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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. No, she’s always on and works seamlessly. So she’s definitely Apple...😉
  2. My mum had it last week. As yet, she’s displayed no compulsion to go out and buy Microsoft products, so I guess the foil-hatters’ fears about Bill Gates were unfounded.
  3. I encountered two colleagues on BBRT. One (sadly now dead from MND) was fine and we joked about it. The other is perfectly polite but we NEVER talk about it 😂 I also encountered a colleague at the Basement sauna in Manchester. We played but, again, didn’t speak of it afterwards as he had a partner. We just exchanged knowing smirks in the canteen. He no longer works there.
  4. Yeah. Me, too...😂
  5. No wonder you have a smile on your face, mate!
  6. If you ever get to Manchester...
  7. Everyone who went to The Fort - and I certainly did! - misses the place.
  8. You’re more than welcome at mine anytime, Andy. Look forward to meeting again. Actually, I’ve missed out so many, I feel bad. But @Sboi91deserves a special mention because he’s so sexy. @Slipitupmebecause his writing is incredible. And, best of all, @spunkloaderbecause he’s bloody amazing.
  9. @WelshBBCigarFuck @7bb86 @AirmaxUK
  10. I’ve been a member for a year and I would submit that it’s become busier in the last 6 months. But it’s not about quantity but quality. As @pervinmt observes, most guys on here are respectful. This is my go-to first site every day. I can’t say that about Grindr of BBRT.
  11. The biggest guy I ever took...well, at first sight I thought there was no way I was going to be able to take it. But he knew exactly what he was doing and it was just one of the most memorable sexual experiences I’ve ever had.
  12. That’s a really interesting point because in my experience, the really hung guys I’ve been with - and possibly because of the rejection you speak of - have always been aware of it and been considerate.
  13. I work in TV and asked an actor mate how long he’d been 45. “Three years,” he replied. “And I’m hoping to get another five years out of it.”
  14. Interesting post. I have to admit that my 40s did mark a bit of a downturn in sexual experience, but my 50s have proved the opposite. I do work hard to keep fit - in fact, I’m in better shape physically now that at any time in my life. Maybe that helps, I don’t know.
  15. Of course she wasn’t cancelled. But those voices sought to do so, so my argument - and that of those 150 academics and writers who signed the recent letter - stands. The fundamental problem here is that Western civilisation has become one peopled with emotional cripples, looking for something, anything, to be offended or “triggered” (give me strength) by so they can go and bleat about it on social media - which is the greatest cancer in modern life, giving a voice to many who shouldn’t have one. The ghastly Harry and Meghan, whom most people in the UK are glad to see the back of, are perfect examples of this - spouting their tiresome claptrap which is lapped up by bedwetters. We had a popular married TV presenter over here who came out. Social media was awash with how “brave” he was. Pass the sick bucket, Alice. “Brave” is me coming out to my working class family at the age of 15 during the height of the AIDS hysteria. Not hiding behind a wife and successful TV career for 30 years and only coming out when a tabloid newspaper was about to out him. Brave? I consider him a hypocrite and a coward. Of course, everyone tut-tutted when I said so publicly but most gay people I know (and working in TV, I know a lot) privately agreed. But I digress. We’re going round in circles and have only demonstrated that politics is a bore. I’m no particular fan of JK Rowling but I agreed with much of what she wrote - much of which was also quoted out of context to fit a narrative, incidentally. If you think that makes me an asshole, well, I’ve spent my life perfecting the art of not giving a sod.
  16. Probably the most sensible attitude, and I don’t know why I got drawn into the bloody argument in the first place as I’m basically a political nihilist. It’s a plague on all their houses as far as I’m concerned.
  17. The 150 academics and writers - including Margaret Atwood and Salman Rushdie (no sign of white privilege there, I would suggest) - who recently signed a letter condemning cancel culture would beg to differ.
  18. You should patent it.
  19. “You lucky bugger” are the words that immediately spring to mind. That said, I have a wonderful fuck bud with whom I enjoy such fantastic chemistry and we have that kind of dynamic whenever we get together.
  20. Well, all I will say to that is that I went out and bought JK Rowling’s new book and not because I wanted to read it, or ever will, to counter the shrill, hysterical voices who did seek to cancel her, whether we want to believe it or not.
  21. Well, I’m not sure the recent shrill attempt to cancel JK Rowling was a myth - or was propagated by white supremacists, but there it is.
  22. If you don’t accept that the current cancel culture doesn’t bear it out, then I doubt we shall agree and suggest we respect each other’s different opinion and leave it there.
  23. It was a quote. But one I have often found out to be a truism through experience.
  24. Governments change but the lies stay the same. As Joe Orton observed, scratch a liberal and you’ll find a fascist bleeding. I just resent being expected to vote a certain way because of what I do with my genital organs. The guy I’m with could vote for mice for all I care.
  25. I’m so with you on that one!
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