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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Hot, different, romantic, has it all 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨💞
  2. Great last chapter. Don't know why you were "worried" at all 😀
  3. Fuck that was hot. Can't wait for your next update.
  4. Just been through and updated/accepted Follower requests sent to me that I may have missed previously. If you have a locked profile and send me a request please make sure you accept my request to follow back! Talk about long winded LOL.
  5. Like it! Waiting in anticipation for the next instalment.
  6. I had to concentrate a little bit on the protocols😂😂. 💖
  7. Mmmmm amen to that, now if I could just find me one LOL
  8. Thanks for the update. You certainly have been thru quite a lot of late but hopefully you can rebuild physically and mentally and move on now. I am sure we are all looking forward to new content from you when you are up to it.
  9. Well I suppose it was only a matter of time for "top" Sergio ☣️
  10. Well judging by your story title, you have a lot more to add. Look forward to more adventures @Shotsfired.
  11. When you gotta get fucked you gortta get fucked. Worry about the consequences later.
  12. You have this knack of drawing readers into the story @losolent. I could just about hear the orchestra 😁
  13. Loved it. Thank you @losolent. Certainly a classic love story with some twists and turns that you do so very well.
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