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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. @losolent is quite a prolific writer on here. Check out his other stories - I am sure you will not be disappointed @tmhay22
  2. Hot start, let's see where this goes. Look forward to the next chapter.
  3. Well it's late, been watching the Commonwealth Games. But I had to read this latest chapter before going to bed. Thank you @losolent. It has been an amazing ride with the Royals.
  4. Thank you for that detailed explanation @BootmanLA , much appreciated 👍
  5. With the amount of stories posted to this category, I was wondering why there is always only 110 pages to peruse? There must be others like me who like to delve back into the archives.
  6. Well have had to come off PREP  for awhile due to medical issues, Being monitored.

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      don't know what to wish you. "good luck and enjoy the ride" or "let's hope you go on PrEP soon"... I just wish you good luck for anything suitable to you. 

  7. Wow okay, that was a different tangent. Let's see where you take this track/trail
  8. Fuck yeah, another hot chapter. Looking forward to reading more of Will's journey.
  9. One hot story. Wonder how many of those hot team fuckers are going to end up taking a cock or two using cum from Kenny's soon to be toxic arse as lube. 😈
  10. A bit of protocol, a bit of excitement and a lot of lust, sex and love 💞💞
  11. It's a private profile but I will add if you request. Just remember to add back, many do not 😠
  12. Nothing there yet

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bbtopbreeder


      we can talk on here feel more at home here about everything

    3. negchaserlooking


      Okay that's cool with me. You can use the message box instead of updating your status all the time

    4. bbtopbreeder


      how have you been

  13. Another excellent chapter @losolent. Being mean and bitter never gets you anywhere as Lipscombe found out. Your description of the protocols is amazing, are you sure you don't have some inside knowledge of the workings of palace life LOL. Looking forward to the next chapter. This must be one of your longest stories and for that we are all much appreciative.
  14. I was just about to leave the site when this new chapter popped up. So of course I had to read it, as you do. Couldn't waste an opportunity to catch up on this right Royal saga of love and sex. Getting closer and closer to the big day,
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