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Everything posted by slowfuck

  1. Comedy word replacement in action - that was of course meant to read 'the rectum being pumped'
  2. Yes, you will have a typical digestive transit time, given optimal conditions, but I think it will speed up if you eat a lot of bulk and things need to be moved along to make way, so I avoid food within a few hours. As to the rectum being empty, it is my understanding and experience leads me to believe it collects the material as it arrives and that you feel you need to take a dump when it fills up and the material gets near the anus. So, I would say if your stools are fairly firm and come out cleanly - so not too fatty or loose - and you take your time to empty out well, you could well be clean enough for a fuck without a clean out though a good fuck and the dictum being pumped can encourage more to come through so I wouldn't risk a long or second fuck. It's sensible to tell the top the situation anyway as has been said.
  3. BamaBugChaser: They'll be sampling other asses too, as part of their fun, which is why they say they will be back, but maybe they then find another good one and decide to give it to them when they have edged enough and want to cum and most likely leave. If you're in a darkroom how would they know which one you are. They are just choosing the best ass to get themselves off with. I've had a guy stop and go away a couple of times and come back a third to finish off in me, in the past. That is a nice feeling - that he liked your ass enough to reward you with the load but when you're not the only raw bottom there, you face competition for that reward. Sometimes you have to make do with the compliments alone. That's bathhouses and saunas for you.
  4. Agreed. I was on the scene before the internet and am beginning to think I should just go back to bars and chat to guys in person. I'd have more success I feel. I had a request from a guy I'd swapped messages with who said could I go over. I prepared, took levitra, got the address, set off, messaged him when I was near and he said not to come now, as he'd cum already and needed to go out... :-/
  5. Luc11325: Fuck! You two are both so hot and sexy. Good viewpoint, good sex. Loved it, thanks so much for sharing
  6. Very erotic situation, with the oil and sensual touch. I am not surprised you went along with it! As has been said, none of us can advise you with certainty, but my feeling is that with the copious amount of oil you indicate he used on his cock and around your hole, and your very relaxed state it is unlikely he caused any internal tears, your rectum would likely be coated in oil too. That being the case, I would think the risk of contracting HIV is likely to be fairly low of even if he was poz since everything was so well coated in oil and you ejected his semen right after. Not impossible of course but I would think not likely. Chances are he's negative anyway, but you and he can never know for sure. You are responsible for your own health and allowing him to continue or do it again is your choice. If you are prepared to take the risk then that is up to you. The chlamydia is a very common infection that you can get from any close contact including fingering so any of your partners could have given it to you, safe sex or not, unless they use latex gloves too.
  7. Regards diet, my findings are the more food you eat, the faster the digesting matter will transit the gut. The faster it transits the wetter it will be and the messier it will be. The more saturated fats - such as from fried food - are in the matter, the stickier and more oily it will be. So I eat small portions of good nutritious foods with a balanced mix of protein, carbs, fats and fibre, avoiding processed foods including mass produced breads and fried foods, and keep fluid intake up, and typically my stools are reasonably solid and easy to pass cleanly. I will douche with a bulb three times to release all the matter in my rectum and result in clean water after the third. I had to practice relaxing to allow my anus to open without force and once the fluid starts to drain I push down to force the water out I then leave it a half hour and then release any remaining water. If there is any more solid matter, another small douche does the trick. Doing this about an hour beforehand without eating any more food I find any residual water is absorbed.
  8. To elaborate on my earlier post, I wasn't so much talking of the looseness of the sphincter. It's the cavernous interior I sometimes find. There again I'm just under 6 inches so others experience will differ!
  9. Yes, I need the fantasy element to get hard but I also need the sensation of a nice enveloping hole around my cock too, to enjoy it and cum. I tend to lose interest if I can't feel the sides...
  10. I can't understand it either but just another slim possibility springs to mind. Logic aside, it might be that he doesn't want to have any risk of being accused of infecting you, by cumming in you, if you were to become poz? Just a thought. Asking him 'out of curiosity' should be fine, he sounds quite a direct and to the point sort of guy. Good luck.
