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Status Updates posted by leatherpunk16

  1. Leatherpunk has a birthday today (July 25)! 🥳 I can't say I've ever seen such announcements and things on this site, so I'm making one now.


    1. Close2MyBro


      Happy Birthday!

    2. ellentonboy


      Happy Birthday!  Doing anything or anyone special to celebrate.....🫢

    3. leatherpunk16


      My BF will come by later. That's about it.

  2. My latest studio film has a preview on Mansurfer this morning. Shot this for TIMJack last December. 

    <iframe src="[think before following links] https://www.mansurfer.com/free-video-260296/" border="0" frameborder="0" width="480" height="380" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" id="mansurfer" name="mansurfer"></iframe>

    1. billy88666


      Couldn't get the link to work

    2. leatherpunk16


      It parsed wrong. Not sure why. But go to the Mansurfer website or Treasure Island, and type in Shannon O'Feral in the search bar. Should turn up. 

  3. My latest film, "Front Desk Fuck Sesh", is now available to view on sayuncle.com. Stars Lance Charger and me! 

    Edit: false alarm. The preview is available, but not the film. Coming soon! 

  4. My latest film, "Front Desk Fuck Sesh", is now available to view on sayuncle.com. Stars Lance Charger and me! 

  5. Hey fuckers! I just found out about one of my films getting published. So exciting! It's on sayuncle.com, and the title is "Meeting Halfway". If you want to see me get railed by a big guy, here's your chance.

    Also, I make no money from the purchase of this film, so this isn't me soliciting the film for gain. I've already received (and spent) all the money I'm going to get for it. But if you watch it, do let me know what you think, even if it's crap. 

    1. PartyFFPig


      Looks fucking HOT!

  6. Planning to deep fist a French pig tomorrow (Friday). He's asked to meet at the bathhouse. I was planning to go there anyway.

    What sort of other trouble should I get up to while I'm there? Open for suggestions because I'm celebrating a birthday! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leatherpunk16
    3. Justaholeff


      Get bred alot!

    4. billy88666


      Surprised there wasn't a long list of depraved urgings for you have your hole filled with unmedicated loads all night long. Whatever you did and whoever you did it with, I hope you had a fantastic day 🥂

  7. My bugchasing days are over, guys.

    I've been ordered to get back on Truvada if I want to keep myself marketable for porn. I have too many obstacles as it is. Someday getting pozzed may happen for me, but now is not the time. And I don't know how to feel about that.

    1. skinster


      Feelings come and go. Don't give in to estrogen. Conscious mindful choice is key. I think you know what things you're deciding on, it is not a singular item at a time every time the situation comes up.

    2. speedo21


      I love your profile pic, would love to do a porn with you

    3. skinster


      And by any means it doesn't stop you from being a slut if you want to. Or a pig. Or any other kind of pervert you're in the mood for. It doesn't stop the fun to be had. I don't fuck for honor badges. I think you don't all the same.

  8. I won Hottest Leather Pig on Ravens Eden tonight!! EEK!

    This is sure to lead to some fetish work for me down the road. Thank you everyone who voted for me last autumn.

    1. akula



    2. laguyinhou



    3. billy88666


      Congratulations Bud!!

  9. I don't get it. Do I need to commit to spending a night at the bathhouse every week, taking loads and giving loads to strangers until I become a pozzed-up whore with a sex addiction? Will that get me any closer to a fulfilling sex life? Or will I come away disappointed and find nothing has changed? 

    Can I do something that's a LITTLE LESS desperate? I don't want to be THAT level of needy.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NWUSHorny


      One more thought, if you enjoy dressing up in leather and hanging out with other like minded guys, Seattle should have lots of opportunities, they are very much into just about any fetish.  Just don't get high expectations about having sex with them, that doesn't seem to be part of their fetish.

    3. leatherpunk16


      All good advice, everyone. 

      Seattle probably does have the opportunities I desire, but so far, it hasn't yielded up its treasures. Coming from the Chicago-adjacent area, I can honestly say I didn't participate in THAT sex scene much, either. I went a few times, and it was great with my husband, but after he died, I just lost my energy. The most I ever got back was the IML Cumunion party in 2019. Out here, I'm not even trying. 

