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Everything posted by Sfmike64

  1. That sounds like a challenge. I hereby volunteer as tribute.
  2. There are few things hotter than sticking your face in a sweaty ass crack. MMMMMM. I love the smell of sweaty nuts too.
  3. Yes, you're remembering this correctly (I've never seen Caligula, but I heard someone talking about it recently, including a discussion of this scene). He rapes the bride and then fist fucks the groom on their wedding night. Someone has re-cut the movie so that it's not the abortion that Bob Guccione (who was paying the bills) made after inserting a lot of graphic sex into it that wasn't useful to the plot. The cast was absolutely first rate: Malcolm McDowell. Helen Mirren. Sir John Gielgud. Peter O'Toole. All huge stars at the time (Gielgud and O'Toole are now deceased). Queer writer Gore Vidal wrote the script, but later disavowed the movie. Wikipedia: "The revised version, consisting of only never before seen material with not a single frame from the original version, premiered at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival." There was 96 hours of footage! That's insane. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.caligulammxx.com/
  4. Someone who was VERY VERY VERY hungry. (I'm a big fan, but not deep fried!) The ones I can't fathom are artichokes or thistles (artichokes ARE actually thistles). They hurt you, they're hard to prepare and the pay off is slight. They were STARVING. Hubby told me that in Korea some people eat silkworm pods. Again. Hunger dictated the things people would eat.
  5. Damn. I'd love fucking that hole and eating out the loads in it.
  6. Because it requires ZERO EFFORT. He hit me up out of the blue and then just bailed. Use your words Shelby.
  7. Love to hear about that….
  8. I used to have a fuckbuddy when I lived in San Francisco, who told me his nipples didn’t do anything for him. But every time we would play, I would play with his nipples, and after a couple years of this on and off, they were hardwired. When I moved away, he told me that was the thing that he had to thank before that I showed him that his nipples were a source of great pleasure.
  9. Chad Hunt. The man had the cock of a god. Joel Someone. So fucking sexy, and he always seems to be having a good time when he fucks (which is sadly uncommon) Atlas Grant. Totally, 100% my type. Short, furry, huge uncut cock. Also a nice man, met him once at a naked pool party in NOLA.
  10. "Take the bus?" That's a euphemism for butt sex I haven't heard before!
  11. The guy runs who Lucas entertainment is a Trump supporter, so personally, I wouldn’t buy any of his movies or support him in anyway.
  12. That’s not true…. Most people clear HPV without knowing they have it. But for some it causes warts or anal, throat or cervical cancers. I had warts at about 20 on my cock and after two treatments they cleared and never came back.im 59 now.
  13. I use to be much more versatile, but as I’ve gotten grayer (most of my body hair is gray now) guys see me and want daddy to fuck them. So I mostly top now.
  14. Just go with the joke guys….ok?
  15. These were billed as boxer briefs, not running shorts …..
  16. I was in Target today and saw these. First off, who, other than gay men cruising, is in the woods in their underwear? That's the only explanation for the lube/poppers pocket in these boxer briefs. Also, decent bulge, nice treasure trail!
  17. Sfmike64

    Double slam

    It’s important to repeat that you can always do more, but you can’t do less.
  18. That's so ironic. When I lived in London in 1987, the gay saunas wouldn't let you touch anyone else, let alone have sex. It was SUPER weird, but I did meet a pivotal person there who introduced me to his friends (and kept me from moving back to the states since I had a really hard time making friends).
  19. I'd rather gang fuck a hole. As long as I get the last load and get to suck the loads out of his cunt.
  20. Got about 7" of thick cut Daddy cock for you.
  21. Some of your hoes probably need these barrels of lube. This video is hilarious.
  22. That's true, but I don't think it's too much to ask that people not behave like total jerks online. It's a pretty low bar.
  23. Careful what you wish for. 😉 Filthy pig.
  24. Do not underestimate the number religion will do on people's heads. Plausible scenario: he got tired of not having success at dating (likely because he was kind of messy emotionally) and decided to go back to women and the church. It wouldn't be the first time. And we all know how well this tends to work out for men who do this. They keep fucking men while being married and then end up making a mess of someone ELSE'S life too, probably including children. Or he was just weirded out that people were making connections between his public/professional life (LinkedIn) and his secret private life and he freaked and blocked you. There's no rhyme or reason to this kind of closeted messiness. But this is why the closet is highly destructive to people IN the closet AND the people they drag inside with them to be miserable. Sadly, our culture still stigmatizes getting therapy which could've helped this guy deal with his closet. Sadly, I think what you ended up finding out is that closet cases are messy and difficult.
  25. I don't feel bad about it, but it just seemed SO abrupt. As if you were having a conversation with someone (which they initiated) in a bar and you said something innocuous and then they turned and walked out the door without a word. If that happened to me, I would simply be appalled (as I was yesterday). But also laugh because the person was so inept.
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