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Everything posted by Morningglorie

  1. Yeah... so, PM if ya want ~ would like to chat more about your idea !
  2. Agreed..... my experiences were...'wonderous'.
  3. You have turned me the FUCK on! I wish this comment was on 'audio' ~ for MANY re-plays ! Woof.
  4. ??? Now THERE is a story! Have you posted that here?
  5. I too 'lost' my Dad.... when I turned 20. I spent most of my 'youth', "exploring" him {Thank the Gods he was a HEAVY sleeper!}
  6. Being a twin myself (he's straight) ~ we had MANY experiences..... 'bath time' was our beginning ! Those that find "it" disgusting....haven't 'BTDT'-period.
  7. Twin bro ~ started very yng. Open to hearing PMs of others that have had similar
  8. Thanks for the follow... relatively new here.....not sure how this works.... 

    Dads Special Talent HJ Mag 5 2009 pgs 44 45.jpg

  9. Fucking HOT! I did the same with my HEAVY sleeping Dad!
  10. Having dentures myself, I would have to AGREE with you ! I'll even take that as a compliment ~ Thanks
  11. Hell YES! The first pic {black bikini} is approx. to my Dad's profile....my FAV pair of bikini undies he wore.... LEOPARD!
  12. EXACTLY! I have seen some/few where it was just the 2 of them {HOT as fuck}
  13. Soo hot! I did similar with sleeping Dad.....
  14. It's been soooo long since I have been fucked {Birthday-summer 2000}. A lover I had, late 80's had...honestly.. the length of my forearm...elbow-2-wrist...I have a mole(s) on both forearms...approx. 4" from wrist......that was his thickness..... I measured my forearm....AFTER I 'came to' seeing him hard, finally (long distance date~9mos.) when he finally asked if he could 'make love' to me...... bottom line... 12 3/4" long....6 1/4" circumference . For me... and my limited exp. fucking.... I've been inside a guy...where once I got my FAT cock inside...his 'ring' SQUEEZED! All I could think about was, "FUCK...it's SQUEEZING the fuck out of my cock!" I had a hard time staying hard.... NOW, I've fucked guys that were 'open'.....FANTASTIC!!! Warm, 'squishy'....SHOT my load....very quickly (so turned on...I was able to DEPOSIT 3X)
  15. Very hot story.... LOVE incest stories... and this added 'twist' ~ GreaT sTory!!!
  16. Really hot story line! Waiting for more !! 🙂
  17. Definitely open to talking/sharing the similar experiences I have had....
  18. Reading through the VARIED 'responses/reactions' to "Daddy".... reminds me of people's perception of 'COLOR'... or The Bell Curve graph that is used to measure/express intelligence... My initial 'reaction' after reading "A question about Daddies" ~ Are you N2 the Dynamics of Daddy & Boy (for example) ? After reading ErosWired's expression of HIS reaction to "Daddy" kinda 'threw a curve ball at me... NOT a 'bad thing'....that along with others 'answers'.... reaffirms my own look @ the Daddy dynamic/impact on gay men. It's not as measureable as... color perception or measured intelligence....but WAY more complex.... as the varied responses...I am glad to say that NO ONE 'shamed'....or bullied a very sensitive subject ~ more so than BAREBACK - BUG CHASE sex! I am so very glad I 'tripped across this site'. I am looking forward to what I see as being a POSITIVE & supportive experience! Keep is real ~ Keep it BARE !! The IQ Score Bell Curve – A 'Normal Distribution' Standardized IQ tests are designed so that their scores have a 'bell curve' distribution in the general population with an average of 100. This curve has a peak in the middle where most people score and tapering ends where only a few people score The standard deviation for an IQ score is 15 points. So, 70 percent of all IQ scores fall between 85 and 115 points. Note how this means they fall within one standard deviation of the norm. https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2020_02/image.png.27c476c98c84b4161cff31314f253ada.png
  19. I haven't put forth the effort …. This is DEFINITELY something I'm putting on my "Before Spring Arrives" list!
  20. Sucking cock is NOT about "should"... "Should" is a 'shame' word. A guy presents his 'gift'... *SUCKING IT* is, for ME a Pavlovian Response.... Next topic !
  21. YES, the first time a guy said that... I quickly went from "Huh?" to blowing my load...whew!
  22. 9/292019 I have just encountered "Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today." I understand algorithms, etc. VS "spammers" (something I just don't GET). All for a reason, right? I will have to track my 'reactions' ~ sadly, NOT a (+) - this IS a bareback...balls to the wall site. Ya know what I mean? 🙄
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