. The gate swung open and he made the short walk along the pathway to the front door which as usual swung open as he reached it. A look of shock came across his face, standing in the door was a man in a grey suite. "Good evening Mr Jake, Mr Fabian will join you in the Orangery shortly.", he moved aside letting Jake enter and ushered him to the Orangery. Jake couldn't help but look the man over, guessing he was in his mid 30's with striking looks. No doubt that underneath that suite was a very well defined fit body, he sported a closely cropped head of hair and stood a couple of inches taller than Jake. Totally mesmerised he followed like a little puppy. The man went over to the table and poured a glass of champagne and handed it to Jake, "I will let Mr Fabian know you are here.", he turned and disappeared. Jake glanced at himself in the window reflection and began to worry that his shorts and polo shirt were going to be inappropriate attire. He noticed the glass doors to the garden were open and wandered outside and sat on the steps at the edge of the decking, looking out over the garden he noticed something was different as it dawned on him that the plastic tent was gone. The rest of the garden was tranquil except the sound of cascading water around the landscaped pool, Jake admired the inviting pool and hoped that he would get an invite to swim one day. The setting sun beating down on his face Jake heard Fabian approach and to his relief saw he was dressed the same. "Thank god, I thought I wasn't dressed right." "I waited until Marco told me what you were wearing as I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." "Thank you for inviting me to dinner, that was very nice of you." "Your welcome and I told you before I enjoy your company so why wouldn't I do that." he smiled and squeezed my shoulder. "I like your company as well, it is so relaxing here and you are a very nice generous person." "A toast I think, to our friendship." They clinked their glasses as Fabian sat beside Jake who now had the biggest cheshire cat grin across his face. "So who is Marco?" "You are very inquisitive tonight... He is my butler." "What does he do?" "You asked all the questions last time, it is my turn tonight." "Oh, okay well ask away." "What work do you do?" "I work in IT, pretty routine stuff." "Do you enjoy your work?" "It pays the bills and it is a job, and yes I do like it." "Do you have a boyfriend or are you just playing the field?" "No I don't, I have really only just started exploring gay life." "That's good, keep your mind open to let your dictate your way." Their conversation continued, Marco returned asking Fabian where they would prefer to dine, Fabian replied "Here on the deck please Marco." and he promptly disapeared after topping up their champagne. Jake couldn't help but look at Marco. "Do you fancy Marco?" "Oh err, ummmm." "Sorry did I catch you off guard." "He is very stunning and looks fit." "That's why I hired him, I like to have beautiful staff around me." Marco appeared and set the table on the deck as Fabian called out to him "Marco, your overdressed.", Jake didn't know where to put his face and wanted to hide but Marco looked up and smiled before replying "I will attend to that sir.". Suddenly Fabian's arm went around Jake's shoulder sending a tingling feeling through his body, without any prompting he shifted closer to Fabian and placed his hand on his thigh. There they sat looking over the garden at the setting sun. Fabian stood and held out a hand to Jake as he raised himself up to take their seats at the table. Marco reappeared wearing nothing but tight fitting shorts, his tanned muscular body was perfect, Jake could not keep his eyes off him as he felt his cock beginning to harden. He was the sort of guy you dream about being your lover but new it would never happen unless you had the looks and same physique. Marco served dinner and Jake tried to follow Fabian's lead and thanked Marco, he smiled and winked at Jake as he turned to leave. Jake watched a noticed a tattoo partly showing on his lower back, the rest was hidden by his shorts, this made it hard for Jake to work out what it was. Fabian looked over at Jake. "You never answered my question, Do you fancy Marco?" "He is totally stunning so what is there not to fancy, but he is way out of my league." "Never let me hear you talk yourself down in that way again." "I'm sorry, I just think compared to Marco I could never get to be fit like that." "Everyone is different and special in their own way. A body like Marco's does not define the person." Fabian smiled as he gestured with his fork to eat. Marco appeared as they finished and began clearing away, Fabian thanked him and told him that would be all for this evening. Fabian went to the Orangery and brought back 2 cigars and handed one to Jake along with the cutter. In no time he was enjoying the taste and smell, to his amazement there was no coughing and spluttering as he lit the cigar and began smoking. Inhaling Jake's body