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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. Mae West said you’re as young as the man you feel... What I find interesting is that the older I get, the younger the guys hitting me up on apps seems to be. But then, when I was their age, I was attracted to guys my age. I wonder when that crossing point was, too?
  2. Grindr in Manchester is a bit of a bore, these days. I’ve found much more luck on Scruff. BBRT is pretty okay locally, but recently I’ve met quite a few guys from FabGuys. I’m not on Recon but friends tell me it’s good, too. I live in MediaCity when I’m there and pre-Covid you could turn on any app and be pretty much knee-deep in cock. It’s a bit quieter now, though.
  3. Lockdown in Manchester isn’t limiting mine. Admittedly, I’m only there two weeks every month- but I make the most of it the two weeks I am there!
  4. 289 Although sleeping with your mate on the eve of his wedding when you’re his best man isn’t on the list... Then it would have been 290...😇
  5. For what it’s worth, I think it’s a very sensible policy for this site. Yes, I found it a bit frustrating at first. But by participating, I not only moved up the ranks, as it were, but made some great contacts with like-minded guys all over the world who I might never have been in touch with.
  6. I have to say, I agree. Of all the sites I’m on, BZ has the least negativity.
  7. I agree with you about the buddy link function on BBRT - indeed, we are buddy linked ourselves on there. Everything I post about my encounters is real - I have no need to exaggerate (as well you know...😂) - but I have no control over whether anyone believes me or not. And, frankly, it’s a matter of indifference to me if they don’t. I’m never rude. Never down vote. And trolls can troll away with me til the cows come home because I’m immune.
  8. Get someone to piss in you - it’s an incredible sensation.
  9. Swallow, all the time. Last time was just a few days ago when a fellow BZ member obliged...
  10. I felt the same frustration at first, but as @BootmanLA rightly advises, just participating does build up a reputation. This is a unique site of likeminded guys from all over the world. Sadly, the nature of it could lend itself to abuse and I’m glad those restraints are in place. Keep engaging and you’ll find things loosening up (as it were...)
  11. Not many messages. But I always like the ones I do.
  12. I may have been at that party 🤔 and I confirm that this guy is one of the sexiest, friendliest men I’ve met in a long, long time. A killer smile and a fantastic body. He’ll hate me saying this (because he’s endearingly modest) but he’s terrific.
  13. Yes. Until I came across BZ I didn’t know other guys shared my passions. And reading their experiences has opened up horizons...
  14. Welcome on here you sexy bugger...
  15. RawPlug on there (as on here)
  16. South of the river? 🧟‍♂️ “Here be dragons...” 😂
  17. I’m happy to play with other guys’ nipples if it pleases them but, alas, mine do nothing for me at all. Now the base of my neck is an entirely different matter. I suspect that is my body’s compensation for dead nipples.
  18. I’m on meds but have been chatting to guys who aren’t on meds with a view to hooking up, so I’m interested in their perspective on this.
  19. I’m afraid if the other guy doesn’t kiss, I drift away very quickly.
  20. Docklands Light Railway. Broad daylight. With the train guard. More impressive was my mate who had a shag behind a mummy case in the Egyptian Room at the British Museum.
  21. I hooked up with a really attractive 28 year old Asian guy last week. I was having quite a frantic session with a guy from the next building I’d hooked up with from BBRT and we looked for a third. There was quite a hot poz top from Liverpool who was interested but didn’t want to travel the 40 miles over and we were about to give up when this lad messaged us, also on BBRT. He got an Uber* over and the night became rather special as he was vers and up for anything. He has a CND tattoo, which was a throwback to the 80s, when he wasn’t even born. * Uber drivers are often a good bet during Ramadan - at least in Manchester. They’re usually gagging for it. Apologies if anyone finds this offensively flippant but it’s borne out of long experience.
  22. I was a regular from about 1997 and, back in the day, there was nowhere quite like it. It’s squalid, sleazy and dirty - the hotel version of a Slam Rush video. I was young and prettier in those days and my record was 18 in one long night (I do not exaggerate). Inevitably, I suppose, Trades and I drifted apart. There was a period when the owners seemed not to care a jot about the place or their customers. The current owners seem much more engaged - or at least they did the last time I went, which was about 18 months ago. Now, in the unlikely event of my returning to Blackpool, I’d stay at the Prince Albert Hotel (“the PA”) round the corner. But I’d be interested to hear how Trades is faring in the pandemic, especially now the fun police are about to be unleashed on us again.
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