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Everything posted by kinkysuBB

  1. Will have a read, cheers
  2. kinkysuBB

    Car Sex

    Did it in the back seat when I was a teenager. It was spatially awkward. And I’m not tall.
  3. Sounds to me like you have a dom/sub relationship, but you enjoy bottoming every so often. I agree with Blackrobe that you should breed Drew afterwards. Or depending on how kinky you are, make him felch you after you’ve taken all the loads. I also agree this should be a limited, special occasion, or the lines will become blurred. It may even be that Drew wants to blur them, in which case you need to decide what you want and discuss that with him and come to an arrangement that suits you both.
  4. I think I’m in love. This is wonderful. Wish there were more like you sir.
  5. I adore this. I’ve never been in chastity but would love to try it. I wank a lot. Even more this year when there’s been nearly zero action. I love the idea of not being able to wank. To have to go to my top, or alternatively whore myself out to any man I can find, every time I need to get off. I’m very ass centric already. I never go near my own cock during sex and dislike others doing so (though a top is absolutely entitled to do anything he wants with my cock, of course). I use my cock to pee and to wank. Moving the latter function to my ass sounds amazing.
  6. Anyway, don’t be ashamed. Because you know what? When you find that rare, total top, who feels equal but opposite, it’s so worth it. Those guys who just need to penetrate a hole with their cock. The guy who loves ass so much he just can’t keep his hands off yours all night. The guy who comes back every few minutes to fuck you again, because while the vers guys might be great fucks too, the chemistry between total top and total bottom just can’t be beaten. You get it, and he gets it. So don’t be ashamed. Do it for those total tops we absolutely worship. In the meantime, keep being a slut, even for guys who don’t fully appreciate it in the same way we do. That brings its own sense of pride and purpose.
  7. I’ve tried discussing this with guys and a lot who aren’t total tops or bottoms just don’t get it. Bottom isn’t a sex position for me, it’s a state of mind. Beyond the physical feeling, being penetrated just makes me feel alive, whole, fully human. I’ve been asked if I “can’t step up to the plate and be the top when needed.” I can, physically. I’m awful at it and get little to nothing out of it. Last time I did it was at Cumunion. I enjoyed the physical feeling, sure, and the novelty value. I enjoyed the look on the bottom’s face as I penetrated him (poor guy mustn’t have had many good tops!) But was it fulfilling, in the way that bottoming is got me? Hell no. I’ve been called lazy. I am not lazy. I’ve been to group fucks where I’ve taken cock all night long, and the next morning I’m being ordered up on the new arrival’s cock. And I ride it with as much enthusiasm as 12 hours earlier, while he sits there. I’ll keep going and will power bottom if needed as long as there’s a top to penetrate me. I’m just not a top.
  8. This happens me all the time. I don’t mind so much, and have even had a guy point out to me at a sex party that I’m a cock whore rather than a cum whore. Quite often I’m talking to my bottom whore buddies about a night out, and they ask how many loads I got, and I’m like “Zero? One?” Seems everyone gets more loads than me. I mean I’m happy, I always get loads of cock, I just don’t seem to get all that many loads. So it’s not just you, and I’d be interested to hear the advice you get!
  9. So when did you guys know you were done with condoms? For me, I gradually came round to ditching them, after I “accidentally” took a bunch of guys bareback at the sauna, and had a few courses of PEP. But as for when I knew? Again at the sauna, this really hot muscular guy, maybe ten years older than me, tried to lob it in with me up against the wall. I grabbed his cock, realised it was raw, and said “no, sorry.” He immediately grabbed the guy next to me, a gorgeous black guy the same age and build as me, and shoved it in him against the wall instead. And the bottom just looked at me in pure ecstasy, with a huge smirk on his face. I decided then I was never going to let that happen again. Anyway, since then, both the muscular top and the black bottom have fucked me raw at the same sauna, so all good!
  10. I’m pretty sure I got either hepatitis A or some nasty gastroenteritis by doing this exact thing once. I don’t care. I’ve done it again loads of times. Nothing says “bareback slut” like taking a second hand cock in either hole.
  11. You guys are great. No more gloves for me, unless a guy insists on them obviously. I’m a barebacker and proud!
  12. I agree with most of what you say, great answer. Re: point 5. I must try this. I’m a very vocal bottom, to the point where tops often think they’re hurting me when really I’m just enjoying it. I tell them “Stop means stop, everything else means go harder.” I might amend that to differentiate between “stop” and “pull out”, thanks! Re: the bit in the middle. I had a row with a top (vers actually) fister about this once. I told him I get off on the lack of control and not having a clue what’s about to be shoved up my hole. He told me he likes to show a bottom what’s going up, and it’s going up whether they like it or not. That was me schooled! (Of course, he would stop if I actually asked him to). I guess my point is that different guys get off in different ways. Some of us like blindfolds, real or figurative. Re: point 6. Agreed. While I love a total top who just wants to ruin my hole and has no expectation that I’ll return the favour, they sometimes don’t know what they’re doing, because they haven’t experienced it. It’s a tricky balance. There are total tops who are perfect. Other times, you want a vers or vers top. I guess communicate if something really isn’t working for you. Point of order: I have both a fisting fetish (which is all about trust and respect) and a submissive, humiliation fetish (which is about the opposite, within agreed limits). Guys who are just into fisting have told me how important it is to clean the bottom’s hole afterwards. And I’m like: “What? Why would you do that? You’ve owned me as your slut, now leave me there like the fucking mess I am! Don’t wipe my hole, you’re above that!” So what I think may or may not apply to you.
