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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Thank you for this wonderful story @daddybear54. Loved it. Cannot remember if I have read "Affairs of State" but I must have a look. Awesome.
  2. @chi4loads So happy that you are back with another story on here and carrying on with Ric's adventures. But on the other hand quite devastated to read that this will be your finale to stories on BZ. You have become one of my favourite storyteller on here, so whilst it is your choice, it is a sad day that there will not be any more after this series. So if this is to be the end, I hope that those creative juices continue to flow uninhibited elsewhere and hopefully you will leave a status update for us fans to follow.
  3. @negchaserlooki1. Look forward to a friend request from all
  4. Another amazing chapter. It seemed to be an ending of sorts to the story or do you intend to continue with our "hero's" descent into pozdom?
  5. Holy fuck that was a lot to take in from those two chapters. A thrupple now? Can't wait for Uncle Tommy's words of wisdom and see how much further you take this
  6. Fuck. I hope you continue. And just your first try at fiction? Loved it.
  7. @MackyJayI am sure you will get around to it when you are able.
  8. Super fucking hot. Please continue
  9. WTF? The intrigue!
  10. Just read Part 1. Good start setting the scene. Got my interest piqued.
  11. Simple really - didn't like the feel of a condom. Although I knew the risk in being fucked raw, that was negated by the feeling of a cum load being deposited up my pussy.
  12. Excellent news
  13. That was awesome. Are you going to continue or leave it there @daddybear54?
  14. Wow that is some consequence. I gather "fin" is the end to this tale of yours @bbbbob??
  15. Enjoyable? That more than enjoyable. Was bloody great. Like the way you are including some background on the characters, fleshing them out. So looking forward to the next part.
  16. Fuck, that was a totally hot part 2. Not much protest from Cody though 🤣. Like a duck to water.
  17. Late or early, any new chapter on this excellent story is worth waiting for.
  18. Remember reading this for the first time awhile ago and it was so hot. Would have been nice to see it continue for a bit but it is a pretty good self contained story nevertheless @bbpissslut
  19. Can't wait to see how you embellish this story around Logan's adventures and conquests. Epic story telling @ComingUpRoses. Thank you
  20. Super fucking hot, thanks. Remember fucking around with my brother on occasions but it was never like that.
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