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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. Part 3 was so hoT, it just about left my computer a smoking heap. And another twisT in the plot as well...
  2. This is simply awesome… and the plot is wonderfully twisTed.
  3. ejaculaTe


    I am seldom envious, but Jeezus F. Crisco, talk about luck....
  4. I'm wary of pop psychology, but I'm an avid reader of the weekly newsletter from introvertdear.com. Of course, there are lots of articles about being friends or in a relationship with an introverted person. As to the precise question posed by the OP, the topic was covered in [think before following links] https://introvertdear.com/news/9-signs-an-introvert-likes-you-as-more-than-a-friend/. FWIW, the article was spot on as far as I'm concerned.
  5. I hadn't looked at it in some time, and given the changes at Reddit earlier this summer, I'm not surprised it's gone.
  6. there's a sub-reddit (or used to be) -- r/hyperspermia. it's mostly short video clips of guys busting seriously huge loads.
  7. How did I miss this story...? This has to be one of the all-time BZ classics. Nice narrative pace, sensitive writing, edgy without being in one's face. It certainly deserves to be brought to the surface again....
  8. To repeat the wise words of others, tell the story as you want to tell it. It's difficult to imagine, but it's easier to write a lot and then trim it if you want. And so far, I don't see an excess of verbiage, and the pace is just right. In short, just keep doing what you've been doing, because the story is pretty hoT.
  9. By chance, I read the story tonight. Jeezus F. Crisco, you don't often read a line like "I rode it like a 16 yr old cheerleader rides the qb of the football team." Hell yeah, we're drooling for the next installment just like the narrator is drooling over Ricky's dick....
  10. Go to "Your Last Load, the Backroom Edition" forum. The date of @Webster9's post is Nov. 29, 2021. It's pretty hot.....
  11. ejaculaTe


    A little twist in the narrative to make me pay attention. And when I asked if the person at the door was "the friendly neighborhood dealer," it was a throwaway question.
  12. ejaculaTe


    This story is insanely hoT and twisTed. Telling the story from the perspective of each character really works. Don’t leave us wondering who’s at the door… more parTy friends? The friendly neighborhood dealer?
  13. This was another amazingly hoT installment. The play in Room 38 and your play with Vice struck me as prime examples of what pnp can be -- encounters that we dream of having and dream of repeating. There's also a subtle lesson, perhaps unintended, in your interaction with Vice: patience and sensitivity led to Vice offering his cherry to you, Lou defeating his own efforts by his brashness and lack of awareness. I see, yet again, why you needed an entire notebook. Thanks again for writing the journal and for sharing it with us.
  14. Chapter 2 is as good as chapter 1. Thanks for putting in the time and effort to write.
  15. I hope it is still open and I can get over there again soon. Guys on Sniffies talk about being there, eager to take loads, etc. I’ve never been there. If you want to take a field trip sometime, shout. (My car isn’t anything to look at, but it can handle 275.)
  16. Get down to Florida and you can really show your thanks….
  17. That was simply hoT beyond words. I guess I’m reading the other 6 parts tonight. And a serious thanks for writing this — and for keeping (and not losing) the notebooks. The posts, besides being hot, are a reminder of how life was in what now seems to be a simpler time.
  18. Jeezus F. Crisco… if this story was any hotter, my computer would be a heap of molten metal and plastic. (A cautionary note: G and alcohol do NOT go together. In real life, these 2 would be lucky to be alive. The story is still hot as hell…)
  19. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with that reaction to "I am hosting in my car." Admittedly, many vehicles on American streets are about the size of my living room so "hosting" in the car would be possible.
  20. The only way this could be hotter would be if his sons were also nailing your ass without their father knowing.
  21. The likelihood of me ever getting to India is about the same as me becoming Governor of Florida. Though your comments are about Indian society, many of your observations, especially those about rural life, are applicable to American society. A serious thanks for taking the time and effort to write a very informative post.
  22. The inability to write complete sentences isn't limited to those under 30. Trawling the interwebs, I see profiles and posts from plenty of over-50 men whose concept of a sentence seems to be "county or state?" The format of Sniffies also doesn't lend itself to extended discussions. And who goes on Sniffies at 3 in the morning looking for conversation about the best approach for baking chicken...? Not I.
  23. Thanks for the follow, sTud... all I need is you in the neighborhood.

    1. ellentonboy


      Send a LYFT! (Just kidding....)

  24. As long as you remember him, he's everywhere you are..... When the monarch butterflies start to frequent the flowers and shrubs in the yard, I think of them as my late partner coming to check on me. You'll get to that point too.
  25. I totally appreciate @DarkBone's sentiments -- because I would have been right in there as well.
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