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Everything posted by kinkysuBB

  1. I think this form needs to broaden its discussion beyond CBT. What about spanking or flogging then? Based on the experiences I’ve had to date, I enjoy being spanked and flogged. Particularly on my ass, because I’m very ass-centric, and I consider it my main/only real sex organ. Being flogged across the back/abdomen/chest/thighs etc. turns me on too though. Unfortunately, I’ve found this one very hard to get more experience in. It seems to be a limit for a lot of tops. And while I’ve a very high pain threshold, I mark really easily. It’s temporary, but it seems to put a lot of doms off. So most of the spanking I get is during sex when a top decides my ass needs a little beating. But it’s usually only short lived, then back to more fucking. There was one party I was at where a gorgeous twink appeared pretty much from nowhere with a belt and started flogging my ass with it. It was incredibly hot, but unfortunately he had work in the morning and had to leave shortly afterwards. And the other guys there, who had no problem with all night BB group fucking and using all manner of enhancements, were nonetheless a bit put off by him hitting me. Anyone much experience or tips?
  2. Fisting used to freak me out. Then I got kind of curious. Then as I started going to parties, you could be guaranteed at least one guy there would try fist me. I was later told this is because I have a “fist me face”! My role is to please a top, so I started to try learn how to do it. I had about a year of failed attempts. Then a guy messaged me on Grindr and told me he enjoyed the time he fisted me. I was like “huh?” And he sends me a picture of his fist in my ass, in my bedroom. I remembered then, but I’d thought at the time it was yet another failed attempt (I guess I was pretty out of it!) Then I knew I could do it, and I basically begged anyone I played with to fist me. One guy came over to mine and we played for hours, culminating in him double fisting me. Then over last new year’s I went to a few parties where of course one or two guys fisted me. New Year’s culminated in me going to my first proper fisting party where a really experienced vers took me under his wing and taught me how to take it better, and how to fist. Covid got in the way this year. In the periods when our numbers were low, I went to a couple of fist parties and by now I’m hooked. I’m laying low till the world goes back to normal, but I can’t wait to get out there and really open my hole to all who want in me, and anything they want to put in me. I enjoy being a top for fisting too. It’s not who I am naturally, I still prefer taking it a million percent, but it’s nice to actually be able to top someone when required (I can’t top with my dick. I’m just shit at it). And it definitely makes you more popular when you can be vers.
  3. What do people think of using sex toys as part of FF? For me, I have a massive toy fetish. The first proper fisting party I went to, I walked in and saw about ten 14 inch plus dildos lying on a table and I just thought “I’m home.” And I love dildo porn, not so much the solo videos, but of guys fucking huge dildos into another guy’s ass. Now obviously I love fists as well, dildos don’t replace them, they complement them. But I’ve met a few guys who are into fists but not so much dildos. Is it generally accepted that most FF players are into both?
  4. I’ve never really come across anyone with a poz/chasing fetish, other than on this site really. And I go to parties with hard core substance use, fisting, 100% bare. I wonder is it just less of a thing where I am? Or maybe I’m more naive than I think I am. Anyway, in my experience, the glove is to prevent hepatitis C, not HIV. Most people I play with tend to be on PrEP or undetectable. I make a point of not asking, but usually someone will over the course of the night (not so much at the fisting parties. It’s usually some twink on Grindr deciding whether to come to their first BB party). Asking is frowned upon, but no one is really chasing or publicly up for gift giving. Anyway, I’ve always let the top decide, but I think next time I’m going to ask for raw hand if they’re ok with that. I mean you’re either a barebacker or you’re not. And I already get off on taking second hand dicks/toys that have just been in another bottom, as well as loads obviously. I guess I should be taking fists raw too.
  5. Burn it 😜 Anyway, as a reformed condom Nazi, you firstly pick one that’s the right size. You pinch the tip so as to keep the teat hanging off the end of your dick when it’s put on. You then pop it over the tip of your hard dick, and roll it down. It only unrolls one way, so if it’s not unrolling, you need to flip it the other way. Don’t do this if you’ve already forced it on a bit since you’ve probably damaged it, get a new one. Then lube the whole thing up with water based lube. Fuck. Take it off as soon as you’re finished fucking, before you go soft and it slips off in the bottom. If it comes off during sex, get a new one, don’t reuse it. Practice on a banana or something, it’s what I did as a teenager. Of course, this should all be done in tandem with persuading your bottom to cop the fuck on... I mean see the light 😈😏
  6. In regards myself, I’m naturally hairy. Dark hair. Pale skin. It makes me look like Dracula. I hate it. It also makes me look more masculine when I leave it grow, and I don’t like that either. I don’t want to look feminine, but I also don’t want to look like the most masculine guy in the room. Thankfully I’m short, slim and have a boyish face, so I just trim/shave different amounts of hair, depending on my mood. On other guys, I don’t mind too much either way, as long as they’re not Chewbacca. Chest/arm/abdominal/leg/reasonable length facial hair is fine. Pubes should be trimmed to a length where I’m not getting mouthfuls of them when sucking, please. And I don’t like hairy holes at all, but as a total bottom I rarely pay much attention to them anyway. It’s more a turn off in porn for me. Having said all that, if Mr Yeti grabs me, throws me on the bed, and sticks his cock in me, then Mr Yeti is going to be let fuck me!
  7. I know I’m 7 months late, but I felt like talking about politics, and I don’t feel as qualified to comment on the many American threads. This is interesting. I’d like to see the methodology for that poll. I also wonder is it an outlier or is it part of a trend of similar polls? I’m not British, but my experience of Britain is that it’s by and large a liberal country. I don’t honestly believe that a quarter of a representative sample of British under 25s are anti-LGBT. A couple of theories: 1) Teenagers like to rebel and go against the flow. If society is pro-LGBT, if kids are being preached a message of tolerance and acceptance, to me, it stands to reason that some will go against that for a while, just for the sake of going against it. That’s what teenagers do. 2) There is a very vocal right wing movement in Britain, which we saw in the lead up to and aftermath of the Brexit referendum. I’m not saying that all or even most Brexit voters are right wing loons, but most right wing loons are Brexit voters, and they’ve been given a national platform in recent years. This means there is a very accessible alternative to the liberal consensus for people to subscribe to. 3) Certain religions I’m sure do come into it, as you said. These are just theories though. Hard to know what to think, without seeing the polling methodology and the results of other, similar polls.
  8. There are some that come well recommended by privacy advocates. I use one myself, despite living in a liberal democracy with good data protection laws, just on point of principle really. But they’re the ones that cost the most money. I know you know that, so I’m not really aiming that at you!
  9. Last party I was at, whatever was stuck to a big dildo after it came out of the last bottom was used to lube me up when it got shoved in me. The host wanted to wash all the toys each time, but most of us bottoms were well past giving a fuck about that.
  10. Yes, both will, usually. See the “enhancements” forum for details
  11. Yeah motels or rooms with outside access aren’t really a thing here, but there is a good list of hotels with lax security on this site. I’ll bear the rest in mind. Thanks
  12. Fisting isn’t really a thing in my local sauna. I’ve never seen anyone do it any time I’ve been, which is a lot. I tend to do it in groups at parties. You’re right, skin to skin is a mental thing. But a lot of sex is like that for me, including fisting.
  13. Nice. I hope to do the same once we can travel and meet up again. It’s not really popular where I am either. Do you guys think it works better when you invite the guys yourself (stick up a “door open” ad I guess), or you have someone else to do that bit for you?
  14. Do you guys use gloves when fisting? Personally I do it both with and without. I’m in two minds. I’m not a chaser, and use PrEP when fucking. I don’t want hepatitis C either. But skin to skin is so good...
  15. I’ve only really gotten into it in the last year or so. In fact it used to freak me out. But guys just kept trying to do it to me: no discussion, they all just kept trying to do it (I was later told it’s because I have a “fist me face.”) So I decided this was something I needed to learn to do. I went to a few parties at the start of the year, got slightly off my face, ended up finally taking fists properly, and then got slightly obsessed with it. Covid has put a stop to my progress, but I can’t wait to get back to it.
  16. kinkysuBB


