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Everything posted by alwaysready

  1. there are two songs in two different musicals which ask that question, given about younger folks. in 'bye bye birdie' it is 'kids' and in 'flower drum song' it is 'the younger generation.' this answer will tell anyone with half a brain that i am of the age group where hollywood and broadway mattered, as well as The American Songbook. sigh.........
  2. i think the 'wants to borrow money' is the whiffiest part of this whole deal? for another venture? surely they can find banks who look at their bottom line and know they will pay back loans. hell if 'the last guy' was able to continue borrowing with his atrocious track record, surely a small venture (small being relative) could find a bank willing to lend money. frankly i think they are afraid the justice dept, and state depts of justice are going to come down on them like a ton of bricks. if the justice dept did not do so in 'the last guy's' admin, i doubt they will do it now. they have other matters to deal with.
  3. the reason given for this seems to me 'whiffy' as the brits say. it is claimed the banks won't work with them unless the change in content is made. well, do they owe banks a lot of money? if so onlyfans is rolling in dough. e.g. when a big name gets on and earn 1m in 24 hours--which has happened--onlyfucks takes 30%, as they do with all downloaded content, i believe. so...i can't see how they could be in debt? i do not know puter stuff, but i assume their main costs are increasing server capability and some staffing. are they wanting money from the banks for another venture? honestly, they have not learned from tumblr which died an agonizing and noise death as will only fucks. and a lot of guys who need the money will have to hope that justfans will work as well, and that their fanbase will, indeed, go over there.
  4. self taught. ifrst on my stomach as a youth, then on a pillow as i grew older then the left hand
  5. i agree with akula
  6. very good justaholeff
  7. yes. if they are hard, i want them to fuck me again.
  8. i think a lot of it has to do with the amount of cum they have to shoot. one of my great regrets is that the last time i got fucked, the top did not indicate he was close (a nice thing to do); he pulled out and shot a huge wad right above my ass. if i had been thinking--i was so shocked--i would have cupped my hand and pushed it in. i think he was doing it for health reasons as he was poz; but what does he think precum does to one. a very high level of virus there.
  9. i suppose somewhere along the way.
  10. when i pleasure myself, it is a must. i do not like vids where the person who is usually getting blown has to have str8 porn playing in the background. at least mute the sound. lol
  11. sometimes there is just no one around. your hand is your sex partner.
  12. i love guys who are open to fucking with a lot of different sorts of guys. kudos toyou
  13. it is one of my fave fantasies and there are several guys who i would like to fulfill it. (inadvertent pun)
  14. most places, it is a buyer's market for tops
  15. b/c they realize how much they love sex, and they want as much as they can get. to me 'slut' is not the right term. perhaps 'enthusiast.'
  16. sounds reasonable. meanwhile i will try to keep my score at 0
  17. i agree. once you have served your sentence, at least after a reasonable time has passed by, i think the points should disappear.
  18. ah, for The Golden Age of Promiscuity in the late 70s.....
  19. firefox works for me quite well
  20. part of the problem about no one will fuck me, is the plethora of bottoms and the (relative) scarcity of tops.
  21. i learned this back in The Golden Age of Promiscuity, in the late 70s; if you are going to cruise, you have to expect rejection, and as much as is humanly possible NOT to personalize it. that has carried over into the electronic age, where guys are much more likely to show interest and then disappear. one has to learn that this is not necessarily rejection and then keejp on keeping on.
  22. well put
  23. agree with bootmanla. i imagine some guys have gone off prep, or stopped taking meds, or b4 any of that started taking raw loads. but bz, while it does glamorize this activity, does not directly push guys into having raw sex. i mean, this is not a sequel to 'reefer madness' called 'poz madness.'
  24. well, i begin to cum b4 i have an orgasm, so after some convo, while my seed is leaking into him, i pull out and j/o on his ass
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