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Everything posted by MusclePig

  1. I'm currently in the UK, but spent most of 2020 living in the US. I'm going to risk the likely criticism (it's best to be honest when replying to a topic I started!) and admit that I've continued hooking-up to much the same extent as pre-Covid. Not trying to say that this is ethically the most defensible position, but there we go. I will note that I don't have any particular carer responsibilities for elderly parents or others who are medically vulnerable, which is an understandable reason why many have changed their habits. As a regular attendee at group sex events, this has changed for me, in the sense that the regular official parties and bathhouses are closed. But I haven't had any difficulty finding quite a few unofficial/"underground" events to attend in both the US and UK. These aren't advertised, you have to be invited, but I know a few guys in the porn industry who have contacts for these types of parties. One thing that is notable is these underground parties seem to be a lot piggier and hardcore than the typical official event prior to Covid - possibly selection bias that it's mainly the most piggy guys that are still attending things like that? Also, at least in the US, the extent to which underground events are happening seems to vary a LOT by city and state.
  2. 43 loads over the course of a night. Quality is important, but one some occassions there is a lot to be said for quantity as well!
  3. "Canyonized ass" - luv it!
  4. To what extent has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted your sexual activities over 2020 and now into 2021? Did you abstain from hookups for a time? Or reduce your numbers? For those who are into group sex/gangbangs/orgies, how much was your sex life affected by the shutdown of organized events and parties? Did you just stop that sort of activity or did you manage to find unofficial “underground” groups that were still going?
  5. Was the 150 all at your house?
  6. Has anyone here ever been foot-fucked or foot-fisted?
  7. Heavy pecs can be such a burden - perhaps time for pec-reduction surgery? Or perhaps I should just go easy on the roids? jk.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. evilalex


      Ima titty fuck your pecs

    3. kinkysuBB


      Unreal. I’m currently trying to do something about mine, lockdown style, using my coffee table as a bench. Somehow I think yours will still be bigger in a few months! 😂

    4. labeardedcumdump
  8. This cumdump doesn't let lockdown interefere with his need to collect cum (I fucked this guy at an orgy in January this year).
  9. Can definitely confirm that there are some parties/events in the US that are have been going on throughout the pandemic (was living in US last year). Some of these events are returning offiically now, but even earlier on when basically everything was shutdown, they were still going on "underground." Of course, being underground they don't publicly advertize so a lot is word-of-mouth or having regular attendees invite guys who understand the need for parties to be discreet.
  10. Does anyone know Emuscle (from Grindr)? Or been to one of his groups?
  11. Sling.png.44f6a8db1b81f8d982384b76283aefe8.png

    1. ronnie4u


      Oh Fuck Yes !   Yes !  more - more - Please !   Rosebud @  ?

  12. 39.png.bc225d69d2baa1fca52702dc94cda75b.png

    1. ronnie4u


      Simply HOT , Beautiful and Delicious looking !   

  13. Any suggestions on which studios now provide the sort of content that Treasure Island Media used to do?
  14. It's great to see someone being honest about this. I've the same, Over the last year, I've been in both the US/UK so been thru several lockdowns/stay-at-home orders and to be honest I continued hooking-up during all of them. Obviously some guys have been avoiding casual sex, but in my experience, FAR more a still meeting than admit to it. And that includes groups - not sure about you, but where I've been living plenty of guys were still into groups.
  15. Haha, same. I've got a crazy amount of action during the lockdown(s) over the last year. I think some of it's the amount of guys working from home, so they are more free to hook-up.
  16. 87 now. Got 3 loads during the week and attended a group last night where I got 8 loads.
  17. I'm on Doxycycline as a prophylactic.
  18. Restroom, university, restaurant, office, storeroom, stairwell, doctor's clinic, hospital.
  19. If your view/opinion or experience, what things make a hotel or motel ideal for hosting gangbangs and orgies? For those who travel frequently to new areas, what signs/hints do you look for that an establishment is likely to turn a "blind eye" to such events. Do you prefer downtown, suburban, or roadside/highway locations? Chain motel/hotels or independents? Do you tend to find that certain room locations or categories of suite (budget/deluxe/large family suite) give you greater likelihood of your party not being shut down?
  20. While they all do BB in their vids now, I always found it particularly hot a few year back to play BB with the guy who were "safe-only" in their porn life. Or for that matter, the time I attended an bareback orgy held by someone rather influential and notable in the gay porn world, who at the time was very vocally anti-BB in public.
  21. 76 loads up me so far this year.
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