      This is something I'm really struggling with. I'm going to wake up one day, be 50 and well past my prime (I don't care what you 50+ men have to say about that, I will probably be different from your own experience), and find myself wishing I could go back to my 30s when I had it all. STILL.

      I fear not moving on despite my efforts to do so, and following this same course my whole life. I moved here to get that chance because it wasn't happening at home anymore. I wonder if I made the wrong choice. And that possibility? It's what I can't live with. 

    4. skinster


      Listen, other places are not sprinkled with treasures either. And as a 50+ I can tell you that self-care in that state of mind is even more important in more ways than one. Whatever you decide to do should be what you decide for yourself, not by way of any other influence. Change of scenery definitely helps. You'd still want for your younger self in your 50's, but then you'd have even less of flying fuck to give out. Been there, doing exactly that. And as to wrong choices - they never seize. But there is always hindsight. And if there is a will, there is a way. May take some time to make up the mind.

  10. I did something bold yesterday. First, a story:

    A decade ago, I linked up with a well-hung couple who unlocked my pig side. One of them, Jim, was the piggier of the two, and the one I spent the most time with. He got me into fisting and piss play. Sometime in 2012, he got pozzed and didn't tell anybody, not even his lover Don. On Don's birthday in 2013, Jim spread his bugs to Don. Jim died the following summer from unrelated sickness. I lost touch with Don for many years, and didn't know any of this except that Jim had died. It wasn't until shortly before my own lover died that Don and I reconnected. Last Thanksgiving, Don told me the whole story about Jim's sickness. Don has been living with HIV since 2013, and is undetectable, but still widowed. 

    Now you're up to speed. Yesterday, Don and I were talking, and I admitted that I am a bugchaser. He fully supports it. If that's what I want, he says I should go for it. I took it a step further: he wants to visit me when he feels safe flying. Wants to fuck again like we did in the old days. I asked him to take a meds holiday to share his/Jim's bug with me when we meet again. 😮 He says he'll have to think about it, but he'd be happy to do this. 

    Chances are high that it won't happen, and I gave him the option to say no. Don says he responds really well to medication, and doesn't know how long it takes to build enough toxicity to make it work. I speculated that a month would be sufficient.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. goonerstupid


      That’s super hot and kinda touching dude! Good luck!

    3. billy88666


      I would say a month should do it for his VL to climb but it's not a certainty. Your gifting should be from someone you love and it will be all the more special for your both if Don shares his former partner's kinks. You're experienced enough to know how to achieve a successful outcome and that it can take a lot of seedings before you convert. Fisting can cause small fissures and will help the virus to enter your bloodstream. If you want to be certain, you're well aware that a direct blood exchange will guarantee a result. It just depends on how comfortable your are with needles.

    4. leatherpunk16


      He shared but few of his late partner's kinks. Jim was a total pig. Don not so much. Huge dick, though. We wouldn't do fisting. 

      Am I comfortable with needles? Lol. Look at my skin. And I'm a steroid queen! But this isn't my scene. Too close to the drug scene. We'll fuck and take our chances, but thanks for the input.

  11. I've been nominated for porn awards again!
    Can I trouble you to send some votes my way? No registration required or anything, and one may vote multiple times until Dec 31st.


    I perform as Shannon O'Feral, and I'm in five categories: "Best Muscles", "Hottest Smoker", Fan Video "Ignite the Spark", Fan Video "Gunge Bless America", and Best Tattoos. I could probably get Hottest Smoker if there were more entrants, and we need four more to keep the category. How 'bout it? Can I count on the help of Breeding Zone once again?


  12. I'm currently talking to a poz breeder in Seattle. He wants me badly.

    I am in so much trouble. 😈

    Now I have a choice to make: the bug, or my porn career (which is finally beginning to go somewhere). 