relaxed and a contented smile grew on his face. Fabian was looking intently at him before Jake caught him off guard. "What are you thinking?" "eh... Just admiring how good you look enjoying your cigar." "Am I that obvious?" "Your asking questions again." Fabian chuckled and could see the reality that Jake was getting hooked, it was only a matter of time and patience, Jake would soon be at his beck and call. Darkness had fallen and the clock struck 11.00pm in the Orangery. Jake apologised for having to leave explaining he had work in the morning. Fabian escorted him to the door and opened it for Jake who turned and thanked him for a great evening. Fabian stopped Jake before he could leave. "Come over Saturday afternoon at 2pm and stay for a while." "How long is a while?" "You can stay until Sunday if you like, and bring your swimming trunks unless you prefer naked." "Thank you that sounds awesome." "I am having a little Cuban pool party, mojitos, cigars, food and swimming." "Other people will be here?" "Just a handful." "Errm, I don't know, I am not that brave being around groups of people." "I won't take no for an answer and it will be fun, I will make sure Marco looks after you." "Okay, but please don't be offended if I skip out early." "I think you will enjoy it more than your think, it is a very relaxed and chilled out party." Jake gave a cheeky smile and kissed him on the lips as Fabian patted his arse as he left. Trying not to ponder to much about the party he hurried home, it was late but he could think of nothing more than jacking off thinking about Marco. Fabian closed the door and turned around facing Marco who had reappeared. "How did the evening go?" "Marco, make sure you look after Jake, it looks like we may have a very special one here." "Of course I will, he is very sweet." "Marco, are you falling for him?" "Only if you wish and once he has earned his place." "Good night Marco." "Good night Sir."
  11. Part 2 - The Addiction As I got home I stripped off and had one of the most intense orgasms thinking about Fabian and still tasting the remnants of the cigar as I drifted off to sleep. Little did I know then that Fabian was gradually seducing me to get hooked on cubans firstly and feel comfortable around him. Then the second phase of getting me hooked on himself, but he was in no rush as it would only be a matter of time. Couple of days later I got a text inviting me over that evening, naturally I was excited and replied telling him I would be there at 7pm again. The gate opened and I walked up to the front door where he stood waiting, as I approached him he gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug. We went through to the Orangery again where before he could say anything I had stripped down to my underwear, he stood there laughing and told me I was eager. This time two cigars were on the table as he handed me one of them. "Do you remember what to do?" he asked, "Think so." I replied. It was then I realised that the mixture of being in his company and holding the cigar caused a reaction in my groin. Thankfully I still had my underwear on trapping the results otherwise I would be flying the flag of all nations on my erection. I moistened the end just as he showed me and gave it a clean cut through with no damage. "Well done." he said, He passed the matches to me, as I struck one I charred the end lightly then puffed to light it, coughing as I did so on the first few attempts but eventually I achieved a full even burn. Fabian lit his cigar and we moved over to the sofa and sat down, he still had his robe on which looked a little bizarre when seeing our reflection in the window as I was nearly naked. I smoked on the cigar and began inhaling more and more and really got in to this cuban. The same flavours and aromas danced around my mouth and nose, feeling comfortable sitting next to him he watched me intently trying to gauge if the signs of getting addicted to his cigars were starting to show. Fabian disappeared for a moment and returned with two glasses of red wine, but this red wine was heavy bodied and match perfectly with the cigar. Only half way down the cigar I had to put it in the ashtray as I began to feel a little nausea wash over me, Fabian told me that was normal and my body would soon adjust. He continued to smoke his cigar and I drank the wine, this heavy bodied wine was also quite heavy in alcohol but delicious nevertheless. The alcohol was causing me to be a little loose lipped and started asking some probing questions... "Can I ask you what is an olympic kisser?" "I have a great enjoyment of kissing and I can French a guy until his tongue and lips go numb." as he chuckled at me. "How silly, is that even possible? "Be careful as I might show you and you would end up tongue tied" laughing. "Could be interesting. So what is it with the whole bareback sex thing that you like?" "Hmmm, didn't expect that question.. I enjoy feeling a guys a hole around my cock and gifting them my special seed." "Is it that different