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  1. Hey smokers. hope y’all are keeping lit! message me if anyone wants to chat. Smoking is a must!
  2. As a hardcore smoke fetisher, being a non-smoker is a deal breaker for me.
  3. It's always funny to me when a hardcore bareback pig doesn't smoke because "its bad." Light up, boys. Cum to Marlboro Country.
  4. Is anyone actually doing this? Chime in if you are.
  5. As I just enjoyed every last drag of a Marlboro Red 100, I’m reminded of how deep my smoke fetish runs. Smokers, please feel free to PM me if you want to chat. Also guys who want to be smokers are welcomed too.
  6. Hey neighbor! DC here too.

  7. Damn shame my money went to that d-bag instead of you.
  8. I have the same fetish, but be aware of flakes out there. I was chatting intensely with a super hot inked guy and agreed to send him money for more ink...then I was ghosted.
  9. Hey man, think we can get an update from you?  Would love to hear how you're doing.

  10. Smoker here since 16. Never have tried to quit and have no intentions of doing so. Still turns me on so much.
  11. Hey man...SW DC here too.

  12. How did the DC visit go? Any successes?
  13. Smoke fetish here too. I smoke Marlboro Red 100s.
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