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Everything posted by Pozme1981

  1. Married still wife loves to see me take bb dick and she does the same we are both bi swingers we will have sex with anyone bb as it’s more fun yes she get more dock than me even guys off fab guys want her more than me I guess some men and women don’t like the fact I am disabled and have a stoma and a catheter it puts some people off me
  2. I want to be that bottom
  3. Wife does it to me she’s getting a cock lock soon
  4. I loved getting fisted can’t do it now but love it my bum not as big hole now after my surgery
  5. No it’s private
  6. I believe it still take time to grow in its new host remember this is not in the back room
  7. Don’t think you can Guarantee anything
  8. Nice thanks
  9. Don’t have any
  10. Not had a std as yet from sucking and taking dick
  11. Will do a photo of mine soon and put In my photo gallery
  12. Is it ok to put photos of my wife in my photo gallery it ok by her so is it ok please
  13. Sill can’t get them to the right file size keeps saying to big sadly oh well
  14. I had some men take the condoms off one wife and make them brake it’s happen that much she only does bb now I only do bb as can’t take condoms as allergic to latex
  15. I am married and I am a bottom wife knows I play with men bb and she don’t care as she does the same I love to feel a man in me
  16. Will give it a go thank u
  17. Ok thanks how do I make them small to go on here as my iPad takes them in one size and says to big to upload
  18. Ok hope this is right place to put this but I have a question sorry if wrong place not to good with reading I have a question how can I get me verified as a man and woman so people know my wife wants to play as well I meet with one guy off here he’s seen her but he only played with me i have her next to me and she’s with me so can get photos eg her tuching nose or her hugging me so on things you want to confirm she’s real and not screenshot off internet so on
  19. Don’t we all
  20. Always ask to go to them but never seem to get sorted I may have to set one up for me
  21. Could be but only way to know is go the clinic but could also be normal flu or a bug that’s going round so on always get checked out
  22. I am married and wife loves to see me taking dick also loves to know when we go the club we do a game to see who takes the most loads she normally wins lol
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