from condom sex?" "Completely and utterly bewitching and addictive." "Do you have a partner or boyfriend?" "Absolutely not, anyway when I fuck it is for my pleasure and thrill." "So what does the other person get out of it." "Whatever they want, but hopefully just the desire to pleasure me." "Oh you mean like those SM'y things, you know, master and boy?" "Boy?, you mean slave. No nothing that kinky, they learn how to pleasure me when I want to fuck." His robe slipped open more and I noticed something I hadn't seen before, a tattoo peeking above his underwear. "I never realised you had a tattoo." he looked at me and smiled. "Only the one." "What is it?" "It is me or a representation of me and who I am." "It looks very elaborate, can I see it?" He pulled his underwear down slightly so I could see it, an elaborate F surrounded by swirls which made it look like a biohazard symbol which disappeared down towards his cock. I found it to be very sexy and relaxed back against his arm as he placed it around my shoulder. I contemplated our brief conversation as I sipped my wine completely missing his comment about gifting his special seed. I picked up my cigar relit it and this time there was no coughing as I was now getting use to smoking and especially letting those flavours and smells hitting my senses again. As we both silently enjoyed our cigars, my erection seemed to take on a new vigour, but to his credit Fabian said nothing as his hand stroked my shoulder. All to soon we were done, I finished my wine as I stood up I felt buzzed and happy. As I dressed Fabian escorted me to the door telling me he would text me when to come over, his hand reached up and stroked my face as he kissed me on the lips and gave me a hug, as I turned he patted my arse "See you in a couple of days.". I seemed to float home, the taste of the cigar was still lingering, the tingling of my face as he kissed me when I left, and the way he caressed my shoulder. I was really enjoying spending time with him, I couldn't pin down if it was the cigars or just being around him, he exuded such an air confidence and masculinity and Spanish looks.
  12. Part 1 - The Encounter I lay on my back my chest covered in seed from my own orgasm, breathing heavily and sweating from wanking off whilst looking at the pictures on his profile. He in his mid 40's five foot ten inches, trimmed beard and hairy chest tapering down to his eight inch uncut thick cock with the head partly poking through his foreskin glistening with precum. The leather cock ring heightened the appearance of his ample sized balls that showed signs of an ability to deliver copious amounts of seed. The other picture showed him sitting on a sofa with a white fluffy dressing gown partly open exposing his hairy chest whilst he was smoking a cuban cigar. I just don't know what drew me to his profile every time I wanted a release, was it the cigar?, the hairy chest?, the bareback sex and the thought of him penetrating me deep to breed?, was it his ability to be an olympic kisser, or just the fact he was spanish and looked like a real man. Whatever it was I just couldn't stop hitting up his profile in admiration. At 22 I was a standard gay lad, had sex every now and then but not interested in a boyfriend as I loved the trill of experiencing different men and lads around my age. Well I say "standard" but was quite a catch according to some guys I met, at five foot eight inches cropped brown hair, blue eyes, okay body and arse with a seven inch uncut cock. Always played safe and not in to any sleazy stuff (yet!). It was one of those nights where I hit up his profile "WimbledonTop" and was just starting to tease my cock from sleeping when I heard 'ping', holy crap I thought someone messaged me. I never actively engaged in guys from these sites but I was intrigued so opening up the message centre and saw it was from WimbledonTop, my heart pounded in my chest as I click on the open button... "Hi, checking out my profile again!! LOL, how many times have you done that now?". Fuck how the hell does he know as I caught my breath and smiled to myself wondering if I should reply. A couple of minutes pass by as I looked at the keyboard, I moved the cursor over to the Reply button and clicked, and we ended up in a game message ping pong. Me: "Busted, I like looking at your pictures :)" Him: "And what do you like most about them?" Me: "I don't know that's the thing, I guess they look hot." Him: "Do you like cuban cigars, I do, I don't like the cheap imitation rubbish." Me: "I had a puff on one a couple of years back it wasn't cuban and didn't really enjoy it, apart from that I don't smoke." Him: "You should try cuban you would probably like it as it has more flavour and strength." Me: "If I had the money I probably would do LOL." Him: "I could let you try one of mine but you might get addicted to them and they are expensive if you don't have the money." Me: "To right I guess, would I need to do anything in return if you let me try one." Him: "Absolutely