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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. A sling in the trees... isn’t that a hammock? 😂 Seriously, I’d be tempted by that. There is a guy on Scruff who has a sling in the back of his transit van and drives guys round to cruising spots - especially Hampstead - to be serviced. I’ve never had the chance to try out the facilities, but we have chatted and he’s sent me photos of said sling. It’s gloriously seedy. Glad to hear covid hasn’t wiped out the Heath. Still, I doubt Armageddon could. And to return to topic, my last load was from my fuck bud.
  2. The only caveat I put on my Scruff profile (which I’ve mentioned elsewhere) is that anyone who refers to his or anyone else‘s HIV status as “clean” will be blocked. Obviously, I don’t need to state that on BBRT...
  3. Quite brilliant observation. We’re also now in a world where we’re told snowflake millennials are offended by full stops. When that is becoming the norm, is it any wonder some things get lost in translation?
  4. I agree. The media whipped up hysteria so that we all cowered in our homes to protect the NHS and flatten the curve. Like most people, I complied. But the NHS was never overwhelmed and the curve was flattened weeks ago. A friend volunteered for the Nightingale Hospital in Manchester and had nothing to do. Another family friend is a GP in a large city on the south coast and she hasn’t seen a covid patient in over a month. I don’t wish to denigrate those who have suffered or lost loved ones but I live in an alleged hotspot which is currently under local lockdown and I don’t know a single person who’s had it. I suspect that is the experience of many people. And after six months of this, I think guys - like you, like me - are ready to get their cocks out again. Some might consider that selfish, I would suggest it’s merely human. And there’s nothing new in that. If you ever read Samuel Pepys’ account of the Great Plague, he carried on whoring, drinking and money-making while one-sixth of Londoners died around him. Oh, and if you have that Luton slut’s number...
  5. It’s going to be really interesting to see what happens next, but I think being more cynical as I get older that sexual urges will - and always have - ultimately overcome everything else. Anyone who has studied sexual history will be aware that there was more casual and anonymous sex - gay and straight - in air-raid shelters during the Blitz in World War II than at any other time in British history. I met one old guy years ago who’d been young back then and he told me it was the most brilliant time of his life sexually - he could be shagged by half a dozen soldiers a night sometimes. Maybe if you thought you could be blown to bits tomorrow nothing else mattered. I think that kind of mindset is setting in now, at least in the U.K. I’m far from being a covid denier - Hell, I had swine flu when that was the media scare story of the day, but I think the clickbait hysteria that the media whipped up is starting to recede. Call me an old cynic but I suspect the “new normal” will end up looking much like the old one did.
  6. And looking forward to your visit...
  7. In my experience, very few rubber up now.
  8. From my experience of the Heath, there may be a very good reason why there were so few discarded condoms around - I can’t recall the last time a guy wanted to use one when I fucked. I certainly have no use for the damned things. But you’re right, Andy, for such a well-used cruising area it is, and usually has been, a relatively litter free zone next morning.
  9. In Manchester, a 15%-85% top/bottom ratio would be a treat. It would mean there was a tops’ convention in town...
  10. With respect, I think that’s rather missing the point. I like cock as much as any other man on here. I also like to know - and want to like - what it’s attached to. It is actually possible to do both if one treats others with the respect one would want in return.
  11. In that sense, you are 100% correct. A man isn’t a life support system for a penis.
  12. Years ago, I managed it on the Docklands Light Railway. In broad daylight. With a train guard. It truly was my finest hour...
  13. “Two guys” that should read. Though Twitter guys are more than welcome, too...
  14. Any poz tops or top-vers want to join Twitter guys - one top, one bottom - for an all night breeding session?
  15. I think your first paragraph is spot on, although it can be argued that, to a degree, all sexual encounters involve a degree of sexual fantasy. And as a famous playwright once wrote “You’ll regret not having fun with your genitals when you’re dead”.
  16. I had two fit guys repairing my door in Salford Quays two weeks ago. I tried every trick in the book (lockdown was easing in the U.K. by this stage I hasten to add) but, alas, as Andy points out a couple of posts above, reality did not live up to the fiction...
  17. The only caveat I put on other site profiles - not here obviously - is that anyone who refers to their or anyone’s else status as “clean” will be ignored.
  18. Such an intelligent, thought post. Years ago, when I was much prettier (possibly) I cruised a black guy in central London. The attraction was immediate although I feared he was way out of my league. But he made it very clear that he was interested. He walked on, but stopped to make sure I was following. I did follow for what felt like bloody miles. We eventually got to a house and I didn’t know what to do. But he lingered at the open doorway and made it clear what he wanted me to do. I obliged. The sex that followed was incredible. Afterwards, he asked why I’d followed. ”Because I think you’re as fit as fuck,” I said. ”And you don’t find me intimidating?” ”Why would I find you intimidating?” Now let me explain that this guy was Jamaican. About 6’3”. Late 20s. And had possibly the best body I’ve ever got my hands on. It was the kind of encounter you remember all your life. I know I will. But he explained that he only enjoyed sex with white guys and because he looked the way he did, he found it hard to find sexual partners. I found it extraordinary that this perfect man in so many respects had few sexual partners. But I’ve subsequently figured that it was his sheer power and, yes, masculine beauty that must have been the barrier. How sad that preconceptions can get in the way of intimacy. For my part, I think I’ve shagged my way around the world, certainly slept with someone from every US state. Don’t think I’ve had a Russian unless it was in a darkroom. But I’ve certainly sampled every religion apart from maybe a Trappist Monk. I couldn’t care less how someone votes or if they’re rich or poor. I must confess, I suppose I get that everyone has preferences. It’s just that mine are a very broad church (as if were...)
  19. I’m sold on your description alone, Andy. Let’s just hope they reopen soon. Although not a darkroom, Hampstead Heath has areas that are almost completely black on nights without a moon. That vibe is fantastic, too.
  20. Never shag an actor, then! 😂 Seriously, there is much merit in what you say.
  21. An interesting or creative man can feel a sense of ennui or world weariness. In fact, most creatives I know experience bouts of both.
  22. In the days before apps and we cruised in bars, you’d make eye contact and if they weren’t interested they’d just look away - you’d immediately get the message, and vice versa of course. I guess the not responding on apps/sites is the cyber equivalent but feels starker because there isn’t that visual body language. In that respect, that’s why I personally like the taps on Grindr or the Woofs on Scruff. It’s an ice breaker, and I’m not sure why so many guys clutch their pearls and have an attack of the vapours like a Dowager Duchess over them. But each to their own. I try to reply to every (I should be so lucky...) message I get. But sometimes life just intervenes and some messages slip through the cracks. The only messages that I purposefully ignore are those that come from those who quite clearly haven’t read my profile. For instance, my Scruff profile is concise but quite clearly states “if you use “clean” to describe your or anyone else’s status I will ignore you” And yet I STILL get hit on my guys who describe themselves as “clean”. And they, I’m afraid, can sod off.
  23. You’re very kind. And I’ve always relied on the kindness of strangers...😂
  24. I’ve reached the age where all I ask is that he can stand unaided and has most of his own teeth...
  25. 2 Manchester fuck buds - one vers-top, one vers-bottom looking to meet sleazy top or vers guys for an intense session 18/19 July.
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