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    Burlington, NC
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  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom

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    sessi0n : 058554820e0c814f60a40ecf367e8a4dc0d7429d2d252d3809e7fd0ed40cbe3036

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  1. Cumdump in Burlington.
  2. No, I snuck around to suck cock but my wife and I broke up for a multitude of other reasons. But I went cock-sucking crazy within a week of our physical split.
  3. Purved bottom/flx. Your first name: Tom Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): (404) 517-4701 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Gibsonville, NC Times you're generally not available: depends on how hot and fucked up you are 😈 Age: 48 Height: 5’4 Weight: 140 Ethnicity: White
  4. Bottom, [banned word]-friendly, divorced white male. Live in Elon area. Cell is 4045174701
  5. thanks for the folo. 🙂

  6. never my father. but my mother's brother i,e. my uncle took me after we moved into his house, it was wondrous.
  7. To the guy who called the other day, I apologize, you caught me at a bad time. Please call back.

  8. I know this wasn't one of the choices, but..... I've enjoyed the times I've seen other guys have sex with my wife. Very, very hot.
  9. That is so fucking hot. A dream breeding! Congratulations!
  10. This is pretty much how the guys I prefer approach things. If they're going to take my ass, might as well do it as THEY please. THEIR pleasure, their anger, strength, force is all a big part of the allure for me. Use and abuse.
  11. Any San Francisco Bay Area cumpigs, poz daddies, taboo chasers, perved-to-the-max wanna chat or text or meet-up, My c3ll is 6.2.8-2.1.8.- I'm in the East Bay
  12. Thanks for touching base with me, always greaT to meet a fellow perv. six6six

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