not, I would just enjoy your company as most of my friends are my age." Me: "As long as there are no expectations of getting anything from me then yes I would be happy to come round, plus you live close." As the messaging finished I returned to his profile and busted another load to his picture. The following day at 7pm I headed to his address, as I looked up I knew instantly that he obviously could afford to smoke cubans. The gate opened and I walked up the short driveway he opened the door and smiled and shouted "Jake, welcome", I reached the door "Hi Fabian, thank you for inviting me over.". We walked through his amazing house and in to the Orangery at the back of the house overlooking the very secluded garden, in one corner I noticed what looked like a small plastic round tent in the shaded area, the opposite side was a beautiful landscaped pool. "I hope you enjoy being here, now we are going to do this gradually as I want you to enjoy what cubans really offer." he said smiling. I forgot to mention that he was dressed in his white fluffy dressing gown and looked even more striking that his pictures. "We don't want to get your clothes all smelling of cigar smoke so take them off and leave your underwear on then we can start.", this was a little more than I was expecting so he reminded me there was no expectation of anything happening. Fabian was now slipping out of his robe exposing his white underwear and very obvious bulge that was packed inside. As I did so he returned with a Cohiba robusto cigar and called me over to where he was. He demonstrated how to lightly moisten the end before cutting to prevent tearing and told me never to rub it in my finger as it breaks the filler. He lit a match and charred the end before puffing to bring the cigar up to full burn. I could see the blue hue in the smoke filling the air and caught a brief smell as it dissipated. I followed him out to the garden over to the plastic tent. He looked at me and laughed at my quizzical face and told me it is an air tight tent that is a good way of introducing you to cubans as he bent over and slipped inside patting the floor next to him I crawled in and sat beside him. "It will get a little warm in here after a while but you can open the zipper anytime you wish" he said as he pulled the zipe down sealing us inside. Fabian took a couple of puffs and released a heavy dense smoke in to the tent. My heart was racing partly due to the close proximity of his body that was driving me wild. Just then a cloud of the smoke wafted past my face as I breathed in through my nose. The smell was unlike anything you experience when people smoke cigarettes near you, it was aromatic and very intoxicating to say the least. Fabian continued to smoke the cigar watching me as the plastic tent began filling with more and dense smoke. My taste and smell senses were being encompassed by this ever presence smoke, I breathed in deeply my lungs filled causing me to cough. Every breath I took was now replaced by cuban cigar smoke as my lungs adjusted the coughing stopped. Beads of sweat were trickling down the side of my face, all the time he never took his eyes off me. I was getting light headed from the now lack of oxygen but I couldn't stop, I was truly under an intoxicating influence and was now loving it. I could only just make out parts of the garden through the dense smoke, my eyes were watering and my pulse was racing. In the distance a heard a zipping noise and a gust of fresh air rushed in to the tent, Fabian climbed out and held a hand out to me and pulled me out on to my feet. The fresh air instantly hit my lungs and I collapsed against his chest as he held me tight to stop me falling over. "Take slow shallow breaths." he told me, as I did so I began to regain control and stood up. "That was amazing." I said, he laughed and handed me the cigar and told me to take a small puff on it, doing so I tasted a completely different sensation from the smoke I was breathing in the tent. The flavour danced on my tongue and were hard to describe. "Take another small puff and inhale it deep." I coughed a little and exhaled the smoke. I took another puff and inhaled without coughing, not only was I enjoying this, but my cock was hard as nails in my underwear. I loved the feel of the cigars thickness and how much longer they took to smoke, the flavours and aromas produced were incredible. Fabian smiled over as we walked back to the Orangery where he sat the cigar down in the ashtray and told to me shower and wash the smoke away as he escorted me to a shower room by the kitchen. As I walked back in to the orangery I got dressed "I enjoyed your company, hope you would like to come over and smoke again with me." a broad smile went across my face as I replied "I can't afford to buy those sort of cigars though.", "Don't worry about that, you being here is enough payment.". As we got to the door I placed my hand on his arm an gave him a kiss on the check, he chuckled and patted my arse as I turned to leave.
