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Everything posted by kinkysuBB

  1. I stopped in April or thereabouts because I reckoned I wouldn’t be fucking. Went back on it on two occasions when covid numbers were down, I cracked and needed sex. Took it for a month on each occasion and then stopped again. Currently off it and the way our numbers are currently, I won’t be on it again for a while.
  2. In fact, in my own country, Ireland, one of the current coalition parties, Fine Gael, is considered either centre-right or a bunch of crazy right wing libertarians in the pockets of big business, depending who you’re talking to. This same party has, in the last 5 years, campaigned and legislated for both marriage equality and abortion. The current Minister for Finance, from this same party, is about to launch the biggest spending budget in the history of the State, to deal with COVID-19. These are our “arch conservatives”. And most of Western Europe has mainstream parties well to the left of anything we have here.
  3. You’re right, although as you alluded to, we’d call it “social democracy” here, rather than “socialism.” We have Venezuelan-style socialist parties as well, but they’re not mainstream anywhere. From a Western European perspective (and bear in mind that’s broad brushstrokes taking in multiple countries), the US Democrats are broadly centrist to centre-right, and the Republicans are so far to the right that we’ve very little that resembles them. Fidesz under Viktor Orban in Hungary and Law and Justice in Poland are probably the closest, so not ‘Western’ European.
  4. At this stage, yeah. 99% anyway. Two guys have put rubber in me in the last year and I was pretty pissed off about it in one way. But they were both gorgeous and I do what I’m told. Thankfully most guys tell me to open my hole wide for their bare cock.
  5. You’re going to love it! And the more you do it, the better you get. I’m not the world’s greatest sucker either, but I can keep a dick happy with my mouth. Your role as the bottom in this situation is to service the tops as much as they want. That means being spit roasted a lot. It means jerking the other guy off while being spit roasted. And you know that bottom in porn who’s got a cock in each hand and is going from sucking one to the other over and over, then shoving both in his mouth? That’s you 😉 Once you’ve done it and enjoyed it enough times you’ll be gagging to be DP’d, by the way. Just to warn you!
  6. All the time when I was slutting it up in the sauna. Since I moved mostly to parties, zero. Seems the party crowd take better care of themselves, at least around here. I got syphilis from a one on one with a friend though. If you’re BBing you’re going to get STIs. My take? Suck it up, it’s so worth it 😜
  7. I can’t argue with that.
  8. I have to take issue with that one. Rugby is very much about respect. No one but the captain speaks to the referee. The captain calls the referee “Sir”. Players may even call the opposition “Sir”. Physical contact is tough, but strictly within the laws of the game, and anything outside of that gets severely punished. You don’t hear a lot about rugby players causing trouble off the pitch (there are exceptions, of course). Football (soccer) players, on the other hand... As for Conor McGregor, he’s from a place a few minutes from where I’m from. You used to sometimes see him around town, although I’m not sure where he lives now. He’s got an attractive body, but the man is a lunatic. You’re all welcome to him!
  9. It’ll most likely heal. Haemorrhoids are extremely common, and unfortunately they’re recurrent. But they’re just veins around the anus that have become swollen, and therefore painful. The key is to reduce the swelling and get them back to normal size. Various medications can help with this. Scheriproct is one that’s available in Europe. I believe Preparation H is an American equivalent. Holding ice wrapped in kitchen roll against the area at night time can also help, as does anything that reduces constipation (so high fibre foods, fruit, plenty of water and exercise). Do that, don’t put anything up your ass for a week or so, and if it’s not healing up at that stage see a doctor.
  10. I’m gay because I’m attracted to men. I sometimes use drugs because they enhance the sex I have with other men. I don’t use them otherwise and have no interest in doing so. I have no desire to get HIV. So that’s one (sort of) out of your three, and most gay guys would consider me a bit extreme even at that. So no, I don’t think you’re a minority at all.
  11. If you’ve had these thoughts a while, they are not going to go away by themselves. You need to deal with them, one way or the other. So you either decide to put them away the sake of your relationship, in which case you may benefit from some professional help in doing so (these are deep, primal urges), or you decide you need to change the current state of your relationship. If you’ve had a monogamous relationship for 12 years, and you now decide you want to change this, then he deserves to know, and he deserves to know why. You owe him that. I suspect it won’t be an easy conversation. I agree not to go into too much detail, and least initially. Tell him that you’re very romantically, but that you feel you need more sexually. See how the conversation goes. Be kind to him, and to yourself. Whatever you choose to do, don’t go behind his back. And don’t try bottle things up any longer. These things always rear their heads again, and it’s always better they happen at a younger age than an older one. That gives both partners more time to seek out new things, if that’s what you decide. Good luck!
