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Everything posted by Remko228

  1. Nice start cant want for more !
  2. Sounding, e stim, needles
  3. Gay young twink poppers trainer or gay boy cry bbc
  4. Indeed one of the best stories on this site
  5. Some People into sounding ? I like to Huff poppers and fuck my dick until it bleeds
  6. Nice story so far !
  7. Very nice thanks for making me cum
  8. In Playa as of the 31st oktober tell 7th november. Hope to meet some nice people
  9. I started sounding with the help of poppers. this quickly took away all boundaries for me and I went to far I put a sound of 4 mm in my penis and took a hit. My body and penis started to relax and the sound slipped in my penis completely. I really started to panic and started pushing in my urethra to get it out. This worked after a minute or do but my penis started to bleed. I got really scared and decided to get rid of the sounds but after a few weeks I was looking at the video I recorded of it and got really horny seeing it. this made me decide to get then out of the trash and try again. Now a few sessions later I am power fucking my urethra with a bead sound of 10 mm making it bleed heavily until I shoot my cum. I know I should do the as there is a big risk of getting infections etc but it turns me on so much that I want to keep doing this and make my worthless piece of dick take even bigger sound and more. But it can't and I'm scared sometimes so I need someone to help me push my limits and encouraging me.
  10. Nice story !
  11. 10/10 for me greetings from the Netherlands and happy new year stay safe please
  12. Agree would love to read how this continues
  13. Good start of the story !
  14. Yes I really hope so to
  15. Thank you this is really good ! It covers not only the hot stuff but also the consequences
  16. I have never seen vids of you. Care to share ?
  17. Thank you for the update. Lookig forward to see how he tells his bf what happend I would be very pissed
  18. Ik like this story a lot Thanks
  19. Hey how can we get in contact i cant send pm
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