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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. When you gotta get fucked you gortta get fucked. Worry about the consequences later.
  2. You have this knack of drawing readers into the story @losolent. I could just about hear the orchestra 😁
  3. Loved it. Thank you @losolent. Certainly a classic love story with some twists and turns that you do so very well.
  4. Bet he doesn't even remember the Superbowl later
  5. Loving this story
  6. Hopefully not a one off chapter @Blkridr??
  7. hot anon fuck with a gift ☣️
  8. Seduction by stealth. Hot. Look forward to Part 2
  9. Fuuuuuuuuuuck☣️
  10. Really? Well that is absolutely brilliant and thank you. Lot of guys totally invested in Prince Alex and his adventures
  11. Holy shit @losolent. That was a fuck fest and a love fest all rolled into one. I am sure this story is cumming to an end very soon but so look forward to another chapter or two before you wind things up and as they say in fairy tales "and they all lived happily together ever after" or something to that effect.
  12. Another hot story from you. Fuck yeah. Loved it
  13. Another great story from you - short or long.
  14. Awesome, Gives me an excuse to go back and reacquaint myself with the early chapters,
  15. Face to face at last BUT! Do you have a final twist or two for us @losolent? Can't wait for the next chapter, please don't leave it too long. There are a lot of us invested in this latest story of yours.
  16. At last Max seems to have his brain heading in the right direction, As to how straight that road is, only you know @losolent
  17. Oh that was always going to happen but how will Jake feel now??
  18. What can I say. No words, just hanging for the next chapter ❤️
  19. Sooooooooo fucking hot
  20. Great as per usual. Love your stories. Always look forward to a new one from you.
  21. Damn, just when it was getting so fucking good.
  22. Ooh the plot thickens 💘
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