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Everything posted by bipigboy05

  1. Damn this should be adapted into a movie.
  2. Fuck me… this is the twisted, corrupting, sleazy kind of race play that makes me drop down into that nigger headspace the moment the words are uttered. Keep it coming… please keep it coming.
  3. Bring it DaddysHand! Writing this good should be continued until the end
  4. Freedom of speech is a porcupine in many ways…. Stroke it head to bum, and you'll find it's a most enjoyable and soft and agreeable animal; bum to head and you'll want to curse it for the quills it has innocently left in your hand. Freedom of speech manifests its quills when a thought not in accordance with your values begins to orbit in your social solar system. I guess what Im saying is, if you don't want to get stuck by the quills, don't pick up the fucking porcupine. The beauty of the animal lay in its harmonious duality. DaddysHand this story fucking rocks— especially when you've reached the point of sticking your quills into people while others enjoy it.
  5. damn this is hot as fuck!
  6. fuicking hot Sir!1423576358_Photoon8-24-18at2_40PM.jpg.d529f504d0ffac54af9bcd716b54f883.jpg700108134_Photoon6-22-18at8.34PM2.jpg.9abe71327e12797146f3fc8c80eafbc6.jpg

    Photo on 6-22-18 at 8.34 PM.jpg

    1. ronnie4u


      Simply Beautiful , Exciting , Delicious - love to know her - profile - had a friend like her - more - more - PLEASE !      https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

  7. yes
  8. fuck. yes.
  9. mmmm i love being a whore like this. glass cock, thick white clouds, man cock,thick white loads.
  10. Wild chain of events haha. This is good shit but I definitely gotta be careful when I bust my nut in the story lolol.
  11. so many loads summing through this cunt. tawnie baby, you're like a public laundry. load after load.
  12. this part right here... fuck, it's good to be a meth addicted, cock loving, drug warped, cumdump. take me party to party and fill me with cum and meth and im sure i would only ask for more pipe... the flesh or the glass kind hehe.
  13. chem sissy for group exposure degradation humiliation and chemming up Sir. Zoom or chaturbate?

  14. https://zoom.us/j/8588226107 mascsissypigcunt with a new depravity of shit whore needs a meth forced recorded and broadcasted audience of laughing and worthy men Sirs
  15. Fucking Yes!!!
  16. Damn haha, the way he brushed off that question when asked if he was worried how many had seen it, is exactly what I'd have said while staring out the window thinking about the next video everyone would see. This story is enthralling and, ironically, I was just fucking around the other day and started to write a story that started off with a sensory deprived subject bound and waking to the vibrant drum of a tattoo gun over his pubic region. Fucking righteous
  17. Orlando bttm needs some fucking breeding and use and abuse. Ideally a Dom to serve indefinitely.

  18. Faggot in need of some dom raw seed!

  19. Wow.That was a hell of a series and this last entry was ffucking ICEing on the sloppy pig cake! Loved every chem fueled moment of this nasTy ffilThy pig trough entry.
  20. Orlando hole needs extreme pig use!

  21. I want to be owned more than anything.

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