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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. I’m in the UK - I don’t know if that’s the norm elsewhere.
  2. Descovy is one of my two prescribed meds.
  3. I know. Over here it can be used as a term of affection between mates, as in “You old *****” 😂
  4. A fellow BZ member visited me recently and brought a nice container of his along with the beers. That lasted long after he departed. Terrific guy - lovely gift.
  5. Yes - I’ve done it a few times. There was a lay-by at Barton Mills in Suffolk which was notorious for trucker fucks. It was also near RAF Mildenhall - a USAF airbase - and it was also a popular cruising spot for US airmen stationed in the UK. I used to meet a guy from Chicago frequently there. This was back in the 80s/early 90s. I spent many a happy late night hour down there and had a few encounters. This being the UK though and the cabs being small, you ended up looking like Quasimodo as you shagged, but hey... A murder dampened activity down considerably. I’ve not been there for years.
  6. It’s not something I’m proud or ashamed of. It is what it is. It would be terribly arrogant of me to claim it makes me “more” of a gay man. What an odd notion.
  7. Fascinating topic Andy. The meaning of words - and their interpretation - is important, especially online. I must admit that “breeding” has always confounded me as I always thought it meant pozzing. Or at the very least that the top is poz, either on or off meds. But I now realise its meaning for many encompasses bareback in general.
  8. Read this between Zoom meetings - and it was hard to concentrate on the second one. This is such an effective story and so well written.
  9. Variety is the key. I’m fairly hirsute - especially on my chest - and find many guys go for that. Naturally smooth guys are the opposite from me which, of course, makes them attractive. I’m not a fan of guys who shave their chest/legs - the plucked chicken look does nothing for me - but a trim now and then is fine.
  10. I used to date an undertaker. He was one of the sexiest guys I ever hooked up with. Blond. Blue eyes. Fucked like a soldier on leave.
  11. I have no idea. What I do know is that, ironically, in this year of lockdowns, I’ve taken more then usual. Partly, this is because I finally got my own place (just 10 days before the UK’s first lockdown 🙄) but mostly because I met a fantastic fuck bud, who is a fabulous top. Together with another local vers guy, we formed our own bbubble and have largely stuck to it.
  12. With the advance in camera phones, I’m increasingly finding amateur and homemade raw porn far more of a turn on. A guy - a potential hookup - sent me one this week, shot by his boyfriend, of him breeding a guy. Even though it’s short, there’s a raw - no pun intended - intensity about it that is thrilling. And the picture quality is superb.
  13. Not just you at all. The minute I see a rubber I lose all interest and turn it off.
  14. I usually only get to play with uncut guys like myself. So a cut guy makes a nice change... 😉
  15. All that you say is true. But there’s still nothing like rimming a hole and it’s something I pride myself on...
  16. It can be. Some of the most thrilling nights of my life have been spent there. Obviously, some nights are quieter than others. But when it’s good, there’s nowhere hornier.
  17. That was no husband, my mate was marrying a woman! 😂
  18. Mae West said you’re as young as the man you feel... What I find interesting is that the older I get, the younger the guys hitting me up on apps seems to be. But then, when I was their age, I was attracted to guys my age. I wonder when that crossing point was, too?
  19. Grindr in Manchester is a bit of a bore, these days. I’ve found much more luck on Scruff. BBRT is pretty okay locally, but recently I’ve met quite a few guys from FabGuys. I’m not on Recon but friends tell me it’s good, too. I live in MediaCity when I’m there and pre-Covid you could turn on any app and be pretty much knee-deep in cock. It’s a bit quieter now, though.
  20. Lockdown in Manchester isn’t limiting mine. Admittedly, I’m only there two weeks every month- but I make the most of it the two weeks I am there!
  21. 289 Although sleeping with your mate on the eve of his wedding when you’re his best man isn’t on the list... Then it would have been 290...😇
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