    Decisions, decisions...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tavros


      The problem is some performers and producers don’t want to film with hiv+ men undetectable or not. And I think hiding an sti from the porn industry would get you in a shit ton of trouble 

    3. leatherpunk16


      What would be the point of converting to go on meds straight away? We chase to get it. I intend to stay off meds for a year after conversion. There would be very few performers that would want to work with me in that condition, and fewer studios. Sure, Treasure Island or Charged Up Media would put me in stuff, but why get bugged to work for only those two studios? It makes no sense, especially if it ends up being only one time. 

    4. billy88666


      Guess it then depends on what's more important to you for now. If you stand to make a decent living out of the porn, it would be stupid to chase ATM. I presume that if you do eventually convert and stay off meds for a year, you either intend to gift others or collect strains.

      For some, the sole purpose of chasing is to get it. There are a lot of guys who convert and they are satisfied at that, as if it was simply a box ticking exercise. They're not looking to gift and go straight to meds. Some want every bug they can get so they can share them with others. Some want med resistant strains and their aim is to go "full blown". There are guys that will go for the direct route with a simple blood exchange.  I don't question anyone's motive for chasing or their methods.

      I've chatted in the past with a guy in the Netherlands that makes a very good living out of escorting and selling his seed. He caters to guys who want to convert and are looking for for a handsome man who will provide them with what they are looking for. He did porn before he converted but the money merely supplemented his income as it wasn't enough to live on and he continued to work in the health service. His "personal services"  include gifting but he caters to guys with a wide range of kinks. He's heavily inked and a hardcore smoker into BDSM, leather and rubber. I found him fascinating to talk with. The last time we chatted he said he converted around 10 years ago and has never gone on meds. He does keep an eye on his own health and regularly check his viral load and CD4 levels. I was never gauche enough to ask how much he earned 🙂










  13. Seattle Steamworks is having Cumunion party tonight. 

    I'm tempted to go, but I don't do well in those places. 

    Would it be worth the expense? Convince me to go. Whatever it takes. 

    Or not go. I'm alive to the risks.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. akula


      try club z sleezier crowd

    3. NWUSHorny


      I still think you should go.  It will be among your best opportunities to find someone to fuck with in Seattle.

    4. leatherpunk16


      It's the day after. I'm glad I didn't go. I met someone! We had a date, and it was wonderful. Probably the best one I've had in quite some time. He's cute, sweet and kind, we share a lot of similar history, and while we didn't sleep together this time, I'd like to think we will in time, and I won't need to go to sex parties to fill the void in my life. 

      But if it doesn't work out, there is always next time. Gives covid a little more time to fuck off already.

  14. I envy you guys who can go out and get sex with anyone who wants to share their hole or dick. Despite my presence in gay porn, I am not really that much of a whore. I would LIKE to be, but it just doesn't happen. Are my standards too high? Am I not a sexual person? Do I give off vibes that I'm not interested in that, or that I'm not available? 

    The laws of attraction have never applied to me. On the rare occasions when they do, I am frequently disappointed. He's not available. He's straight. He has a boyfriend and doesn't play with others. He's just not my type. He's far too mature for me. He's really a shitty person. Something like that. 

    What can I do to reverse this? Because I want to be a big ol' ho, and I wish I were. He won't appear at my door - I must take a chance. But I end up disappointed when I do. Becomes a wasted investment, and I can think of better things to do than spin my wheels for mediocre dick. Help me out here. How do the rest of you do it?

    1. akula


      Welcome to the PNW

    2. switch2


      i hear those same things almost every day

    3. leatherpunk16


      So I'm not alone in this? I don't think it's a PNW thing - it happened back home, too, except that guys were in the closet and usually married. Made it too challenging to juggle all the balls - quite literally and figuratively! LOL

      This is why I think the problem is me. I changed my sky, but nothing really improved.

  15. Welcome to the website, buddy! 

  16. Going to LA at the end of July! Shooting porn while there.

    If anyone from this site would like to meet me on that trip, DM me. Will probably be too tired for more sex when I'm filming every day over a 3-day period, but visits and clubbing or just fabulous brunch and shopping and touristy shit is good, too. 


    1. BB10


      Who are you filming with in LA?