  12. There was literally a thread on this the other day, some good advice in there: [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/61964-first-time-being-group-fucked/
  13. Yeah if you’re travelling it’s best to just be a complete slut. You don’t want dignity, you want loads. I’d suggest a face pic on your profile if you have a decent face. Then be as explicit in the profile as Grindr will let you be. “🅱️🅱️⬇️4Loads” or something as your tag line. Offer up pics of your ass early on. Don’t get bogged down in conversation or pic collecting though. They either want to load you or they don’t.
  14. So, advancing this a little bit. The guy I mentioned above, who was “mentoring” me in fisting, taking bigger toys, etc. has suggested we start doing it again. I’m certainly keen. I wonder is this different though? He initially did this for me in the context of a group party we were both participating in anyway (it was the same with me “mentoring” the other bottom I mentioned). It’s also more of a mutually beneficial thing, because he’s also teaching me how to be a top for FF/toy fucking, which curiously enough I’m enjoying. There’s no doubt it’s someone with more experience teaching someone with less. But I’m not exactly a virgin. Have people done this successfully at a more advanced stage?
  15. Not sure I agree with you. Every problem I mentioned above, apart from the haemorrhoids I’ve had since I was a teenage virgin, were caused by dicks. Dicks spread disease. Dildos, so long as they’re washed, are actually very safe. I mean they’re synthetic dicks. You can get huge ones that could do damage if you’re not careful, sure. But a dildo isn’t inherently dangerous. Nor are fists, although you need to build up to it and have a partner who knows what they’re doing and won’t hurt you. You’re much less likely to get an STI from fisting than fucking, although if you do make a small tear in the rectum and have cuts on your hands, hepatitis C can be a problem alright. It’s far more contagious than HIV, and I know a lot of hardcore barebackers who fist with gloves for this reason. It’s up to you what goes in your body of course, but it’s not as cut and dry as you’re making out. Whatever about fists, dildos are great for practicing with so I really wouldn’t advise guys write them off.
  16. 1, 5, 6 or 7. Right in the middle, dick in my ass, ideally with a couple more men involved in proceedings. Occasionally 2. All the good spots are gone, so I start sucking the nearest cock.
  17. You’re right, I guess. But is that a bad thing? A physical condom is a physical barrier. The “chemical condom” allows for skin to skin contact, so feels better physically and, for me anyway, mentally. I still get precum and then a load in my ass. That load gets absorbed into me. I get all the man and none of the virus, which to me is something foreign and unwelcome. What’s not to like? For a chaser, sure, it’s a bit pointless.
  18. If you’re having bareback hook up sex, you accept that you will get STIs. Not might: will. End of.
  19. If you care enough to go on PrEP, I’d honestly do it properly and take one a day for a full 7 days before you start cumdumping. There’ll be plenty of opportunities to be a cumdump in 7 days time. You only need to be pozzed once and you’re poz for life. 2 a day isn’t going to harm you, but there’s no studies I’m aware of to show this can reduce the 7 days it takes to build up in your rectal tissue. Regarding event based, it’s a while since I read the study that was based on. My understanding is it appeared to work well, but a lot of the guys enrolled in the study were having so much sex that they were taking a lot of event based PrEP. So much that it approached daily dosing in some cases. There’s solid evidence that daily PrEP works. Event based is more of a gamble, although seemingly a lot better than nothing.
  20. Well at least you’re starting early enough that if he panics you’ll still have plenty of time to rescue your evening. I had a guy literally run away in the middle of doing something like this recently. Literally, I went to the bathroom and I heard the front door slamming. I’d played with him once before in a threesome with a top, and then we’d tried to arrange this mentoring thing a few times (always at his instigation) and this was the first time he’d actually showed. Like your guy, super cute and wants to be a whore, but just nowhere near ready. He messaged me again tonight wondering can we hang out again but I’ve given up now. Good luck, and let us know how you get on! As much as my exhibitionist streak is turned on by this idea, please don’t film it, you’ll terrify him!
  21. It’s on my shopping list alright.
  22. Yes, I love it. Either when he holds his cock still and pushes my head down on it, or down and back. Or when he holds my head still and fucks my face.
  23. Sounds to me like you’re a power bottom. You want to dictate the type of sex you have and where the top cums. You don’t want a bossy top, just a manly one. I think that’s what you’re saying anyway. Not too sure what the question was really! Does that help at all? Maybe you could clarify the question, if not.
  24. Haha yes quite a few! But my favourite was a cute Russian boy I met on holiday in Spain. We met quite drunk at the end of a night out and he took me home to his place. We sat on the balcony drinking wine with his female friend who translated for us and also randomly screamed things loudly at both of us in Russian. This went on for several hours until we went to bed and fucked. We even managed to go for lunch the next day after some more fucking and talked some more. How I don’t know. I was still hammered! The whole thing was surreal but fun!
  25. Don’t eat much that day, especially avoid stuff with fibre in it like beans or brown carbs (bread/rice/pasta). But keep well hydrated. Wear a nice jock, stick your face down and your ass up 😜
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