  11. No, I deep throat and swallow and never have an ache. Sometimes I burp to release trapped wind from my stomach after though. If it's that and you don't naturally release it, some sparkling water could force a burp or windeze tablets or some such. Maybe others have other ideas.
  12. [Fantasy spoiler alert] My understanding is that one can argue the bottom saying nothing while being fucked is implied consent to being seeded, but when the bottom asks you to stop or pull out, and you don't, it's legally withdrawal of consent and becomes sexual assault or rape. Most guys I imagine would prefer not to risk a police cell and court case so as you found will follow your stated request. If you want to play the forced sex scenario and get bred while being forcibly held down and having said no it needs to be negotiated beforehand. Or write about it on here [End of fantasy spoiler]
  13. Saves on conversation... http://ohmycocks.tumblr.com/post/67573894492
  14. Possibly, or maybe they say it to reassure the top that they don't do this sort of thing with 'just anyone' so it's quite 'safe' ... ? I believe you, you little cum slut
  15. I met a guy who told me he wanted me to cum inside him, but that if when I get close he says not to cum in him, to ignore it and breed him anyway. I guess he likes that idea of being forced but for me, if the bottom says stop, no, or pull out, I will do that. It's a matter of trust. So to answer the original question, no I won't cum in a bottom who asks me to pull out.
  16. Plenty. Most people I have seen fucking in both at Stark Bollock Naked at the Hoist and Buff - which are afternoon and early evening nude sex (and social, but mostly sex) clubs - use condoms automatically. There's a climate of active encouragement to use condoms as much from the clientele as the promoters, and little excuse because they are freely available. I do expect it's a different group of guys go to these than go to the late night clubs though, and another group who mainly hunt online, though there is doubtless crossover. It does seem there's also a correlation between how dark it is and the amount of bare fucking. Most are still concerned not to be seen fucking bare, even if they want to. I also expect there are those who fuck with condoms in public and bare behind closed doors. I include myself in that. Online hook-ups are likely to be the same - look (friends) "I fuck safe" , but hooking up it's "hey sexy buddy we're both safe and "neg" so let's forget the condoms."
  17. It's still working here. We should stop using it?
  18. Great story. Very gripping...
  19. I doubt the reality of a two bare cocks unloading deep in your well fucked hole will disappoint you when the time comes. If you need that risk excitement then imagine they are lying to you about being undetectable. Maybe they are?
  20. I just took a look. You looked fit even then so if you are more toned now then I see no reason you wouldn't be popular, especially at Hard On. The question is of needing the fucking to be raw (condom allergy and preference), and as you allude to with respect, your ambivalence to making the effort, horniness not withstanding, as you're so far away! The condom issue is real since in my experience condoms are used by the majority outside of darkrooms. Whether this is due to desire to use condoms or the reticence to admit or be seen to not be using them, I couldn't be sure. I hope a Hard On regular may be able to advise further!
  21. Aside from darkrooms, sex depends on mutual attraction so you need to choose places that cater for guys like you. i have no idea what type you are so cant advise. Places are only as good as the type of people who choose to go there that day. Nowhere is certain. Sometimes it will be good, sometimes not. If you want to be reasonably certain then pay for a decent escort, or find a place with a dark darkroom - most sex clubs do - and get bred or fuck anonymously.
  22. I used to wallflower it but no longer. That was ok as I like to watch, but lately I have been more proactive. As has been said, if you go in jock and boots it is its own invite for guys to engage with you as I describe below. Take them up on it even if just for a little play. You can move on any time. Anyone you fancy, I suggest you look at them in the eyes and keep eye contact as you or they pass. Maybe brush you hand briefly but obviously deliberated over their butt or cock, while looking. If they turn their head away or indicate no, then move on. Often I watch guys getting it on and may get invited to join, or get closer and closer and if one of they engages you gaze and keeps it or looks down at your cock and back up at you, then that's an invite. Otherwise just admire, and stroke your cock. you might find another guy watching to start your own floor show with. Many guys find it irritating and mood killing when other guys joining in uninvited. I don't know what you look like, but while looks do still matter in that environment - hooking into fantasies and desires - an up for it persona is I think more important. Imagine you are someone else more confident, and pretend to be them. Yes, be an actor. Go get your Cummy award for acting and have fun!
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