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Everything posted by Pozme1981

  1. Can’t wait to find out if his girlfriend planned all this for him to get pozed
  2. It would be so good his girlfriend set all this up for hun to get poz me she know it was going to happen
  3. Nice but you missed out some numbers lol what ones are they lol
  4. I don’t use lube as like to feel it more but if someone dose want to old cum from used condoms
  5. Yep female do as well make out they on the pill so on if you do bb you risk stds if you do bb virginal you risk pregnancy I can’t have kids it’s a 0.0000.1 chance of me having a child but there may still be a chance it risks you take with bb but been doing bb with wife for 20 years she not had my baby but as you say people lie say they are clean and they are not also some say they have an stds as some want that it’s always a risk of it that’s why bb is so much fun the risks
  6. Dam hard on just reading this
  7. Got an ampallang but it ripped out and yes hurt like hell
  8. They all size 10mm apart from the pa and rpa they are 15mm big rings
  9. Well now have 3x Deep shaft piercings Prince Albert piercing Reverse Prince Albert piercing 3x Guiche piercings what more should I do
  10. Still hard to read as on lost of pain meds in hospital so it’s hard to read more
  11. Wish I was the new bottom anyway had a wank and eat own cum thanks
  12. I don’t look nowday as I pee in a bag due to bladder cancer
  13. I am from chilwell Nottinghamshire but sadly a bottom as well
  14. Not been told I have it yet so will let u know
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