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Everything posted by hermarbi

  1. As Wic** is shutting down its service at the end of the month, just wondering what the alternatives are! Any suggestions...
  2. Same here, always love to recycle and swallow own cum.
  3. Not yet had the pleasure! It's on the bucket (or 'fuck-it') list!
  4. Kissing for me is always enjoyable. Depending on the kiss, as part of cum swapping, as example, that can get me hard. After ATM, I enjoy also kissing, as there's a taste to his mouth and saliva. Piss play is same, kissing after can be hot as fuck.
  5. Not found one longer - yet!!!
  6. Cumswap afterparty - this vid is so fucking hot, watching two fellas fuck after an orgy! The cum running from thier holes is hot! My current fave!
  7. Have to say, it's yes and yes. With A - I do often find myself imagining scenarios.
  8. Had a couple of plugs that would easily slip past the base, also had a few times where they slipped in and spent the night there... love the feeling of stretching them out. Would be up to have a one fucked deep into my hole as I aint done that (yet)!
  9. Gonna be travelling and in the area of Stansted. Anyone wanna chat. What's to loose, I got a hole to fill and mouth that loves cock and cum!
  10. Never tried, and not likely too. Find being loosened up part of the enjoyment. Don't mind when others use, its personal choice!
  11. For me, and not to everyones taste, have to say Pig Prod - S@at Orgy (parts 1 & 2) get myvote.
  12. Love the sling with legs restrained. Tried a medical exam table once, with the leg strips, but too much faff and moving to get my hole in the right position. But if its down to the top, I will take any position... Knees permitting that is.
  13. If I am riding him, I will get on with it straight... If he is fucking me and there's lube or loosening, it can be a slow start... Had a few fellas just ram their cock home in the past, and had a spasm when his cock girth is wider than I was expecting
  14. Suppose it depends on the situation. Rimmin / sucking cock or just deep kissing have all been effective in the past
  15. Gym can be three times weekly (free weights / yoga and indoor bike), but I do try to fit a swim in also, with two 50k outdoor bike rides, it deffo helps with the mental aspect of work and life!
  16. BUTTR Tactical I Black Dildo (Ø 2.1 – 3.2”) - Sexual Wellness Products for The Experienced User - Soft and Smooth Anal Sex Toys with a Strong Suction Cup
  17. Never tried condoms, as a teenager, we played bare. Cousin got behind me and slid his cock inside and fucked me bare, shooting his load deep. This was the way! I loved the feeling so much I have always fucked BB. Asides playing in rubber where I took a fellas cock heavily covered rubber sheath (that came off eventually though) I have never have used protection. It's Natures Way!
  18. This was my last…. Now planning the next purchase and reading some of your comments for suggestion
  19. Have to say, tried the frozen option, as well as fridge on a weekend session. I have taken a few loads from freezer (usually defrost and leave to room temp). Greedy fucker, so will take what's on offer.
  20. I have came across a few fellas that produce loads of slime, I do the same. The smell is fucking awesome as is the taste...
  21. Being generally greedy, I love cum eating. If its on an ass (or body) I will usually try to get my tongue on some. Same for anal. Will offer to lick out a gaped hole.
  22. Loving this. Great read!
  23. Gotta be one of my favourites [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/25243/cumswap-after-party/
  24. Whats not to love. You put into words the pleasure that I (and I wager a few others) live for, right down to the felchin.
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