    2. leatherpunk16


      Not a studio, but a few A-list porn actors. I shouldn't reveal too much at present, but let's just say I'm gonna have a sore hole, a sore body, and a drained dick by the end of July.

  17. Last night I walked home and shared some of the walk with a hunky guy. Coming toward us, I spotted a short white guy wearing a black shirt with the biohazard on it! He had a mask on, so I didn't get a good look at his face to see if he was hot. 

    Might be one of us. Might not. Didn't go any farther than I just described. Also, the hot guy and I separated and went in different directions. No loadz. Frowny face.

    1. LoadHunter612


      are you back to active bug chasing?

    2. leatherpunk16


      I don't know. I think it's more like... if it happens, I'm cool with it. If it doesn't, then it's not meant to be. I'm just gonna fuck and have a good time. 

      If I can remember what penis is for. Haven't been fucked since December. I really miss getting loadz from undetectable guys with monster shlongs.

  18. Hungry for some good dick in Seattle. Ugh... 

  19. I won my category on Ravens Eden last night!

    UNDERRATED PERFORMER!!! (in a tie with Avatar Akiya)

    Thank you everyone who voted for me to win. I will offer a promo on my Just for Fans page if it's not considered spam. PM me for the link and code if you want some inexpensive porn that can't be got anywhere else.

    Ravens Eden Award notice 2021.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. viking8x6
    3. PissPigBrooklyn


      Congratulations!!! Now let's hope some producers start appreciating and hiring you!

    4. suckerboi


      You definitely deserve this!  Congratulations!  I hope it helps you get more work!

  20. Anyone else noticing that a great many of the older stories on BZ are suddenly getting bumped back to the top lately?

    And here we keep waiting for the next instalment of "A Hard Week" and "Biohazard Transformation". LOL 

    Good times.

    1. chi4loads


      What is old is new again, LOL.   At this rate, my latest post will be on page 3 in less than a week!

  21. Those of you who follow me on Twitter: I have to move everything to my alt, and I invite you to join me @feral_o over there. I also welcome new people, it needn't be limited to just the few followers I have from here. Thanks, piggies!

  22. Something every good chaser should have! It's a necklace I got from Amazon. 

    LOL, why do I do these things.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. leatherpunk16


      The shirt belonged to my late husband. 

    3. Guest


      can you send me the link for it? 



    4. suckerboi


      This is why you are such an inspiration to so many of us.  You are out and proud about your chase.

  23. Hey, what does this spot look like to you? I guess I have a new bug. 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. scott0882


      I caught syphilis before and the only sign that I had was a pimple like bump on the head of my dick. 

    3. leatherpunk16


      I've been to the doctor. Results inconclusive. The spot is considerably less today, like it faded away, but the raised area is still there. She says it doesn't feel like a wart, so it's not genital warts. Might be syph, but we took a rapid test and there was no reaction to the subterfuge and its chemicals. She did a rapid HIV test - that was negative as well, but I knew it wasn't that. So it's a mystery. I just get to keep my eye on it and see if it changes. Or if it was just a pimple and nothing more. Just such an unlikely place to get them.

  24. Hey pigs. I've been nominated for some porn awards this year, and I humbly ask you to vote for me. 


    Vote for Shannon O'Feral in the categories of "Best Muscles", "Underrated Performer", and "Hottest Smoker". 

    Doesn't cost a thing but a few minutes of your time, and you can vote multiple times daily if you like. (I think the limit might be 8.) 



    cigar pic 3.jpg



    fisting RJ.jpg


  25.  I got nominated for some porn awards, and I wonder if I might ask you for some votes. I got nominated for:

    - best muscles/bodybuilding

    - underrated performer

    - hottest smoker

    Go to surveymonkey.com/r/2021RavensedenAwards, and vote for Shannon O'Feral in those categories. You can also vote for others in other categories, your faves in porn over the past year, and the window for nominations is still open if you want to do that, too. You can vote multiple times a day, and there's no signup required at all (like using an email). 

    1. ssoranaid
    2. leatherpunk16


      Thank you! Don't forget you can vote every day if you like, or even multiple times a day. But that would be stuffing the ballot.

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