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Everything posted by kinkysuBB

  1. I’m in if you’ll have me and this damn virus ever goes away and we can travel again! I’m a big fan of being fucked openly in the corridors in sex clubs, or with the door wide open for anyone to watch or join. I’m always wishing the cameras were more invasive at the parties I go to. This (well the longer version I can’t find) is one of my favourite scenes, purely because it’s exactly that, a camera rolling at a party. Better angles from a designated cameraman would be great though. [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a3281bba9065
  2. I agree with this. I’ve no problem with other people seeing a picture or video of me having sex. I also did some (very bad) porn years ago, and there’s amateur pics of me floating around too, both among party goers locally, and on the internet. I’ve a very different job now, and while I’d like to avoid discussing my sex life at work, at the end of the day it’s a case of “Yeah I had sex. Have you?” Other stuff sometimes goes on at parties though, and that’s a different matter. Also, I’ve expressed opinions on some of that other stuff on here, which is why I don’t have my face up here, really.
  3. Yeah, apparently I’m “warm”, and I’m told this is a good thing. I’ve had plenty of comments on my external ass (cheeks, what the hole looks like, etc.), but when it comes to describing what the hole feels like inside, tops tend to start talking more about stamina or capability rather than actual feel. There’s so many descriptive words for cocks, so I had wondered about this. Glad it’s not just me!
  4. I find it a massive turn on and would love a free for all with photos. I usually let people know I don’t personally mind. I’ve found most people are cagier about identifiable photos though, for the reasons already mentioned. Most guys I’ve partied with don’t mind body shots and usually people just take them tbh. Having said that, I don’t have my face photo on here, so make of that what you will!
  5. I started doing one day when I was 11. I hadn’t a clue what I was doing but it felt amazing so I kept doing it!
  6. Only if instructed to by the top.
  7. Hmm. Interesting. Makes me wonder what I’m doing wrong. I will say most guys from my country have a reputation amongst international visitors for being a bit more inhibited than average when it comes to sex. And I’ve never had a lack of dominance issue with any foreigners who’ve fucked me, now I think about it.
  8. Yeah we do. Guys tend to use mine to grab onto and pull me into the positions they want when they’re fucking me. Or if they’ve rings on them they can be used to attach things to. Choke chains and leads and things, to keep a sub/pup attached to a dom/master etc. Some guys just think they look hot.
  9. Like most others, I didn’t choose it, it chose me. I had fantasies as a child about being kidnapped and having stuff done to me, or being forced to do things. It wasn’t sexual stuff, I was like 4 years old. But I wanted to be taken away, tied up and left there, etc. This obviously matured over time into a sexual awakening and a realisation that I’m a faggot. From my first bf asking if I wanted to fuck or be fucked, and me suddenly realising there would only ever be one answer to that. To starting to take ever bigger things up my hole, to doing it with an audience, to being filmed and photographed, to developing so many kinks because bottom line is it feels so good to be used in every way for a man’s pleasure. To pushing those kinks as far as I can because I want to give the most pleasure I can, to be the best fag I can be Did I ever regret it? Once, briefly, when a guy finished off sex by pissing on me and then threw me out without letting me have a shower. As I walked home stinking of piss, part of me thought “What are you doing?” But the other part was thinking “Everything about this feels amazing.”
  10. You’ll remember that day forever. And you’ll get more and more militant about it. I’ve let exactly two guys in the last year fuck me with a condom. To put it in context, one was at a party of committed barebackers, and we went out and bought this guy condoms so he’d fuck each and every one of us, he was that hot. That is the standard needed to use a condom on me now. The other guy I was a bit out of it and the other lads let him condom fuck me, purely so they could have a laugh and give me abuse about letting a condom in my body later.
