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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Wow, I think you have outdone yourself here @losolent. I am certainly a big fan of vampire stories (Anne Rice) and look forward to reading how you develop your characters here.
  2. Sounds like Tom is going to get the perfect gift . Lust is an amazing thing, nothing else much matters
  3. We should all have neighbours like that. But I don't think that Jake is as naïve/inexperienced as we think. But I am sure his hot little arse will find out soon enough, Can't wait for next chapter please
  4. Wow @losolent, those creative juices have been flowing strongly, Loving it.
  5. So good to have you back. Mmmmm Jay and Alan add an interesting side note.
  6. Welcum back. It has been a long wait since "Life Of The Spare" (there is a Spare who should read your last story, perhaps taking a leaf out of it hahahahahahaha)
  7. Wow 2nd chapter as good as the first. Hope you continue to develop the story line.
  8. It's a nice build up for the load that Terry is going to receive
  9. Pretty hot start for badboy Jace. Hope those creative juices stay charged for more @bottomboib
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