    I hate this. “No, I’ll hurt you” *nervous laugh*. Yes, that’s the idea...
  17. Not sure if this should be here or in the porn forum really, but can anyone recommend some good resources for fisting porn? Pornhub fairly limited. Xhamster has some good amateur stuff, but I’m now running into the same videos over and over again with different file names. There’s lots of faceless stuff but it doesn’t do it for me. My preference is for young studs rather than skinheads or bears (just for porn purposes!), and for group scenes. Nate Grimes and Drew Dixon are great. Is there a good site/studio for group stuff featuring guys like them? Please share anything you’re into, those are just my personal preferences.
  18. Is Asspig.com fairly America centric? I’ve never come across it before
  19. I guess the aim of this is to get one started? Or do you mean for FF hook ups?
  20. kinkysuBB


    CBT was the first kink I really got into as a teenage sub. I had an online master who used to make me slap my own cock and balls on cam for him. It seems to be less common than some other kinks though. I’ve nearly really had a dom who’s been into it since.
  21. There have been single digit case reports of PrEP failures. PEP can also fail, but I’m not sure if there’s any reliable data on whether that’s a case of it failing to stop the initial infection, or of acquiring another infection while on it. I’d imagine looking at that would be a pretty niche and expensive study. I’m open to correction though. Since you’re taking PEP, I assume you don’t want HIV. I wouldn’t go assuming you’re bullet proof on it.
  22. As a top, sure. Do you bottom much?
  23. Yes, this was basically me! Kidnap fantasies rather than prison, but they involved being tied up and tortured etc. They weren’t sexual as such, I just liked the idea of being restrained and having stuff done to me. I had something like this to. The first time I saw a straight porn magazine, I wanted to be in it. I basically wanted to get my tits out for the lads. I had all sorts of fantasies about being a female porn star. I didn’t realise men could do it too. I think it was the start of me being an exhibitionist.
  24. I love these posts. I haven’t been lucky enough to live into my fifties yet, but it’s great to know that as a bottom, life doesn’t stop then! You guys rock!
  25. I didn’t even notice the bondage in that pic! 😂 I did it without bondage, and it still felt great!
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