  11. And yeah, look after yourself. You don’t have to be a god: I’m short and not muscled. It was great for the twink look, but I’m too old to pull that off now, so I needed to work on facial hair/body grooming, make sure I stay slim even if not the alpha male look, etc. Find what works for you. And look after your sexual health. Lose all hang ups about getting STIs, because you will get all of them multiple times. But get tested regularly and get treated, because they’re not nice to have or spread (some guys have a pozzing fetish, but I mean the others). Let us know how you get on 🙂
  12. Disclaimer: this is all pre- (and hopefully post-)COVID advice. Doing any of this during COVID is crazy dangerous, for you and anyone you might come into contact with during or afterwards. What worked for me is going to a sauna (bathhouse in the US) or cruise bar, and act like the resident slut. Make it very obvious that’s what you are. In a sauna, you have a towel: don’t cover your ass with it. Hold it in such a way that it covers your cock, because that’s not important, but have your ass on full view. Expect guys to touch it, and when they do, stick it out a little more. Bend over/cuddle up to them, depending on the situation (cuddling up is great to let that one guy know you’re his to use; bending over sends the signal that your ass is public property). Same applies in cruise bars. Tops will be there in various states of semi-undress. You take all your clothes off, bar a jock (and invest in a nice one). Again, this shows off the important bit and hides what’s not important. Don’t be shy. If you want to get your numbers up, no better way than getting fucked in a corridor, in full view of any passing traffic, some of whom will hopefully join in. If you’re in a cubicle, door stays open. That was one guy fucking you becomes a crowd of onlookers watching. If their cocks come within reach, start wanking/sucking. The more cocks you have in you, the more cocks you’re going to attract into you. If that makes you nervous at first, go to the dark room instead, but make sure you get a prominent position where guys will be walking by, and stick your ass out so they’ll feel it as they’re going past. Don’t be picky. If you’re there to be used, you’re there to be used by all. Sticking to Prince Charming isn’t going to get your numbers up. I started this in my 20s. Guys asked me what I was doing letting that guy fuck me when I could do better. I’m being a slut, because that’s who I am and what makes me feel fulfilled. All of the above can be applied at parties on Grindr/BBRT and the like too. Numbers will be smaller, but go to enough of them and you’ll rack them up. And relax. This is a gradual process and you’ll get more confident and better at it as you go along. You’ll also find you’ll be able to take bigger cock, and more cock in the one session, which opens up more opportunities. I was in single figures until I was 28. 5 years later I’ve totally lost count but would be surprised if I was at less than 4 figures. Good luck, and enjoy!
  13. This has struck me after posting in another thread. I’ve a question for all the submissive bottoms on here (and I mean properly submissive, not “likes a bit of vaguely enthusiastic thrusting”). So the ideal scenario for us is to not be in control of our sexual encounters (I’m leaving limits aside for the purpose of this discussion). This works fantastically well with a totally dominant top. But what do we do when we find our top is less dom than we are sub, and wants us to take the lead, or is going far too gently on us? This all too common a situation for me. Even at group sex parties, I tend to be by far the most into the dom/sub thing. For me I usually end up power bottoming in this situation, showing the top exactly how capable I am and how much I want him to use me. But this isn’t really being submissive: it’s being dominant with a cock up your hole. Yet if I don’t do it, and the top doesn’t exert his dominance, the sex is crap (although he is controlling me by deciding the sex will be crap, if you get me). Maybe I need to find a bigger city and seek out specific kink scenes? Or should I accept this as a sort of edging while being fucked? Is not being allowed fully realise my sub nature all the time actually part of being a true sub?
  14. I agree with recent posts here. My preference is to have absolutely no say in this: this is the top’s decision. Usually the best dom tops who are on the same (but inverse) wavelength to me want to dump it deep in my ass. Some of them want to dump it down my throat. Sometimes a dom top will want to give me a facial and make me leave it there, for display purposes. All of these are great options in my view, but that doesn’t take from the fact that my view doesn’t actually matter. Some tops aren’t on the dom/sub wavelength and like me to decide. This is always a dilemma: I shouldn’t have a say, but my top has told me to have a say (even if he doesn’t see the same meaning in that as I do). I find the best thing to do in that situation is to ask him to put it up my ass. That’s primary position for a cumwhore as it allows most absorption into your body. I don’t like it dumped randomly on my body. I’ll accept it if a top wants that, of course, but I find the type of top who does that tends not to be very dom, so doesn’t tend to be the type who ends up fucking me.
