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Everything posted by slowfuck

  1. You have to be realistic. There are significant cultural differences so you need to decide how far outside the comfort zone you want to go. There's also the question as to how important sex is to your life - if it's not central to your idea of self and being HIV+ might affect other aspects of your life you consider as important or more important than your sex life, then stay safe. If your sexual life is the most important thing then the question is less simple. If you are young and attractive and/or live in a city with lots of opportunities for sex then being HIV+ won't be such a problem as there will be others to have sex with somehow, even if just in sauna dark rooms, whatever happens. If you're in the middle of nowhere then what fun is it being HIV+ and only having sex once a year? Whatever, you can fantasise about having a hedonistic sex life with the stories here and with videos. It's your life, your choices. Good luck with them.
  2. From what you say I would not trust him, especially as he is so arrogant to say he won't test because he has nothing. He is likely to be seeing many boys, he can't be so sure. If he is clear of all infections and wounds your ass by being rough, or not using lube, then you won't get an STI but could you could get a bacterial infection from your gut bacteria. However, he can't be certain as STIs often don't present symptoms immediately or soon. For you, I would advise you to take your time and build trust before you give someone your body. You do what you want, not what others want.
  3. Good questions. Firstly, how important is the relationship to you in other ways? Just nice, or does it mean a great deal. Is he ok with you going off and getting bred by other guys? Would you say that sex is very important to you, whereas your boyfriend's priorities lie elsewhere and he doesn't value sexual intimacy highly? Personally, and I suspect most people here would agree, that your young years are for experimentation and having fun. Is it right to give bareback sex outside your relationship? Right or wrong in this case depends on your opinion. There are risks of getting sexually transmitted infections and unknowingly giving them to your boyfriend so it's not simple, but if he's cool with you playing and you are careful who you let breed you then it can work. It's much less risky to think about getting fucked bareback than do it, but I'm pretty sure you've made up your mind and just want reassurance and encouragement. As an 18-year old looking as you do in your avatar assuming it is you then I don't think you'd need to worry about being shy. Plenty of guys will be more than happy to 'bed' you, your problem will be one of sorting out who you want to let inside you! Bttm2go put his answers very succinctly and I'd agree except I personally think going to a bathhouse or sex club might be a bit full on at the moment and you should work up to it if it appeals. Asking these questions here is inviting people to recommend you do it, which I suspect you want to hear. I'd say make sure you're fully aware of the risks of STIs and other consequences and decide what you want to do. I'm happy to chat by PM too.
  4. It depends whether you can afford to have HIV in your life if you happened to get it, though that's unlikely if he's a nice steady guy. You're giving away too little to tell but he's a regular so you should have a fair idea of the likely risk. By afford I mean in terms of being able and willing to adapt your life to cope with it if it were to happen. Personally, I am single and work in a job where being HIV poz is not an issue so if the guy is open and honest with me as a buddy, seems a nice sensible guy and I like him, I let him cum inside. I pre-lube to minimise chances of any friction abrasions as some guys don't lube first, and stay mindful of any STI symptoms that could make infection easier, but otherwise I go for it and enjoy it. After all if I'm going to find out I'm poz someday I want to have thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
  5. I would say yes, it's still a taboo, but in the same way that rimming is a taboo, and being naked in public is a taboo. Something society says is wrong becomes exciting to do, to rebel against. Being a taboo is what makes it exciting and a turn on. The fantasy of raw fucking will, I feel, be a turn on even to the guys who use condoms, even if their fear of possible consequences for their health or reputation means they use condoms, and won't admit it.
  6. Oh dear, that's not good. In my opinion your thoughts on what it could be are most likely to be what it is. I don't think it's likely to be an STI as they don't tend to give such severe symptoms so soon or on their own - though there could be a co infection of course such as gonorrhoea as well. It sounds likely a infection from tears and bruising in your rectum which would inflame it. If he was rough it seems it could have bruised it quite a bit. The inflammation would cause the faeces to be passed through quickly leading to watery diarrhoea and stools as well as allow bacteria into the blood stream and cause the fever reaction while your immune system fights it. If it's persistent I'd suspect it's not healing. It's quite delicate really. I personally would get it checked out sooner I think, especially if it was a few days while since the incident. Hope you feel better soon and things turn out well.
  7. I'm in the same boat, I had an oral gonorrhoea diagnosis ten days ago, have to go back for the confirmation of cure on Tuesday. So horny this weekend and my fuck buddies are asking what I'm doing. Damn! Like you I'll no doubt be a good boy, and look forward to the rosy glow of the all-clear result. Then get back to the sex
  8. It is at The Hoist in Vauxhall, London. SBN stands for 'Stark Bollock Naked' and is a sex club that runs from 2pm to 1am on a Sunday. Check out The Hoist London website for details. Everyone is naked apart from footwear through the afternoon.
  9. Surely they're supposed to use a syringe for the gonorrhoea shot, not their penis? Actually, being serious, whether infections would show up would probably depend on whether the tests were rapid tests (same day results) or culture tests (results a few days later).
  10. Nah, no reason not to get bred. I'd only worry about the person swabbing your ass if they were using their tongue... Any STI would likely not show up in the swab until a couple of days later anyway. I must add where I get my tests done I have to do my own swabbing in a video booth at the clinic. A 'how to do it' video - not as much fun as it could be, haha
  11. Great, from what you say I'd be even more surprised if you got more than the gonorrhoea. Update us when you get the results please.
