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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. When the original poster writes "Tampa Men's Club is the only bathhouse around the area now," one could reasonably infer that he knows Rainbow is -- and has been -- closed.
  2. Since the original poster hasn't been online here in over 10 years, you're not likely to get an answer from him anytime soon.
  3. In a word, "yes." Disappointment was my reaction when at the Woods campground in northeastern Pennsylvania, I overheard two hot guys in leather discuss china patterns in voices that really didn't match the visuals.
  4. The daylight savings time question is probably the most important....
  5. Alcatraz has been closed for decades, and Rikers would only take NYC prisoners likely. He needs some place like Atlanta USP or Lewisburg USP or Leavenworth USP.
  6. It's hardly your fault. It's happened to tweets I've posted here, and it occasionally feels like a daily lottery at Twitter -- "which accounts should we suspend today even though they've been posting the same stuff for 3 years?" I've learned the art of downloading the videos I like just in case the Twitter gods sweep the accounts.
  7. The guy's account is suspended.... damn...
  8. At the risk of making my neighborhood more crowded, anyone thinking about Florida might want to consider the Tampa Bay area, especially St. Petersburg. The local politics is center-left; the city is working on the housing crunch for lower income folks; the city is neighborhood focused, especially in the older parts of the city. The place is pretty welcoming to LGBT folks, especially since the city knows that it was the LGBT folks who turned 2 neighborhoods around in the ‘90s. Yes, homeowner’s insurance is insane (a topic for another time), but I only have to worry about tropical storms and hurricanes. (If the house blows away, the dog and I will likely be playing the part of Dorothy and Toto.) Property taxes can be eye-watering, but you get reasonably good public services. There’s a sub-Reddit about St. Petersburg and a separate one about Tampa if anyone is inclined to look further.
  9. Damn, none of my work conferences had side seminars like this....
  10. It's good to have goals, especially at the beginning of the year so you can plan the debauchery....
  11. Damn, you did more than your best... more like an Olympic medal performance all 7 days (and nights).
  12. The bottom is hot, and he looks to be spinning faster than the blades of a ceiling fan….
  13. Somewhere on the web page when you signed up for Porn-Is-Us were the Terms of Service. In fact, in all likelihood you had to click on a box indicating you had read and agreed to the terms. I'd hazard a guess that the terms of service contain a provision on this subject. I'd also hazard a guess that the upshot of any discussion in the terms of service is "you [the subscriber] are screwed." I know I'd only buy a 6 month subscription from now on.
  14. "Whored out" would be the preferable usage as "pimp" implies a regular financial arrangement and exercise of power over the prostitute. One might be whored out for a night, but involvement with a pimp is a longer term relationship.
  15. Because of the vagaries of Florida law and the sheer obstinacy of the other person involved, I had to hire a lawyer and have an eviction action filed in court. To get rid of one of his acquaintances, I had to give him a notice to vacate, telling him I'd file an eviction action if he dawdled. He had seen me start the earlier court case so he knew I wasn't kidding. No prize for guessing that I kicked myself so many times that year that my ass was figuratively black and blue. So @ellentonboy more than accurately describes the potential complications.
  16. sent you a follow request (my user name starts @DeR)
  17. @versmetropig in one of his blog posts here has written about meeting Scott O'Hara at a party (if I recall correctly). It's worth looking for the blog post.
  18. For the law nerds in the crowd, the act is the Criminal Law Consolidation (Stealthing) Amendment 2021. It amends Section 46 of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935, the section that defines consent to sexual activity. Section 46(2) says a person consents to sexual activity if the person freely and voluntarily agrees to the sexual activity. Section 46(3) says a person is taken not to freely and voluntarily agree to sexual activity if any of a list of circumstances occurs, for example, the person is forced, intoxicated, unable to understand the nature of the activity. The amendment adds new paragraph (ga) which reads: “the person agrees to engage in the activity because of a misrepresentation by the other person about the use of a condom; or….” In slightly plainer English, section 46(3) with the amendment will read in relevant part: “…a person is taken not to freely and voluntarily agrees to sexual activity if * * * (ga) the person agrees to engage in the activity because of a misrepresentation by the other person about the use of a condom;" Section 48(1) defines rape [there are other definitions, but I'm trying to keep this simple]: he or she engages, or continues to engage, in sexual intercourse with another person who — (a) does not consent to engaging in the sexual intercourse; or (b) has withdrawn consent to the sexual intercourse, and the offender knows, or is recklessly indifferent to, the fact that the other person does not so consent or has so withdrawn consent (as the case may be). Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for life. ----- So if you get someone to agree to sexual intercourse by saying you'll use a condom and you don't use a condom, the person hasn't consented to engage in intercourse with you. You can be charged with rape and you could get life imprisonment.
  19. Just like the first time I read this story, I was sucked in by the realism and intensity of the writing. A lot of us have remarked that this is what we dreamed of doing with our teachers. Yep, same here, but I doubt that those experiences could ever be as intense as this story. Thanks for putting in the time and effort writing this.
  20. The author hasn’t been online here, at least under that username, since June 2019. Sigh… another wonderfully twisted story left hanging, so to speak.
  21. Jon King died in 1995; J.W. King died in 1986.
  22. Not to be confused with J.W. King (who's just as hot). An archived post from rec.arts.movies.erotica: [think before following links] https://www.rame.net/faq/deadporn/jonking.html.
  23. A practical observation about the truck.... If he moves to the OP's city, is he going to need a car? As a practical matter, it being America, the odds are pretty good that he will need a set of wheels. We also don't know in whose name the truck is titled and how many months are left on the car loan. And has anyone priced used cars recently? The kid may just be better off keeping the truck. Two other thoughts: (1) Is he in significant danger of losing his job at the family business? (Someone mentioned employment discrimination. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act applies to employers who have 15 or more employees.) (2) A phone is a better idea than an iPad or Android tablet. A tablet will require a wifi connection which can be a source of aggravation. Get a prepaid plan as well. It's a miserable situation for him and for you. Every decision you make has some chance of blowing up; there are no guarantees in this. That you and your partner are willing to accept the moral responsibility for the kid speaks volumes. I wish you, your partner, and your nephew the best of luck. Always remember that the collective wisdom of the BZ hive is always here for you....
  24. The stuff the realtors don't tell you when you're moving to Florida...
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