  13. Hope you gonna continue this.
  14. straight to the point, love your story
  15. Part 3 - Chasers End Game The town clock was striking 9pm as a gust of wind blew the trees over my head, I looked up at the waving branches then at the quiet solitude of the bandstand. The trill of anonymous bareback sex was always a turn on for me and I couldn't stop myself from meeting with guys to get some cock action. I knew the risk involved so I was classed as a chaser in the world of engaging in this act. Walking down the path in my direction was a tall guy with a baseball hat, I looked nervously on trying to peek without him registering my monitoring of his movements. He stopped took a glance around and approached me. "Sean?" he asked, "Yes." I answered looking at him, he motioned me to follow so I stood rather shakily and walked beside him as we disappeared in to the bushes and trees behind the bandstand, we continued through the dense foliage not muttering a word to each other until he hit a small opening. He reached out and pulled me up to him as he manoeuvred behind me, the excitement running through my body at the thought of this stranger holding me tight and about to fuck me. He moved one arm as I felt his hand slip in to my jogging bottoms pushing them free from my waist and down to my knees. His hand caressed my ass quickly then I heard his zipper being undone and felt his knuckles against my ass as he fumbled his cock free from his jeans. I bent over slightly and felt the unmistakable feel of metal rubbing against my hole, I flinched as something coarse grated against my hole as he pushed the head of his cock in my ass parted as a wave of pain ran through my ass. I gave a short agonising moan, thinking to myself what the hell was his piercing, trying to pull away his other arms pulled me back as more of his cock forced it's way in to me. My legs began to shake uncontrollably through the sensation that my ass was being internally ripped with every motion his cock made. Catching my breath I asked him to go easy, "Just relax and breath deeply." was his reply. He passed me a bottle of poppers so I took several deep whiffs as the rush went to my head I sighed and he slowly pushed the length of his cock deep inside my ass. He rested holding me firmly on his cock "Take some more poppers." he told me, I obliged and started feeling his hips rubbing up against my ass as he began to fuck me slow and steady. The scraping sensation eased as I thought it was natural when taking a pierced cock, little did I realise what it was doing to the inside of my ass. My head was buzzing from the poppers as he began to thrust in harder and faster with every stroke, use to the sensation I relaxed and enjoyed the fuck, biting my lower lip as I tried not to make a sound. I heard him start moaning as he began to ramp up the pace pounding away at my hole, his hands tightened their grip around my waist. Without a word he pushed hard and deep in to me as I felt his cock swell and pulsate, I moaned and pushed my ass back further on his cock, he let out several low grunts as his hips jolted harder up against me. Each one releasing a stream of his seed and breeding me deep, he relaxed and came down from his orgasm but his vice like grip on my hips showed no sign of releasing me. "There, you got your breeding, hope it was worth it." he said as his cock began retracting from my body. I was still breathing heavy as I heard him zipping his jeans up, when I turned to face him he had disappeared in to the bushes. I pulled a tissue from my pocket and wiped at my ass flinching at the pain, examining it there was a blood but no cum. I sorted myself out and headed back home. Later that night his cum made it's return journey out of my ass and I looked in disbelief at the amount of blood and cum. I logged on to the hook up site and saw a message from him, opening it up it simply read 'Hope you like the gift I gave you.', I responded but didn't hear anything back from him. I realised then he must have been a poz gifter, even though we never mentioned status I thought that the chase was over. I started to feel unwell about 3 weeks after that night in the bushes at Serenity park.