  12. By received you mean he sucked you off and you now have gonorrhoea in your penis? My understanding is as follows: HIV doesn't survive in saliva and neither does the gonorrhoea bacteria which clings to the back of the throat. You'll likely have got it from him deep throating you and your penis head touching the back of his throat - he likely wouldn't have known the infection was there. Is that what happened? Having an existing ST infection increases the chance of HIV transmission where it inflames the mucous membranes. The STI damages the membrane and the blood floods the area to fight the damage so makes it easier to get HIV into or from the blood stream. If he's not on meds because his body is controlling the level of the virus then he's not nearly as infectious for HIV as someone who is recently infected and doesn't know where the HIV spikes. My understanding is the likelihood of infection increases according to the amount of virus transmitted between two people and that there has to be enough to overwhelm your immune system response. If you had gonorrhoea in your penis already then the path is easier, but getting a new gonorrhoea infection is unlikely to have worked to inflame the soft tissue sufficiently to pose a significant risk with HIV within a few minutes. I don't know if HIV can exist in the gonorrhoea puss but if it does and the level of HIV in the gonorrhoea puss was low then again there's low risk unless his teeth scratched your penis head.. All in all bearing in mind there are so many unknowable variables I feel while there is some risk, it's not a big risk. It's clearly too late for PEP. You won't stop worrying until the tests are back I know. Speak to your STI clinic doc. You'll need to test at 4 weeks I think, maybe sooner these days, I'm not sure. There are HIV tests that look for the virus rather than the antibodies. The above is my take on it. I hope it all turns out ok when all the testing is done.
  13. I have a fuck buddy who sometimes bleeds when I fuck him but he's not tight and I'm not rough, it's from haemorrhoids (piles) just inside his anus. It's quite disconcerting to me but he doesn't seem to notice it.
  14. You're neg on prep yes, but that won't stop gonorrhoea or syphillis or chlamydia which I guess they are keen to avoid in addition to avoiding HIV. I wonder if they would rubber up to be sucked too?
  15. I seem to recall reading some report offering the opinion that low self esteem was a factor in bareback sex choices but there are an vast range of influences that affect the decision, and it isn't limited to bottoms. One could ask are climbers with low self-esteem more likely to engage in risky climbs? One could equally ask would someone with low self esteem risk the disapproval of their peers and clinic doctors by engaging in bareback sex? Generalisations tend to be employed by people to prove a particular viewpoint but that doesn't make them right or wrong, only believed by those who share the belief. It's a way to rationalise a behaviour but it's pretty much never that simple.
  16. I do understand, and empathise with the fear of unwittingly passing on an infection which I tend to share. To the "you're neg, right?" question my response is simply "As far as I know" which is usually sufficient. It seems people are ok taking risks if they feel they can shift the blame. Possibly you give them too much information. I have been apt to overthink things myself and that causes erection difficulties, so I have to work at stilling the mind, accepting that they share responsibility as well as the enjoyment, and just getting into the zone.
  17. Olly, he sounds very insecure in taking responsibility for risk-taking himself. As in believing what he doesn't know can't hurt him - like an ostrich with his head in the sand. He will suck off someone else he knows nothing about but not you - if he catches anything it's the other guys fault, the bastard didn't tell him. It's not his fault, dammit! You seem to be a great guy, loving affectionate boyfriend and happy to play with others. I doubt you'd be happy going back with him - you'd have to make yourself fit his idea of how you should be, and that will niggle destructively to your own self esteem and happiness, I feel.
  18. It seems to me that we ask questions of people likely to give us the answer we want to hear. If I wonder whether I should fuck bare I wouldn't ask a safe sex devotee unless I wanted to be told no. With sex, trust is important to me and I fear disapproval so when a bottom asks me to pull out before cumming, I will. That said, I don't ask so if he doesn't say anything he likely gets flooded. However, one of the values of this forum is that we learn we are not all alike. And that's a good thing.
  19. Short but sweet - is this short Twitter video what you mean?
  20. There's plenty of illogical responses to the risk. I've been on the receiving end of the 'fuck bare and then put a condom on for the orgasm' scenario. Few people I meet are as knowledgeable as those of us who have researched HIV transmission, but generally I feel people say Safe only both to avoid judgemental responses, and as they feel other Safe only guys will be safe to fuck bare because they are safe only. It's probably wilful blindness about their partners' past activity to be able to blame the other guy if they get unlucky. I despair of trying to communicate the, to most, seemingly counter-intuitive idea that an upfront Poz undetectable guy on meds would be safer than a safe only barebacker in general. But what can you do.
  21. Saturn1, I do get what you mean. I do prefer to see real cum trickling out of a freshly bred hole, but with condom porn clips I have seen it is exciting to me to see the top cum inside and then pull out with the cum in the dangling tip.
  22. Superbly written account. Just how it happens (happened) and carried the 20-year-old me along for the ride in my mind too. I especially loved the bit: "I came inside you." He stated with purpose. "I know." I nodded once more. Clearly you turned him on so much and he was proud of his bottom-becomes-top achievement! Have fun, Jaegar.
  23. Meant to say you don't need to be a Hoist member to visit SBN, There's a bag-check and pat-down for drugs etc when you go in. Poppers should be ok I think. Pay your entrance fee at the coat check and collect a black bag for your clothes unless you have your own bag. Bags are kept at the coat check. Enjoy yourself!
  24. I have been to SBN a couple of times, including the evening run-on NBN. I was naked for both as were most. There was BB porn on the screens. Busiest in the afternoon, early evening. Wide mix of guys, all intent on plenty of sex. I have seen people fuck raw, usually draws a crowd more so than those fucking with condoms.
  25. You have to wear non-slip boots so as a suggestion if you're only wearing a jock strap use a wrist wallet for money, or wear sports socks and tuck a bag with money and any cigarettes or poppers into the socks. Have fun.
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