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Everything posted by Pozme1981

  1. Wish I was getting a good load
  2. Dam loved that short without tuching myself
  3. I only been when I was not sick Did not have stoma or catheter but I played and got 8-12 loads if remember think I was 25- 28 can’t remember
  4. I am going to the Greenhouse Sauna in Darlaston soon just need to make it so can book a room down there and someone else takes wife to the mixed swingers club as I play here and we both hope to get the gift and then go back to hotel room and take people there to fuck us both
  5. Hope I meet someone who will do this to me and wife or maybe one man gives i5 wife one gives me so two different stings
  6. Dam I wan tho to happen to me
  7. Also if you’re having trouble you can ask an admin for help with this issue and rep repot post so they can see you need help
  8. What email as some like Google and hotmail don’t like this group
  9. I have no problem with log in have you checked your emails spam
  10. They have gave me more meds but it’s all iv at moment as can’t take any thing oral
  11. As in hospital on iv antibodies
  12. Yes it’s Herpes it’s still dripping a clear liquid and as laying down a lot it’s dripping into bum so may get it there to , don’t know why but when first seen it kept getting hard and when told got hard. , it’s first time I had a std
  13. We do get checked every 3 months we took it last week and was clear but wifes played a lot after the test and it can take time to show also on the tests she’s going to do bb sex work and needs a test more often then
  14. Anyway thanks guy I will tell my night nurse when she’s back as she out with wife picking up food , as seen wife may not show problems and still have it ,and now got more on there now and the skin is hard to pull back and it’s white and crispy on the forskin so thank you all if it is an std it’s my first and got it off wife
  15. Just can’t find how to change the file size so can post it don’t understand how to change the size
  16. Doctor and nurse coming round tomorrow for my other health issues, I know they want me in hospital again as they going to fit a full time morphine pump , don’t know if to tell them about it as if it is an std would my wife show problems as she’s got no problems down there ,so don’t know if to say anything
  17. Thank you if it is that’s my first std ,it feels itchy, the wet stuff coming out if it’s not a std or something else then can only guess it could be to do with my catheter, but I don’t urinate form my pines as have a catheter in belly , but yes the rash is bleeding a bit ,it’s itchy and get a strang twinge from it ,and it hurts to pull back my for skin , if it is an std must of got off wife as I don’t play with others much nowadays wife does bb with anyone and she wants to do bb work in Nottingham she just don’t know how to start off ,
  18. Can anyone help me out please I have a Red rash on my penis,it’s a bit itch and sore it’s also bleeding from it at parts ,and the penis is always very wet and I feel it leaking something out when on my side and sleeping ,and when I tuch it it’s a bit painful and warm, got some photos but can’t work out how to make them smaller to fit on here ,if anyone knows what it is or can send phots to them some how so they can look at or put up for me ,I am on an iPad and can’t work out how to make them smaller as says files to big help please
  19. I keep it in as long as I can and that’s a long time as I have a stoma so mine is just a hole
  20. I still need men in Nottingham for me and wife
  21. Well they can crack down all they like I am still using one untill they are willing to pay for things like if I get my Id stolen, my laptop hacked , my passwords stolen , bank accounts hacked so on , untill they say they will pay for it all then I am still using mine the Labour Party are not fit for office , I know how hard it is when you lose money I lost £6k on a electric wheelchair scam that the bank will not help with but they want the money back fast if they make a mistake and put to much into your bank account they want it all back and you have to pay it , you get it stolen via a scam ,or hacked then it’s your problem you have to pay it again , being sick and disabled and can’t work anymore it’s hard. Not to have any money whatsoever,I lost that money will not get it back at all , so that’s why going to us a VPN they not willing to stop the hackers , the scammers so on so you use a vpn
  22. A vpn makes out you’re in that ip not uk
  23. Wife has a piss gag on me and a catheter in her so I get no chance in the matter as it’s locked on
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