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About BBareguy84

  • Birthday 03/26/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    London Zones 1
  • Interests
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Background
    My current load record is 45, would love meet (vers)TOPs that want help me to break that.

    Cumdump based in London, although happy to travel for any cumdump event in Europe or the US. You host (or we find an bnb) and have anyone breeding me #noloadrefused

    Also open to take random loads at mine. I can host in central London. (of course I do need to be free: I do have a job and other commitments) :-P
  • Porn Experience
    amateur, see my Twitter linked
  • Looking For
    Loads and fuckbuddies

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name

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  1. Here is my profile pic and a few "signs" that you might be interested. IMG_20180314_200847.jpg.fc3b8915ef3cfe76ff6a8c841ec2eb2d.jpgIMG_20200222_121044.jpg.23f468af374e39b83ff1d7f4a05061ff.jpgILoveAnonymousCock.thumb.jpg.72290145134da7e2cbf4676b049b98d0.jpgDSC02216.jpg.09fcb88d16520df2cf57023d0f2e52dc.jpgtumblr_naf27okj4f1ralqpoo1_400.jpg.6f00f6e8f240f6c55e67a29775e5ef1b.jpg


  2. Hey Dutch Barebackers. I used to run successful groups in London for BB meetups. Looking to recreate a Hook Up group in Amsterdam. Here's the link. Will ask for verification on person and location. [think before following links] https://chat.whatsapp.com/HuOlfD8vj3MCFi9qGJkjzE
  3. Weather was good in London. It took 31 loads in the week before Easter. and yesterday kick started the new week with 5 outdoor in the Burgess park.
  4. Wonder wgat happened to them. They kinda vanished after thst video
  5. My record is 42 but very very long time ago.

    1. BBareguy84


      Hot! Ahh same here: CumUnion in 2017. Where and when was it for you

  6. +1 on that question. Confused is neutral atm. But what about the sad emoji is that neutral or -1?
  7. Listen, I don't hide it, but IMO you don't have to go full in. When hooking up, guys will also ready receive pig pics of my cum leaking cunt. With a joining message that there invited to drop a load in BREED&GO. So that makes it very clear woz going on 😛 On the other side, when being on a regular date with a guy that I would meet abroad or through a friend I think there's a natural build up. Later if the guy wouldn't be into dating a collective cumdump it would probably not work out anyway. But most of the guys love sharing my cumdump self to get filled up. So no complaint 😈💦
  8. 100% HONEST TOTAL OF 441 POINT my favorite one is: 'Eaten Cum From a Used Condom" I love going into to darkroom and eat those condoms on the floor out or empty them in my hole. Especially on La Demence in Brussels SUMMARY Section (1) 10 POINTS Section (2) 68 POINTS (no wax, also I had to look up Splosh lol) Section (3) 93 POINTS never a 11 inch penis, but have done a 10 inch dildo (I should had vids of that) No electro for me though Section (5) 160 Section (10) 110 points, when I started this test I though It would go full disclose, but HELL NO hahaha. I'll share some though: (10) Hooked Up with a Uniformed Guy (train conductor in Amsterdam. And he bred me) (10) Hooked Up With Homeless Guy (He had a ginger beard, love that) (10) Had Sex with a Convict / Prisoner (multiple times tbh)
  9. In London 2017, went parTying all night and then the next day I stepped into CumUnion with 4 loads inside me. Sucked off a guy before the basement was open and had him starting to fuck me. We then go told off to not have sex upstairs. As the basement opened we went to back and placed me on the bed. He fucked me and I asked him to be my first load. He came after 5min and that was the start of something crazy. Every guy just started breeding me one after one another. And quick some guys were done in 40seconds. It just went on in just over half an our I had 20 loads in there (including the onces I had entering the place). I was so sloppy that I couldn't get fucked anymore and decent sized dick just fllt out. Only the HUGE dicks staying in my hole. So I went to be bathroom took some semen out. It had to be done, coz some of guys started to take more time to breed, coz it was just sliding and not tight anymore. But in went in straight for round two. When I left the bar I had been bred with 45 loads in there since the morning started. Definitely my hottest experience EVER. They just used me for my hole. When I was leaving some of the guys were talking about that absolute cumdump slut on the bed. And when I joined the convo they didn't even realize it was me, hahaha. Genuinely can't want for CumUnion to return to London. 10/10
  10. WTF I have not heard of that! My profile twitter.com/bbareguy is still full with my cum leaking hole.
  11. Surprised to see that most guys say to these days it's harder to find a hook up then years ago. In my experience everyone (like 80% in the London) fucks bareback these days. So it's MUCH easier. I go leaking throughout the week #noloadrefused.
  12. @evilqueerpig and @ballerva messaged me from the beginning right?
  13. That sounds VERY relatable. I do the same. It happens so many times that I’m on the tube and loads are sliding down my leg. I love it, that’s the pig I am. But it’s good to see that you’ll think the same.
  14. Can I get the photos on this post removed. I rather post them in a gallery
  15. I think the pig should be added. the confused one is good a as neutral thought provoking one without +1 or -1 added
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