  16. Part 2 - Seeking Prey Now I had the perfect tool to spread my gift I set up a new profile on a gay fetish and general hook up site, the purpose, to see how many were actually out there secretly wanting to get knocked up or those who barebacked on the side for more dangerous fun. On both sites my profile simply stated: '24 year old top, 8 inch uncut pierced cock with a need to breed and seed you bottom or versatile sluts.' 'Looks unimportant as you will be face down getting the fuck you will never forget, bareback only and I do not pull out until I have bred you.' 'Do not ask any questions as I am not here for a Q&A session, just be ready to get fucked.' Profile submitted with a picture of my cock, careful so that my weapon didn't show as I didn't want to give everything away. Since screwing the twinks life up at the club I had also got a small permanent tattoo on my left leg of a grim reaper, deciding that bio hazard and scorpion was to obvious plus I wanted something a little different. After an hour or so I logged back on to the fetish site again to see how many hits I had, as the page loaded it displayed 7 views, guess that's not bad for an hour. Logging off I switched to the general hook up site and surprised to see 43 hits on my profile and 5 messages. I trawled through the first 3 messages which had stupid remarks or questions like 'Love to fuck with you, can you take the piercing out?' and 'Blow job for first meet to see how we get on.', naturally those got deleted. Message 4 read '20 year old, hiv- std free, looking for a clean fuck.' Bingo, I checked out the profile and slightly blurred face pic, he was only a couple of miles from me. I messaged back with be at the Serenity Park cruising ground in 2 hours at the bench by the bandstand. I hit send and within a couple of minutes his reply came in "Will be there at 9pm, names Sean.".
  17. Love to get seduced by him.
  18. Part 4 Dan kissed me again and spoke softly "You should know that to me love making is natural sex, you become one with me and share a very intimate bond and will take everything I give, no questions and no hesitation.". I knew that my brother and Gary were undetectable so the chances of being infected by them was pretty low, but I had to figure out how to ask the question of Dan. I breathed loudly and moaned as Dan licked my nipple and worked his way down my chest and navel, the hairs on the back of my neck and arms stood up at the sensation of him exploring my body with his tongue. I felt my last few items of clothing being removed from my body, laying naked on the bed Dan removed the rest of his clothes to reveal a beautiful specimen of a cock, long and thick covering a set of heavily hanging balls. I reached out and touched his cock and he moved forward towards my mouth, my lips parted as the head of his now semi erect cock slipped between and in to my mouth. Tenderly sucking and applying pressure I could feel it growing in my mouth and pushing further in towards the back of my throat, gagging he pulled out and kissed me again between my gasps for breath. Dan positioned himself on top of me as he continued kissing me and probing my mouth with his tongue, his left leg pushed in between mine forcing them apart, I moaned as his full weight was on me, my legs were wrapped around his hips. Without realising he had placed me in the missionary position, drawing his legs further up towards my hips causing my legs to move up around his waist. I was now in place ready to be penetrated, I could feel his cock rubbing against my hole as the kissing continued. Dan was an expert kisser as he continued on with his mission of making love to me, caressing my body, stroking my face, his mouth never broke contact with mine. Slowly his hips raised as I felt the head of his cock starting to caress my hole, it was very slick and lubed from his precum already oozing out. I felt my ass opening as the head slipped in, moaning and wriggling he held me firmly. A sharp pain shot through my ass as he started pushing the shaft of his cock inside me. I broke form the kiss about to cry out from pain when his hand clamped firmly over my mouth muting any sound. My body was trying to reject the invasion but my mind was full of desire for him. A gradual and intense pressure was now applied as he slipped the rest of his cock deep inside until I felt his balls touching my ass. He removed his hand from my