  15. What are you talking about, asking? If we’re talking kinky then I’m gagged, chained or tied to something, unable to move, with my ass in the air presented for fucking, with one top spreading my cheeks wide to open up my hole for the others. I don’t talk in this situation 🙂
  16. Congrats! Welcome to the club, enjoy your membership benefits, sir! For the record, the entire purpose of medical swabs is to collect “gunk” of all kinds, from all parts of the body, and see what’s growing in it. A clean looking one would be the exception!
  17. This all sounds ok to me. There are definitely things I’m not into that I do if a dom wants me to. I don’t enjoy the acts, but I enjoy how much he enjoys them. My purpose as a sub is to please him and give him pleasure. And it’s perfectly right and natural for him to push my limits, in a controlled way, without going beyond agreed hard limits. I’d be upset if he didn’t.
  18. Similar to most others here. I’m a bottom and I prefer not to cum. I have sex with my ass, not my dick. I prefer to keep it “locked in a jock” as someone said. That way I can keep going and servicing lots more tops. If a top wants me to cum I’ll cum for him, but I find most don’t care either way. I do like a top to load me, of course. But I understand that sometimes they want to save it so they can keep going and fucking more bottoms too, especially at a sauna. The best is a top who can cum multiple times and doesn’t give a fuck about me cumming, he just wants to dump! Yum! I enjoy cumming, but it’s more a private activity when I’m wanking on my own.
  19. There’s been talk elsewhere of action moving outdoors due to saunas etc. being closed. Not sure if I’m planning on doing that yet, but just assessing my options. Is the Phoenix park back open for business? I wandered up there at night a couple of times before to see what I could see,, but I think I’m a generation too late, or I was just looking in the wrong places.
  20. Agreed. Just do this. This is exactly how I learned to take cock in the first place (I had a 9 inch top boyfriend available at the time), and applying exactly the same principles is how I learned to take a fist. Still applying them to get better at it. The only thing I’d add is poppers. They are great for relaxing the sphincter. You don’t need them (said 9 inch bf hated them and wouldn’t let me use them) but they really help you take more. Any reason you don’t recommend them Kurami?
  21. You can tell who the 110% bottoms are in this conversation, and here’s another one agreeing: yes, absolutely. Draws attention to the ass, gets the cock out of the way, and seems to be a sort of fetish turn on even for the most vanilla guys. If I had my way I’d never get fucked naked, but some tops prefer that, and tops get what they want.
  22. I’m not attacking you personally here, I’m sure you meant well and are trying to help a guy out, but I am going to attack your argument. You seem to be basing this on what sounds like very flimsy evidence. Have you a link to a peer-reviewed medical paper showing that taking a copper supplement helps prevent you getting covid-19? If not, this is one step away from Mr Trump telling people to inject bleach. The copper is unlikely to harm you, but it may give you a false sense of security. I’m glad to hear you’re wearing a mask and keeping your distance, because these methods have been shown to work. We don’t know why some people, such as your colleagues, seem more susceptible to covid-19. We could postulate that you might have a protective gene of some sort. Or that you actually did contract the infection, but were asymptomatic. Or that you were just plain lucky. Ultimately we don’t know, and until we have hard scientific evidence, we should say that we don’t know. Filling in the blanks with theories unsupported by evidence, and encouraging others to do the same, is dangerous. In answer to the original question, COVID-19 is spread through droplets from your nose and lungs, and close contact. Sex requires close contact. So it can be spread through sex, but there’s no evidence to date to suggest it’s a sexually transmitted infection in the true sense, like HIV. Not that that helps a lot if you want to go back fucking, I’m afraid. I suppose we could get some 2 metre long dildos...
  23. Same. Brought a few guys home afterwards and ended up getting to know them a bit too. I’m going to use that China quip, that’s fantastic!
  24. Anything to do with poppers. And for some reason I love when there’s a shot of the bottom riding the top’s cock, ideally reverse cowboy, and his own cock is bouncing around all over the place. Hard or soft, it doesn’t matter. I have no idea why this turns me on, but it does!
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