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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. Good point about acting in porn being "suitable employment," and the scarcity of probation officers in some districts hadn't occurred to me. And to emphasize your very detailed description, criminal defendants where I practiced would occasionally ask the judge to sentence them to jail time instead of probation precisely because doing probation is difficult.
  2. He’ll need permission from his probation officer to leave the federal judicial district in which he’s living at the time (eg, Southern District of Florida). And I’m still trying to get my head around the notion that a probation officer would view acting in porn as “suitable employment.”
  3. yep, reblogme.com is very much like tumblr "before the purge." it seems a bit easier to use than tumblr was, but that's admittedly my subjective impression.
  4. An interesting angle in the ploT....
  5. Started sucking dick at 11 (I always swallowed), and I was getting fucked at 17.
  6. Now that's a doctor I'd go out-of-network for....
  7. This is so good on so many levels.
  8. Everything in Florida is odd, and the placement of the incest statute in the criminal code as well as its phrasing struck me as odd..... Incest is in the same chapter as bigamy which suggests that the statute's aim is more about protecting marriage rather than protecting against sexual abuse. And the crime occurs when one "knowingly marries or has sexual intercourse" with a variety of relatives. Sexual intercourse is defined solely in terms of "the penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ, however slight...." I admit that I did not closely read the state's sexual battery statute, and @ellentonboy's friends might have run afoul of some obscure sentence in that statute. But as far as I can see, they weren't breaking the incest statute. And a tip of the hat to @ellentonboy for sharing his experiences.
  9. Let me get this straight in my very tired brain: your friend attended 2 CumUnion events over a 12 month period,* and each time, he contracted an STD. A sample size of 2 doesn't lead to a statistically strong correlation between attending and catching something. That he contracted something each time, an admittedly miserable outcome, really could be bad luck. (*It isn't clear from your two posts whether (1) he's only attended two events or (2) he's gone for several years, twice a year.)
  10. They'd probably charge another $20 a month....
  11. My admittedly hazy recollection is that the story showed up in my local feed on Google News. And yeah, it struck me that someone had some explaining to do — and it wasn’t the doctor (though he had plenty to do).
  12. Not to be confused with this plastic surgeon in St. Petersburg who retired from practice on December 1. [think before following links] https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/i-team-investigates/florida-plastic-surgeon-pleads-guilty-to-possession-of-crystal-meth-and-burglary. Yep, Florida.... 🤦🏼‍♂️
  13. No pun intended when writing that sentence, I'm sure.... 😉
  14. The performers in the Lucas films look as if they just emerged from a photo shoot for a glossy fashion magazine (if any of those are left nowadays). Raw Fuck Club has performers who tend to look like normal human beings. HDK, Dick Wade, and TIM not only reintroduced the world to bareback sex, but the guys in the videos were hardly physical fitness fanatics.
  15. Was there any hint (or rumor) that the owner was having money troubles? "Investigating the cause of the fire" could mean anything from a bunch of debris smelled a lot like acetone or alcohol to the fire started in the wall because of an arc fault in the wiring. Does the location have high redevelopment potential? --- These would be questions for Joe Patron to ask before one writes off the incident as insurance fraud.
  16. Jeezus F. Crisco.... That encounter is one that populated many daydreams (maybe wet dreams as well) of many of us who lived in or stayed with relatives in a small town.
  17. Having just stumbled upon this story, I join the crowd asking for the next insTallment.
  18. Your relative was lucky. A couple of women this year weren't so lucky. [think before following links] https://www.wpbf.com/article/florida-deadly-gator-attack-fort-pierce-wildlife-fwc/42995531; [think before following links] https://news.yahoo.com/woman-killed-florida-alligator-attack-215116994.html.
  19. WOW...! When one thought the story couldn't get any better, this installment appears, @raunchyballs outdoing himself. I forgot to breathe a few times so engrossed by the story as I was. A huge thanks, @raunchyballs....
  20. That's a helluva birthday parTy....! And of course we're interested in what happened the next evening...
  21. You flatter me -- someone happened to ask the right question. I have the video, and Timarrie Baker is one of my favorites.
  22. After fall quarter exams were done, an upperclassman took me, a freshman at UC, to Man's Country. Kid in candy store feeling. I tried to get there at least once every quarter, and it was always a very refreshing break from the occasionally stifling atmosphere at school. During one blizzard in the winter of '79, that same upperclassman and I went to Man's Country, riding the Clark St. bus. Someone pulled the signal cord just past Lawrence, and the driver stopped the bus at the entrance to Man's Country. Ah, memories....
  23. Sounds very much like the gone and much lamented Rainbow Cabaret in Tampa in its last years.
  24. Obviously, another great insTallment in this account of a very mind-blowing weekend. That weekend was one many of us have had, the memory of which propels us into the night, and which many of us wish we could have. And I can totally relate to Lou when he developed that charlie horse, though I suspect the ministrations by you and Vice did more than ease that particular muscle cramp. Many thanks for sharing and letting us experience the weekend vicariously.
  25. It's Dalton Pierce. The video is scene 2 of Fuck'd and Loaded, a 2017 video from Skyn Media. (The tops are Timarie Baker and Michael Roman.)
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