mouth as I panted hard adjusting to the size of his cock now embedded in my body. His mouth clamped down on to mine as he started to kiss me again. Feeling his balls rubbing against my ass as he slowly gyrated his hips was intoxicating and I felt absorbed in the moment. Plop, plop, plop was the sound of his balls hitting against my ass as he started to fuck me, the soreness and burning in my ass grew intensely as he relentlessly bucked his hips back and forwards. Moaning in to his mouth as he continued kissing me I suddenly felt his cock stiffen and swell, Dan broke from our kiss and wrapped his arm around my head hold me close as he let out a long grunt and groan in my ear. My hands grabbed his shoulders and I closed my eyes as warmth started to spread deep in my ass as torrents of his poz seed now flowed into me, with every upward jolt and grunt more seed was pumping from his cock in to my body. Dan collapsed on top of me still keeping his cock tight inside whilst his hips ground against my ass working the seed further into me. His mouth closed in on mine as we kissed. After around 15 minutes he slowly pulled his cock out carefully so not to have fall out from my ass, he rolled on to his back "Oh fuck, that was hot. I wrapped my arm over his chest and snuggled up to him as he placed his arm around my neck and we both fell asleep. We woke just after sunrise and looked at each other and spontaneously laughed. As we laid there I asked Dan about him being poz, "Been poz about 5 years." he replied, "Oh, do you have a medication regime?", he looked at me and smiled "No, not on meds yet, have a pretty high viral load but it's not affecting my cell count to badly yet.". I looked worriedly at him "You do know I am neg don't you?", stroking my face he replied "Probably not after the breeding I gave you last night, but you will definitely get my gift if you want to keep having sex with me." he winked got up and began to get dressed as I went to the bathroom desperately needing to sit down and break wind, so I thought. What happened in fact was a loud wet sloppy noise as he seed was being expelled by my ass. Wiping after I finished and taking a look there were no tell tell signs of blood mixed in his poz seed, stupidly thinking I escaped the bullet. As Dan left we kissed and he said he would see me Monday on the metro as usual.
  19. Part 3 As I entered the house Gary and my brother were in the kitchen, I shouted hello at them and went to my room and got changed. Gary appeared at my bedroom door "Everything alright?" he asked, "Yes, although still a little sore from what you did to me" he laughed at me, "Don't worry it will get easier, dinner is ready.". I followed him down to the kitchen where my brother looked over at me "Sore?" he asked as my face turned red and I nodded, we sat down and ate dinner. As we were clearing up my brother came over and put his arms around me, his head forcing mine over to the side exposing my neck he clamped his mouth at the bottom and started biting and sucking. I pleaded with him to stop but he sucked harder, as he released he looked at the spot and grinned before saying "That will take around 5 days to disappear and before it goes I will show you real brotherly love.". I walked over to the oven door to check myself out then turned to face him "You better make sure you do.", he came over to me and grabbed my face with both hands and started kissing me on the mouth. I fancied the hell out my brother so gladly I responded and kissed him back deep. "That is so hot." Gary said, I broke free from my brother's kiss and went over to Gary and kissed him. "Just getting more practice in." I said and laughed. The rest of the evening we spent in the lounge watching a film, I knew at some point I would have to broach the subject of Gary fucking me without a condom but for now I just wanted to start enjoying the freedom. I went on to tell them about Dan and the incident on the metro to which they both replied that I didn't waste much time putting it about. The more I thought about it and Dan I wondered if it was only going to be a matter of time, as the film finished I kissed Gary and my brother goodnight and headed up for some needed sleep and thank heavens tomorrow was Friday. The metro pulled to the station and as I stepped on board and headed to find a seat, I settled in and was about to put my headphones in when Dan appeared and took