  13. Funny, I like the bottom being pushed too hard. Just as I like being the bottom who’s pushed too hard (only just). That’s how I learn and I really enjoy seeing a bottom who’s obviously struggling yet into it at the same time. It’s a rare find. Of course, there’s a cross over here between my fisting fetish and my masochist fetish, which I realise a lot of guys don’t have.
  14. Really? I find most fisting guys are into body hair. I’ve the opposite problem. I’m 34, look like a slightly ageing twink, and fisters think I’m a baby that won’t be able to cope!
  15. I can’t remember if I’ve replied to this before. Anyway, condom porn gets turned off instantly. It’s such a boner killer. I may as well be watching Maggie Thatcher in a lesbian gangbang.
  16. So hot. “Do you want a load?” Who says no to that?! Though I also enjoy him just leaving me with a drippy hole and walking off. So long as I get loaded.
  17. Guess I’m the only weirdo, so! 😂
  18. I can relate to that first time feeling! What you’re experiencing re the bowel is normal, to an extent. When your rectum is full (of whatever), your nerves sense the muscles stretching, and send the signal to your brain that it’s time to empty out. I find the same thing can happen if I’ve been getting fucked for a while, or even after douching; sometimes I’m not sure if I’ve douched enough and I pop to the bathroom, but there’s nothing there, it’s just the stretch sensation. This is likely to be more extreme when it comes to fisting. As for what to do about it, I’m no expert there, but I suspect at least part of the answer is psychological. I’d suggest to maybe inhale some more poppers when it happens. That would relax the anal sphincter muscles as well relaxing the mind a little (due to a drop in blood pressure to brain), and it should (in theory) let you just enjoy the sensation. You’ll get more used to it the more fists you take. I’m sure other guys might have more to add to that.
  19. “Pig” might be pushing it I’m afraid. In mind and attitude, yes, but I still have a lot of learning to do.
  20. This is a new one on me. When I read the title, I assumed it was the opposite of a power bottom. Meh. It’s a weird term. Some guys like sucking, some like to be sucked. Some don’t like anal at all. Live and let live.
  21. OMG where has this guy been all my life? Thank you! 😍
  22. @rawTOP, is it permissible to mention “enhancements” in these new forums (or the hardcore one, really)? I know enhancements and fetish don’t have to go together, obviously, but they often do, especially with WS and FF in my experience anyway. So far I’ve sort of alluded to it where it’s relevant, rather than being very blunt about it. Is this ok? Or does any discussion of enhancements, even as pertains to kink, belong in the “enhancements” forum?
  23. I love it! Not so crazy really though. Crisco is basically the same thing, just less natural, and that’s sold as lube.
  24. Yeah I love the public aspect of it. You can be fucked in a corridor, or in a sling with the door open, and get a crowd of voyeurs or attract new participants as you go. I also love the language of saunas. No talking. Subtle looks, the brush of flesh on flesh, the drop of a towel at the right moment, or how it’s perfectly acceptable to just walk up to someone and grab their cock. And then how that escalates to just octopus arms grabbing everything in a steam room or dark room. But I know some people who don’t like them for various reasons. And that’s fine. Do what you enjoy. The best thing about being a gay whore is that there’s virtually no limit to the places and ways you can get sex. You mentioned you like cruising bars where the men are clothed. There’s not many of these near me. But I have gone to them abroad. And what I love is it to just wear a jock. It creates an instant power dynamic between the clothed top men and the almost naked, vulnerable bottom whore, and basically is like sticking a massive neon “submissive bottom” sign on my head. Any time I’ve done that, I’ve had basically the whole (smallish) bar fuck me. It probably helped that I was the youngest person there by about 15 years too, but I’d say it would work regardless. Crusing in a park is definitely on my to do list. I’ve had outdoor sex but it was with a boyfriend or for porn shoots in very isolated spots. I’ve never actually cruised.
  25. I don’t enjoy piss, particularly. I do enjoy submission and humiliation though, so I’ve been pissed on/in plenty of times when a top decides he wants to piss on me. One party I was at, no one was allowed piss in the toilet. We had a basin and you pissed in that, in full view. The piss was recycled into a syringe and injected back up the bottoms’ asses when the tops wanted to. It wasn’t pure piss, as you can imagine. Many years ago as a young twink, I visited a guy. Got fucked every which way, obviously. Also got tied up, hands and feet bound, had to follow him into the bathroom. He pissed all over me, made me drink it. Fucked me some more. Made me get dressed, and kicked me out to walk home, stinking. I don’t like piss. I fucking adore being made a man’s bitch, and if piss is part of his plan for me, that’s absolutely fine.
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