the seat opposite me. "Morning Josh." he smile was so radiant "Morning Dan, ready for another day?" I asked, "Yeah, but I know what I would prefer to do." laughing and winking at me. By the time we got off the metro and headed our separate ways I had found out that he was 31 years old, worked a couple of blocks away and lived close to the metro stop after mine. I had agreed to meet him lunchtime at the gym, the morning went by so slowly and I tried to busy myself to stop me from clock watching. At last it was midday and I finished off an email and collected my gym bag and headed out of the office. I had just finished a 5 mile run and slowing the running machine down as Dan appeared from the weight room and joined me, we chatted a bit then headed to the showers. Dan stood next to me in the shower, his naked body was doing it for me and I was finding it difficult to control my arousal. He looked over at me "Didn't know you had a partner.", I looked over at him "Why would you think that?", "Your love bite." he replied. I chuckled "That was my brother last night, claims he wants to do me.", "OMG that is not normal." he laughed before realising I was serious "Your brother wants to bed you....hmmm I can see why as I would as well.". I felt an overwhelming surge of sexual desire but contained myself and played it cool "Yeah." I laughed and winked at him. We parted company agreeing to meet at the metro after work. I decided to invite him for dinner partly out of curiosity and that I also liked his company, fortunately the afternoon sped by and at 5pm I logged off my work computer and left the office for the weekend. Dan was already at the station when I arrived, bracing myself to pluck up the courage to ask him if he wanted to join me for dinner. To my surprise he agreed, I hastily sent a text to my brother to let him know there was 1 addition for dinner, he replied with an okay as I took my seat on the metro. As we entered the house I called out to my brother and Gary whom both appeared so I quickly did the introductions, my brother nodded approval and smiled at me saying "Dinner will be in 20 minutes.". I took Dan upstairs to my room closing the door behind him and wasted no time, he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him as his mouth sought mine and his tongue speared in to my mouth. His kissing was so intense and dominate that my legs started to shake uncontrollably, his arms circling around my back he gradually lifted me off the ground and took me over to the bed. Gently he lowered me down and laid on top of me continuing his kissing, my hands were all over his body as I couldn't get enough of feeling his toned torso and arms. After some time we heard Gary shout that dinner was ready and Dan released me and flipped on to his back, "Seriously I am going to have to make love to you later." he said grabbing at his crotch and giving it a good rub, my head was buzzing with excitement but also the thought of how dominant and controlling he appeared to be. Over dinner and wine the conversation was good and interesting, hardly any sex talk and mostly a getting to know Dan and vice versa, my brother showed a little to much interest in Dan so I made our excuses as we headed back upstairs to my room. Dan stroked my chest through my shirt as we lay on the bed, gradually he undid the buttons exposing my chest, his head moved forward as he started licking and sucking at my nipples, I found out by this simple move that my nipples wired to my groin causing an instant erection. Dan realised he had found my erogenous zone on first strike. My hands moved across his broad shoulders as I started to undo his shirt buttons, as I reached the button button I moved my hands inside the open shirt and ran them up towards his shoulders pushing the shirt over them to reveal his body and those tattoos. A tribal tattoo that run down his left arm, paw prints over his right breast that ran down towards his groin area. I commented on his tattoos and how amazing they looked as I inspected the tribal tattoo further, embedded within I counted 3 biohazard tattoos that were designed to mix in perfectly. I knew what they meant and commented on how well designed it was circling around each biohazard symbol, "Ahh, you noticed them." he said looking at me "You know what they mean?", I simply nodded and muttered "Yes, I know.".
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